PAGE EIGHT THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 2 1925 MUCH INTEREST SHOWN to go to the county commencement1 IN SMYRNA COMMENCEMENT Friday. The last oT a series ot group center Mrs. W. G. Pudlaji entertained IMrs. Sabiston's S. S. Class Sundry.- Their next meeting will be at Mrs.' M. M. Eubank'. 1 commencements was held at Smvrna ' Friday, March 31st. Altho the con test had to be held in the onen. the ,' exercises were so well rendered that ' -Vr- ami Mrs- E!mo TaJ',or and two the crowd remained to listen through- ;school teachers of Bachelor were vis-: out the day. This was the most in- itors in our neighborhood Sunday, teresting of the group commence-! Mrs. Pavid Merrill and Mrs. M. T. nients because there was keener com Merrill went to Beauofrt Monday vis petition, iting Mrs. D. V. Xelson. ; The following schools contested:; Miss Dollie Morton left Thursday' Williston, Otway, Bettie, Straits for Kinston and Raleigh where she Marshallberg and Smyrna. The sue- will visit a while. i cessful contestants in the various i Our school which has been taught events were: 'very successfully by Miss Hazel Story Telling Tie Smyrna, Marsh- Whitley will finish Thursday. AAKY" GRAHAM -BONNER. THE KIWI Bllberg, Dramatization Marshallberg. Spelling Otway. Physical Exercise Bettie. Chorus Smyrna. Frimary Singing Game Smyrna Primary Song Marshallberg. Arithmetic Smyrna. Games with Music Smyrna. Miss Eva Belle Eubanks who is at tending school in Craven county was to see her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eubanks Sunday. j Take good care of the young pigs i this year, they will likely bo worth, real money next spring. Records Story Reproduction-Marshallbergli:howjth1at aubut ha'f.of the ,ar 100 Yard Dash Marshallberg. High Jump Tie, Marshallberg and Smyrna. Broad Jump Marshallberg. Balancing Smyrna. rowed die before being weaned, say swine specialists of State College. Have you a copy of the North Carolina Boll Weevil Program for Special mention was made of the 1925? If not drop a line to the fact that altho Williston was a one teacher school, they entered whole heartedly in every contest. WIRE GRASS ITEMS. Rev. Mr. Carter preached at Tut tle's Grove Sunday. Many of our folks are preparing Agricultural Editor, Agricultural Ex tension Service, Raleigh, N. C. The Island of Java, is the most densely populated country in the world, 35,000,000 persons living on : an area smaller than the State of j Iowa. 1 f . I West Beaufort The town with a future. Ideally located, Beautiful view, pleasant climate Winter and Summer. Desirable sites for Residences and Business Houses. . Now is the time to buy lots for investment, They have already advanced some and in a year or so will probably double in value. The coming of good roads is bring ing Coastal Carolina to the front. Up State people and other states are getting interested in this country as never before. Many have already bought lots in West Beaufort and many more will do so before the year is out. Thousands of dollars have already been spent at West Beaufort and the Work is going right ahead. A causeway and bridge have been built, miles of Beautiful, broad streets have been laid out, much dredging has been done and more will be . done. Other improvements are going on. . . We want people to see what we are doing and invite any and all Jo come and look this big subdivision over. Free transportation from Beaufort. GET IN THE GAME. BE A BOOSTER Beaufort Realty Corp. B. E. Moore, Local Representative W. B. Blades, Pres. J. S. Miller, Vice-Pres- O. W. Lane, Secty-Treas. Grocery Store Moved I have moved my store to the building formerly occupied by C. V. Smith. I Will Appreciate Your Trade D.V.NELSON Groceries Billie Brownie was much excited. He was going to call upon a bird creature he had never seen before. Of course he always enjoyed calling on his old friends. He liked to hear more of their news. Sometimes he liked to have them fell him the same things about thfrn elves for then he could tell others who hadn't lieurd all the news, and he could freshen up his own memory bout their ways. But It was an event to call on a new creature he had never seen at all. He put on his best brown suit and his best brown slocking cap with the brown tassel at the end. and started on his journey. The new creature upon whom he was to call was the Kiwi. He didn't quite know how to pro nounce the creature's name but he did kit best, In his own guesswork fash Ion and knew that would do. "One comfort always Is," Billie Brownie said to himself, "that ani mals won't glare at you If you don't pronounce their family names cor rectly." He followed the directions Mother Nature had given him. And then he came before the Kiwi. "I'm BUUe Brownie," he said. In troducing himself. "Mother Nature has given me the power to under stand her children and the way they speak. "You will find, too, that you can un derstand me. Mother Nature attended to that, for, as she said, a one-sided conversation wouldn't be of much use." "I do understand ymi," said tho Kiwi. "Ifs a fine day," said BHUe Brow nie, for the Kiwi didn't seem to be do ing any talking, though he looked friendly enough. He didn't look par- "Is ltr said the Kiwi, "I hadn't noticed." "Yes," said Billie Brownie, "or at least I think It is. Some might say it BAY VIEW ITEMS. 1 It seems like winter now dosn't it? j Mr. Ktid Mrs. Tihlon Fotl! ie and daughter Ruby and Mr. Riley Noinian and mother of Russell's Creek were visitors in our neighborhood Sunday. I Miss Ethel Lewis of Gales Creek spent the week end with Miss Marie Graham. ! Mr. Ira Fodrie had the misfor tune (o lose his mule. It was taken tbout noon and died b ysun set. Mr. V. H. Dowdy and daughter Maymie went to Beaufort Saturday shopping. ! Mrs. Eennie Bell and Miss Beatrice Belcher had a twin birthday party Saturday nirht. There was a large number of young people present. There was a number of games play ed and at 10 o'clock the supper was served and after supper all left for home declaring they had a fine time, i Miss Lillian Gainer of Cartel .t Lodge s i-nt the week end with Miss Julia Graham. j Mr. Floyd Winherry who has been employed in the Coast Guard Service in New York returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Skinner of Rus sell's Creek spent Saturday with Miss Skinner's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham. ! Quite a number of people from this neighborhood went to the group commencement at Newport Tuesday, i Messrs Bridges and Wilbur Sabis ton and Marcus Dickinson of Core Creek were visitors in our neighbor hood Sunday and were the guests of Miss Lililan Garner, Julia and Maiie Graham. i Mr. V.. II. Dowdy and Lttle in valid son Ira spent a while at Har Iowe Sunday. Faultless Tailoring in Two-Pit'Co Suit j Crepes Maintain Lead in Springs Negligees All the soft, light crepe weaves are well suited to this pretty and prac tical negligee, whether they are of silk, cotton, or the two combined, and nearly all of thorn are washable. When crepe de chine Is used the plait ing Is of self-material, but on cotton negligees it is usual to inuke the plait ed frill of silk. tmm ii .; . Fr m in p. When stylists call the new two-piece tults "mannish" they refer to their simplicity nnd Irreproachable tailor ing, for colors nnd materials are defi nitely not mannish. A delightful ipring model Is pictured In a tan and Drown cross-bar material with the fewest number of hone buttons possi ble to use for finishing. It Is a fault less suit with skirt ten Inches from the floor. To have a paying corn crop, plant good sound seed. "I'm Billie Brownie," He Said. was a bit too windy, or others might say it was a bit too sharp, but to my way of thinking It Is very pleasant." "What is your way of thinking?" asked the Kiwi, suddenly. "Well, well," said Billie Brownie, "It's just a Brownie's way. of think ing." "Oh," said the. Kiwi, "then it doesn't mean that only along one certain road or way you can think? You are able to think anywhere?" "Pear "iiie, yes, ' I should hope so," said Billie Brownie. "I wonder," he went en after an other pause, "if you wouldn't tell me something about' yourself?" "I don't mind doing that," said the Kiwi. "You can see what Mook like with your own eyes for I notice you have your own or at least I suppose they are your own. You didn't borrow them, did you?" "Gracious no," said Billie Brownie. "Then," said the Kiwi, "you can no tice with your own eyes that I look something like a small ostrich and something like white leghorn hen. "In fact, I'm somewhere between the two In the animal world. I'm from Australia a country In which many curious and Interesting animals live and I'm like a mixture of a small Aus tralian ostrich and a white leghorn hen as I said, and as you can see. "I have down instead of feathers. The eggs I lay are not so large as those of a hen. "I can't fly at all worth mentioning. In fact I'm Just an odd creature. "But I'm odd enough not to mind being odd. That's the only way to be If you are odd. "If you are odd and are sorry yon are odd, It is a great pity and is at to cause you unhappiness. "But If you're odd and don't mind, then no harm is done, and every one is more or less satisfied. "You came to see me because I was odd, possibly?" "Possibly," said Billie Brownie, "as long as you don't mind the use of that word. "But truly I came to see yon more because you were a new creature I'd never seen before, and I wanted to tell my friends about you." "Ah," said the Kiwi, "so the friends of Billie Brownie will know about me ! That's not so bad, not so bad," the Kiwi ended, looking at Billie Brownie in rather a foolish way. APRIL 16th AND !7th. B. H. S. AUDITORIUM Don't fail to see Beaufort's Prettiest and Peppiest girls in PINAFORE A COMIC OPERA BY GILBERT & SULLIVAN Cast includes Miss Nancy Lay, Mr. Elmer Higgins. Dr. Riley, Mr. Charles Skarren, Miss Ellen Lay, Mr. Gray don Paul and Mrs. Bayard Taylor. A CireU? Heater Can say toy tell m wHat cftete Is? frrsddls A circle Is a line mt mm l i i ivspea reaming roans. sot lererer. YOU ARE BEHIND THE TIMES WITHOUT 4-WHEEL BRAKES ; One of America's Most Eagerly Sought Cars B-E-A-U-T-Y! Long of line and smartly low to the road, this 4-Door Coupe is richly attractive. P-E-R-F-O-R-M-A-N-C-E! You 11 revel in the fluid power and flexibility of this big Advanced Six motor. R-E-F-I-N-E-M-E-N 77 All fittings are of select quality, among them a silver-finished smoking set and a vanity case of Old Empire design. $2-1-9-01 r. o. b. factory includes a big built-in steel trunk, full balloon tires, Nash-design 4-wheel brakes and 5 disc wheels. SPECIAL SIX SERIES -ADVANCED SIX SERIES Models range from $1095 to $2290, f. o. b. factory W. L. Faul and Sons 0 O