PAGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY FES. 12, 192S Vhe Beaut ort Newsw Publisfled every Thursday at Beaufort, Carteret County North Carolina. Beaufort New Inc., Publisher W J. J. 'orld War. He was appoint- in Beaufort, is not pleasant ta ed to office by President Hard- contemplate. A condition con ing who thought, no doubt, that fronts us though that cannot be CHILDREN OF CONFEDERACY ARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION ' Breeze theatre last night. A good urtTiNfJ sized audience saw the performance X V 1tT U VI W Wi The children of Confederacy held j On Tuesday February 17 at 7 P. and derived considerable entertain- u !.;,,,. v, A aaa i i u...u In,.: i. f fu unma f u..,a .;n ua uau in tha Rich School ment trom iu me iu i":'LU"" ment. Forbes betrayed that ing must be erected or a good, the leader on Feb. 3rd 19 members 'auditorium the regular monthly meet- ers did their parts very crecmaoiy. trust and was accused of takinor manv children in Beanforf prelbeine: nresent. Minutes were 'read ing of the Parent-Teacher Associa- President J bribes in connection with let- going to be denied the chance! and usual business transacted. A tion. The subject for the evening is A. MACE F.DUNCAN. -Vice-Pres. ting certain contracts. He has to get much education. Of P. BETTS Secretary ! been convicted and sentenced course we can go along in some GILE15 MEBWE I pniiicHnaij iui mu uu ji oiifsiiuu xy . me years ana to pay a jfiu.uu'j nne cnuciren couia go to school ; Former Secretary cf the Inter- part of the time and learn how WILLIAM Editor and Treasurer. Valar.tine party was discussed and "True Patriotism, decided to be given as a benefit on j February 14tK. An error being made in our last writin? wish to say in some way we VALENTINE PARTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ATTENTION REBEKAHS. A full attendance is requested at our regular meeting on Friday even ing February 13, 1925 at 7 P. M. 111 Business of importance to be trans- The Lenoir girls of the Children acted. Work in the Rebekah degree. jior Albert Fall has also been to read and write a little, but miscalled the name of the Confeder-,of Confederacy will have a party on Refreshments will be served, iindicted in the Federal courts under present conditions they 'ate veteran killed at Fort Macon. the 14th of February at the Wood-j J. R. Jinnett, Sec. ! and will have to face the music cannot have the advantages It was Mr. Jaconias Wi!l;s whose :man's Hall. ' ! One Year $2.00 pretty soon- If the evidence to that other towns and cities are j name we place in tha Book of Mem- Admission 10 and llicents. J PELLETIER ITEMS. Sil Months"""".."- l!oO convict him and Doheny also giving their young folks. Doory at Stone Mountain. An essay Cake walk begins 8:30, 10 centsj We are having warm weather now Three Months 50 can produce they will very lik- Beaufort people want the best, which was to have been read last each Come and wa!k for the cake. !and farmers are preparing their to bacco beds. f . j Mr. W. M. Truckner and Mr. S. B. Meadows attended the meeting of C. B. H. Morehead City Saturday. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. Brite. Some of our young folks attended Sunday School at Ocean Sunday. Rev. Miss Barnard failed to fill her appointment Sunday on account of illness. Hope for her a speedy Entered as second-class matter 'ely draw term 5 years in prison for their children or are they j month on Fountaine Manroy was giv-i It does not pay to taKe liberties satisfied to do the job half en by Miss Martha Longest, a veryi February 5, 1912 at the postoffice in Beaufort, North Carolina, under the act of March 3. 1879. with Uncle Sam. way: (impressive memorial was given Dy We understand that in the IM'SS Sarah Rumley on Woodrow wii-i U. D. C. NOTICE. A business meeting of the Fort A COMPARISON OF lEeaufort school district there son our former War President, also i Macon chapter of the U. D. C. will be CLIMATES. is some tWo and a half millions honorary member of the U. D. C. ;he!d Thursday the 19th. The meet- THURSDAY FEB 12 1925 ' Some up State people who of taxable property. To pay the general division The adnsinistra- ing wiI1 tke place at the residence ' ihave never been down here in 'interest an dprovide a sinking tion of George Washington and his of Mrs- c A ciawson at 3 o'clock . winter time think that it is cold fund for the proposed bond is- death was given by Miss Anne O'- in the afternoon. All members are from Hoke and rainy here most ot the time sue will require around ten Bryan. America was sung ana we urge(j to attend. Elizabeth Rumley, President. The Beaufort Newt has now been LOTTIE SANDERS, Corresponding Secretary. ARIZONA COW BOY recovery. I Mr. Jack Weggins of New Bern The Senator rountv is said to have introduc-The truth about the matter is thousand a year. To raise this adjourned. ed a bill in the Legislature mak that it is far pleasanter here as amount probably will require ing it compulsory upon all dogs a rule in winter than it is up a tax levy of forty cents on the to take the Pasteur anti-hydro-;there. Our average winter hundred. Each citizen then 1 u i - i TV,;, ia . tamnopotiiro ?; vorv milfVi war- pan Anilv oatimnfo wVint Vila nr il l U,,. fW,a m flTon if i in tViP wpslpm lior nnrf nf tha tav will 'ia existence for thirteen years with- n. Ju 4-n r. n ;sPent Sunday nere Wltn relatives. Senator is afraid somebody will part of the State and consider- be. As far as this newspaper ut . break, its business u Piobb- played by a company 0f amateurs! r1, aoum Preac 0 bite his dog. ;able warmer than that of the is concerned we will try to dig four times as larSe now as it was from Newport took place at the Sea house bunday assistea Dy a mmmm,' r r ri r vi A roporT IS- ii r mir non enrrm iuqu rsv nrhai in its tint vaar. ; -'L tv,v" l. C 1 i L t CI I Ifl tlVlli i J. A U VWl. Mi JJ 1,1 If V. Ubiil ' ,XT , ,. 1, j sve of the Charlotte Observer It will pinch us considerably we We believe everybody ad- f h he fact that in the know but this is a time when mits there is a big deficit in the mon of January there were &n ought to be wining tQ make ouue uaiy - hvelve dear daya in that city. gome sacrifices for the common I D !LfrS0Pv.t1 nwir Here we had seventeen clear good- The school house ought wiu Morrison is a much better "af- j. lure we liau was vu unc uoj INCOME TAX NOTICE. Mr i. i. i-u u ; - n 'A, ff. iSTSPRESS GLEANINGS lotte Observer, when we would ' , , leoruaiy iun. like to know did the editors of mperature was rwen ly a -.,nana nnthri. grees. Precipitation in Cnar-, Deputy Collector", A. T. Gardner, be at the following places, to as sist taxpayers in filing Federal in come tax returns. j 2 3 3 3 S S 2 ? T! ties on high finance? lotte for the month was 6.91;' INTERESTING INDIAN PIPE. Oriental, N. C. at the Post Offic3, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hoyle, of Low-iFebruary 18th. j i, 4. ,, - en Thoro wna er orK cownsnip, were in town Mon- jan inch of snow fall in Char- Jy. ,hey brougat to the News- Tf thP Pvneriment3 in trawl A f, flaVp fpll hptv HeraId an interesting old Indian rel- - r- iuul. a v t " iivs- -.x... - - - - - Beaufort, N. C. at the Court' House February 23 and 24th. Morehead City, N. C at the Post fishing turn out satisfactorily, me day but riot enou?h to cov- which Mr. Hoyle recently unearth-0ffice Febraury 25th and 26tJ as we hope they will do, a prac- er the ground. In fact there ed whlle Plowins- is an old pipe Hours from 9 a m t0 5:30 p tically new source of wealth ha, not ben a fall of snow here Dowl- maae ouc 01 soaP scone ana will be opened to Carteret lhat amounted to any thing in laree- than two r thr3e ordinary ennntv folks. There seems to n,ir hiVViPst tem- P'Pes- We sha11 be Iad to ahow Jt "J " . ' . . . CUltll jvuioi o ' ----- be no reason wny trawi nisning shing pprture in January was 68 de-to any one who is interested in Indian SSflU- 'rees: in Charlotte it was 64 relics.-(Morganton News-Herald.) 1 1J i 1 J, . , . snouiu noi ue uune autccaaiui- grees ly in this section of the country degrees- There were 23 days as well as elsewhere. If the ner"e when the thermometer re fish are in our local waters they corfUi 50 degrees or more. Not can be caught with the sams oniy do we have warmer wea- sort ol gear tnat tney use in j.ur htfre in W inter but our New England. Ot course may not be profitable but seems to be worth trying. ff I! Ill I ! I BURNING UP MONEY. Fire destroyed the Bland Hotel at Troy the other day. A boarder got a quantity of money burned in the it oll,rr,nr rouinPrntlirP will aver- .fire- And jUst aCroSS the stl'eet fr0m t age about ten degrees cooler the hotel were two fine banks- Had than it does in the central pari, she deposited her money in one of of the State. To sum the mat- them the day before she would have t?r u n if climate is what you saved it. Take a lesson, and ue the for. If you keep it in your trunk it might get burned, or some thief may w., ic fno nnnivprsirv of 8et t- 11 s alway3 safe in the bank. umwjmiw v . i' - . , i,i.. j .., The countries on the other 'are looking for you had be:ter Ti:T , V I Z .1 .i (! i. t.;f ready cash. That s what banks are trvinir to borrow American: money. They do not as!: the ' A GREAT SOUTHERNER, r.v.v,rv,v.f fry if nrivi' lii't nr'P. seeking to sell their bonds to the birthday of one ot tiie great v- individuals. Twice in the last est men the South ha? ever pro-j few days the News has receiv- duced. Abraham Lincoln whose THE WORLD for him. . J ,. c i ; J r:.r'ii Were I to pray for a taste which d communications from a U:j ancestors came r.o.r. Vir jiui.1,1 i -banking firm wanting to sell u v. a, born in a::d was ould stand me in scead under ev some Belgian government as much of a Southerner as any ery variety of circumstances and be bonds and some French rail- otheJt'Kentuckia-. It tru- a source of hapless and cheerful road securities. The-e bonds that his people were poor and ne to me during hfe, and a sh.eld are offered at prices that seem did not belong to the slavehold- ills however things might to make them quite attractive ing class. The same was true go amiss and the world frown upon but while we appreciate the 0f most Southerners. In 1860 -e, it would be a taste for reading i: .... u'n k ,a l,r X& nnn lnvP- Give a man this taste and the means comyuiiieiit we aiitui uui uuj mete wcic i,jt ' rPv,,. iQn,r rif UnMaro in Jnrth fArnlina. Lin- gratifying it and you can hardly. North Carolina and other co!n was opposed to slavery ad of making h, i . ;PPy -bonds on the market and when and his famous emancipation less, indeed, you put into his hands we are readv to invest we will proclamation freed the slaves a mos perverse section of books, take some of those. ibut his main purpose during You place h.m m contact wuh the the war was to preserve the best society in every period of his- KEEP THE STREETS CLEAN, union. He said this himself e seKst' thte Wl"iefs,t' Beaufort has invested sever- frequently and meant it. The the tendered the bravest, and the al hundred thousand dollars in credit for saving the union is purest characters who adorn human paved streets and the appear- rightfully given more to Lin- 'tj. You must make him a denizen ance of the town has been im- coin than to any one else and, of all nations, . contemporary of all proved very greatly therebv. ;for this the South as well as ages The world has been created Lut the fact that the streets; the rest of the country owes for h.m.-S.r John Herschel. i . i. -ii u: - ,..., t A-l llfVirviirrVi 9 I : ecded. It is necessary to keep I bitter foe of secession Lincoln i them clean if they are to be or- was not an enemy ot tne boutn rrmontnl n9 wpII as useful, pm neoDle. The act ot A. T. GARDNER, Deputy Colhctor. CATARRH Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly in fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the I Uernal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System at Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. Let Us Supply Your Drugs Persvriptiims FilkdBy Registered Druggist Guthrie-Bell Druggist V Jt vll S 111 JJ V THE SENTENCE OF FORBES. I Public confidence in the courts is fhe being restored in a substantial way J LiilClllCW C3 T'Cll fc.JV. . till iVVUiv. .w .111 L Orange and banana peels, pa-imadman Booth was a dreadfully reason of recent developments per, straw, cabbage stalks and blow to the South. Had Lin-at least so far as the Federal branch trash of many kinds do not coin lived many of the horrors," concerned. The conviction of the look well on paved streets, of reconstruction would have former Director of the Veterans Bu They do not lookwell on anyen averted, As the passage ,reau struck many people wta sur anynf EfrCOfa QnH aVmiiM npv.,nf rimP continues more and I Pse possibly because his convic- er be thrown on them. Chil-!more the resentments that jtion by the Federal Court was re dren thoughtlessly scatter aigrew out of the great struggle .garded as an .mprobao eevent But good deal of trash around but! between the sections the peo-Mr. Forbes was convicted, and the a lot of folks who are not chil-lple of the South more clearly ; judge has indicated approval of the dren do it too and they ought opreciate the greatness of , verdict m the manner of his judgment to stop it. The city has provid- Lincoln. iwhlcl1 was ftne of i10;"00T d a A o JTnmhr r,f rPPAntarlpa for, sentence of two years in the Leaven- trash and now lets all use them j GIVE THE CHILDREN A , worth penitentiary. The contract- rUANfF " invoivea in tne cimrges agaiiiat and try to keep our streets so clean that the stranger within our gates will be duly impress ed and advertise us abroad. , than others no doubt but no one COURT JUSTICE; enjoys the experience. The Beaufort News admits tnat we get very little pleasure out of We doubt if there is anybody; Forbes, received similar sentence on earth that likes to pay tax es, some pay more wuuugiy FEDERAL As a general thing people wh oare tried in the Federal courts get what is coming to them. This fact is pretty well recognized and most people a notice that our taxe3 are due and must be paid. We pay a richt considerable sum too or who commit crimes would ra-at least so it seems to us, to tie ther have the State government town and county and it is al after them than the Federal! ways a great relief to have the government. The recent con-receipts tucked away in our viction of Forbes, former Direc-, files. tor of the Veterans' Bureau, il-! The prospect of an advance lustrates the fact referred to. in the tax rate, such as is indi- Forbes had been a soldier and cated by the proposed bond is- who u the author of any made a fine record in the 'sue for a new school building pt. Forbes gave valiant service to the country during the war and came home decorated with the distnguish ed Service Medal, but that circum stance, instead of appealing for mit igation, only served, in the mind of the judge, to magnify his offense, a view in which the public may feel in clined to join. It was a case of a "higher up" taking advantage of his position. (Charlotte Observer). Why Home Lovers Choose Reed Furniture BEAUTY, comfort and durability are three of the reasons why Hey wood -Wakefield Reed and Fibre Furniture is the choice of so many dis criminating home lovers. Nearly a century of painstaking experience is the background of Heywood-Wakefield Reed and Fibre Furniture generations can testify to its worth. We will gladly show you 6uites and odd pieces, suitable for nearly every room in the house!. Why not see them today? Gaskill-Mace Co, TWO STORES Hardware Furniture It is a waite of (tamp and paper to send in unaigned communication to thi newspaper. We do not want to publish your name but must know thing we "Keep fht Bah in tht Air" Hejwotd- Wakefield Baby Carriage. A wide rang of itylet and colon ii ready for jour impeclion.