1 If TRADE BUILDERS Monuments & TOMB STONES 11 Um eil Known I am agent for a w Manufacturer and can SUDdIy manufacturer ana can uppy your needs at reasonable prices Write or see B. B. Arrington, Drices Beaufort N. C t m PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY FOR Fireand Wi storm SEE Miss Ella D. Davis m EXPERT " WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING WM. H. BAILEY WITH B. A. BELL A COMPLETE STOCK Of Victor Victrolas and Victor Records MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED WILLIAM T. HILL 61 Pollock St. A wooden frame airplane will soak tip more than 100 pounds of water n a damp dav. PROF. CARDS DR. C. S. MAXWELL GENERAL PRACT1 E Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and b appointment. DR. H. M. HENDRK DENTIST Office Hoursr 9 to 12 A. M., and 1:30 to 5 ?. M. Office over W. P. Sro'th's store E. B. Whitehurst, M. D. GENERAL PRACTICE rL. .-.:.. Special Attention to Cases Dr. J O. Baxter Specialist THE EYE ONLY NEWBERN, NC. Dr. E. F. Menius . Eyesight Specialist With Sam K Eaton Co. New Bern. N- C 1 D.W.MORTON Notary PublicInsurance "Ramsey Bldg." BEAUFORT, N. C dTrTl DANIELS SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office in Elks Temple Rooms 401 to 405 Tel. No. 170 Office Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3 to 4 p. m. NEW BERN. N. C. NOTICE MASTER MASONS! We have been extended an invita - tion by the local Chapter of The Or - der of the Eastern Star to attend a Lecture by Brother W. C. Wicker, Grand Patron of the Eastern Star and Educational Field Secretary A. F. & A. M. of North Carolina on Tuesday evening kpril 7th at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic Hall. Please come and bring a visiting brother with you. J. C. RICE, W. M. Franklin Lodge No. 109 WILLISTON NEWS. We had quite a change in the weather Saturday and Sunday and it surely feels like winter again. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Merrill and family of Wire Grass spent Saturday and Sunday with parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loveick.- Quite a crowd cf our people were i. ..u.-jfr. j fttoriVia--y -Imusi l-li'-t: i iUn,"i jfc iL At, it nd D kAWV Want Ads imp SAir a i rT rtr wniiSF hold and Kitchen furniture, consist-! ing of bedsteads, mattresses, bureaus washstands, stoves, and various mis- cellaneous articles. Apply to J. R. . -mneiT" executor, turner street oeaulort fc A, PLENTY OF WARRANTY DEEDS, Mortgage Deeds and Chattels at the News office. .WANTED ALL TO KNOW THAT KOLADINE will rleieve headache: in five minutes, just as safe as it is sure: I. ... . . hundreds have found relief; six doses in a bottle for 30 eta. i SOLD AT ALL STORES i FOR SALE-ONE MEDIUM SIZE Mule weLt aboUr 800 pounds i iviuie, weignt aDOUt JSUU pounas works o. k. anv where. One farm ! Cart. Price reasonable, terms. W. P. Smith, Beaufort, N. C. WANTED A CASE OR RHEUMA. tism, stitch-in-the-back, i-.u-i,,c-ua, ...uu.ai soreness, backache, or the flu or grip present time. A few will probably that they were going to get clear of itown of Beaufort, N. C, on the 27th or the resulting cough and chest sore- be played later. !rum but have they done it? That is .day of April 1925 and answer or de ness from flue or bad colds thati The line un for nrarticallv the'-u 4.:i, i: c a:' -I t imur to the complaint filed by the Pine Ivy may cure it we guarantee it ana have hundreds ot testimonials ( from those cured. SOLD AT ALL STORES : FOR SALE THREE 8 FT. DIS I play cases. Good condition and j prices reasonable. Joseph House, I Beaufort, N. C. FOR SALE IN HEART OF CITY House of 7 rooms, bath and lights, Good condition, lot 45 by 198. Write c w. iNorcom, duo w. Washington street, Greensboro, N. C. or see M. Iscore of our games of 200 against P. Snowden, Beaufort, N. C. 6 1 1 105 points for our opponents. Of these Hills cored 115 points and WANTED A MODERN BRICK Jones 73. Two sustitutes who have Store on Front or Turner streets! made a good showing are Lillian Will pay good rental. Address Drawer E, Beaufort, N. C. WANTED-NAME OF EVERYBODY with a cough, or baby who has croup j if AN WAYS fails to relieve croup! in a minute, the price will be refund ed. Just as good for coughs. Sold thirty years. 35 cts. SOLD AT ALL STORES HAVE FEW COTTON SEED FOR SALE Selected from best cotton ginned by me last season, price $1.50 per bushel until sold. Newport, N. C. Wm. H. Bell, 2 t. WANTED MAN YOU SAN MAKE $40 to $70 weekly in Carteret Coun- ty selling Whitmer's complete line guaranteed Home Remedies, Extracts Toilet Articles, etc. Bowles of Ab- bama made $50 in 5 days the sixth week. You need team or car. Goods sold credit or cash. Real opportunity for worker. Write today for full information. THE H. C. WHITMER COMPANY, Dept A., Columbus, diana. 3 t WANTED MIDDLE AGED, SIN- gle white man as companion and nurse for an invalid boy. Exper ience unnecessary. Work pleasant. Prefer a man who can do some out side work and also drive automobile. 'References necessary. Address Box 135, Ayden, N. C. WANTED WHITE WOMAN TO keep house and be company for sick lady. No children. Work easy, good pay. Apply to News Office. t f LOST SMALL SKIFF "DINTY" on the bow in red letters. Please notify Rev. G. W. Ly. FOR SALE ONE FORD SEDAN in number one condition, extra tire and tube, A bargain. Cash or terms. Jno. M. Dickinson, Beaufort, N. C. 5 FOR SALE ONE 5 H. P. LATH- rop motor, jump spark $75.00; one 2 cycle Knox motor Bosch magneto $75.00. BARBOUR BROS. jat the Smyrna High School Com- imencement Tuesday. Mr. Henry and Hugh Piner left Monday for Grand River, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulcher of Da vis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor. Mrs. Lawrence Piner returned from New Bern Tuesday where she has been visiting her son B. C. Piner. Mr. Ob. Chadwick of Gloucester was a business visitor here Tuesday night. Mr. John D. Willis returned home last week from Richmond, Va., where he has been for medical treatment for pellagra. Mrs. Jessie Piner and little son left Wednesday for a short visit to Morehead City. , Miss Lessie Piner who has been teaching . at.iYaRcebero has finished her school and returned home. ' THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSD AY, APRIL 2 1925 BEAUFORT SCHOOL NEWS. Editor in-chief Literary Editors- Margaret Ramsey -Glennie Paul, lAibert Uaskill. Albert Ga.kill. sPor Editors Lydia Parkin, Dorsey Mrt,n j The P'av "A Hoodooed Coon" wnicn was sucn a great success was falfon tn MnroU,J Piftr loCf Tliiir.. -j , rvePS nno ob,,,,,! t nv t- J ' ' ...u an t,ueu weu payea tor u.e.r troubles. It had been previously J 11 J II 1 iL.I.. planned to repeat it here on Friday mgm. circumstances and weatner, however, seemed against us. Trouble with the lights delayed preparations and the storm which took place lat- broke up the play entirely. We l it-i a, l ... i "Ki mat tnose wno came to me last performance could not see the whole play. The totaI receipts from the play amounted to aImost 200 dollars- GirU B"kel B" ReCrd T, . , t,..i,uti, . u Girls Basket Ball Record The girl.H basketball season come very near to a close. We think it only right to give the public an idea of the accomplishments of our team. Of course each game can- not be described but here is given a report ot aU games played up to the whole year has been: -- t j Foft-ward Margaret Hill, Bessie Jones. Center" Mary Quidley, Glennie raul, Guards Lydia Parkin, Virginia Howe. Up to the present time nine games ;have been played of which our girls won eight, losing the one with 'Smyrna girls by a margin of six 'points. In every respect, however, 'our girls have a seasons record of which they can be proud. The total Rice scoring 6 points and Ruth Mor rison scoring 2 points. MR. MeCAIN DISCUSSES TAXES, TICKS AND PROHIBITION Editor of The News: I want to have something to say. I read Dr. C. N. Mason's letter and Mr. Dickinson's too and am glad to say that there are some on my side. Now Mr. Editor it seems like there has been enough said about the highjfrom the judges down to the police. :tax already on us and enough said Now I think it is time for our 'against the bond issue, but I truly Ihope that our county commissioners twill allow a vote by the people be- fore they pass on them. runners and also fruit jars and kegs Now my friends Mr. Cannon said too. Now I expect you would find that the greatest curse on us was the;that the state of North Carolina is transnortation of children to and from school. Now my deal people if you wiH &top and think back you will find that those that bought the Mack, trucks have been more of a curse to!got to have the whiskey, the community than any thing else jn the lone run. If they had used common sense they would have In-Mbought Frd trucks and more of them for the same money and saved ex pense Now don't you think soo?. My friends what Mr. Dickinson said a- bout the fine school building that they were not education, I think just like he does. If we had more of our little local schools in the country and them paid for you know we woul I be a much happier people than we are now with so much tax on us. New if we have thee hance to vote on those bonds let not some one fool you like they did in Newport. Tell you that your tax would not be muh higher than they wee.. 1 A. N.& T. COY LINEN NETTING BEST Always DEPENDABLE The Leading Brand 75 Years Now Mr. Editor 1 want to say Utt'e something about those dipping i . TL , . .. t .. . . .. . . i ! . it-i. They pro a "Teat curse to the ...lwl.. n: : ni . u,j ,.,,t, , .i,,.. ,. . yot to dit) 0.u) horsog Now j ,.an say this much pbou- it, we are not g0jng 0 uniess we are mude to do it. You know they said that they were . . . ......... going to get clear or the ticks ins:Ue , . oi two years, jnow you Know any body with a thimbl full o braiIls knows bette, than tbat. xhey knowjNorth Carolina, Carteret County, it was a lie when they said so N.oy readers that is what they said wher thev eat what thv pall nrohihit.if,n. i There is more whiskey used in the United state8 today than there wts before, that is what T think al.nnt it. . j Last week i was up to New B(;rn and picked up a Sun JournaI an( 8nw in there where there wa9 $150,001).- 000 spent this year for rum, and it was shipped to Ohio and marked a"d ware and some other ........ gooas. n came Dy tne Atlantic txa- board line bv exDresa and narcel post And it said the judges anri mayor3 were getting rich over it, they hnrl tn tfcm- .roit 1 lAn nnn and one judge had made $150,000 in s;v vnnro Nnw mv rpa(?Br tViPv aiiutiier ticiv lie. ouiiitruiiiiig cioc 11 saw in the Sun Journal was that the;Plaintiff at the commencement of wholesale and retail merchants who are furnishing meal, sugar and fruit ljar3 to rum runners and boot leggers are going to have to show their colors , declared Rev. J. L. Hodges pastor of the TahPrnadP Rantiat church whpn jhe spoke to a large congregation Sun- day morning on the subject: "The CM to Good Citizenship." Just at this time." Mr. Hodges said 'the city of New Bern is very much in the lime !lieht. Recent history has been such;tho Superior Court, Before the Clerk. a3 to create a tragic atmosphere. In other words we are being put on the,eslale 01 J- ' omnn oece.u, map." It takes a city as long to live down a bad reputation as it does an individual. It seems very difficult to place the blame we are the most helpless crowd of folks I have ever seen to be in the hand of a bunch of crooked politicians who are' to blame. We are all to blame you and I. I have lost considerable sleep over the,A- L- Fulcher' he'r8 at law of John blood that has been spilt in Craven county during the last few weeks. What is the call to good citizenship? 1 1 T11 foil .. if ia ,v,.,f A 41 LCli JWU ll H t,icail UYliUIICIIV. but have we got it? No is the ans-1 wer. The officers all take bribes merchants in Newport to have to show their colors for some of them are selling meal and sugar to the rum .about like Ohio if was known. Now we have the whiskey and the govern - ment don't get any revenue. We had better have the revenue if we have Let me hear from some one else. Your friend, E. L. McCAIN Newport, N. C. HARLOWE ITEMS. ' Mr. Joel Davis left Saturday after noon for Washington, D. C. to visit friends, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Williams and little son Charles Thomas of Raleigh arrived here Saturday. Mrs. Wil liams will spend some time with her parents. Mr. Williams returned to Raleigh Monday. Dr. C. N. Mason and Mr. Jack Tay lor attended church at North Har- lowe Sunday. THE LINEN THREAD COMPANY 96 Franklin Street NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS OF HIGHEST QUALITY, COTTON AND LINE N for BRANCHES GLOUCESTER, BOSTON BALTIMORE, CHICAG O, SAN FRANCISCO Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick, Mr. a; . ' , Torman mntn, tn Bache,or' Sund and t the d , with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Guthrie. j ui "CCU!) -rterw Mr. Earl Jerman left for Kinston !Co"n-' and 'n Pnce hereof, Monday jdefault having been made in the pay- 1 Mr.3J. C. Helms of Morehead City!ment of the bonds secured h M was in the neighborhood Sunday. "otgage Deed, the undersigned wiU Mrs. Jim Ward is able to-be out offer to sale a"dLwl11 8el1 at Public auction for cash, the the highest bid- der at the Court House door, in Beau NOTICE. Superior Court. Pearl Moore WiU Moore SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB ! LICATION : fL- VLTiw ...:ti i : in ucici.uaui u.c ... notice that an actfon entitled as a - bove has been commenced in the Su- Penor Court of Carteret County by h plaintiff for an absolute divorce ' the defe"dan; Moore on thp crrniinda nf adulterv committed "; DV sam aeienaant. i And the said defendant will fur- ther take notlce that he 13 re1uired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, of Carteret .county, in me court nouse, in me said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 25th day of March 1925. T TIT TT A COI7T T I u- C"-'1J Clerk Superior Court County of Carteret. 4-16-25 NOTICE. North Carolina, Carteret County. In H. W. Noe, Administrator of the 1 i O CI ItL J 1 - Bettie Noe, James E. Smith, Geo. Smith, Francis Fulf ord, Charlotte Smith, Alice Smith, W. H. Smith, Charlie L. Smith, John L. Smith Elizabeth Dill and husband J. A. Dill, Nettie Lewis and husband Edward Lewis, Lillie Fulchr and husband s. smitn, aeceasea. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendants, Charlie L. Smith, T l. T O :.U T A T'. - .3 ,. I,, 'JOiin li. ouiiiii, a. n. Ljui uu . J. UULU, WIU taiVC llUblbC Wiav l tion or special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Car teret County for the purpose of sell ing real estate belonging to estate of J. S. Smith, deceased, to make as sets to pay debts of the said estate, said special proceeding being brought by said administrator of said J. S. Smith, deceased. 1 A,,u "le 8"u jther take notice tha tke "f ,re- quirea to appear Deiore tne leitw u the Superior Court of Carteret County, at his office in the Court house in the town of Beaufort, N. C, on the 27th day of April 1925, and answer or demur to the petition in said special proceeding, or the pe titioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition. This 25th day of March 1925. L. W. HASSELL, 4-16-25 Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE. Nrth Carolina, Carteret County. Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in that certain mort gage Deed executed by W. H. Gil likin and Francis Gillikin, bearing date of June 13th, 1917., and record ted in book 20 page 233, recorded in 'T T .J rec i . fort, N. C, on Monday, April the :20th. 1925 at 12 o'clock M. the lands m,described ,n 8aid mortj?age deed M follows: Situated on East side of North River and West side of Wards Creek and described and denned as follows 1st Tract, Beginning at a stake at the waters edge on the South sido of wire point and running North 9 ldeggreeg Eaat 32 po,ea thence South gl d East 22 noles to Ward. Creeki thence wjth tfce vaHou9 courg n of gaId creek tQ he b inni containing s5x (6) acres moror . . zna iraci Beginning at Joseph Goldens northeast corner nn th iH lf War(Jg Creek of the tract of lan(J 8aid Joseph Golden bought from rnriBn Pol, ,,.ji along creek 14g fegt beyQnd ft ditch, thence with said ditch 10 feet containing one (1) acres more or less. 3rd tract Bounded on the North by the lands of Alex Lewis bounded on the west by Bulls Creek bounded on the south by the Main Road, and on the East by Lewis' road, containing eight (8) acres more or less. This 16th day of March 1925. S. P. HANCOCK, 4-9-25 Mortgagee. NOTICE. North Carolina, Carteret County. Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in that certain mort gage deed, executed by J. D. Guthrie and Mittie Guthrie, bearing date of August 8th 1923 and recorded ia Book 30 page 547 Records of Carter et County N. C, and in pursuance hereof, default having been made in the payment of the bonds secured by said mortgage deed the undersigned will offer for sale and sell for cash, to the highest bidder at the Court House Door, in Beaufort, N. C, on Monday the 20th day of April 1925 at 12 o'clock M., the lands described ''I. lion -..vwtt&v. -iwwvaj a a.yavT. Part of lot number nine in said Dedrick Town, beginning at a point on east side of Live Oak St. about fifty five feet southwardly from north west corner of said lot No. nine it runs southwardly with Live Oak St., I to Cedar St. thence with Cedar St. jeastwardly to a point ninety nine feet for the northeast corner of Live Oak and Cedar St. thence northwardly fifty five feet, thence westwardly par allel with Cedar St. to the beginning. (Signed) Hancock- Huntley Co. 4-9-25 Mortgagee. NOTICE. I have this day leased to Hancock Huntley Company of Beaufort, N. C, the following described oyster bot tom: Lying on the West side of North River, beginning at an iron stake at the end of SHORT POINT and running a Southwardly direction about 1000 yards to an iron stake thence Westwardly to an iron stake in front of an old oak tree on the North side of the mouth of Cowpen Creek, thence with the variolas courses of the shore in a Northwest wardly dk-ection to the beginning, containing about thirty five acr. J. A. NELSON, 4 t 4-9-25 Fisheries Commis- 1 NETTING GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING For Seins, Traps, Pounds Etc. Etc.

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