. . ! i i PAGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MAY 7 1925 VHE BEAUf ORT NEWS Other Old countries. There is. radicalism on the ot!: With labor Published every Thur-iay ;cm sou oi guui.uui uuu. orjiimM a:m militant, wan radical- at Beaufort Carteret County nr.iirdiy nan i-ai caicts iuc ,STn orgamzeJ anil in deachy earnest North Carolina. " - pu.bl.C eye ar.d if he is any sort , with conservatism organized r.nd . of a Politician he Usually can 'drawing the lines sharply, what is ... . eet along. Of course some the south to do, what course shall she i Beaufort New. Inc., PubW.ber s0,dje are whpre (jo j A- MACE President fajjure3 as cjvil Ufe officials js due to happen to her? I F. DUNCAN Vice-Pres. but that is also true of those j These are questions which already j P. ilETTS Secretary who never pmtlled gun powder bt,rm to press for answer. Who is 1 11 Hindenburg probably knoV. to speak for the south? How many! but little about politics ar.d 0f her citizens are prepared to help! matters of state but he is a Con formulate her replies? servative, a believer in diseip.j j line and an orderly govern-1 administrator s NOTICE. ; ment. If he does not allow the j militarists to get too much Having qualified as administrator! power Hindenburg's adminis. f the estate of Mitchel Willis, do-' tration may prove to be a good ceased, late of Carteret County, N. i . .... - thing for Germany. At any c., this is to notify all persons hiv-i Entered as second-class matter rate they have elected him and inK ciaims aKainst the estate of s.iid! February 5 1912 at the postoffice -n about all the re?t 0f us can do doceased to exhihit them to thg WILLIAM GILES MEBANE Editor and Treasurer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) One Year $2.00 Sil Months 1.00 Three Months 50 crib Beaufort. North Carolina, under the act of March 3, 1379. THURSDAY MAY 7 1925 is to pens. THE BEST EDITORIAL Governor McLean says the electric bath they are talking wait and see wnac nap- dersiKned on or before the 7th d;-.y of May 1!)2G, or this notice will be ' plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This May 7th. 1925. D. H. WILLIS, Administrator of the estate of ,5 6-11-2 Now For 1 4 The Pulitzer prize of five hundred dollars for the best so much about is nothing but a editorial article appearing ,in sweat bv- Well he may need American newspaper last year Mitchell Willis. it but one thing certain Cam was won by Robert Lathan.1 Morrison never did. editor of the Charleston, S. C. publication. News and Courier. The arti NOTICE OF summons About a year ago when the cle is a good one. It is on an North Carolina, two Stewarts murdered the two interesting subject, at any rate Carteret County, officers, Lilly and George, a a subject that ought to interef 1 in the Superior Court Before the wave of indignation swept ov- thoughtful people, and is clear Clerk. er not only the community but ly and forcefully expressed, i Frank L. King, Administrator, of XL Tl! - 1. ,11 A.i . , r ri mi tne state. a moo couia nave une OI tne. most remarKaoie Jennie core l nomas, deceased, ji gotten noia oi tne men no things about the edf:orial vs. doubt they would have been though is that it was published ' T. V. Ketcham and William Tho- lynched. Now as a result of in sight of Fort Sumter, in one mas, and other heirs at law of Jen- their recent execution a change of the most conservative cities nie C. Thomas, has come about in public senti- on earth, a city whose people i The defendants, above-named will ment. A good many people are bound by tradition, steeped take notice that an action entitled as have written to the newspapers in complacency, covered with above has been commenced in the!' protesting against capital pun- custom as is an Egyptian mum. superior court of Carteret County, jj ishmmertt and in Wilmington my with its wrappings. We North Carolina, to petition the said they are circulating a petition hope the editorial did some court to sell for assets all of the real;' asking that it be abolished, good. It is reproduced here, estate of the estate of Jennie Core 1 mi.!.. .11 i ni i. . . .. . . kS inis an goes to snow mat puo- witn: Thomas, it having been found that THE PLIGHT OF THE SOUTH. the personal property of the deceased (The following editorial article writ- is insufficient to pay her said debts ten by Robert Lathm, editor of the and the defendants will take further Charleston News and Courier and notice that they are required to ap published in that newspaper Novem- pear before the clerk of the Superior ber 5, 1924, has been awarded the; court for the County of Carteret Pulitzer prize of $300 for 'the best at his office in Beaufort, N. C, on the editorial article written during the 8th. dsy of June 1925, and answer year, the test of excellence being the complaint in said action, or the tyle, moral purpose, plaintiff will apply to the court for lie opinion is a fickle thing; linke the wind it bloweth where it listeth. SAMPSON'S SCHOOLS- The fine twenty four pav school edition recently gotti out by the Sampson Inaepai dent shows that Sampson coun clearness of ty is keeping abreast of the ed sound reasoning and power to influ- the relief demanded in said compliant, ucational advancs that most 01 ence public opinion in the right direc- the relef demanded in said complaint.; The Beaufort lews Two Years $3,00 The Beaufort News THIS OFFER IS GOOD DURING MAY the State is now making- More tion, due account being taken of the than ten thousand children are whole volume of the writer's edi 'enrolled in Sampson's schools torial work darin? the year.") and it requires three hundred This article is being written on teachers to instruct them. The elec-ion day before the resuit of the I COUnty has a considerable r.UX oting can possibly be known. No! ber of consolidated schools, matter. The suggestions it contains! with good buildings and cem. will still be pertinent whatever the! petent teachers and some ex. story told by the first page this morn-J Cellent high schools. Twenty ing. It makes very little difference ; years ago bampson, HKe most what any ot us think about the out other counties in North Caroii- come of yesterday's ba'Jcin.;-. It na, had a lot of little one teach- makes a cons! !er:b!e di.rertiu't This Cth. day of May 1925. L. W. Hassell, Clerk of the Superior Court 5-23-23 COLORED mm N. F. BROOKS, Reporter v.-r.er.aer or not r. si.u'.h realise t'. i 3 p?op!e of the p.c .''-us s'.ur. tbn has cru.e ti The Corjgrregat'.onul Church repeat- j ed its Easter Cantata last Sunday at 3:30 P. M. It ws highly enjoyed by I those present. Rev. C. C. Clark, principal of the has been invited to preach the annual ! Oj sermon incident to the closing exer-jWS cises oi tne uraaea scnool nere. fro t. nip an er schools, with poorly paid, i;: efficient teachers for tne nus Dart, keeping school lour tion which this months in the year. There was occupy politically. but little interest in the school As yet we doubt if very ma-v - 4-4- A n n ns tt-oa - i-rV n n A fUnm A, wniliT.i 4-1-, I,, men, unm '. " Clark is a most interesting speaker! most rural cmlaren were grow- we think, the outstanding political and is sure to bri t0 Eeaufort! ing up m ignorance as tneir an- developments of the ti:ne so far a., a ,e!pful message I centers before them had done, we are concerned. Look at the The revival mee'ting at Mt. Zion1 Iow the Cloud of ll lteracy tnat facts They are not pleasant to con- Baptlst Church continues witw in.j has hung over rural North Car- template but they cannot be ignored infoQI!f r:ut were baptized last bundav. Tnere i conver-; sions since Ba'Jtizing. There have 1 1j ---3 . . . . - nn i n i in ran rran nll TTP f H Time For m I n in1 i rorcn owinss Olina for SO long is lifting as the longer. We are in a sad fix political. . .. .i : .i i r.... l.. :.. u,. r . .j : rt:coru raaue u oamysun, vai- ... u raa ui u.e u,uj auu u have been twenty two more teret ana otner progressive we are lo r.na a remeay icr uui counties plainly shows. troubles we must first of all deter A HERO PRESIDENT mine what they are. That vi!i tsk? considerable discussion and all we can hope to do now is to help start The election of General Von the ball of this discussion rolling. If JTir.deribui'g as president of that can be accomplished we may Cvrmany seems to have upset achieve the new program and the t .0 French somewhat and in new leadership which we so much ir;t it did not meet with ap. need. : r val of mmy people in Eng. For at the root of the south's pres Irnd and the United States, ent plight lies the fact that is has The Hindenburg victory is re fardCCl as a tnumpn lor ine anu virtually no national leaaei n p ir.or.archists and the old milL I it strange that it should be tveat tary regime. Some think that ed by the rest of the country as such it means that Germany is mak. negligible factor? What is it con- been about sixty conversions alto-! gether. There has been one monster j apj street parade. Two visiting quar-ianl tetts have been here to sing for the j revival. Both sang to overflow crowds. ! jUcj This meeting is conducted in thejUi interest of the whole town. All the ! churches are receiving help. Of the jgQj converts thus far, eight have gone ! '3 Porch Shades Refrigerators Water Coolers ing her plans to become again tributing today in the way of polit- today virtually no national prelum ConRreffational Church ;d four to the Queen Street Baptist church. I"-', Rev. T. S. Marsh of Wilmington is 5 doing the preaching. Pastor Brooke fna Hnpa tho nrannVitno nn Suna ! c2jil " ' . . ' inJ3 ings. lhe meeting is now in ltsiani a great military power and per ical thought? What political leaders fifth week and wiU at ,est on next week. Pastor Brooks calls on the whole haps bring on another war. has it who possess weight or author But no matter how these things ity beyond their own states? What mav be there is no disputing constructive policies are its people . . , . . . iiiojr ' F, , . . ,t . , town to help rescue our town from ",c " , " . ii. . , tne clutches of the devil. Vio nnrht tn drt rnpir own ennna zeal that mane thcin a nower in thai V V . J . . W L J J . A . . VT... . ing in the matter of electing a old days? president and the result may The plight of the south in these not be SO bad after all. respect would be perilous at any In Germany Hindenburg is a time. In a period when political cur- national hero just as General I rents are deeper and. swifter than was in the Beaufort News for being Grant was in the North and j ever before, with more violent whir- 'drunk and lots of people not knowing General Lee in the South some pools, more dangerous rocks and 'but the one Charles Smith here took fifty years ago- The first pre 'shoals, ours is truly a perilous posi- sident the United States ever tion. Change which used to be de had was a hero and it has had cades in the making now sweep over several of that sort since then, us almost before we know they are For twenty five years after the j in contemplation. It is true every- A DIFFERENT SMITH. I want to say to the people that recently the name of Charles Smith Civil War Congress was filled with Federal and Confederate veterans and even the State and county offices were usu ally filled by veterans. Thi3 custom of rewarding war vet erans with public office is no r.ew one. They used to do it in Greece and in Rome and in where. In all the countries of Eu rope the pendulum is swinging, now far to the left, now far to the right. Center parties have lost their power. They are in a very bad way. And the south has belonged to the school politically which sought as a rule the middle of the road, eschewing ul traconservatism on tha one hand ar.d it to be my son Charles P. Smith. But it was another Smith down East and I want to ask you to make the difference between them the next time, please. MRS. C. V. SMITH. Beaufort, N. C. The child needs all six of these foods included in bis meals each day: milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, whole grain cereals and butter and cream, say home economics workers of the State C ollege of Agriculture. At our Stores you will find just what you need in the Summer necessities named above and too, besides those, you can get many other things that are really a need WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION UNDER OBLIGATION TO BUY THE PRICES ARE RIGHT! NO Gaskill-Mace Company Hardware TWO STORES Both on Front Street i Furniture