PAGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEW3 THURSDAY MARCH 12, 1925. Published every Thursday NOTICE. ician, was called and gave him the! Ruje q., the railroad regulation at Beaufort, Carteret County North Carolina. ly I get mora pleasure out of a trip1 To the raaders of tha Eeaufovt necessary attention. Ha will be tried prohibjt;ng the us8 0f intoxicants by I to Beaufort than any other place that News: The statement in last week's s "une term ot Superior Court 1 1 have been to." News about tha file of my kind was! ! Indications are that Baaufort 'a misunderstanding It was intend- WOMANLESS WEDDING The first car of butter was shipped Mo Vnrk in 1880 by Governor iemployes, ha3 been amplified by the! 'New York, New Hampshire and Hud-'Hoard of Winconsin, proving the val- Beauiort New W. A. MACE Inc.. Publisher will have more visitors ...President year than it has had in a this ed for $4,000.00 instead of$ 14,000. long! You;-s truly, BIG SUCCES3 son Railway to include narcotis. i of the refrigerator car to lieC.vorld J. F. DUNCAN Vice-Pre3. J. P. BETTS Secretary WILLIAM GILES MEBANE Editor Treasurer. time. At the same tnous-1 E. L. McCain. ands could be brought here in- Newport, N. C. stead of hundreds if we took ad j The Woman le3s Wedding last Thursday evening drew a crowd that packed the auditorium of the court house to the limit. Every seat was HI m m m V.V V.V m m m i a a o vantage of the) opportunities mammoth incubator for the Coastal taken and many people stood up while j ma SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months . .50 fVo ,.a ryntra nnA ivmiU la!- fi, Agiinnn inr) nip nf tVio the ceremony was m progress, lna the people all over the country best cooperators now working with makeup and costumes of the various know what attraction are the extension division. K; IJ-ows actors were very good and attorded here. White Leghorn poultry. audience a great deal of amusement. j Entered as second-class matter February 5, 1912 at the postoffice in Beaufort, North Carolina, under the act of March 3. 1879. KOVV WILL YOU VOTE NEXT TUESDAY? If it were possible to abolish at one blow all the churches j r.r.G schools in the lan i a large armunt of money could be saved j to the per. pie for other uses. Churches and schools cost a fcreat deal of none. But if such a catastrophe as that re-1 t?rred to should occur our last state would be worse than our A very substantial sum was re-i.ized 1 for the annex fund of Ann s rea church. a MARRIAGE LICENSE. Roland L. Swain and Sarah E. Par sons of Beaufort. Chancey Willis THURSDAY MARCH 12, 1925 lot be many years before we would relapse Davis and Atta buwanu ot van- demere. t. It would savagery. " Education has for its object the formation of character" The Young Turks seem to be .Herbert Spencer said and Cicero asked "What greater gift or on top and sitting pretty. ibettercan we offer to the state than if we teach and train up . Jyuth?" The maintenance of jails, penitentiaries, insane as- The Old Guard dies but nev- 'uni;3 aRa" poor houses is a tremendous tax upon the people er surrenders and sometimes! vhj hav'3 to support them. The influence of the church and ir romps to life and Duts up an l-e sehoolhcuse is directed to the task of keeping people out awful scrap. of the alms house, the jail and the electric chair, as weil as to fit them for useful service to society at large. It is better to . .educate and refine the youth of the nation than to permit it to The thing that the people ot :grcw Up jn ignorance and i iienes3 and become a menace to Beaufort must decide is whe.n-;SOciety The court records cf tociav show that most cr;ra;nai3 er or not it is worth while to in-; ,,re young) gcme not over eighteen years of age. These young vest one hundred thousand dol-;msri and women a3 a ruie either couId not or w0u!d not g0 to jars in tneir cnuaren s iuiurc. :?choo!- Thy iacked the training which the school imparts and j I being unfitted for any thing e::cept manual labor and not war.t- The establishment of a fer- ing to do that, fell into evil ways, ry line between Beaufort and j Beaufort's school facilities are not sufficient. This is ad Morehead City is one of them'tted by all, even those who object to erecting the proposed best things that has happened building. The only difference between the two sides is as to lately in these parts It will : how much money shall be invested and how. All say that link together the eastern and some money must be spent. In matters of this kind it is well western halves of the county j to consult people who know about such things. When you and promote business and so- want a pair of shoes mended you do not go to a blacksmith, cial intercourse between the Men who have had years of training in building school house3 two sections. It is to be hoped and who have no interest in the matter except to get the best that the public will be gener-' results have been here, made a careful examination and said ous in their patronage and that that the wisest thing to do is to get a good lot and put up an Messrs. G. R. and G. W. Bali entirely new building. There is no need of taking two bites I wii maive a succaso oi iui ve.i-jtu a caerry. an au.i.cion 10 cne oia aunuir.g win u'i coining ture. i but a temporary and unsatisfactory expedient. What is need- :rii is a good sized build'r.g on a lot large enough not only for We extend cur best wishes '::r?s-?nt demands but also bis enough to take care of future to editor John B. Sherill, who needs for years to come. forty years ago on the first day. Citizens, in our opinion, the future of your city is largely of March began the publication ' invastsd in this matter. It will certainly profoundly affect the of the Concord Time3. Brother future of the children now of school age and those who become Sherrill has been eminently sue of school age in the next few years- Beaufort's hope of devel cesst'ul in the newspaper field r prr.ent deoe.ids very largely upon the sort of training these and is one of the most popular young people get. Do you want them to have a fair start in members of the craft m the Ufa and equal opportunity with the children of other comma State, n'ties This i. s.:i age of enlightaent and progress. The cus- a i a ! a Let Us Supply Your Drugs Priwriptioii.s Filled Bij fiefitttered Driifgist Guthrie-Bell Druggist n a. 'A "a "a a ana m n a a a i a a m m at m m mm a n m a m aaa. .-a. I Carteret County We believe that Carteret County has a pontential , wealch that will soon be discovered and developed. This bank invites the cooperation of every man, woman and child who loves cur County. Open an ac count at this bank and you will find us eager to co operate with you in any safe development- T?n- n fviioranfooH nil wnnl fi.' wool I and silk Spring or Summer suit see me at my Barber Shop, Cor. Live Oak and Ann Sts. David Whitehurst LET US BE YOUR PARTNER AND HELPER Beaufort Banking & Trust Co, ar.d rnaanars ft f.fry years ago are out of date now. The ra'ncd m'.nds are the o-;es that will do the big things in Do you wish to give Beaufort's young people a t the future holds out to t iose who t '.' fnmripf fnt P. vrh it&C h-1Vc f1!! -examined the Beaufort graded the future. school buildine and say that it shave in the opportunities t is not practicable to build an are nrepared? If you do YOU WILL GO TO THE POLLS; addition to it that would give TUESDAY AND VOTE FOR THE BONDS. satisfaction- There is no where ' iriisruaniarusriiaiusrurij ucdj uiii ui uc umi ib LOVE S CORNER. (By Arch Ila.-'.eycut:) to build except in the rear of the house and if this 13 done the windows of several class Yooms will be darkened and be sides what little open space the school has will about all be tak- I know a little corner en Up. The play ground facili- Where the sun is always bright ties of the school as it now And the birds are always singing stands are entirely too small; In perpetual delight, t.0 enlarge the building will de- And the sky is always cherry crease the play grounds Still In it's brightest, clearest blue, further. Tne right thing to do And the roses always dripping Is t oget the fine lot on Marsh, With the sweetest honey dew. Cedar and Live Oak streets and put up a building in keeping Would you find this mag'c corner? with Beaufort's progress and Seek not in a foreign land, neids. Seek not in a regal palace Nor through plains of barren sand, ' first beean. it was most abundant on Geora;e3 Banks Later it gradually disappeared from those banks and I want farther out to sea. It is now found mostly i nthe deep gullies be tween the offshore banks and on the outer edges of those banks, in water 100 to 350 fathoms deep. A voracious eater, the halibut feeds upon the skate, cod, haddock, menhaden, mackerel, herring, lob ster cusk, etc. Crabs and mollusks are also to its liking. Instances are recorded where it has attacked cod fish and stunned them by the flip of its tail. One was so busy putting a big cod hors de combat that it allow ed a dory to steal up and capture it The Eastern Carolina Expo- Seek not where the world is faring before it had become aware of its per- sition will be held in Smithfield On ambitions conquest bent, this year. It has taken p ace It is love's un-tarnished corner once in Wilson and once in In the land of "Alcontent." T --m-v. The exposition wa3' il. Xhe female halibut becomes heavy with roe in July and August, and in stances have occurred where such a a MCCes! when held m t.iese Here the flowers never wither large quantity was taken from ona of places, according to our infor- Here our hopes know not a blight, them that a good-sized man c ;u!d . !id we doubt nob it Here our dreams come true, unfading scarcely carry it. (Atlantic Fwher will be fully as good this year As the wild bee's homeward flight, man.) if not better. Smithfield is the Rich and poor alike mf.y enter i county seat of one of the best On a fee of self consent ii;i'ieultural counties in North For the gates are always rpen ( !ina and for that matter To this land of "Alcontent." Stan! v ' believe Johnston ranks a-News-Herald.) m r,g the fifty leading agricul FLEEING ELOCKADER CETS j BULLET IN HIS LEG ! A raid of sheriff Wade and other officials last Thursday resulted in the tiuul counties in the United ! SOME FACTS ABOUT HALIBUT, capture of Ike Frazier, colored, and Stales, Agriculture is the chief The halibut is the largest fish of a big whiskey still, soir.i sugar, meal industry in eastern Carolina the flounder family and one of the Whiskey and other articles. While and it is therefore fitting that most widespread in its range. It attempting to escape Frazier was this exposition should visit claims all seas for its habitat, in re- shot in the leg between the ankle and Johnston county. , Exposition gions north of Harve, New York and knee and right seriously but not Visitors will find much to inter-! San Francisco. A strange fact con- dangerously hurt. cerning this and other cold-water spe-1 Tee raid took place in the Oyster cies is that they have eyes and color ' Creek neighborhood, near the home on the right side, while species inhab- of C. W. Fodrie. The officers in the iting warm water have eyes and col- party were sheriff Wade, chief of po or on the left side. dice W. R. Longest, Deputies Emmet The halibut usually frequents off- Chaplin and W. O. Williams. While Williams were est them when they go to Smith field in April for this big event. PUBLICITY NEEDED- One of the things that Beau fort needs and need3 badly is publicity.-; If the town could Ashore banks and exists in great nura- Messrs Wade and . Spend ten thousand dollars thi.bers in many localities but is sought searching Fodrie's bam and premises yaer for advertising we doubt i after with such eagerness that it is where they found the sugar, meal and Tict that it would be a paying gradually decreasing in numbers. It, several gallons of whiskey, the other foyestment. A letter to the , grows to a large size and fish weigh- officers went) into the woods. There News from ,a Salisbury gentle-iing 200 or 300 pounds are often tak- they soon ran np on the still and man who comes ; here !; every , en, A record weight was establish-found two men at work. When the year contains an expression ed when in June, 1917, the Eva Avina officers were in a short distance the that would be worth printing ( fishing fifty miles off Thatcher Island, ;men heard them and took to the . in every newspaper in ' NOrthl Massachusetts, caught a halibut niaa woods. Several shots were fired for Carolina. M Ye quote, from the, feet, two inches long and four feet, the purpose of stopping the men and lettej.!' v .j i ? i? finches ,t broad, weighing 625 'one ball caught Frazier in the leg. "I am-looking' forward with much pounds dressed. - He immediately stopped and aurren- pleasure to another fishing trip to j The seaward movemant of the hal- dered. The other man escaped Fra- Eeaufort. I have fished all over the ibut has been noted by American fish- zier was brought to town and put in eastern states from Florida to the ermen. When the taking of halibut jail. Dr. Whitehurst, county physi- . , .... Furniture For The THIS STORE IS BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. OUR LINE OF RUGS f EXTRA CHAIRS BEDS f BED ROOM SUITS DINING ROOM SUITS DINING CHAIRS DINING TABLES LIBRARY TABLES KITCHEN CASINETS LINOLEUM BABY CARRIAGES HIGH CHAIRS ROCKERS STOVES DRESSERS MATTRESSES T PILLOWS T COTS y STOOLS I BREAKFAST SETS ETC. -V I Home I S ii G-askill-Mace Company Hardware TWO STORES Furniture