THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 12, 192S. PERSONAL NOTES I Mr. D. W. Morton returned Tues day from a business trip to Raleigh. Dr. C. N. .Mason of North Harlowe was a visitor to town Monday. t Mrs. Graydon Paul and two child ren left yesterday for Louisville, Ky., where she was called on account of the illness of Mrs. Harry Day who has pneumonia. Miss Nancy Lay who has been liv ing in New York city for some months is here on a visit to her par ents Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Lay. . Honorabe C. L. Abernethy and Mrs Abernethy of New Bern are here on a visit to Air. and Mrs. W. K. Hin nant. Mr. W. P. Smith returned from Baltimore today where he has been on a business trip. Judge D. L. Ward of New Bern was in town Tuesday. Mr. C. G. Somers of Burlington was a business visitor here yester day. Honorable C. L. Abernethy and Mrs tuml Department arrived yesterday in connection with the tick eradica tion campaign. Mr. A. D. Ward of New Bern was here Monday attending court. Attorneys Luther Hamilton and Baker Morris of Morehead City were here Monday attending court. Attorney R. E. Whitehurst of New Bern was in town Monday stopping at the Inlet Inn. Mr. Sam H. Newberry of Morehead City was a visitor here Monday. Messrs C. L. Hollister Jr., and A. S. Lee were registered at the Inlet Inn yesterday. Mr. T. M. Thomas Jr., and Miss Nancy Lamphere went to Wilminton Sunday on account of the illness of little Sue Murray Thomas who recent ly underwent an operation for mas toiditis. Mr. Roland Davis left for Balti more Sunday to buy goods for Davis Brothers. Mrs. D. V. Wade of Smyrna spnet Monday in town shoping. Mrs. Blanche Willis of Smyrna was a visitor in town last Tuesday. Mrs. Jim Davis of Marshallbelrg spent last Tuesday in Beauofrt. Miss Marie Clawson is attend ing School at St. Mary's in spending a short vacation with her parents on Ann street. Mr. Charles Hooten who left on the Pilgrim for Florida has returned home. Miss ? Pond of the High School faculty spent last Saturday in New Bern. Mrs. Zadie Martin of New Bern spent last Monday in Beaufort. Mrs. C. E. Hancock and two chil dren of New Bern spent last Sunday with Mrs. C. D. Jones. SERVICES AT ANN STREET CHURCH SUNDAY. I The pastor, Rev. E. Frank Lee, will j have for his subject Sunday morning j at the Ann St. Methodist church atj 11 o'clock "The Whole Armor." At! 7:30 P. M. his subject will be "Trying j To Escape." j The public is cordially invited to i all services. Adv. " Miss Elizabeth Lewis left last week for Wallace, N. C, where she will spend a few weeks visiting Mrs. P..C Blount. ALL OVER NOW. "Consider the peanut," adjures The Beaufort Nejvs, and we rise to inquire what eh4, with the general assembly still in session, can be con sidered? Greensboro-News., Could Fiction Writer Find Anything Funnier? The story of the British civil serv ant who, after ten years' absence from his office, returned to It to find that he had risen la salary and senior ity while away, and was now a prin cipal clerk, has its parallel In real life. A certain young man became a mem ber of the French civil service In 1922, and from that time a hat, a coat, and a pair of gloves at his desk bore mute testimony to his existence. This evi dence was confirmed by his regularity In collecting his salary. But, other wise, he was never seen or heard of at his office. He was transferred to another of fice, and his hat, coat and gloves changed their quarters. But other wise there was no change. Eventually It was discovered that he was a pro fessional danrer, and was too busy to attend the office. The authorities were shocked, nod resolved that the young man must be punished. But the only two possible punishments were dismissal and re duction in grade. The first seemed too severe; as for the second, the young man was already In the lowest grade. Finally, the Gordlan knot was cut the young man was promoted, and then Immediately reduced to his for mer status. Famous Roman Baths Have Been Overrated We go to the movies and see scenes arranged to Impress us with the luxury of the old Roman baths in use 2,000 years ago; and very few of ua realize how superior the up-to-date bathroom Is to those costly ancient edifices. So says a well-known maker of up-to-date bathrooms. The Roman baths, he continues, were built, as a rule, by the emperors, their cost being too great for a private Individual. Crude and clumsy was the method by which the water was heat ed and carried from one pool to an other. Although It was changed con tinually, every one bathed in the same water, and soap was unknown. The baths were open .only at certain hours of the day, an admission price was charged and their use was limited to nobles and freemen of the city. In Greece marble slabs were hol lowed out and filled with water, which was splashed or poured from urns over the head or body of the bather. Down through the Middle ages plumbing fix tures, as we understand the term, were unknown. Live in Fear of "Devila" In practically all parts of New Guinea the natives believe that the "tamarangs" or evil spirits come out as soon as It Is dark and are constant ly on the watch for stray negroes, says the Detroit News. Fortunately, however, the devils are quite unable to pass fire at night, so a village Is protected by a ring of small fires about It Sometimes the fires are placed In a circle around the settlement and sometimes just four are made, one at each corner of the place. Inside this protective belt the negro has no fear whatever of the "tamarangs," but In the case of the bueh natives especially all the tinned meat and Jew's-harps In New Guinea would not tempt him out side It before dawn in districts known to be afflicted with devils. Hit Exeute Mother's face wore an exasperated look as she rapped her little soa smartly on the knuckles. Johnny would persist In putting the food into his mouth with his knife In stead of his fork, and tLne and again mother bad told him about It. "Sonny," she said angrily, "how many times have I told yon that you must net eat with your knife. Use your fork." "Yes; but mamma," objected the little boy, "I must use my knife, 'cos my fork leaks." Left-Handed Compliment Stories about clowns are In vogue. One concerning Bill Buck a famous clown of half a lifetime ago, would have delighted that artist of the flour paste countenance. Two old ladles, standing In a queue for the pit of a theater, fell to dis cussing the merits of the various clowns they had seen. Said one, summing up her Impres sions : "But I think I like Mr. Buck best of them all such a nice clown I There's nothing vulgar about him he never makes you laugh." "Sillier" FoxeB The name sliver fox, as commonly used by furriers. Includes the dark phases of the ordinary red fox, various i. .oiiort iwer eroV. silver black, or black. The cotor of the red fox of the Northeastern states ana oi us awe the colder part of North America varies from red to black, and these ex tremes with the gradations between them form four more or less distinct phases, Imowa respectively as red, cross or patch, silver and black. ADIGRAPHS Items Picked Up Here And There. Some Seen, Some Heard, Some Neither (By Adman) Spring has came Own an UNDERWOOD (Shipman Ward) $3.00 down. In about 60 days we will be taking a dive off the old Inn dock, Hot dog! Have you got your dish pan? bet ter hurry, they're going like hot cakeg l An advestisement from the Beau fort Realty Corporation this week, its interesting, read it. I Will have to say it, one or two of 'the Womanless bride's maids looked right flapperish. The moving of buildings on Front street will no doubt change the com plexion of the street considerably. I Jretty hard fcr a guy to perform when the paraphernalia consists of a pairof womens shoes size 4 to match up with a number 6 foot eh? Don't overlook the last adigraph, it shows exactly what the Merchants Association of Greensboro think of j advertising other than in local publi cations. I note around the different stores that new spring goods are beginning ;to arrive, and from the looks of some that I've seen, its all mighty springy looking. While its a little in between sea sons, it would be a good idea for ev ery merchant in town to get tagteher and pull offa Dollar Day to boost up trade. By clubbing in, the cost of advertising and circularizing would be so distributed that it would be 'down to a low figure. j HERE'S A GOOD ONE "The cod fi3h lays a million eggs, , While the helping hen lays one, But the cod fish doe3 not cackls To tell what she ha3 done. 'And so we scorn the codfish coy, But the helping hen we prize Which indicates to thoughtful minds IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE The Eank of Beaufort has an an niversary ad this week. The Beau- jfort Shce Shop has an ad with a few 'word:-!. Carteret Broadcast Service Co., has a space about radio. The Koi'.ufort Banking and Trust Co., has a change of copy and space this week, and also an ad from the Fowler Automobile Co., of New L'ern. Look 'em up and read 'em them are interesting too. HITS AT "ADVER TISING SCHEMES." Greensboro, March 2 Advertising other than in newspapers, monthly magazines college and school publi cations within the trade rea of the city is frowned upon by members of V.iV-""VJ A&uuw-w.wv.u-., vote being now in progress by post card, with members of the organiza tion balloting. Advertising managers iof 75 per cent of the concerns in the Icity had previously endorsed the prop josition. It is directed at advertis ing "shemes" and according to the : proposed bylaws of the association kion a member violating would have ito pay a fine for the first offense iof $15, for the second of $25 and for the third offense forfeit his member ship in the association, i The proposed amendment reads: "Advertising: No member of this 'association shall be allowed to adver tise in anything but a regular daily, weekly, or monthly publiction and in the annuals of the colleges of the city except through personal advertising jand it shall be a violation of the by Slaws of this association for any mem ber to subscribe to any special ad vertising scheme which has not first been aproved by the advertising com Imittee; such offenses to be punish. able, first offense $15; second offense $25 fine; third offense forfeiture of membership." Meant All She Said They were evidently married and must have disagreed before they came to the lecture the other evening. For every once in a while she would detiver some cutting remark to him. But the best came when he shifted his chair so that It was directly In front of her. But he still tried to be polite. "Is it hard for you to look over my shoulder In public?" he askvl. "No," was the cnttlng answer, "net a bit harder than it Is overlooking your faults lq Jprj.yater-Indlanapolto LIFE'S LITTLE JESTS POOR FIDO! "Madam," said the dignified gentle man, "your dog hit me on the ankle." "He did?" qrled the lady. "Oh, I must sand for a doctor I" "Oh, I assure you It Isn't as bad as" "You're the third person he's bit ten today," broke In the lady, "I Just know he Isn't feeling well." Bursts and Duds. Helpful Suggettions "What are you?" "A college graduate looking for a Job." "What's the trouble?" "I can't find any place where they can use metaphysics, Greek or as tronomy." "You studied philosophy, dldnt you?" "Yes." "Well, apply that EXPENSIVE PRESERVES Mrs. Nuvorich And all that money goes for Just current expenses, Mrs. Kratt? Mrs. Aristah Kratt Why, yes It's not excessive. Mrs. Nuvorich Seeing to be a large sum for Just that ono kind of pre serves. Beit Seller The author acquires some glory And gathers In some pence By telling the old, old story For a dollar and flfty cents. Snappy Work "Who are those men hanging around the harems?" inquired the sultun. "I understand that one Is a former beau of your latest favorite, and the other seems to be playing second fiddle to him," replied the chief eunuch. "Hum I" mused his majesty ; "well, just see the captain of the guard and tell him to hnng up the fiddle and the beau." London Opinion. Handicapped Minister Why do you not get a wife, Donald? Donuld I might get a bad one. Minister Trust to providence, and you'll be all right. Donald I'm no' so sure, minister, for ye ken providence has to dispose of the hnd as well as the guld. Lon don Humorist. Extreme Afeef "Isn't a lawsuit involving a patent right about the dullest thing Imagin able?" asked one court fan of another. "Not always," was the reply. "I at tended a case not long ago that was really funny. A tall lawyer named Short was reading a 6,000-word docu ment he called a brief." Why Refuted Roommate So your father refused to send you money? I suppose he's forgotten that he spent money when he went to college? Blinks, Jr. Not a bit of It. And he hasn't forgotten what he spent It for, either. American Legion Weekly. TO KEEP LOVE ALIVE i "And, my dear, he even puts loT ! Deiore roou i "Still, If you marry him, take my advice and put food before love." DiecloBure Now pleasant to the sight men find An ankle and a stocking. But he who bares an ugly mind Unto the world la shocking. Looking Far Ahead "I wish I knew how to move my Mg stock of axes," lamented the hardware merchant. "Why don't yon start a tree-planting campaign," suggested his wife. Jood Hardware. Both Lucky Mrs. Kawler s Miss Gabbtas at home? Maid No, ma'am; she went act to call on you. Mrs. Kawler How very fortunate (or us both. 1 (K Arti f fl s233a" BIRTH OF SON. On Tuesday a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hamilton. The hild has been named Julian Hamilton Jr. CATCHING MENHADEN AGAIN. Most of the fish scrap and oil fac tories have closed down until next jFall but some fishing is going on nevertheless. On Monday Captain Bonner Willis of the Chas. S. Wallace and Captain Will Willis of the W. M. iWebb decided to try their luck and (they had very good success. The (Wallace came in with 304,000 in her hold and the Webb brought in 195, 000 fish. The fish were of a very good size, some roes, but as usual at this time of the year did not pro 'duce much oil. Fish are reported to be rather plentiful off shore but .weather conditions have not been .very favorable as most of the time it has either been foggy or too windy. (Continued from page one) ECONOMY IS SLOGAN OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY Without doubt, hardly, George Ross Pou will be recommended to ithis board for reappointment as su perintendent of the prison. Mr. Pou has so far withstood all assaults on the prison without serious hurt and jit is understood that the governor in I no wise blames him for the prison deficit, which the legislature absorb ed when it ordered the institution on an appropriation basis, the same as other institutions. May Coma Back Although an economical start such as the legislature has made would in dicate strong objections to the expen se of a special session, it appeared to departing members this week that there may be a call for an extra or dinary meeting before the spring of i 192G. Some of the members are confident they will be back for an ex tra session; Governor McLean says that he can see no reason for another Session until 1927. t Much depends on how the revenue bill pans out. If it raises the twelve 'millions its framers think it will, an lextra session may beavoided. If it does not, in order to keep things lalanced, Governor McLean may sum won it back to levy additional taxes. ' e j NORFOLK SOUTHERN R R will operate its first 1925 Personally Escorted Educational Tour to Nor folk, Va. and Washington, D. C. and Mount Vernon, Va. ! Monday March 30, 1925 Total Expense, Fare, Hotels, Tour Features, etc. From Raleigh, N. C. Wilson, N. C. ) Greenville, N. C. ) Washington, N. C. ) Fare $37.85 30.35 38.25 40.45 40.25 32.25 30.65 New Bern Kinston Goldsboro Beaufort Morehead City Edenton Elizabeth City ) ) Fares quoted from other points on request. J. F. D ALTON, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. The Rexall Drug Store - DRUG WANTS AND SERVICE Daytime No. 29 Joseph House Your Patronage Appreciated4 The copper-toed shoes of sixty years ago were invented by a Maine farmer who found they lasted longer than three ordinary pairs. SUBJECT FOR SERMON. The subject of the address at St. Paul's church 7:30 P. M., Friday, March 13th will be "Why pray out of a book?" COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING The monthly Business Meeting of the Club was held Thursday after jnoon March 5th. After the minutes jof the last meeting were read and approved, the Treasurer's report was 'given. Mrs. G. W. Lay, chairman of the recently organized Garden Club Jspooke of the progress of the Club and extended an invitation to all mem bers to join this Club. Mrs. Will Potter, chairman of the Public Wel jfare Com. gave a splendid report of jthe work done for the poor during jlast month. The Treasurer was in structed to send $10.00 to the Sallie Southall Cotton Loan Fund. This is a fund used in'aiding needy girls in obtaining an education. I Mrs. Will Potter, made the follow ing report for the Nominating Com. Pres. Mrs. M. L. Davis 1st. V. Pres. Mrs. W. A. Mace 2nd. V. Pres. Mrs. J. H. Stubbs Corresponding Secty. Recording Secty. Mrs. E. Higgina Treasurer Mrs. T. W. Brinson Chairman of Civics Dept. Mrs. G. W. Lay. Chairman of Health Dept. G. W. Duncan. Chairman of Music Dept. Mrs. Mrs. Winfield Daniels. Mr. Pittman, Supt. of Public Schools came before the Club and j presented in a clear, convincing man jner the facts as to why the children of Beaufort need a High School Building. His talk was greatly en joyed by the members present. After the business, a pleasant so cial half hour was spent. Ice cream and cake were served by members of the Entertainment Com. No. 143 A new way to use panels Drew F1710 45 cenU rrlntedlnrj.8. A. FOR SALE BY R. FELTON & SON A quid made from tobacco, leaves of cocoa plant, and wood ash paste, forms a bulge in one cheek of almost every Indian one sees in Bolivia. The earliest kind of soap known Was made of goat's tallow and beech ash. FOR 'printed patterns J Jl I They i not oriy I i 1 A ftlKTED fc PHtTOBAUD H J cur our mm roiua U Phone Night Service No. 81-j

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