i 1 ft , r tt i rnn ;.r-.-,7 : , 11 il ;ii . ...i.,....,, . .i-... . ,. I I Wk rial I I lri;.ll!4J: THE HOME PAPER f READING TO THE MIND IS "WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY 1 ' -i - i, Wily 1 i . . , ; j , , ,,. c : EVERY THURSDAY 3 1 THE BEAUFORT NEWS, THURSDAY JULY 27,1922.: NUMBER TWENTY SIX . i i I i v r: Tf.i rn f , i- ' ,f -.( 4 A.' , . , mmm ANSWERS WATTS DOUBLE PRICES? WOOI' PAID FOR Two f ymoY classmtogether Vith two other men, representing the U. S. SUtements' Mad ia Waynes-' DePwtment of Aurricultore and the Tille Speech Declared to 4 , beMisleading vr i,N. C. Department were In tonw bnv- j inz wool from the Carteret County V.;.'-' .sV'V'f !.. ' f'. ' I iarmera lor the wool 1 manuf actur ' -Replying to remarks made by com--in companies of he state last Pri missioner, of Reyenue "A. D. Watts day. ' " . . In "his "speech to the superior court! The highest that the farmer had clerks at Waynesville on. Jujy 6, been offered; by oher agencies was f the following statement has been is sued by Murray R. Hubbard, of At lana, tax commissioner for the y ; Southern RaOway Company, fj ;.'If the Teports of a speech made . , at Waynesville by-Hon. A, -p. Watts vy commissioner of revenue, which ap v , Reared in the North Carolina- news- papers of July 7 are accurate, this are misleading and, speaking for .the Southern Railway Company, these ' facts are presented. ' ,,--; "The Southern Railway Company . j in 1920 paid total taxes to Ihe coun "ties, cities, municipalities, road dis ' triets, etc, in North Carolina in the ' syn of ..652,900.49. In 1921, un I " der the stipulation with the State, ) ; "tias already ,paid to the counties i municipalities, etc, the sum of $714, V 877.9T. . . . . ' "This railway is contesting! an in , crease m its assesment which would 18 cents per pound. Friday they re ceived as high as 86 cents and except ing ten pounds of wool the lowest price paid was 23 cents. ,' ; , . This sale was made possible thru the work ot Mr. A. L. Guthrie of Marshallberg who went through the county with County , Demonstration Agent A. H. Harris and influenced the farmers to .brin their wool to Beaufort on the date, set V. , The men did the -grading and buy ing were, as follows: ,.: : , George T. Willingmyre of the U. S. Department v of j Agriculture y at Wasgtonj anl iii charge of the wool work of the country. Sam T., Green wood, , of the same department and city wool classer. V. W, Lewis, 'Specialist with the Division of Markets at Raleigh and of the C. Department of , AgricuK ture. "" ,i. . . , George Evans, wool classer of the bankers will ;: ; bureau reports . jim here soon! on prohibition Plan are Being Made to En tertain Gro'up 3 Bankers' Association ' Bureau Completely Reorganiz ed and Placed Under Con- ' M trol of Efficient Official t ..TWA CXtTVTr"PMLT t-j jl !' ; The bankers are coming to B.-CT fort on August the 9th and prepara- ( bition Commissioner Haynes invites tions are being made by the local attention to the fact that less than committee to make their stay here ,.:.8,000,000 gallons of whiskey were an enjoyable one. . It is hoped that w,nwrawn " cnPd with 9,696 . the town will make an impression' V Pvlous year, and upon them that will be both r.1M,LleB ",000,000 gallons of. at ant and lasting. A sail to the' beach 0 and other di8tillel BpiriU with and a dinner will ho n.m'ti, j 'drawn as compared with 24,866,888 if there is time they will nrobahlv h,aIIona Previous year that the taken on auto drives around : Beau fort and -vicinity. Chairman ,U. E. Swann is making every effort to get a good attendance of the bankers and has recently sent them a letter urging them to come. Mr. Swann's letter reads a follows: , jjanfoj. n.'C," ' "Dear ir: You have, no doubt, already re ceived a letter from Secretary Hen. dersoh urging you to attend a special meeting of the bankers of Group 3, to be held at Beaufort August 9th. This letter is to remind you that we are cerainlv exnectinir vou or some -Tequire it to pay an additional sum same department in the office of lone from your bank. -Juetmake up v" iu "iukui wui.Ul gneep extension Kaieign. . your mind riant now to get away . wax.w. ii i""v 11, was wvwa rnese men makA no nrnflt ftnt. nl ilrom tM dp Kit a daw or two and loin r' .that in pracucaiiy all ol toe counties rthe sales and were donw only through, us at the sea shore. The hotels may , 4 in the state land, other ban railway government interest in sheep farm- be crowded but, lif so, we will take . . IM was horixonUlly reduced from tag; They have visited a number of ! you' in our Homes. " ' 'v f ' in," nftT Per cent nd the" were .the counties of the stkte doing this Wednseday afternoon ' and night, ; increases in Ux rates in all but two;work and came here for their last August 9thf is the time. Beaufort is s Wt of the counties through which thisi.top. ; 1 the place. Don't Forget. Cornel Vr"roa run ranging from 12 1-4 i- .gj Except for the rain the sale would As hotel accomodations may Withdrawn as eomnnreH with O.ffOA May; were 796,720 less than in May, 1921V,-- Nearly .,3,000 cases' wrere repart ed by general prohibition agents, and fines amounting to $2,15 9,4 10. . were Imposed by federal courts. - Three andine-haltmiUiondollan worth, of bonds placed in suit or proceedings begun. Reductions in , rentals and disposition of seized property amount ing to $208,832 were effected and in additional saving of $156,900' other, wise Teffected. Under "the narcotic lawgjover 200 violations ; wre - ex posed, resulting in fully 75 per cene convictions apd approximately $70 000 In fines. Sentences in both pror hibition and narcotic cases were un iformly much more, sever."". . 1 Important changes took place. A year ago the plan ' was adopted 'to have 'general prohibition agent work directly under the . centrl office. , At that- time the force was less1 than ht twenty Jive men E, C Yellowley, to 84 cents per hundred dollars. The ( have been held earlier but fot all limited, write or wire Mr. J. A. Hor- wteran of the internal f avenue btt- . ! , . v m i an inAk ih f no nmnMf. naaay jr., so ne may near irom you " - r not later than Mondav the 7th, If ed ran nd DT late 'n lity '..commissioner of Revenue says that that the number of sheep owners who ' "the reduction, in f valuation of other to Beaufort were well pleased i K;?1 e,ut WM du tp dePeitd;with the results and Mr. Guthrie pre V. 7 values brought about by, the heavy diets that if no hindrance Is met with . J aIttP to the prices of producte of that there should be as nroch as five t the farm. Wt found no fault with, thousand pounds of wool told from C t.Qonly .,asked milar treatment j imtj next year S for the railroads, which, were notj Thera about one hundred twenty , s making money any mora than was fivc owners in Carteret coun- the farmer. This, the Commissioner ly ad thousands of sheep. Before , declined to give and, due to the in- , this time the wool had been sold to crease in Ux rates, w were asked to , middlemen who waned a nice little sum before . the wool finally teched wUl do thia we will guarantee you employed on the force. They ren a place' to Bleep. The local banks deren excellent service that it .nH tt.. Tnwri R..nfnrt ai urva was . deemed advisable to continue the manufacturers. Under 'the. sale , . -i i j t. i i system) empioyea rauay ue wooi I was sold direct from the farmer to four railpoada Have not . 4V, manufacturer and no one receiv- pay, as stater, a greatly .increased amount in actual taxes. ' - ; "According to the-news item the Commissioner also said: "These paid one cent so far to the support td usual commission.- of the Sate Government for the year 1921, to say nothing of 1921.' "This is true if confined -to the state as distinguished from its subdivisions nt tha Cnramiaaioner should ' have is that- the MONEY TO LOAN. 1 ,W are now receiving applications for our. September allotment ot mon tated that the reason tt' ttat-, tne;ey trcm the Federal Land' Bank, state has chosen to collect -revenues loan n mad, for" perfoj 0f sUte, has chosen to collect revenues I thlrty three years, but may be retir for its support from incomes nd e4.tt th expiration of five yean. franchise taxes and now collects no:jnterest only 5 1-2 per cent per an. r. ad valorem tar fromanyone. The" pum. Loans can be, made to actual groundw1iich the Southern RaUway ifarnjerf onjy - !f interested tea j declined to pay the franchise tax, as J - : ' w. L7 Stencil," Sec'y-Trei set. up in the contest pending to the c.-.-. Countv National Farm Loi Treas. Carteret County National Farm Loan Association. Aug 8. f 1 courts, la because of the over-assesa-' ment of IU property upon which the franchiie Ux U based. In 1911 the 1,1 franchise Ux of the Southern Rail- way was $10,932.00; to 1921 It wat $96406.00. "The Ute averred in ite antweT to the bill filed by Southern RaU. ; - wsy Company that the Southern! I, ' property waa auessed at 1U true val : ' The affidavits on file to tb case ' : show that ether property generally- t . in ths stete, Uken from an examina- Uon of every deed filed from January Ij, 1921, to June 80, 1921, ahowed an . average t vle to deed val- ' na of 66.58 per cent It doet not . -j'look fair to asseu railroad property BM not yt opT1ad up and will re r" at 100 per cent and other property j,, C,0HJ onU1 tn M it did I at 66.58 per cent. Tin reason for not paying toe m FISH ELUDING FACTORIES. The fish boat Convoy of the Tay lor' Creek Fish Scrap end Oil Com. pany came into the barber Tuesday loaded with sixty thousand fat backs which although less than half the Convoy'a capacity was one of the big gest catches In th past month, fish are not over plentiful this year and though th season has been open for tome time very few hav been caught The Beaufort Fish Strap and OiJ Company last year used twenty mil- lion fiish in making fertiliser and oil ' com lax is that other income Ux payers wer llowd to -deduct b f "terest on borrowed money aad this Jomnaiywa ot.prlttod to. do y.t Vnrtharmore. It was not al- .lowed to deduct rent It paid tor.lo ' ' ; fomotlves and" to other parjicnlars It . waa discriminated against. In bort, '. thl company fait that it waa discrim ' v inated against In being Uxad .on tun which waa not aet income but ( tnctoded a' part f groe 4 beom. bene th SouUvern Railway availed r ' Itself ef th right tl mA 4orth Carolina law to nJoln th col lection of an Illegal taxi baring' tea t dred the Ux du on it, aet Income, t ' . "The North Carolina 'Constitution New York the earn dy. Th yacht CO NT UnW ON PACE TO'i last year; A number of Improve ments hav been made to th plant sine th previous teaton. Tb boll, tip are now being bricked In and oil Unks being set up a whoW Dw out fit of wooden Unk being tostalled. Th fish factory of Mr. C. P, Pl baatopened but to getting very few fiish. This factory fecenUy Wut th Sarah Davenport. - A A pleasure boat now being used by Mr. Day, SEA SCAMF SOLD., . The auxnianr yacht Sea Scamp, recently floated lyth -aid oftw Beaufort ,flh boats belongtof to Mr. Vf. B. Blade waa told to Mr. W B. Blada Jr, f New Bern test Monday by th owners who cam down from Nw Tori to eann q?.j. and Thornton for Morehead City,1 With th , exception of Tuesday's game ' the week's garnet belong to the Beaufort; club. . An acount is not printed of these garnet because of lack of space and deteiled score records. ; ' . ' , . a light dinner on th bach at 8 o-; tocreastog it from time to time, at LPhrey t or Beaufort and Smith clock after which the business session . conoiwns warrenteo. ' v . , will be concluded. The program nasi April 1, the country was divided net yet been completed, but Mr. Al- into eighteen divisions, and an officer H .. . n .ti Vnnmt, mm tAvmitrtm VII nlaAd an I.. i5owier, Bute secretary, wui ; -- be with ua with a suggested program hi charge of each division, with suit for the Groups. , There will also babble quarters and equipment ateno a number of short to the point Ulks graphic and clerical assistance nc by practical 'bankers on different essary to carry on the work , phases of th bank : work, I At the present' Ume th fore Ther are' several important mat-h comprises three hundred, land 're ton to b considered by the Group ports coming from the field show that and we hope this may prove to be the establishment ol tne mvisions nas very profluble meeting. The other been jusunea in every repe , Groups of the SUte are becoming ac x tie omce ci we cu., va Let's make Groun S tne Dan- jhojuuh " - . . ..i... . i. . i We cannot do thia with- sisted oi one ciera, BEAUFORT WINS CAME THRILLING v While the Besiufort; band ' played and the ,', docks were filled with peo ple the Beaufort Baseball nine ro tund as heroes. . Morehead City wat defeated. Wii- i;.' i. After- week of def eate at the hands of r toe, .rival ' Morehead City team the . Beaufort nin came' back strong yesterday Ixf the prettiest game of the season aad nosed out from un der the twelfth inning with a 3 to 2 victory.-, - The contest rat a hard fought pitchers battle -wit Strickland of Beaufort slightly bet. tor than th hard .working Smith who had pitched eight Innings of the Tuea aay game. ,w ' Strickland allowed but four, hits to the whole twelve- innings and Smith bue aeyenl- Smith counted twenty thre stickouU - and Strickland four teen. ;" y ; i . ; iv;.-f vf " Neither of ' th' teams had much chance t odd' fielding of any kind but what, did coin their way was handledjilcely each side making but one rror. ; . : J'f':; Camp of Beaufort was the star of the game when it came to wield ing the stick. Out of four times at toe bat he secured three hits one of which wat turned Into a run; - Calvert of Morehead City , also did some good work with the bat get ting a homer and a two bagger out of five timet up. But" the hit that made it two to nothing defeat In to a three to two victory was toe homer of Coward. . Camp was on base and th hit allowed the two race home. The winning run cam In tb first of the twelfth.- After two men had been put out Lapsley bit - the ball to fiist and reached there On an er ror on the part .of th baseman. Strickland was walked and Pitmphrey the next man up knocked a hot liner Just above aecend base, and Lapsley scored, . .'.'u. ..;t '' ' 'i':'Vr-" ' PJatteries were: Strickland and FIREMEN MEET IN MOREHEAD CITY : Large Attendance from All Part of State Take Part In ? Tournament EPWORTH LEAGUE CONTEST. ,The thirty fourth, "annual Vonven- j tion and tournament of th North , Carolina SUte Firement' Association t i ii being hl In Morehead City ends-' to day, i. Since Monday crowd Jiava 1 lined the banner strung streets 'and . all Morehead has been ' gay f with sttripet and stars of Old ijlory." J Firemen from' 1 over th SUtoX hav swarmed jnto th city and swell- ed their number to over fiv hundred, liven distant f AsbevUla'tent'a larira . delegation. ' Concord ranks at 1 one of the placet with a large delegation--having sentt twenty five reprcsenta- tly..-;;:-:;;;;.:V.irr':; ; . : A good number of the firemen came ' byTafl iratlmoBtaiinanyreachftd heir destination by travelling via an.U tomobile. The Atlantic' and Wood- ; land hotel found room for many while others found placet in the pri vat homcs .- ''X ', '"kr y-vxhf. ; i v fThe beach has called many of them and turf bathing baa been pop. ', ' ttter. Yesterday all fire men who wished ' them were given a compli- . mentery tickets across to the beach. ' Tuesday th business of the aiso. elation and the speeches held sway. ' Durham was chosen at th town wbeiw the next convention, will be held and . ( a vote of thanks was extendd to More- . head City for the splendid reception . accorded th assocition this year. " '' Officers who had served through th previous year war unanimously ' . reelected to fill their, same position ' during the coming year. They wer ' as follow , A.': . - 1 President, emeritus, J. D. McNeil, Fayetteville. President, J. H. Wood Asbevill. First Vice-President, J. I Foster, Chapel HilL Second Vlce-Pres- ident C, 1 D. Farmer, Raleigh. Third Vice-President, vE. ,EJ Bain; Greens- . boro Secretory,' John H. Miller, Con Cord. Treasure, Chas. 8chniben,.WUU:' mlngton. Suticlan, B., E, Curries," tlack .Mountain. . "v.U . jwva to end of the program th firemen to th ball rot for a moment " in honor of those' who had died d The ' session ended Th Epwortb League contest which has been going on for th past sev- ti ' past year. erl weeks cam to an end last Tbura..wth a aong by J. Bennett of San- ' ,V ner group. out 'your co-operation. If you have anything in mind that might, be oil any help to' the Group, tell ua about it , ' Do not forget to make your reaer- vationa as early as possible, not later than the 7th, The water la fine, so are th breetes. Come. , Very truly yours, . ' o - u. E SWANN, .. - - Chairman. Group 8, N C. Bankers AssocUtlon day night with a victory to the hands of the white side. The golds hv- At the present i ing secured 68 new members. And tout th white woo th tail time twenty-alx elerka are necessary, l And In addition to thse cases, a larg to th number of special Investigation of th golds had to pay for. beach Monday night which WATER MEET. , Reprsentetivee of the two patrols being formed to the Boy Scoot Troop her met last Friday afternoon and fought out a .contest to swimming, and diving to 85, to 89 score to point. ' Th meet was held to front of the Inlet Hotel and was won by the pa- nermit holders have been, mad, also certain other special Investigation rel stive to the conditions in th vari ous parte of th country; which wer covered by special reporta not includ ed in th Ht of reports not Included In the list fi reporta of violations ' The work of the general agente force cannot be entirely gauged by the number, of reporta tendered cover ing violations, sine there are tovea tigstiont covering no violation. A special legal group now pre pares all criminal Information IndW ctments, injunctions, lebela and search warranto Director and divisional chlefa re port promptly to th central me all cases made by agenU working under their supervision,- fwhich to turn are sent to the Department Patrola 100 yard dash 50 yard dash . DlsUnc "swimming , under wtater.r , Tim swim under, water. Neat div -. ' , Fad w div Falling div . ' ' : Jonea nf bMfIi Tan JnnM la natrol lead. tr, th losing patrol bto that under jCf Justice for supervision ano prBp the command oof Charles Skarren. ation for speedy trial. Th ponte wr wardd to th s Applications to operate as w,-- two patrols as follows: t . I sale druggists are now ao., u iH ad and reporta oi staw 5 'are verified by relnspection.; 8 1 Manufacturers ad wholesale deal ers are required to give a tnonth- ly accounUbillty of all drugs recelv 4ied, manufactured and aold. 41 Forgery-proof nontransferable permlU forms . effectually prevent 1 fraudulent withdrawala. ' J Legislation baa given the commls- ea aioners mu'vi"! a smaller number of warehouses au distilled spirit, affecting a larg sav ing In" money and mitigating losict from sources other than withdraw- Two boat loads of young men and women left the county dock at about five that afternoon ably chaperoned. It wat after tlx when they landed at the beach.' A large part of the par ty immediately made for th bath houses and sqton th surf waa filled with them. After a good long bath the, boxes of lunch wer Uken out and supper terved on th wooden benches to th pavilion., ' , Tb sail had been planned to last until nine o'clock but it was ten be fore the Epworth Leaguers wer ready' to return-. For week tb two sides - In the contest had worked hard- and the ford which was enpoyed by 'all.1 Today I the last day of the fire, mens' tournament Th firemen com-, ipanies by.tbe.tlme this paper ia U- , tued will likely hav fought the con. ? teste to a finish and th Jueky teams ; will b counting the . twely prize which taken together 'amounting to nine hundred dollars, - ' 1 A larg grandstend baa been erect ed on Main street Just on the south sid of tb railroad where th audita ee which was to view th race seaU ed.' Th : North, aid of th atrett waa used aa th rac way. After noons th teams hav been practle- - Ing and th grandstend ha been a-: l(..s ed by those who wished to watch. , Tb prises are 'divided into four ' aete of three each being awarded to ' , th twelve team who win first tee. ' ond or third place In on of th four contests first prizes ore of a hon- . . . - . , . a a . waMw.aw aaaesv aaaswas , w w v w kimm- Thurady bfor toa nd to two hU d eacL Secorid prlata been exactly even with fory n mem ber gained on 'each aid. Here's hoping th Epworth Lea gue will be as successful to all things as It baa been In securing members. seventy-fire and third prize fifty del-. lara. . . . .-. - CUTS OFF PART OF THUMB. TO THE 6 . 6. 7 7 6 4 ; 89. Reyercada H. A. Day and Caaven wer judge of th conteato. - waa tut on the Way and where ahe will be rf paired and put in .first a) under permit. class order. Mr. BUdea will use tb boat a a pleasure yacht Mr. Thomas Garner of , Newport arrived In Beaufort Tueday .eight to Tb yacht vii af th bom ef hi lister Mrs. waa' taken, to. New Bern wher ah Gaud Wheatl .. Submarine chasers .and tpedy motoret hav bn dded to th equipment, also aa aeroplane service. Reverend and Mrs. J. A. Bornaday and Mr.' and Mrs. Stephens and FARMERS OF CAROLINA ' NORTH We went to call your attention to the fact that- he teaton for towing fall clovers and ober legume , is rap idly approaching. Ton will remem ber that thia Department la offering the farmers of th Ut altroeuL. turcs for Iheir legume crop and pul verized limeston for agricultural purpoeese at cost of production, At present the prices of nitre- cul tures Is 60 cento per acre and, th price of limestone to 82.00 per ton bulk, f.,0. b. th illant, Briodgeport, Tenn. ' ' ; , Tour very truly, 4 W A. Graham Commit. Mr. JoJhn Jones lost th end of hii right thumb last Saturday night when i he fccidenUlly allowed it to get too i near be turning ktlf of th machine , . which h was slicing a boned ham, Mr.' Jonea was in the back part of .' f tn stor wnen tne accwent oocused . and, threw the' severed bit of. flash ; ' on the floor, ,H then went la aeaach. of doctor, whU Paul - -Jones t hi Drotoer pictrt up yt bit z Bean aao ' started after him, '., , .,, Dr. Swtadell was found ia hi office and aewed th tworta bf th fl'rger tnrathrr Mr.. Joaaa4awaairinw-a i bandage bow and ft to sot yet known , whether or not the thumb can be akv. ' ' ed.4" Mr. Vktor ToMg of Durham who ; la sUttioned with the T. M. C. Aiat ";.J . Campp Glena during th encampment Mia Lena Duncan left Tuesday for1 visited at tb borne of Dabney White M thfldrap who- have been , vtalttog at New Bern. where ah spent the day. Monday and Tuesday. . '-. y .J V 7 C. 1 . ' l . J ' if V'. ' - l n -