r tt AUFOfitT Fl Tt hett advertising medium published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XIV THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 1925 NUMBER SIX SCHOOL QUESTION BOARD DEFERS TO BE SUBMITTED ACTION ON FERRY TO PEOPLES VOTE . PROMINENT BEAUFORT MAN I PASSED AWAY SUNDAY Bond Issue of $100,000 To Be Voted On Next Month ew Commissioner Sworn In. Three Road Districts Creat ed, Supervisors Appointed .TOBACCO COOPS SUPERIOR COURT DIVORCE BILL PAY FOR 2 CROPS; ENDED ON FRIDAY; EASILY DEFEATED BY OPPOSITION A highly respected and popular cit izen of Beaufort passed away iast Sunday morning at 2 o'clock when death came to Mr. John ' Benders Flnal Settlements Start Feb, County Commissioner G. H. White- Jenes. Mr. Jones had been in fail ing health for a year or more and his death wag not unexpected but is gen erally resetted. He was a man of NEGOTIATIONS FOR SITE MADE hurst who wa.8 aPPointed to ueed friendly disposition and honorable in In East Belt Will Close 2 More Pools Soon 7 Considerable Number of Civil Actions Disposed Of. Judge Reduces Sentences of Two (By S. D. Frissell) Only Sixteen Voted For Math ews Bill. Mrs. Carrie Catt Speaks For Peace the late J. Wesley smith, was on hig dealinirs with the people. H tlempnt on t, ,.r ,...,.. . hand Monday at the regular meeting v j u,. ; i, Kn.lncu u ... . ... . nt ... ..j :-a..'a "ou l"c maue Wltn members ol the Tobac- with Win civil matter. Several better school facilities shall be pro- of the board and was duly inducted here for many years and had & large CQ Q Last week's term of Superior Court chiyip tn nn end on Friilav fif- Raleigh, Feb. 2nd Complete set- ternocn. Most of Wednesday. wnn.c .. W1U Thursday and Friday were occupied. vided for the children of Beaufort and vicinity is shortly going to bei into office. Chairman Woodland ex- tened a welcome to him. rowers Cooperative Association caseg were tried and so;ne were dis- submitted to the people. The board i Qn request of Captain J. A. Nel- acquamiancesnip anu many auchuo. m eastern North Carolina next Sat- missed Mr. Jones ws 76 years old last Sep- rday, February 7. The checks of Mrs. iemDer. ne was marneu twice, me wnich will be issued to assoriatinn of trustees of the schools on Monday lgon( state Fish Commisioner, Captain nrst x? Miss Hannah Delamar. Members from the cooperative The case wherein the will j Florence Guthrie was con-i occupied considerable of the J Beaufort News Bureau 306 THE VANCE (By R. E. POWELL) Raleigh, Feb 4 Although it has requested the board of county com- James Salter was appointed to inves. missioners to call an election for the tigate certain oyster beds near Dav purpose of letting the voters pass js upon a bond issue lor a lot ana new Of this union there children. were ware- court;'s time. It resulted in allowing been practically leaderless for the ecucif al 1 . i . i . nouses oi tne Eastern Belt will cover . .;n tj u , ,,,;t(.o fW twt e h. His last marriage was to the last indebtness of the association -.. nv.,.. r.i L . Ju, .. Mrs Fli7.hPth Char,in who survives,, it. i .l... . ."la " wwiu up r iiicuiucis mere, on deliveries ; ,him. The nearest surviving rela- both of 1922 and of 1923 tobacco -..I i i...:u; rn. t ..i.ji me matter oi eranune a irancnise tivps nrp Mrs. i;. k.: nson ana Miss: tu v .i-c.i. scnuui uuuumg. me a.i.Uu..L , - " . ,7. " 7 .i; , ,. --- " ui fum aro- d. AVaj-d represented the husband before the winter is over. Gover ... ... ... n ftnergfa forru T n Mr W K H,v- Tallinn Tahab Ham - . qtiH Muscre 1,'. 1 . i ...... r A ' vjvvel is $iuu,uuu and tne election is to bef" iiia anu tne iortn uaronna border wno erty went to the Methodist church its fifth week, is showing signs of be- ' and Methodist orphanage. Mr. A. ing able to get out of the trenches was contesting the will and at- nor McLean's mastery of the situa- Violrl March the 17th ThP rail for ev ji.ueiii.uii wjiii.ii wan jiuai.- j. r. jones, dr.. anu u. ju. uunes counties Will bp thP r,pvt in lino ,,. , , . ,. , . ...... neia Marcn tne inn. ine can ior, vkuuucb wm oe tne next in line to torneys Hamilton and Gorham for the tion, obtained decisively in the $20- it.- i. noned from the last meetine of the mn nf thp HprpaspH. liranHchildren v.o.s,a -v,.- ci .. . ' v.tv..o..vij. mc .u, tne election win appear m uie ue r . , . , " , ------ - - cu I1Ilal payment on tne other s de. 000 000 road hill, will onr.aiHproV.Kr hoard was aeam aeierrea. Mr. n,v- i Thnmn .innpa. Mrs. l. tan- moo . , . : . ' erett and his attorney Mr. C. issue of the News. Lrup oi wit alter next SaturHav's; tu. -c nf A V,ol 4.1 :n j. ft ii m mr- TJoni r't.rio iI,c tai UA l"e noaicm anu iitu tu mane me eaiuiig smootn irom Tvo communications in regard to rl':'' ' T ' ' ' 7 XT "a f "emenl' navinK aeady received Export Corporation against the town now on. the proposed election, from Superin-; " T"" Z' nZ ,Pner' .'T TV' UU Payment on thei' 22 deliveries of Beaufort was taken up. In or-j The fifth week has been a hectic .w..v. -ff . w... ounea aim vuauco anvi ia..no uo.iie montns aPO. 1 hp tins Bptlo tendent Pittnian and Chairman Her tn havp thp rilpaHitio's ampnHpH one. flnvprnnr Mfirrionn Vioo lnn ment by the association with ito mom .... . j j ,l. i j i-- .. ,lretA Rail K,t, f H.rl0 . . ... . .. . 8 mistrial was oraereu. ims was tne nere ana Deiore tne finance com- .jw j . . , - . vHivuna xjcii. is missioner Huntley said that he un- son. werp thinking about startine- n ferrv ...J.J u.. . , .' j i cj-.ij . " w"clc l,,c tuai "" """" reverse us nnamg i , , . " wne rKe c.uwu i.- u uu WaKe piace on or betore iff that the town owes it a balance or the Budget Commi; Swann are printed below: To The Patrons of the Beaufort Pub- He Schools: 1 and he favored divine countv men the CI ".T" "r..ei0re ln at the town owes it a balance .-or the Budget Commission finding An election has been called to de- . t . 0" himotion the mat i t """" """" 277 Vl 77 6 announce- of $801.93 on a coal contract made -of . $9,500,000 deficit. The form- termine whether or not it is the de- fnt oer t S reglr ff relation's on the 16th of May 1921 Other er executive is obsessed with the idea sire of the public that the school fa- meetine The exerciser .cted by kcv Doard oi directors. cases disposed of were as foii0ws: that there is a conspiracy going on - cilities of the community be increas-, erend E- M-L uPr . An ' The tobacco farmers of the Old Charles E. Harrington versus J. to "exalt McLean and damn me." ed. ! The road supervisor question was Street Meth . gBpyns -f which Mr. Bright Belt of Virginia and North Van B. Metts and F. B. Sellers, ac- There is nothing of the kind: Raleigh The Board of Trustees desire the taken up by the board and settled Jones was ": ". aD:.M,The inter" Carolina who are members of the ,.s- tion dismissed and ordered that de- and those folks here in attendance Dublic to have reliable definite and by making three districts end three ment was vrv cemetery, sociation, will receive their final set- fendant pay into the court any a- upon the legislature have been hap- information concerning supervisors and assistants, w. a. - r-yr- it- ...c..., uu uenvenes oi tne Lv&i crop mount due oy Mate oi IN. u to ben- py in tne thought that a great gov- complete nceictnnta M ... ... . inoliioH Mr -Thnmna JntlPR nf . . . n . . .. what is proposed This letter is to Moms was appointed supervisor lor """ " - i ueiore inarcn 10, ana accord- ers for work done at camp menn. ernor could not retire quietly to Dresei t onlv the main features of the th central district and Hamlin Davis Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kafer jng to their directors, this settlement Mannie Willis as next friend of private life. v n Br.j Miss 7dip Martin of New Bern, win ..,:.u.- x i.. . ,. . ,,,.,1. TT n. . . ... .. . clan. Other letters to follow will Ior lne eastern, ine supervisors are . n, 'uu""n' wimm luity uays by wnour winis versus norae lei. ana. Ana, too, Mrs. uarne Uhapman (rive more detailed information Amount The public is asked to $60 a month. Upon motion by Com , authorize the sale of bonds to the ex- missioner Huntley which was pass-1 w.v P ' ' $500 and his father Mannie Willis delivered a strikingly attractive ad tent of $100 000. This amount has ed by the board, it was decided to ap-! 1 KAVVU uriNTPonnrrn hfrfI The Tobacco Growers Cooperative $500 for injuries sustained by Wil-dress to the legislature, the burden not been arbitrarily set by the board point a committee of three to pro but has been arrived at after careful c"re the services of a consulting en consideration of needs and of infor- giner. The committee is composed to get $90 a month and the helpers rar; nsel -'naJ"u 01 a"u Payments on all grades of their 1923 Tel. Company. Master, coinpromis. Catt, foremost spokeswoman for the William jaCOOSOn OI Wasnuigion. tObaCCO Which have hpen KnlH anA oA Vi Aa-fnnAant naviner WilVinr Willie fflminicfo l,o. nH- v A kij uvivkvimuv fJ 44 fe " nvwi i iv'i iniovO) uao UV.tU UCiCi IUIOi VOkb paid for. BE INTRODUCED HERE A new departure in Association will be the first -t the br Willis. of which was a plea for aroused pub- n u- .u big American cooperative to -.Tiake Baltimore and Ohio R. R. versus lie opinion to demand the world court lining uiui, . Si . .... ... full settlement with its members on Way Bros. Jury decided that defen- which in her judgment, is a step to- , . , . .... . . . 1.,.. 1 1 V- V. 1 1 Mi LVIKU.l.lf of starveu m tun .t,...ijr u mplnhPr in F.aStPrT, Par- ulaintiff owed defendant $144. i.: l u Crn nf Commissionera Woodland. Tavlor. maJ iimtiuii as lu lums givcii uy ic uiaic -- - a Dinn;n j nnd TT11 " Mr. Charles Davis of UirtJttor UI ociiuuiiiuu l laiuiuig aim . - m i o v rt va bv comnetent architects. .Barker's Island was appointed road JrawLfishing such a is done or the ,. Site Negotiations are praCtically-t'Seror: thiwte'ftd. closed for the securing of the block lying between Broad and Cedar, Live hoard and fied g daim for damagpg .t hflg a,ready associations, having now sold all but "cover of defendant 1 . . . : : -v . 1. v . ;..d4t waa letUlUUUIlllC Llint uiuuo.ij ,noo -t iv il.. )ar,t oJ nlointiff IRS Q7 Dnil that hn Wilon f Tt; aS 111 UIC uuu. v m u iiuiu .in yuuiu . i v . vim. r' w i u i, 1 1 v. 1 1 iii3v.ii league ui ..nifiuiia.. Or- She is not partisan but in this ortho-.. woolr on A in Smith CafnMna dered that defendant recover the dif- dox countrv she delivered an ort.ho. New England coast ir( the North ? ' z ference of $75.03.: . ' ' x Democratic speech i , ' u u t,0 , . , v Tm fnf tion of tobacco farmers also shows D. W. Morton Ad mr. versus Willie, Slaughter Divorce Bill . Mr. B. A. Felton came before the earth will have a trial here. In fact . . , , i , . , , ' TT , . , xne most successiui saies recoru xumcr anu vuicib, viuaru aim on- , xne nouse got ria or one piece t.-n nnnnlint At rt7Vt1rtW nT AVHTPl flTl . . -i T A Xf.l r-. - -in w o vii ovwuiw w . state x1 isn LOmmissioner j. .h. iNei- Lin lnmrla A lnmM ittoO trt 11. If Tl 1T! 1 . . ir.tH rmnn Sn cooperat,ng wnn mr- 14,000,000 pounds of the 343,000,- costs, such damages to be determin- vorce bill, which was drawn to make to-the matter was appointed, ompos- gins and other8 of the U. S. Bureau 000 poun(,g pf tobaeco receiyed ed at gubsequet term by jury. two years separation ground for di ed of Messrs. Huntley Talor and of Fisheries ig superintending the ex- jng firgt two KUQm of operation. : Thoniag ond others versus Carteret vorce, instead of five, had only six hitehurst Mr. D ' periment The menhaden boat Mc- The , deIiveries of the en- county and others. It was ordered teen champions when it came to a wanted to know what arrangements ;ntogh hag bee gecured and fitted Mee& and commissionerSi A. vote. It onIy- got beore the House if any would be made as to Keep ng out with the necessary gear. It ,s hoMeB duri the week endine D. Ward and M. Leslie Davis, adver- on a minority report and it required up the New Bern oad He vvas , thg inten g . h to elated tise and sell property. but a little time to finish it. The fnrmpH that it was the dUtV OI 'V n 4i, i,j ,it, l,t,i,r, ' mined by placing on the town map a . . r;ccnrl inV nftpr u c ' B farmers delivered seven and a half Consolidated Investment Company Broughton bill, which would create tack to represent the home of each H,ghway Commiss,on t0 Beaufort inlet and the Gulf stream. milHon pounds of ihe weed jn vh. versus Levi T. Noe and Son; action a new cause for divorce-the lack white child. The map hangs in the roa The idea is to locate schools of fish and North Caroiinai dismissed and plaintiff to pay costs, of issue after two years marriage office of the superintendent where the 1 ' Dr. Bonner of Morehead City and if Possible to demonstrate that trawl Before leaving Judge Barnhill re- hps been consigned to the late Col. public is cordially invited to inspect Dr. Rawlinson of Raleigh represent- fishing can be done profitably in pLANS NOVy UNDER WAY duced the sentence of Joe Willis Swift Galloway's innouous desuetude, it. The actual center of school pop- ing the State Board of Health appear- tl,is country. A 90 foot otter trawl p0R FINANC1NG ST. PAUL'S from 60 days in jail to 30 days and The bill for increasing judicial dis- ulation is slightly east of the Norfolk ed before the board and discussed was secured from Boston and this has that of G R Anderson from twelve tricts to twenty seven is in the hands and Southern Passenger Depot. the matter of a whole time county Deen used in tne attempts. Some fis. rnatter of tne final disposition months on the roads to six months, of a sub committee and general leg- Architects have informed the board health officer. The matter was de- nave Deen caui?nt m the experiments f g pfluj,g Sch00j nas Deen a sub- Arthur Mason the negro boy convict- islative opinion is that a compromise that there would be no financial gain ferred until the time for making up but unfortunately yesterday t e discussion and interest among ed of second degree murder last measure, to come from the corn in building to the present building, the next annual budget. A few trawl appeared to be heavily loaded Beauort peopie for several months, week was taken to Raleigh Tuesday miUee, will provide for four circuit since it is always more expensive to routine matters were disposed of and an(i 5t tore away and was 't s As throwing some light on the sub- by Sheriff Wade. judges and no new solicitors. There provide a given amount of space by the jurors for the March term were soon 8 another net cn be secured the foliowing from a recent is- is a determined effort on the part of adding to an old building than to pro- drawn. The following is a list of experimental work will go ahead. o Southern Churchman is PEACH ORCHARDS SHOULD the minority to cut the salary of the vide the same given amount in a new the jurors: : quoted: j BE CAREFULLY SPRAYED solicitors and some of the prosecu- building on a new site. This re- Luther L. Guthrie, Harkers Island; ' MARRIAGE AT COURT-HOUS (A commjttee of clergy, laymen tors are divided as to the proposal suits from the necessity of changing Fred D. Davis, Morehead City; Brady A surprise wedding tpok place in and lay women met in Goldsboro on All of the peach orchards in Car- to pay them $100 per week for work the old building in addition to build- Mason, Stacy; W. E. Week, Ocean; the office' of the Superior clerk Tues- Tuesday January ,the 13th, at the teret County should be given the ing at special terms in districts other ing the new space. Damon Fulcher, Stacy; Berkley Will- day when Miss Ruth Gillikin and Mr. call of Bishop Darst, to consider combined treatment for brown rot, than their own. Type of Building The building is, Davis; Martin W. Harris, Mar- Roosevelt Gillikin of Otway were plans for financing St. Paul's School, scab and curculio. This, of course, Bus line regulation seems assured erected is to be used as a high school shallberg; C. T. Eubanks, Beaufort joined in wedlock. Squire H. D. Beaufort with a view to taking over is to be given after the dormant and it will be largely on the lines rec and will also accomodate the highest RFD; W. S. Webb, Morehead City; Norcom tied the knot. There was the school as a diocesan institution, spraying, which should be given now ommended by Chairman Frank Page, Elementary grades. It will be spec- N. P. Davis, Morehead City; C. L. g0me disagreement about the wed- The committee decided to wage a if it hasen't been given already. of the State Highway Commission, Oak and Marsh Streets. This is block 38 on the town map and is known as the Jones property. The homestead of Mrs. Jones is excepted. This block lies approximately three blocks nearer the center of school population than the site of the pres ent building. The center of school poulation has been carefully deter- McCabe, Wildwood ; J. C. Yates, New- ding and when it was over the (couple campaign for pledges towards the Peaches should be sprayed at least who drew the bill which the owners port; H. G. Williams, Newport; Chas. separated and went their respective maintenance of the school and agreed 'three times and four times a year, and operators of several of the lines L. Taylor, Sea Level; A. W. Foreman, ways. . " to present the matter to the diocesan The dormant spray is made up as fol- are trying to amend. Mr. Page and Beaufort, RFD; Allen C. Willis, Dav- convention for official action and lows; one gallon lime sulpher solu- Revenue Commisioner Doughton both is; Sheldon Bell, Jr., Morehead City; HOLD COUNTY COMMENCEMENT sanction. The school is now con- tion to seven gallons of water, ap- favor soaking the bus lines for six S. C. Davis, Gloucester; P. E. Snooks MOREHEAD CITY IN APRIL ducted by Churchmen, but the Dio- plied before the buds begin to swell, per cent of their earnings. This, ially equipped for this work. Very truly yours, C. W. E. PITTMAN, Superintendent. Feb. 3, 1925. A Few Reatont for New School Building on a New Site Morehead City; Manly Murphy, Dav- ' cese has not yet seen its way clear The second spray should be given a- and the bond the regulating powers 1. The present building is total- jg; John A. Lewis, Harkers Island; The regular meeting of the county to assume the financial responsibili- bout one week after the petals have will require, will put some of the ly inadequate for present needs. F, T. Garner, Newport; Walter Board of Education was held at the ty for its operation. It had done and fallen. This spray is made up of small operators out of business. 2. Using out buildings, poorly Smith Atlantic; Ambrose Golden, courthouse Monday, all, members be- iB doing a splendid work in educa- self-boiled lime and arsenate of lead. , equipped, will surely tell on the men- Sea Level; J. A. Small, Newport; jng present. A motion was passed to ting young people who are under- The third spraying with self-boiled. Pi opoe Banking ommtisioner tal development of the children. Lenister D. Lewis, Stacy; Walter M. hold the county commencement at privileged and who haven't the means lime sulpher and arsenate of lead Representative Wade, from Wil- 3. , The location of the present Willis, Marshallberg; W. J. B. Shull, Morehead City on April the 3rd. to go to more expensive institutions.' two weeks later or four to five gal- mington, is the author of a bill to building is not suitable for a large Newport; H. D. Chadwick, Straits; Messrs. Wade and Willis voted for; The above plan was cordially ap- weeks after the petals have been crate the office of banking commis school. Chas. E. Owens, Beaufort; Charles Morehead City and Mr. Taylor voted proved by the convention of the Ehed. The fourth spraying is made sioner. This proposal, first recom- 4. The basement of the present Tolson, Morehead City; H. C. Jones, against. Diocese of East Carolina held in of self-boiled lime sulpher alone, mended by Governor Morrison, is not building is poorly constructed and Beaufort; B. A. Felton, Beaufort; Messrs Borden Adams and Will Kinston last week. It was decided and is Eppj'ed four to five weeks be- backed by Governor McLean or any may become useless at any time' on W. M. King, Beaufort. Smith were appointed committeemen to refer the matter of electing di- fore the fruit ripens. administration leaders in either the account of the constant inflow of. for the Broad Street school. Mr. rectors to the Executive Council.' Any one desiring information on Senate or House. In fact, there is a water. j IMPROVEMENTS TO CHURCH Adams takes the place of the late, This body will take the matterup at the mixing and application of these positive tendency, not to create any ",5. Competent architects say that; ) 'j. Wesley Smith and Mr. Will Smith its meeting which will probably be sprays, may see or write the county new offices now. Futhermore, there the cost of building sufficient addi- " Arrangements for installing a heat-'fills a vacancy that has existed for held some time in April. agent. ,is a strong determination to provide HUGH OVERSTREET, .for the lopping off of a number of MARRIAGE LICENSES. r County Agent. 'State employees. , Senator Humphrey, of Wayne, is Seventeen states are represented leading this battle. He has learned tions to the old building will costs as ing system in Ann street Methodist some time. The salary budget for ! ; much as a new building and cannot church were made a few days ago. county teachers as recommended by j be made as efficient as a new build- The contract for the work has been j the County Superintendent was ap-1 ing. ' ! let to W. E. Skarren and Company of ! proved by the board. The Superin-1 Roosevelt Gillikin and Ruth Gil-; 6. A new building on a coimo-jEeaufort. Besides the heating plant .tendent was authorized to buy a safe likin, of Otway. among the 53 members of the foot-ithat there are many employees who dious site will create a new educa- other work on the Sunday School an-ifor the protection of records in the! Clgi'de V. Hendcison and Helen ball squad of the University of Penn-,have plenty of time to work cross (Continued on page five) nex is now going forward. office. JMay Garner of Newport. V eylvania. " . (Continued on page five)

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