P H J rr s C J i 1 PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MAY 7 1925 CEDAR ISLAND NEWS. I Rt-V. Mr. Carter filled his regular Mrs B. B. Lawrence. . L.ointment here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Will, of Smyrna We have been having some nice " ,w a fin. sprmon. as he -A- .epent Thursday night witn ner mcm- , 'er Mrs. Iiedell Lawrence. "TrS.Lula Bell of Harlowe spent) Mrs. August Lawrence .pent Sunday afternoon with her daughter, ."""""J' Spring weather this week which we all appreciate. Messrs Claude Day, Ernest Good- Win, iNorvie vay, ana bourne Mrs. E. C. Dickinson. lels lett this past weeK ior up uru. Mrg c Dickinson Where they will work this spring ana Summer. Mr. Johnie Merrell of New bern little road was the guest of Miss Lavina Mrs. L. C. Dickinson and little road was tne guest 01 ,ui daughter Florence spent Sunday with ,C.illikin Sunday, They seemed to be her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eu-;enjoying their rule while out Sunday Mr. Claude 1'ay and a numuer or t, e nroea evening. his friends motored up to hoe, Mon- Born to Mr and Mrg A,(?x Fore. day night i Sunday afternoon, a daughter MLss Verda Day spent the week j. Md hag bepn naed M8rgaret end at Roe with her friend Miss Kathleen Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Ailie Daniels and I children from Koe, spent Sunday here with relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lup- ton on April 24th a boy, Julian! Davis. W1LDWOOD NEWS. especially the farmers around here have not been able to get their tobac- The weather is very dry and every- jMay. :one Would be glad to see a nice rain 1 v 1 W L'.a Ifm (.-11UT1T Rnml-.iv with their daughter Mrs. J. D. Small. co out yet. Mrs. D. W. Bell spent Thursday Qui a umber cf popie fvom with her mother Mrs. G. M. Sabiston. . attended the Commencement Mrs. Roy Mason of Harlowe -sPent,s . vwnort Sunday. Every- knn.lnv with her mother Mrs. J. P. i i x- ..;... :t Tk. Quite a number of girls from here l" ' one stenle" "e"J" ,u "I V L . p c,,mi i Dickinson. wa8 preached by Reverend E. Frank were visitors at Koe Sunday aftei- n wfl,.,wv of Ovster,. i.ee oi ecauiori. Creek spent Wednesday night with R . Barfiel(, fillel) his ,Tpuiar a. uicK-i JOSEPH S. PERRY There were prayer Services held , at the . w. a. cnurcn aunaay mgn; hef parents Mr am, Mrs j Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Day and little . daughter spent Sunday here visit ing relatives. Miss Pauline Lupton of Roe, was a visitor here Tuesday evening. Miss Leona Day silent Saturday ' i j 1 lflS 'Jn U rex Vfsi i mm i Columbus, Ind.. . I Heading a newtpaper i an indica- eae 0j patent medicines in Uon of a deiire to keep abrea.t of United states last year exceeded ik- ThniD uhn da not reaa newspaper are walking in the Hark. $160,000,000. Joseph Perry o.' OTWAY NEWS ITEMS. We are having awful dry and dusty li'sotlisr now. all the farmers are night at Roe with Miss Mabel LP-ooking for rain as it is very dry on appointment at Wildwood Sunday and I a 0Dhomore at Purdue university, La nreached a trood sermon. favette. Ind., has left vith William H. I Mrs. Lee Murdock Jr., who has j Washburn, noted Canadian naturalist. , L W, nn thP 5nV list . i. W- tn be out " ' an explorat.on tr.p 1 1-1 ! . i through Africa. Fifty selected college students In Canada ana tne unixeo i States took the examination for the j position, Perry winning. BUY YOUR GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS, TOBACCOS, NOVEL TIES, ICE CREAM AT D. V. NELSON Where you can always get service and quality with economy C. V. Smith old ftand TURNER ST. u ton Mr. Norwood Lupton was a visi tor here Sunday morning. Miss Myrtie Goodwin and Mr. Ernest Goodwin of Roe were visitors here Sunday afternoon. Miss Verda Day entertained a few of her friends Tuesday night. Mr. Richard Day was the guest of Mr. David J. Day Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Nannie Day is on the sick list this week. Quite a number of boys from Roe, were visitors here Sunday. the crops. Mr. Garlon L. Giilikin left Friday afternoon for New York wf ere he will be employed. Mrs. D. W. Giilikin spent Sunday moraine at the home of Mr. ,- nd Mrs. i B. B. Lawrence. Mr. Hugh H. Lawrence vho has been employed at Fairfield : or some ! time returned home Satun ay and again. The little daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Murdock who has been sick at her home is able to be out again. Mrs. Barne? and children attended church Saturday night and Sunday at Sound View. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hibbs of South View attended church at Wildwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bell and Master Joe Barnes attended the movies at Morehead City Saturday night and chool CORE CREEK ITEMS. We are needing a good shower of rain. Crops are showing the need of rain very much. Quite a crowd from our neighbor hood attended Commissioners meet- Norfolk where he will attend to bus ing at Beaufort Monday. jiness. The Death Angel came in our J Mr. Oliver Giilikin of Vaudemere, midst last Wednesday night, and .accompanied by Mr. Wright Good bore away with him the soul of little! win and wife passed throu?h our Carrie Wallace Small, the twenty 'neighborhood Thursday on their way seven month old daughter of Mr. andito Roe where they will attend Bap Mrs. J. D. Small. We extend to them itist preaching there held by Elder rannvtprl a rlplicrhtf nl trin. will spend some time with his wife. Quite a number of Wi!d,vood pe0. Mr. Calvin Dowty who 'ias beer. ple wgnt tQ Newport Fri(iay night to employed at .vioreneau vuy lemnieu ujje home friday alternoon una was accompanied by his father Mr. Joel Dowty. Mr. Henry Dudley of New Bern road was the guest of Miss Rhodera Lawrence Sunday afternoon , were Bean exercises and the plays fine, especially Jack and the Stalk. J. VAN A. MacMURRAY ANNUAL REUNION CONFEDERATE VETERANS Mr. Albert Giilikin left F-iday for .Dallas, Tex., May 19, 22, 1925 Low Kound Trip Fares via NORFOLK SOUTHERN AND CONNECTIONS Tickets sold May 14-20, inc. Final Limit June 15, 1925 For tickets, reservations, etc Call on or address any Agent our deepest sympathy. She has gone to be with Him who said, "Of Such is the kingdom of Heaven." W. W. Styron. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lawrence spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and or J- F. DALTOX. General Passenger Agent, -Norfolk, Va. fci, BEAUFORT JJ . nn 111 III I II III II II I i ft Barbour Bros. Machine Shop John Van A. MacMurray, assistant secretary of state and an expert on eastern questions, was selected Dy i President Ccolidge to succeed Jacob ' Gould Ichurman as minister to China, i General Repairing : Bridgeport Motors Gill Piston Rings Columbian Propellers BARBOUR BROS. tminii mm - - .wCTwwgpwwwMTOa " ' tiifOTBaw!t -izzzzr.--,, . ' ' I Sales Increase Daily J 5 mmMmmMmmuiwmmMmimmmtmmmmmmiX"mmmimt mnnmmwmMmm m miwmwji; wiiiiiiliu miun i "j S lo1 Mil i la w -. liO a a n IB I B KT T . ' Wi i: , -"'' 3 1 0 n i OverlaiKi and wniys Mm r i Mi If I $ U ii SOLD TO BE DELIVERED TO BUYERS ON ARRIVAL 2 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDANS M 2 OVERLAND 6 SEDANS Overland and W l vs MM Automobiles Are In Demand HURRY PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY THIS MONTH Carload Unloaded Saturday May 2. WE ORDERED ANOTHER CAR LOAD BY WIRE MONDAY, MAY 4. SOLD AND DELIVERED LAST WEEK 2 OVERLAND 6 SEDANS 1 WILLYS KNIGHT 6 SEDAN i 3 RECONDI1 IONLD CARS V TUMi'n tmmm ft D M OVERLAND WILLYS-KNIGHT OVERLAND 1ST 2 C r r