PAGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 5, 192S. . it ' i t. f CNCE AGAIN WE ASK IT. "HE BEAUT ORT lEWS thriving towns than two or Published every Thursday three big cities such as Virgin- j at Beaufort, Carteret County !ja has, still a few large, metro- Repetitions are tiresome to readers' North Carolina. ipclitan places would be a great as well as to editors, but it is neces-j -'advantage to our sary that we aaraia ask our corres-i us pny its bonded indebtedness. U. E. Swam, Chairman Beaufort Grad d Schools. , mm i m m at u 11 a n ii u a i am a a a m i a a a Heavy snows have driven elk and) 9 pondents and others writing to us to 'door into the town of Banff, Alberta, , where they make the rounds of the Beaufort News Inc. Publisher 'Weal W. A. MACE President In the first place cities fur- give their names and addresses. J. F. DUNCAN' Vice-Pre3. n'a n3rket3 for farm produce. During the past few days we have :homes in search of food, which is not t r' t- c ' City and town folks buy most been forced to cast to the waste bas-'denied them. J P. BETTa Secretary .v. i e , . . , ... . i WILLIAM GILES MEBANE Editor and Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) One Year $2.00 Sis Months ...1.00 Three Months . 50 act of March 3. 13"9. THURSDAY MARCH 5, 1925 duce. If people in the b.ate no other reason than that there were were farmers they could have no names attached to them, and we a hard time selling their stuff- could not determine the authenticity 'and they would not have the of the items given, money to buikl roads and, This request is not made in any school houses every wher3 as effort to please ourselves, but to pro is being done nowadays. The tect our readers and to uphold the mar.Utactunnjr towns 01 INCrta standard ot news presented, it is Care ham fcnterea as secona-cass matter iotte are 00f markets now Thanks. (Sampson Indspendeat.) February 5, 1912 at the postofflce in for the farmer3 and as they i Beaufort. North Carolina, under the ... cmw hov w'M h. .iftHNSTON'S sr.Hnni.s still better ones. Another! . ! thing the big towns do is to j Not every county in North Carolina fcptrt some of our monev at can boast of six accredited hiz'n ! FRIEND BANK BOOK By James Edward Hungerford Old Bank Bock how oftsn you ve tlLi-onu ms; a a a olir.a, like Greensboro, Dur absolutely necessary that we know Tfoujrh "hard 1, Winston Salem and Char- the sender of every news article, j tn hard-' To look at you fills rr.e with pride: times hav2 of- pressed m You've "stuck" like a "pal" by my side! took me, j H When I was in need of a I FRIEND. 1 1 If parents can make any bet ter investment for their chil dren than providing them with one instead ci auowuig u an scnoois. uonnsion s..outu oe proua iT, . i,... ,-,. f,r,a j . . xr c 11 n 1 j . , 1 . . . lnouzn others were, aaai to go to Isorfolk, Richmond of tnese schoo a at Benson, Clayton, 11 m Let Us Supply Your Drugs Prefer iptions Filled By Registered Druggist Guthrie-Bell Druggist -I will never for- .1 T-lti.! Tl. ... 1 .J U T7 T'1 J ana Dauinioie. it vvuuiu uc a ruur vuks, iveniy, aeiraa anu omitn-ij YOU I could alwava DE' the means of eettmir an educa-i ,. v .... . . , -. .... . ...... ... , . i PtNU! .. , - . . .. . 01 na U we tutu a CUV ui huh- ior accreaicea mgn scnoois, tnereoy v ctdt tion we do not know what it is., , , hniIaan(1 -uMtt, mi,; jf i,a.-, JYour START- Sometimes people work hard;,T,,a pior,f'f ,, Ka fuQf ofa. fBf I 8 ? and deny themselves all their bi Jsome d In the mean. examinations. The list should be ad-! 1.VC9 11. UC. l tjme we wiJJ haye t() d() t() uat.j a SL.hooj h w.thin uroueriy 10 men cunuicu 31 n n m a mill u a.ujJJJ, us the best that we can. Then it happens all to fre quently that these savings of A SQUARE DEAL a life time are lost m a few FOjfXHE CO-OPS. years after those who made. them are gone. A good educa-l cooperative tobacco as. tion is a thing that will last for sociat5on h3 had a hard tight me units aim is uieieiuie a , f.,n,lj ,.,r ' reach of every hih school boy and girl in the county. (Smithfie'd Herald.) The proud day on which you were 'born! A bill I had worked HARD to get it A ten dollar bill, o!d and worn! valuable possession. Its value it startedi Warehouse- can hardly be measured in dol lars and cents men auu uu.n wuu M u i coIor but when another male of the species draws near its body suddenly FISH FIGHTS POPULAR IN SI AM. 'me3 Pssel e I gave you exiitance. One of the latest curiosities to ar-1 With oart of a very small rive at the London zoological gardens wage, is a pair of fighting fish from Siam. But backed-up by toil and PER' Normally this fish is quite dull in SISTENCE, a menace to the large pronts ... c . e which they have been making . ... ., From time to time friends of . v,.Q roj Z KlCAS v,lth tn3 it x u i i tor years past, have waged a ,;t- , the News have been p-ood .... - mir.gied witn s Dieter wareiare against me co enough to .say that they like tive It als has been the sort of newspaper that we h l M To are giving them. e appreci- . r.. r;- Vinprri rnrrnsnv nf firpat. T-irit- . expressions ; ". ;,'" m.i tory. Ihe conqueror C AAA HHU V, Al-lltVA 4VH You've proven a BOON, now, With a?e! most brilliant colors though ill-iuck has often as- gied witn scanet. parple and sailed me. gold. And earned me to nearly The two males fight desperately lose heart, until one or the other gains the vie-j You're ONE that has never yet Company are hostile to the as sociation. It seer-.s that an in vestigation is to be maia as to this phase of the mat'-e:. The United States Senate has or dered that the methods of site these kindly very thoroughly wnether we deserve them or not We ar? trying to publish a newspaper that reflects the important hap penings in Carte: et county a.-.d that will ever strive to advance the interest of our people in every proper way. We have never yet gotten out an issue 7. : V a i i Trade Coram ss on. The coop fied us but we always have in ti association ought to be mind the hope that we may do f han to see better in the future. The en- 1?" C!" then parades I failed me up and down in all his gorgeous war Have helped foe to panoply, which only gradually chang- fresh start! es back to the original drab color. jThough sickness and In Si'im the hrepdino1 of fiirMfrinc ! kma vr rtA mo fish is an important industry and And troubles have come with- j r . SOiTOW . ! 13k large bet3 are made on the results I out end, . . n i . yjL ugLio luiiuulicu uuuv;r i uica !AUr ol&l Jk mvo corny auies v-ucia stl.ingent a3 those 0f cock-fighting. against the cooperative sr.all be T. . , ., . , . . . , . , , , , . , Itis not often that a fish comes twice invesagacea oy ir.e reudim have into the arena, because even if vic torious he is usually so seriously damaged as to be unfit to fight again. (Atlantic Fisherman.) A7.n P it- Viora in as any cthe; sible of course, to have done 3& AUS WON OUT. o ve, jus: it can enterprise must do but such underhanded tactics as have been employed bv somj of the associafons " The ews resets tha r.eo-!e -m'-e3 ought not to be &UV1 reS SatSS ed. Such .thing, are against a. ...a :.,.a ai. the nubuc interest. saw in lo oie agitiiis!, u,c - r.rPrl new elertion law. The: The growtn A . . , . . .!.... - A A n Art rure oi looacco a NEW SCHOOL BUILDING ONLY FRACTICAL PLAN To The Citizens of Beaufort: At a meeting of the Board of Trus tees of Beaufort Graded Schools, held Feb. 27, a plan was adopted for the proposed new High School build ing. The plan includes thirteen stand- act was defeated by only on vote and had Carteret's repve sentative supported it the a-: ard class rooms. Sunorintendenfc's of- a.ld mailUxaC- i;hrrv anH nfcfcar small kimh. f lso an auditorium with a seatina" caa- meiv.lous industry Nor;h Car- c:ty cf aboct 800i olira. Millions oi doliara are w hil stadied savorii Pians. but might have passed. North mve.'jti;d in tobacco arms a.iu as sooa as this one was examined, it Carolina's primary and dele tion laws are antiquated and badly in need of amendment. It is said that the only states in the Union that hav'nt the 'so tone. t and in tobacco fac get their living out of tobacco anJ isj tll3 be in one way or a:io:her. North sc,nab!, cost called 'Australian" system of i.jalo iac- waj tjie unanimoU3 opinian of the Thousands CI people Booard that it meeta our reauirntftnU best we can get for a rea- Thi3 Dlan Can ba built carouna s niga ran d.i and e ,u;Pped compiete for about culture and manuiactuiias e70.000.00. The Board hs decided voting iii one form or anotner, would not De possioie w,i uu that under no circumstar.MS, must are North and South Carolina, this lowly weed. Soma manu- it cost more thaa 75,000.00. The recently proposed meas- tacturers ot tooacco ana Mr- j 3 Blair( State supervisor of Construction for North Tiiaf. u-'in l-htf Rrtrfl Af newspapers, prominent Demo- tCim?rs ;iae maae iepetd. jic tbe Board's request he made a care cratic leaders like Jjsiah 3ai- fortunes growing tobacco but ul inspection of 0Ur prs8ent school lev and Josephus Daniels and the vast majority of them have bu;iding and groUnds to determine if various other folks but Aus gotten no more than a bare av- it is possib!e to add to this building Watts was against it. ing from it. The cooperative as a matter of economy. After in association was formed pn- spectioni Mr. Blair was very p3si;jve manly to heip trie iarmer a.ia in his assertion that no mane cnn bo these years BACKED me, i Old Bank Book- and proven my Friend! Beaufort Banking & Tru3t Co. Beaufort, N. C. t SCHLOS3 BALTIMORE CLOTHES REPRESENTATIVE At this Store March 6th and 7th. Let him take your measure for a Spring and Summer Suit. W. P. SMITH i Front St. Beaufort, N. C. J m The recentlv proposed meas-lactuieis m wuu au. Mr. j. j. Bi: ure was backed by the women's of the dealers too.have made Schaol House clubs, many of the leading vast fortunes out of it A few Caroli:ia( met with him. Its CONSIDER THE PEANUT. A.or.Lr Carteret's manv ncs-'incidentally A-' fr.f frrA-.vJrr trnpVr it r.GS8 dealll'-g r.-Vms that the'peanut may be purpose therefore is good a:d entitled to consideration. The it if strange tna, any auiu.u :&c..omt ot the new State law which "iDca-ut grows best in a light condemn it e"cept tho?e who rtf(rJ.;res f,re towe.-3. After a most lc&mv soil, of which we have have some selfish interest at care.uI study o the situationt it is and where there is a staice. etui no gr'.ai i.i.v- tre unanimoU3 decision of the Board lAiuaS nave uus.- saVRd uv uAAi tn the nhi hui'.i-n and that it is impossible to add stand ard class rooms to thi3 building on pi en mild climate which we also men: was ever su.cessi.uuj ,of Trustees that it will be false econ- hi ve. Mr. W. R. White, whose summatel vi,h rn: opposition omy to try t0 mak2 any ad(iitioM or letter appears on this page, be- and this fact true in t.i:s aiterations to the present building, lieves that our truck farmers case. It is to be hoped that tie There is no adeqUate auditorium could grow peanuts profitably 'embattled farmer. wul Si.ana ia town wbere iar?e a3sembies can and although not a resident oy tneir guns io uie au -hs he:d There is a growing demand on the part of the people from the interior of the State for places on that the Dubhc at large will their support unt 1 the fare. The peanut crop of 'cooperative victory shall have ;the geasho North Carolina is a very large been won and valuable one but ia con- fined mainly to a few northeast I ern counties. There seems to be no good reason why Carter-j et county cannot grow peanuts weevil has about put cotton out ! PRESS GLEANINGS WANTS ROADS. re wnere conventions oi various kinds may be held. The au ditorium in the proposed new build ing is large enough to accomodate the average convention. This will make it possible for the town to have many of these gatherings during the summer months, thereby bringing many more people to our town. . The benefits from this source alone will North Carolina is going to get an- Of the runnnig it might be a other twenty millions to spend on good idea to give the peanut a road building within the nxt two j amply justify the cost of a new build Chance. J years. We have been wondering ing site, even if nothing is said of the how much of this amount Davie j great benefits to the school of ample BIG CITIES NEEDED IN N. C county will get. Out of the sixty j recreation grounds for school chil- North Carolina has no very; five million already spent for roads dren. large cities but at the rate of iin North Carolina our county has se- Some Of them growing she cured a little less than 14 miles of bids fair to have Some pretty ' hard-surface road while some of our sizeable ones in the next twen-; neighboring counties have three or ty years. While we think it is four times this amount. ' 'Tis a pity better for the State to have a that Davie hasn't a highway commis large number of good sized sioner. (Davie Eeccrd.) We cannot expect our town to grow unless ample school facilities are pro vided. We have spent large sums of money on oir streets. We have a beautiful town. If we will now pro vide an adequate school, people will move to our beautiful town and llidp Furniture For The THIS STORE IS BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. OUR LINE OF RUG5 EXTRA CHAIRS BEDS BED ROOM SUITS DINING ROOM SUITS DINING CHAIRS DINING TABLES LIBRARY TABLES KITCHEN CABINETS j LINOLEUM , BABY CARRIAGES HIGH CHAIRS -''T ROCKERS Hob STOVES DRESSERS MATTRESSES PILLOWS COTS STOOLS BREAKFAST SETS ETC feliiiillllll G-askiH Hardware -Mace Company TWO STORES Furniture 'AW 0 B. C .a ! n i X t t t I r 'V-

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