' : ' V .A. I.' ' ' ' juwiuii .mm nrtiiiMWM''iwiiiw,iiiiiiiiiirt inn; .'4Urr.;T 1, v4.A' :' K ! t .; ... 7-J( rr5 " ' ' T v ? " ' ' " .'. A ' : - v - . - V, , ' " - '? . ' ' : - " -.The bett idvertuin'y medium published in Carteret tV f READING TO THE MINp IS, WHATijXE9C!ISE,IS TX JHE BQPY' . vTv 1 VATCR Your label tnd p4y your subscription Jin11 .1: F$RT N EV $ TTHURSt? AJVt : OCTi 2, ; 1 922 v '-9 "TKvT T .0-::l':ti,L.iW - .NUM3ER- FORTY ONE T IT I. Virn;.' .9 11." i -f Product Shall Not Be Rush. V--sit; W fcPn, Market,,, ;. (Written SpwiftUy fo iTheBeWfort; " the United Stated arc iwidft im& to ' . the importance of wotHnir -ufc f k mor'liberaFpIaiy 'foragcjnj nd' 44'iinit9''ofJ 'aotion assured which the : foundation ;$ionea to an; . fcf' Th-Jlonor1?; 2o?r,4; ?9,l"liy-?flP,-: .1 R ISK1 $ eanfort? iNbVth !Car'olina."4.:3v o:i? 3 haytjfefj PJOr-Jto, .submit;, the follejg icpori covering wort aceoni S-! pliehed in Carteret County duWngf the !f ; AS:'y6ii;.H6wljarrlve4 .the first f jf nioaijmediitely Arrw ed for office! space, rand1 equipment. Thi9'QnBumedvthe - rreater 'piri. of ihep first Wfiekit1 the- benhinff bf Alreaylthet' f bllowuii weelc Blans ' iwere , made preliminaryatepa have shpwn )ii.F)hlfor;.-nhe piptheria-Tbnihojd cdinics. Schedukd was made according to-' the ne attached, aridf,J dite treatments unprecedented. iatianaL iffOSPejrJtyL j0in'pr7'. 'Snmimtd tin: thfr, American farmer r ifbiiiJAA'''L'. 1 -T ! i't .''...oki'. r n played a stella role in the annual convention of American Bankers' ABSodaUQTOjhekthertftissyeaiiiidJ attended by tO.OOftiQl'jits members. First, Eugene Meyer, Jr., Managing Directorpf the WarTinanee. Corpofi; ation.iput the;iwu uarely JPi, the' bnkerft.in': bis' addriesa"finan ingiJArulli4J..leftfouo jleg.haye, riven ntheitiJmtys.eoWifK the, principa,! , fight other gpnveptwn s. over j thft 3 branch bank;; .sswe, ere j again, agriculture fjcame. to .j thef orej. asjt.wa" th miowi, banker,. ,uie f armer , banker, , noppne4V. to; u jtne, Peopl Are Taking Interest In oiMij! ;:;,b'.Exhibit5j,?a7S(!:lu-: 4 0Mmmmph0 pW;F4iw1ifop;' doors,.for .exhibits, Thursday;, Noviaf-. be5 8n4i Ur .ejthil? jtsf. .must iki there and arranged that day, andbyj f?t JPlSfW .een;xhja)jit twrt i on.the,, scene.KfiTha toBement.ofh ! Weohbpe t)'iiavii.flnbek 3argevr b-jtiaed ,0 exhibit,. hall. and; we are n umber, as ioatt1 as 'angrhenti. atft expecting 'tp iayej'thig" ialj. peirflg'Hj-J toade'lfoi cpveflng, entire1 fcOTSnyt Wheq .oepnifider rottsraouth tind; the'i.time ; consumed gottingo andl fm :the ei hn tioni and van" .most "instances 6n"the islands we'haW veri jed -fro'' '-51 S 4 i nere, asjaeenj yeryuine Bicjtness at the; CountyiHomeviwithii.'excepijai r.jt,hafadjoin.!Cjpunljes jiok ,- 5n.il;?0!?;A1 ftreraiitt&uic; county are Drc-ud .nf th. firm. a. ,.,n v......i.; .5 ;jj3r.TjijTnrj.-r-n;-t.T3.i ucts theyt have produced W&r&wd ?m?Mm fnaatjlancjr Just jul. good ,.an4 in jnanymstances, hetter'vthan 'cropV;thSt4 We' noticed branch bank idea ?fe-city, bank Bad fouhi oyer your farms. select, the best. Farmery and .the,stoclf raisers ,may ;isardhTernaI hkm 'UnA VI SsjJ -you can findandjbring "to thefair t- tinh will i "'lI3 wl" 31. "v?-.-; --i't. -J.A:-' l?: ' 4 .k ; ,-..1, ;;..,,u ,;,, ,. ,. s.;. .4 iuxi5 you: wiu . cooneratA wiui n permit a gradual fiarketingi of .crops,! x , The general , health; f; the -county , ithU jar. ,,I as."on certain? farm" in oiner worws, .jojihb .wukm.,; v i nag- t)Cen ery racxTffiUniy two-cases i wis., wees ami.i .asUed the mwner.il vwere" ''reported.1 fithl. he was going to.,the ;State.Faii".. He . r . . ..nhAAln 'ri nfha n fftotdfl that K n 1 L . . rediscounted py. extended :, to ! permit j0f 'diptherid' ... ... . ill . . .ii.: i market js one.r.edi.-i.i.'';',i ?; -'i f teeras Jo' always make ita spiearanco itainly' going to ".take a day aJ.' and cuiiipaiucs m . iiuv.jwtiiu: wiv '5ip-.ve .assume inai iose coniaci atm1 inc over State and-National ; Banks.MAr , ttroupinir of the cJiildrenti'rejponsi-'- ble4 ar4',' therefore, sjionglyad- Muit Market Our Product Slor'f. . The; need for a-niDM gradual niar, keting of agricultural ' products' through ; longer; termed financing as presented; to : the : National . Bankers' Association by Eugene; Meyer, Jf.,, rCeived their closest- attentioo.v.1 htl " .rUnqneationahlyfjsaid Mt, MeyerJ "it -would hare ibeBttadvaatsgeoaaj, even Ainder 7 pre-Waricondition ; gih IhspectiowywOrk arid; try -to market our producta more graduaHyi- formulate" certalrt'f riles Jahd -aiaiea inai ne. was going to taKe ex hibits .of . livetock poultry and . gen- erat xarm products there ,xo., put on vising the . .eatment. Jor(:d!pthri,a, 'show '.This, is'.the"; spirit the'. ofEcers Vwhich .should ,b giyenQtor all. .children, ' of the, associabn wish every, farmer between .tne.agesiot sue momns ana tn me county to who towards the 6ix.'year8.t'"'K .ww invi w Ifairand is the.,part they are axpeci il Dilriai'the ni6nths of iUctober1 bur Ting you to play . the promotion, of .! 'Si ..ntn .nSidtliji fair- Pli'flS'i V.. J ain lt iocovwi fte entire C9W !&ss6 u, (.p'ipJlrjaTypbeii' .-'enaig ; I ciapnJhaye ;o'ed;4 diliigntTyio' IS GETTINft WARM - J-tiD liS i L1 . "rf"'T Chairman, Wheatly Challenges j uomocrats Meet HIrn in1 - c3 .n(UuiKiT lo flffl ' campaign, in .Carteret county ia now irt.iun swing-and both Democratic and -RepnWkani workers iWbW .Debate ioe.po aretiAi'thefietd to' Mrik h&WtMMhMhi&. TTiOepublicana's paign about ten days earlier than fhel i- il I' - -'i --..s . . . ,- ..- the county,: n aqt have already been over bout three foVrtha btlt; consequence '-of- an article" n last week'Morehea4Ci-o charging 'the hoard of county :commis sioners wit" .'orgies of extravagance; Wasfef ulness;inefBciericy and pirihead parsariship'Chalrman of thevboaird L R. WheaU MISS HELX.EP MADE l J I t ; . . ASSISTANTCASHIER f:'wi.::C -;'-n a.5 W"1"'V ' t The. jlirst, wpman in .Raleigh to bo ! ' is "Miss ' Brtha; e.lieni jjwnoj' r.fcas just been appointed, to that 'position by the boajf.iraSeIlal. eigh ltenkg' ahdjTrusV 4 'Company. Miss jflellen;- hasserv!d as1 note teller. k thfs1 bank1 slicbveniber; '1920.' and before -that Tiad :held'a position AID FOR 5YSTEM': Program Adopted That -Will v CoiistrutvNelw5 ; Iiigay jn United Statea ' :: hu.il:'- f A hrMifv tin. ,!: 1 .1 m yeuer wia ine inercnants national : roads Ke ahead of the United States:, . unaer we program wnicft tne coun- lift TT 1 1 f r . I . nWVJfiAV'fSWa fr2P i adopted , there,,wiH ba built- ,; ,iter.4 laif Jff. ,W. during, at..me'. . 80,900" miles of jHellen, a member of one of the old imnrovetb nichwaW ..whtehl win - . I 1 ,' t 'y ---T 5 R lVheatly has Issued a challenge 4livll."TfltayitSftti,Aif SfPgxLtuefdayight-jjnd Lm tos thoiasneat,t ar nsrtY bngj Tt Mr Wiil i- .K.t.. . iV -r j ""'v ISSSSS tienal .gank no Tanrra titi If Kn iHJ( l i .1 and . prommiejrifc ' fomiliei of Cartere .yountyvjjne-jiajs ftaa splendid bank ing experierice-hri career i having begun as rbook-keeperand teller of th'e Beaufort Banking and.,' Jrust CbmpanyrB&ufo'rt; 'witli Twhicrfeank she ; served3ignfr'yia. 4uaW 9llshefaece)jted pbsitibntel-; ter Irf'ihe- Uritt'ch' Banking Company, Wilson, , having muchespbnsibility men , weroj.called p jeryicf njj,he wr, - jprom imscQansnfi came w W.tSifMw .whaihisthoard asadone in the way otJeyyingitaxesii; "Tha.Rep publicans contend thai of air the: mon ey collected In lael '4.5 1 ' Wei for qfunW purposes hd 'the sf s": ty: BHW7?o Tffi-R'fc enjsv..nd. this year MSjCfcntfcnoiwf gi-t-bM' jHim On Tuesday . joint debate between Candidates forth LegislaWi'e' E. W nut'a-nd M LesKe7 TJavls1 'took'1 place" at OtWoy and good sized crowd wa's Raleigh to take tppsjtioft.of October ,26 Titl )ia Mot...t. XT.! ..l r i. I . ; jr-. . '. . '. r.i... . v..u iau v.iiauiq' 1.10 1,1V 1 1 t pit (IK. Miss Hellen served ia aimo,st every position in the Beaufort BaTJking and trust Company71grvrngBeFa'aried and rjHtf muA nxfrftenci fi beihKt manage nept iiilust4mi.liiv4 teous, and Iter. fter t Mfs bayefound fand totlScien- stitute .tha Federal-aid highway sys tem and ariequal "or greater mileage of; StateIfldioCalTt'Oodsr.Ahenlth-9 great Job is done h transportation facilities-: ol, the, -ooPntiry; willi far .ex-" ceed those of any;i other nation past ' or: present, ia, the-WoridjThe high- ' ways of the anc jent Rojnans,1 whose -fame has come down through the cen turfes, AviUl pale by comparisons tftaUs SBt ithis vast .dadihuUding M program are -to be placed cfore the.-l. Highway Edocation Board at itsOn 'I toi IS.'iincliaiive, by; thetate ;High- way Engineers . and: officials of the BWaul ef.; TPublic '.Boads,- Xlbited 1 States , Departments of iAgricultu(.-e, to whom has been entrusted the work M of nlanninr and jtdnerviaJn tha con. . ound.,het.aIwayi.ttenUyfi and. four,! structjoh::; 0 Federal-aid , highways. 7f The plan will be presented to enable' ms ou i provvea auinoritaitveiy tlous worker,, rendering satisfactory iwitAti JwftklOf tfetislngaidsAfor' BfrviJ,l1itfB?Shi km&M schools and colleges Vwhich road ve in, 'hJ! hvin8r-2 rrrg buying of , the country 'ar turnmg , nlca - in AB.nrti-rt-' JRoAffut -SiS rllm 1 . ....... .... . -..,rvw..J, Ior competenjtiigaway, engineers. - Wftjlfc? ?M ??J Officials ol .ho , bureau plaee; the ,.l iittss in .rsvvuapuiiiaunjy for competenJbighway engineers, oh hand io'bear : Jthe Newsman ,r:.:tLi!Si2regate cost of the" ledoral-aid iA.. it, v.. .L.11'"":M!U wam-w organnauona. oroirram alon at about, J3.000jOOO.. , was ,not, thera, but -understands that fct ai a. -A .!.. : i ... . the debate was i: lively-one.. Sevferal f... ."iyX?m,r SJt1 T 000 6ed Democratic leaders Whb ww.' oresent ln!sa .i !fmWea -riod-.hey asked Mr, answered ar-mil-"QUfl6n Served 88 e,mcient 8ec borage cqstpf .TOO per ed in WveWeffectiva afJ'n.4.Wi(verage cost, in turn, takes i ,'rWn?be league" H4i nin o ve r the. twenty-year pe- base this estimate on, on. mile,. The ,x On the same nlg-ht Jas. W. "MaVon and Vf, G.' rebine, jspoke'o. a iaix siad crowj,.at Beyie. .Ho'iCr'-sj;-Wednpsday.i night the? Democratic esndidtes spoke at Straits-and were heard by fO'od cfowd.Mr'.vE.,1V';; "Paper; baed Upon the eoUrfty-alke' ..unabia.to.OTeet' withjrour but nsyvHorse KacesMule RacesV ahd Aiitc nonperishaWrc-xommOditaesi. c4 Mr,i '.cdole U,spch,that J haywtoeavelgnobile .Races. Jn .the, automobile. into eon- all ; classn -. of Imnrovud of Women voieti;n?OIp U: :, roadwsys' fr9niith.:be8pestlto , the A s 1 Mfe'Jgegg" thjjt woman tojjnogi Mensiva trues.- Annroxi'mata. be elected to the position of assistant' ly pae-third tho proposed system, cwrrV):rwigaYWKsaiaiOKto,000 miles flimpr9yed. highways, , -TriKt poniay,the y1dst2,b?llin'-lre.d- .r" either 'built or buil'din. . .1 4J4 W -rf A - ..A 'w . V. i ' . ' z.zr.ss .... ., . , tvaieign, uie pr nan. to .maae tnis recognition ,1 4n t act s there -tw tow- 'E'jWOmen in. thdr State who have been The program is a new one. Up to compatativetp eeriU'Vard,V'road ble for-1fedi3countfot th -lengtii(bf i'i "teep,,, timeeeeisafyitOJ'maxket A seaton'alAtigntijiohei produttifcrfore the Mxfc-naryeaVJIth'yd'tfVff -i9' twcen'.casThe two''speedrwill vlew,emi-,pfil.'4 o pta joJ J0 tratbatlMin in-oraeltollwiiqaHidU;. to1fferji.ecai;'rifc Erizes wfllbe g'.vehior Dotfi race's. must have a-'u'iatuirity JofXSixty Htd Qrjj-iHfb grektryappi-eciattdii 01 ninety days'-But a'tharp idistmcUouax UttachedHeS-eW 49 detairJr should W-drnwif'tweihort-time ' 0Uf- inQn jhh bankpapeVand' th5que4iUoi'.ot.Uetih 'Jkbf a-a'SVat. fd-lrl aper i-iay be more liquidity of ?;th ieoWity that unflerlies bank paper, long or short, "Long iquk-N paper. clearily si depends iscettO i'jii(kA jJtfHeallh'tWBfreK! TCtT W r.Tpb . ,ahd tgilfvher'rmbrturtfk'e'to I .'--.is-... n-Liri-ri-.Tr.fn EL. IT . ?Ty rREIGm.CAio musi v49ver to us, pS( yeur iv wna commercial paper iquidity cn the, or derly : buying-of the, manufacUred atrfreVhf 'cati''th'!NQrfbli.''ahd gojda and that this orderly buying oiiero-'aaCP in iuVn, depends largely: upon a ur- .nedta circular VHttor toits .ageoU 'fAaantr nnivor hld(-d nnon the Otdcr jjit kUntlni. Kan f moks overv ffort t not. r.s ei : i -'.W 'Sc stw, In J ari?effort' to Relieve' the-shert-' HonArable.,T . jj; Boi fconiijBee; oc i -Gongrejji campaign in the county) Cftit asppbintliiaat iaafc Marshallberg Monday Tufght? 1 TaesdBy & night hd Stacy,-ThursdAVrMgaX U. Kiiilrlmrf In tha TTnitxiH ttenubHcanFW 'WitX AjPlfd&en .inducted .-without. . r, i mcr miairtPfitt. ntil baiyia hna hpon won 1 :iins - .lia.:.. i..;' . . i ... w . wavi nan (is. n pnncirrnrt. n flionaay; ntsi We are in'hopes thaFymilJari bb fui- -i.t . -.'j' .i i! '' 'i ' l'i -i ..!! ..! WI : !'' Jt.iLi f-tJCV!. W.F near fuCUre. untj AhyVn4ividui t"yii.QPrAtf4iMV'po(i H.a .loses at Newport Other Repuhli tin akwile to jtkorfieU .reeSTftnd also in tne weeks following. RUJL JESTATE. ,THANSFES. States had - special re- . :HIgh- . whrR the Jlrst jiroman. to h elected jsUUcV'wqWa'linl. tp in tW'nwst rffeC:' deiff CliblfttfJotfci Mstij-fiaMhfci1 5 ti.:.tH. iJ.n "..:... T r . - Live in .iintT . wjLii liiu wjivie uulwuiji Men presUbntf Jh Stae,Natibtiak of ads'td belsp.dovere jatran;' KH-nnmrVAjS had MUghE,?o:feee'$ Vmiried- Ob? rver. '. li... JLf!Jii iit. . v. , , t :- , liaie anu iuc.ij ucumiiua inure inun mc broader requirements ox tne. states STtiDtlNG ART ill. ufrJE.Vi Y6Rli; .ThiBJNVwIlearn Vhat Vernon Hair rell of .Beau.ort ""who Weni 16 New 1 1 Yt-ik some days ago t. study art is there now and making eoOd progress ly Aiarketfng.bf .oh l?asic agricultural t ctfears loaded to their full capa with hiwok'HeJs Veil pleased products'" r i v '" ; .,' ' ) city'; ' Shippers oi t freight ate' asked Vithhis" school , and is'' Resolved to v.rp b m w...--- i u coopvrate awAvwv .i umii3 cuvvcbs. it id ncu i-iiwij nere that tne young' man nas real talent for drawing and his friends here hopehat, he will some day be come an artist of high rank." : ; "Indeed if ou late experience es- !pany in seeing that cars are loaded tablished any dfinit -difrvntlatlom be-i fUn ft, they will hold. re tw'een the j liquidity of comroetcial paper and .'pjpor. baied upon staple, nor-perishable agriculturel comniodi tici, properly warehoused, it estab lished that fact that the latter is de cidedly more liquldiunder adverse I The companymanf gers :; say ; that tjie shortage" of equipment will last all through the Winter and that In; Or der to take 'care of freight shipments Lpj'operly all precautions rnust.be: us ed. ; Agent are 'instructed to - nave conditions than thefoymer. At no leaded cars piaCe on sidings and un 1 --time, wee' such tfojnndities so en- leaded a rapldlx Va U possible, to tirely unmarketable as were certain!, j, Indicationr rt Ubnt tfreight lines oiTspfoctur prad,ujc i Jon shipments "wfll -lie hefrry this Winter which. t iUlLtk tMuiCMuaerdial ai.d.pl byeaEon nJ i the Vecent strike paper was based.1-;; ' ;'-'.. tW 'liransportaticcVrafcanies ! crippled in not "bei'ng t able -to - 4 keep eral Reserve SysenJby proper re-'tieit 'eduipment in. good Condition, it ' strictions regarding eligible paper, it wni be necessary for railroad employ-a is fqually important to safeguard es and shippers also to do every thing , business' and agricnHuVe ly avoiding 1 possible to keep freight moving-faat. s dicrlmJnation Minstipei? which may prbperty be 'consdered as "eltgi . bl" -; ; t :TZT:r' t r . BritDch.' EUuk-V. kn fMn Lont M The strongest point scored by the sUU' banker! fisopdBed. to, thoNa tiopal bnmci1)ank v ldearVat the NEW BANK. DIRECTOR, ":' " .t J cmtftoj -i 'Fit; ill i.. , .-.Af'afn'etiT.r of th board of direc tors of the" Beaufort F Banking J'and Trust CompanyTield "October'" 3rd, Mr.xCa'rl 'Gasklllf St-itswM elect-1 ed adirecWrlW'ftn fh. "unexpired term bf Ablate M. Ci Holland, ': -. - ll . claim thai branch tanksf , extif3ed to 'small' towns 'and agr.cu-tu.al "dis tricts, would be" manned .by outsiders unfamiliar with lbcaOoonditions, thus mating-loans- la many 4nUnes-un- c whole possible sbund 'and weakening ' our " UnancW yUuctnre.The'; Branch ijanl" idpa Vas, yo fce'ed down, as' detrl-, mental ito the, .best; interestj of , the haiort.vf'-i . '.H'-'i v3,.'b ;6 .V. uj-t j By in.Mti lets tha foer' -wk ,ya caa got w!t ,pag Mwipayr. .Tha Birfrt News, fall f geod reading matter sad Ulaatrtu tloa if u tiy ; itr-oriinviiiT ' feTlje report is current tound Beau fort that a K Kltixlodgrr clan or whatever it is called has been organ ised here. An organlzerVpent sev eral days inlown last week, and on Friday night a. meting was held at which the matter was discussed- As its proceedings "are supposed to be secret the News has net been kble id learni any -of the' details it the nieet- ing.; ' Try a- Register of DeedsHFroy Morris has i. centra 'ddded;2thefdllowIni1 deeds.'1- in 'jh' m " 03 'K' ' J-,R.K Morisani.wife .,tq Clayton FuHheif;. aqrei H.qjnKarte township, lOoneid-rationiBO.oj fc.n- Deriard Hlff ai-d1 wife1 to ny.on 1 llilc 2 Screen Hunting' Quartef tbwriship, cohsideraliori $400,;' .Harrel Hanilon-toSpeacer Las- towiisuip, consiueraiiun foo. v Jiiq.Ti Haoniltonto Mrius kelson 1-2 ocreinitlimtfnfc, Quarter. town- ship, 'consideratibni $20. Ida , Willis to Menus Nelson, land, known as,' Willis. land In .Hunting Quarter township.--, n,t i t .: ' Drusillal Fulcher aftd others to Har vey T. Piner t acre In Smyrna town- ship;conslderatlon $125 fcJf 61.93-100 acres in ,JNewport i .town nip, consiaerauon suuv.r'j i-i ''Sol. Sma!lwod and wife 4e Amos Dudley.lot BJ lnBbkckJll6liorshead CStytonsWeretton.! $225., ,.-,1 inusivJ. Clay tern .'Fulchernd wife: to JnN ius I Dr Currier i ' acr I Inl x Hairting Quarter township; bnideritiorf' f 15"- pj. E. TaylotjnlvifJJ. w- Taylor 1 ,imt insllunting jQuarter township, -eoDsideratioo $500 x:w.: ,-; Ernest: Nelson nd tarife to- Oyde V. Haskett li acrrf iir Harlowo town l. WMir.lon IIOO. ,-' ', r, -- -,,. :. . qeo., I. Stanlej to' Gt Wr FUlcher part lot no,. .Jfe?'0 consideration, 475, ur -n Gti W Fulcher and wife to .W: . ana nation. ''-..'' t 'F!i liu'ekiiAf I''drI-flI TU&d-bUlld- - . . t i f- if rMeredimse . iuve Afyciuofl-a.ft-ijyu;ij puvUSfc , ""J """"j - terdaynThptton.4)elgnged. to-,Mr.' ncnonsi. program ann ,rntriniue.jo Cj T, itiBWaMaO general system the same Halidock-titlAlfey jA tSL agents here tim . ttoW9(lvi)tfiKp4&1it ' for the assdc faxonL otne cp.toi w?-.to dekw thB..ct. Important ilocal lref ferwiW tS J CfiSrlott ; foVstWrquia r lisrthe Wstenxadnotid in building. T - 3 ns Observer, fit-. ' . iMi iiH .COOPERATIVE. COTTON. , . Si (he warehouse there. " it BOLL TTTIo .TTAIf"' T.7 -il -. hejrsiiways olthe,ounry:.wJl; be j Vt&ljili tVEWlSTi-TE. 1 borte1 In-ihind"' in. thr eonstrud tiou ' i . l . - , the. country's new nignways. . a pert l i'i.?A , --..-" . !JlC V. main lin? 'rt hYchwnV com- ...Ir' ... i '-' f L-4. A jecaer roaaaf r - 1 1 - , ' ' thefcountry's new highw , 0 ..-UnTrSPi ' : ' ' r?wBS be. main linesslj. mens wnicn.naye peen gent to rransj. -tAt-tiV jmilea of f( iln, Sherman tntomblOgist foe North , f . ... ' ... .- --i si reaching baca into-tne ntore sparsely, l 1. 1 II II M SBLTH AIIJIl k LfUll WUBT IS IlflSD IIUW. ' ' .U.iiit. . ton araa u;lna r abQutcoveruingowingi- , , nroduct. will flow . famerfitertrtid ih J, .wIU b ;,planned and, ; ftghn?he pest ratherthan ia learn, -vis them- mg whether or Hot Jii wul reach ,.,.' .. ,.,( t jn m- ,WU: I fl. nrflnlaf fnrm . " - , . , 7 , -V'O'Keoiiily wrth the enure program; I bp, j i Specimbns WW receded W j J0JJJ; J . ,,; itt . research' fr -mmiv "7w:i,7.rh buildirig,rtfctfhe. charac I Alemance, Mdlbrook In Wake- north- !t. J--j .v -A.-'j. w,; i,ti,ril i aamifm Kriarprnmn nar Hoborooa. I .!- - ' . . - - . .. ' , -o " ' : ,.. f. .f .,-.- cnhlnill . I o .1 VT.. t.Tf !',. v Wnan. In ocu-nu.Av .-;?--. ST'-"-r. etcl-nd hasmoll it considerable Veil n ; Wshington C.oa fc , fce .-fti high: j Deit nas out gone norva niucum i , . ' ' , i bo and a yet nor- av wiw-wecvii, - - , , . - --".. i.. ben Cotton Granville TV ii liTroTv hhv ftAVP1A dflmAffd 11 lZi. Ut r iicht damage next year. In i M. ueatty ,ior;more man.. years D..J !... f .. wli-tAH in .actually; fond U?but.yihg 77-. ' TTvZ counties of Orange uumam, " T , y , ; c .. t - . - fnv, jo i Vance. Warren and Gatesi ,!' " .M rr.i-.kS? r f r.,i v u rritorv m .i..tVnif:n .rr"rr- with onlv Hirht damaee next year. In the" meantime all preparations ' for .ediior,; of ,'tho Sniitlilield Herald died I fighting the pest chould be mandejat jhis: home :ia Smitbfteld. on, Mon sUtes,J Mr.1 Sherman."; " '.t " day. tie naa peen-ui ior a long time ? u: '- 'r" :'i:-"ft tuberculosjS'knd1 'diabetes, ji j ;Mra- Mabel McKinley Baer.-fovor-; little ovVr !y' afeo Mr,' T.; Jlas i u'm. .(. rf. Prliit MKtnlv. 1 te who was barincr' in the ' Herald 1 v - aaavw - - - - . , . f . - , - ' waatVad, b 'tk Boaafort New If yaw tare Hmttllii U !! town, -Beaufort, consideration 910., 1 " or wbi t W eoawtiiiaf. 1 't',-' (Contintied oflpaif e five) - Fulcherand wif- part lot No-.l.-newan "Insurgent" Republican candidate died suddenly. ..Tat Herald i one j for the assembly la wescnester iun eijtne strongest ana Den a .own ; ty New York,) li-.iv'-.:-'.? ftewPperi-of.it class in .the State, ., !.:.... .,..', A -.A A--A - ' . r .' . " . .... ..-.-. . . ' ',- Son lo- v u" : A'-iJ ' I. C f.:- , 'W- .ni yf-U. ' m ' Ai '. i-'f ' -';.. s t -'Meg' .. ;ji .. Ji ...- l ' j .. it J,..-",: i, '5 A v;A; -"..: , Ttft. la t.'ic - - ' 3.. V-A-': 1 ,