l"' 7-:;. r-v; :i;-sr--J'v:': ' 1 - t ...ft; I 1 . S1 TT TT 1 1 -X" w ... Y v F 1 .... X - I I T !T I I,' ; - - V II 11.11 X M l (:TBE HOME PAPER ) ' . ' f READING JO THE MIND IS WHAT, EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY .) , ; EVERY THURSDaF'1 VOL. XI V ' S - - N . THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1822. ' r 1 - NUMBER TWENTY SIX . ... , y-.t - ' - - r- . -7 : . - , ; : r --. HUNTLEY 'STATES : HISCASE1GAIN Says Town Hat Paid Too Much For Coal Predicts High ..; '?':r;' r Tax -Rate '". .. . To the Editor of Beaufort News: COUNTY. AGENT. WILL HELP -SELL WOOL - - Would appreciate your placing the .' following facta before the Taxpay ers of this town. ' ' First I would like to say , that v I feel iio fll will toward any individu ' al to this matter. Circumstances , have brought the cost of malntain .,, ing the town government to the point where nothing less than a decided increase in the tax rate- can be ex- pcted, but this advance cannot con tinue indefinitely. Feeling that the Town should at least complete work now underway before undertaking new projects, and that the 'cost of the Town Government should not be allowed to advance t a time when .... every well organised business in the country is observing the strictest economy by cutting the cost of oper ation in every possible way, and that the Town, Administration is not practicing economy that i should at this time, and that I am not able to cope wih conditions. I am placing these facts before you that you may review them and giys an expression of opinion in order that I may get out if I J am on the wrong track, thereby allowing some one to replace me who will pull with the other oiBc-1 ials, for I realize that it is my duty to carry out the wishes of the peo ple. In order to do so it is neces sary that they get my angle of condi tions, "that they may' intelligently criticise. It is true that. the Electric Light Plant is operating at a loss. This is generally understood. The prin . ciple cause for this is the day cur rent. Another loss and one that , costs the Town several Hundreds of; . dollars and also proved to be the reason for my first break with the Mayor was the price the Town was compelled to pay for coal last year. The 1021 coal contract as signed by theCommUsioners carried a clause , protecting the Town against a de cline in market price on coal. The shippers refused to accept the con tract containing this clause and the Commissioners refused to 'sign any other. For some reason unexplain ed at that time, coal continued to roll in St 13.75 per ton, against s market considerably Wlow this figured As the Mayor did the buying of this item without sdvice at anytime from the Eoard we were not familiar with his methods. But I immediately start ed an investigation of my own, with the result to quote from letters from Easte.-n Coal and Export Corp. " "FroBi th telera yo will that we 4UaJ apt tie prOTUls a Urto4 pretactUg 4e .prear Mit 4lie ia sic aad that the Mrractpu4 the .Matract .with tit prevUiaa UalaateJ. I dont suppoie that the other Com miwloners received any more con siderstion in this deal than I did, but as they have not been directly con nected they have r.ot realised the eeriouncs if -it. V. W. Lewis, with '.the State Divi sion of Markets, has arranged for the the sheep owners in Carteret coun ty to sell their wool direct io the mills, provided 2000 pounds can be collected at some central point in the county, thereby justifying the buy ers to come down and bid oil same. Those wishing to market their Those wishing to market their wool A. H. Harris, county agent Beaufort N. C, immediately,' giving the num ber of pounds you have for sale, and he will furnish you with the full particulars. ' DEPUTY COLLECTOR RESIGNS. PRESENT MEJIBERS -TOBACCO GROWERS ARE RENOMINATED Rpubl ican Primaries in Eight States ' Endorse Congress and Administration .' LIQUOR CHASER HERE. nrvn r innn ninil . s. Mrsen, one ax tne i ''UuL"LAttuu'"'uUlu submarine y' -" -; , chasers, came into- Beaufort Tues- r-t f r- " day niehl nd tied up county I Thirty Millions Will be Fur- Hook - nished Cooperative Assoc ia- dock. The Larseh, here to take on fuel is one of the navy's Prohibition ihips and is on its way to Savannah, Ga. Deputy Collector oi Customs Al bert I. Lewis has. tendered his .resig nation of his position to Collector A. L. McGaskill of Wilmington ar.d the same hj.s been accepted. Captain Lewis desires to stop tomorrow; but ahs consented to stay on for a few days until some- cne else can he ap pointed. The reason for the resig nation Is that tl.9 salary p.i.U has been only $40 a month and it is to be re duced to $25 a month Captain Lewis has other business allvij td look after and finds that tlio work of Collector takes more time than he can afford ty give to it for the sal ary paid. SUPERIOR. COURT ENDED. WASHINGTON Eiight states have held primaries at which nominees for Congress were selected by all parties. In these primaries 92 Republicans members of the present House- of Representatives were candidates' for nomination on the Republican ticket OT these 92, the vast majority were unopposed. Of those who were op posed in the primaries, only six were defeated two in Illinios and four in Pennsylvania. Summed up, out of 52 Republican members of the present . House of Representatives who have gone bef oree the people of their record and the record of (the and asked for an indorsement of ther record and the record of the Republican Congress 93.5 per cent have received, that indorsementThe following s a detailed statement of the results in each state where a Re publican primary has been . held td date. South Dakota: The entire Re publican delegation in , the present House, three in number, asked for. re nomnation and all secured renomina tion. , i Illinois: 21 Republican members oi tne present House asked lor varjci nomination aniJ 19 received renom-S ination. . Indiana: 12 Republicans of the lion by War Finance Corp. RALEIGH, June 24 Thirty . mil-.The submarine chaser, have kn idla lion dollars in thirty minutes is the'fn rtwo veara and the one here nua. world record established by the Di-1 only, recently put to sea. BavanJah recvors oi tne largest . cooperative will HVlw mv a hr nmn. marketing association of America Hons - The two weeks term of Superior Court for Carteret County was con- eluded last Saturday afternoon a- litnt Q.tn A'rlnMr Thfirs p Tift jury triaUs since las'f week's issue ofPreent House asked for renomina- the News but a number of cases were settled by agreement and the nec essary orders made by the Judge Fsfcre leaving, Judge Cranmer di rected Clerk of the- Court Hassell to record an order that the men who recently plead guilty to violat'ng the prohibition, laws should be sent to the roads of Wayne, New Hanover, or any other county in -the eastern judicial division of the State but in no event to be worked in Carteret county At the preeent writing the men are still confined in tne jau here. : , " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Quite a crowd of our young people Deeds for the following have been recorded. . ' ' l W. C. Hurley? and wife to W. J. Hales lot in block S Merehead City. consideration, $109. ' , Carrie and V.iA. Bedsworth to Mrs. H R. Moore lot 15 block . 72 in Morehead ' City, ' coniidersion. $900. v W. D. Morton snd wife to F. R. Crawford lot 10 block 152 in subdi- KM f . A. n b cape loosouu tion and all received renomination, Pennsylvania: 29 Republicans of the present House asked for re- nomination and 25 received renomina tion. Oregon: The (solid Republican delegation of the present House, 2 In number, asked for renomination and all received renomination. Iowa: 10 Republican members of who; met with Eugene Meyer ' Jr., and officials of the War Finance Cor poration in Washington, D. C. last weelt. 4 . " The committee of directors from the .Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association secured approval of the loan for the 75,000 tobacco farm ers of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, whjch now assures the success of pieir association be yond a doubt. Officers o( the War Finance Cor poration were so familiar with the management of the Aasocation, and E0 confident of its success that they too only thn'.y minutei to signify approval of the greatest loan ever made to organized farmers, in the history, of thT United States, In addition to the loan of $30,. 000,000 which will enable the big Tobacco Cooperative to pay its mem bers cash advances upon delivery of their tobacco, the War Finance Cor poration further agrees to re-dis count loans secured by green or soft rder for local banks throughout the Virginia-Carolina tobacco belt. .' The loan of the War Finance Cor. poration is to be secured by more than 350.000.000 Bounds of its mem bers tcbacco now under five peras contract with the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Assciation, which rep resents a value 'of over $70,000,000 in the first year of operation, accord ing to conservative estimates. Close to 80 per cent of the Tobac co farmers of Virginia have joined the Marketing Association,' and The sub chaser which is liO feet ong made the trip from Norfolk heie through the inland waterway. It was aground twice. -'', Captin Larsen is in charge of Larsen. he BEAUFORT LOSES TWO GAMES. the present House asked for renom-North Carolina growers are nearing ination and all received 'renomina- L 75 per cent sign-up following the tion. , . ' recent statewide campaign for mem- Maine: The sold Republican del-,ber.v" . egation fcur in number asked for re-1 A whirlwind campaign among to nomination and all received renom- baceo. farmers of South Carolina will ination. -;... ;-- (begin next, Monday, June 26th and Minnesota:. The solid Republi-; wm continue until every one of the cn delegatrfn, 10 in number asked cooperative marketing points of for renominlation and all ' received tha" South Carolina belt has been renomination, reached with a mass meeting. Morehead defeated Beaufort - in baseball Friday by s. score of 6 to-1 a'nd repeated the perform&flct Sat- unday with a score of 7to 1, -: . In the first game, played at Beau fort the batteries for the honfe team werey Jennette and Coward; for the visitors, Smith and Thornton. .. The second game wasplayed at Morehead City. Batteries for Beau- fort were Warren and Potts and Coward; for Morehead City,. Perry and Thornton, The game scheduled to havebeen prayed attJrook sfark Tuesday was called off on account of rain. Since the flrstdefeat Beaufort has sdded three new players to her team. H. G. Baker, of. Rocky Mount who played with Farmville last year come to play first' base. W. R. Thorn of Rocky Mount and John Warner of Washington N. C, come as pitchers. Fred Shipp has left the nine to go to his home in New Bernv , Beaufort and Morehead City will play this afternoon at Brook's Park. Thorn will probably pitch. Arrangements are being mad for double header between the two on th fourth of July. MAKING EFFORT 10 AVERT STRIKE . " .. . It is Possible That The Threat ' ened Strike of 400,00 Rail i . road mem Mav be Stopped ! - CHICAGO. June 28 Two possible means of averting the threatened " rail strike of 400,000 shopmen sug gested themselves to railroad circles ', tonight followed by what B. M.' Jew ell, head -of the shop unions, termed the "last word" to the railroads in. the union ultimatum sent to the As sociation of Railway Executives last night. . The . executives, by coincidence, were scheduled to meet in Chicago - tomorrow afternoon and local rai- ... road executives, today said the shop men 4 proposal of i ' true a pending further ' negotiations on ; wages ' and working conditions Weld undonbt- 1 i The query naturally arises: if there were any widespread dissat- Leaders of the movement from Kentucky, Virginia and North Car 3T MISS Dr. LAY AND" MR. GREEN TO WED . isfaction with the record of th pres- 0ma join the campaign which ent House why does it not manifest wui mark the last opportunity for itneliT If this Congress were in fact j South Carolina farmers u market th "do nothing" Congress that lt this year's crop with the giant, co- Democratic eritifs represent it to be 1 operative. why don't people refuse to endorse ( jBt Tobacco Growers Cooperative its members? If the people of the ; Association has now secured ' 206 country were as diasatiffied with the warehouses where It will receive to present administration as th 'Dem- bacco from its members as the mar- ocratic leaders and . publicity medi- at aDcn n three 3tates,s urns" claim they are, would not this ! ,.... fdissatisfacUon show iuelf at the polls WHAT DOES A COUNTY AGENT marriage of their daughter Elisabeth Atkinson to Mr. Paul Elliott Green for Thurs day, July 6th, at 7 o'clock in the evening in St. Th methods whereby th Mayor. PU., church. No invitations ar sent In Beau fort and all friends of th family! sr cordal'y invited to attend th ceremony. when th nreaent Reoublicin mem-. and Mrs. Lay announce tn jbers of th Hous of Representttive : present them selves to the voters of their districts asking for an in dorsement not only of their indvidu al records but of the collective rec ord of the Congress. of which they r. DO? Encourage community co operation. 2. Promotes improved methods in crop producton S. Introduces more snd better BANANA SCHOONER PASSES. . , Th thre masted schooner Aviator I hav no klea thai ther from a Cuban port to Nor folk with a cargo oi bananas arop-t received his extended authority and advaned salary is also an xsmpi 0 fclga handedness and I might add "peaeut pollfc." On May 0th th Mayor got the signatures of the other c oramUaioners to m apf pat tirg him In general charge and ag re 8 to stand behind it at th next meeting. .tteted a "frsm up", anymor than l-did whon th Msyor sent word t m that 1 oeed not com to th last meeting, snd I can Imagin their Indignation when they f nd thit they hav ben "used" In a contemptible. . deil. .,,, . - . - Thet sr fm of U rcttons why I object t th Msyor rweiving ab aolut authority. .Th Ibctsjs in u'ttv I eblect on legal grounds alo Wavi w a not $1503.00 trorth)but coald not do so on account of of work for hfm to do rlor tr mon-,tnt ftct that U was not cleared for ENJOYED REUNION. Confederate veterans N. L. Car row and Samuel Thomas of Beaufort returned last Sunday from Richmond whr they attended the big Confed reate Reunion. Ther wr 4000 vet- w " . c 1 sails sis Bmiiwaiiv fed ancber in Fort Macon !0f. other people.- Mr. Carrow state early Tuesday morning,, mt phi uses aaxlllary engin and feok on - nough f tttl oil to get her to Norfolk. are a member and of the record oi livestock: th Renublican party and adminis- 4. Assists In the proper manage- tr.ttnn tA which ther have riven ment f farm business. t their undivided support? 5. Establishes "Boys' Agrkaltu- ' ral Clubs" for the Improvement of com, pig, poultry, etr., production. 6. AsaUte in marketing .and dis tribution. , 7. Aid in the control cf hog cholers snd other anlmsl !:ise. 8. IIlrs in th construction and arrangement ef fsrw bulld'.ngi, tuch a silos, barns. e!g pwtures, etc 9. Aids in lntalllng dratninf sys tems, terracing systems, wster sup- "Ehe tpek th bland Waterway root to Norfolk and was , towd tnrougn V cant by th Ashing host O. D. that contrary to reports reen in th.t ha and others ply sysUms, etc v.j - ru. Th. Richmond 10. CdnducU fsrmers meet people wer vry boipitsb snd d.d short counes, snd sgrlcultrjfsl tw ' 1 .ku tv u!J tA mak. the I 11. Give aid to the woman county ......... .AmfAr4.Kl. A to hav 1 uM In her work. METHODIST PICNIC HELD. VYbil frowning clouds cleared a- way'and winde blew fair th Metho dist picnic got under way Wednes day morning. All night th ikies hsd leaked but th rain god had then well patched by ten o'clock and the day stayed gair. Numerous motor boats and two barges fitted with seats carried th plcniceri two or three hundred in number to the beach. Th party arrived at th beach a- bout oUven o'clock and marched a cross th narrow island to th pavil ion. Sore strolled down the ahoVt som went in bathing and it Jl others stayed ' in th pavilion. ' " Twelve thirty came an dtho hun gry, ones began to look longingly at the baskets of lunck. All bat their! good things together and soon-, the tables, covered with" oil clothr "wer loaded. Long it took to prepare th meal but quirk it disappeared An hour afterwards and btheri were having a fine Urn In th surf. wr : ;" , - It wss slmost fiv o'clock before everyone was ready to 'to horn but it was nearly seven thirty befoft th two barges tied up at th Ecaufort docks. Th barge had been aground twi'c.but all th asm the picnic wss a big success. REPUBLICANS BARRED. . w . Chairman P. M. PetriaU of th Stat Board of Elections has Issue! a letter addressed to Registrars snd Judges f Election In which he in structs them not to allow RcpuLU cana to participate In th Democrat. I primaries Saturday.- II s ys PaptUt might just as well vote for an Episcopal vestryman or a Cath olic for Methodist steward aa for a Republican to take a hand In Dem edly receive 'attention. President Jewell's telegram last night to'Y."Dewltt Cuylef, chairman - of the executives, left little leeway , , for avoiding the strike, it was felt . by the railroad officials today. (, . - ; . V . Twf Possibl Loophole t The certain rejection of the union proposal therefore left In the opin- . , ion of railroad men, but two possible loopholes to avoid issuance of the strike call. ' '. ,, , i One was that conference be- tween th union leaders' stf3 the ex-, - ; ecutjves t might be called tomorrow and if no agreement was reached a , technical dispute might b niiounc- ed, over which th railroad labor . board, acting under authority of the transportation act, could take ' jurisdiction as it did In h Big Four brotherhoods' strike last year and -act to prevent a walkout ' The other was that if th strik is called th board could also take jur isdiction under th act, en th ground . ' that th strik would interrupt com- . merce, and order th men back to work. Ben W. Hooper chairjnan of the . board refused to comment on these ', two possibilities tonight.' The aoV tion of th board In th threatened srike last October ws Interpreted ss representing the board's position on the first possibility and sin: th board never hsd occasion to act tn any strik of consequence th chair- ' man declined to state what the feder al body's interpretation of transport tation act on that point would be, ( JewU SUlwitl TJir Mr, Jewell, while refusing also to discus th possibilities of a confer- enc tomorrow with thsrrsilwsy x- ecutlves, said Ms statement" would ; be gives out tomorrow afternoon, about the hour th executives go In- to scuion. f ," . Among pharei Of th strik siUa t'on which received considerable at tnUbn tonlghtwss th fsct thst but . 19 rpads ar involved In he p.-actle o( eontractlng work to outaid Inu,' on of th points on which th shop men cast their strike voU. Among the 201 railroads themselves, there ws said to be a decided split on the Cueit'on of eontractlng and. ther wi said to be som doubt ss to wheth er tfc majority of th roads, which hav refrained from coatrsctlng, mnurd at t!rort th minority which bis held; contracting to-b thlr lo gs! rightl . . Chairman Cuyier and th heads of the larger .roads of the country were to arrive In Chicago tomorrow morn- , Irg for a meeting announced as a conference n cootracta with the ' American Riilway Exprsis eompany , Numerous tither subjects, however woutJ be dUciMae'd it was s -H ' MASONIC NOTES. Fruaklin Lodge" N'ot 1C9 A. J. 4 A. M. had their aiaual installation Ealster. Th csptslB Ox tft Avta- . . riir Carrow said It was 12. Ais'JU in tn wunij an- M tor could hav sold a eonsiderabl lh- t9ltnUn has ver attend-, munlty Fan. . part of -his csrgo la this vicinity!. , ' .. u. Forms breed ev with whlchlo psy klm. -j - Peep! gtnersily -kick sbout high tsxes wbc they r7 Th-n It Is too Ute. You h?veslr.p!x tot to ftt bvind'th pnl "BB th late 1 ti eat allow them t cre st caniei for b!ghf taass. Yo hav bten idvlsed that ther w'U only U 1 lnrrc: of 25 ttnti t'j's yeif, it all w m t ral! yaur ittea'.ion t this port. A JuRYBEACH . OPEN. BIDS FR' ATLANTIC SCHOOL crs and ether U-! itock orgini"'""' 14, l1ns rystem of crop routlon icr improvement f th land and the Eld for IS construction of thvn dtstrikotlon of labor tarougs et!aUo school hous wvr eaterulr-jth year. " - " .1 tt'....1.- V- is-'rarln!. Hoard i it. f! nprei-iU the Agrlcu.to- Ta werk at Asborr Beaeh. which , t-j i. .a ,w- ah..It ram. ral Extensloa Service, which Is con- - - - . k-km kU IS SB Nal MW fi . wss d!eyed a IW longer than wttt. jont wtr, accepted the dscted jointly by th A. t. ui pected, has been finUhsd and, th ,bidi ronnlng from i:,000 U f :2.0d6 ;!, snd th 8Ui Department of n!ar la aw tsadr for buJnesa. As' i hlrh Agrlc::re worker In co-prsUoo stated elsewhere la this paper in an bond Imu of 16,000 for ocratk primary and therefor thf0f t,$nft at a pcUl eoan:unlca- Re public ans musOheep hands oJ. The Chioes prefer a paper of much softer qusllty for ther cor rc'pondcnc than that mad for the or of Americans.' This is beeiose th Chines writ nUrly with brush j j. jj. Jen.iett S. D., R. B. Vtat- and Ink. Wrapping psper of a' , J. DH T. C. Willis Tyltr, togen . as tion ilendsf night Jun 25tb 1?22. for th Siuuing year. Th following offcers wer Inttalleds , J. 8. Whlte kant, W. f.f J. C. RWe, S. V.J W. it. Longest. J. V.. J. U'. OJwkk, Treasuter, O. P. Moor EecreUry, a soft, thin variety, light cream la col or, Is usoslly found in th. better rte- Dudley and L. C Howlandt Bleward. Afterwards itfrcihmeaU wer r- sdvertiaement th new retort place a' m ai. f fact thit t4 badi:: as propaa wui t tisea tsuusiveiy ir wmi patron kg. Atbntle some tim ago' 'rd a 1 with th. C.Sfed State Pepirtment th ichool'or Agruuitur, ana a can na m tlanery shops whil lb astlv shops vtd to a g Ad atfer.danc ef tS men. . shop sell efcesp brown pipr. .bersblp and vlsiung ureicervn. 1 tCon'.taued fh pE fiv- V Mr Cr Fmrnaa ef Grsens.! Tie shlftlrt tand ef tve dnwrt f . . m .a a I a L. 1. a a mm .. ft. I J .. fi f. . m ' m aP mVm aaS txB sod th tountr w!U add 1 6.000 . txpna in w n fr,nl rVAiurfisy sr.a &ur.uy at ujm ir.,.., .. . or more, sUtuttors at ary Urn it ja needed. th Maan He. tiuM of the Ottit WaU U CV. 1 1 I v

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