V The Beaufort Mews 1... uest advertwing medium published in Carteret Co. I READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription V Stt Library X VOLUME XIV 8 PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 11 1925 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR COUNTY LOANS TO HIGHWAY BOARD MAY BE ILLEGAL Test Case Taken To Supreme Court. Many Counties Are Affected CARTERET GETS $26,251.05 (By M. L Shipman) Raleigh, June 8. In a week mark ed by the absence of Governor Mc Lean who went to New York to sign bonds of the State, the question of the validity of county loans to the State Highway Commission was pre sented to the Supreme Court, Ra leigh bade farewell for the summer months to its hosts of college stud ents, with regret the city saw one of its leading police officials shoot and killed a prominent lawyer of Smithfield on nothing more than sus picion of carrying liquor and the passing of Colonel Bennehan Came ron was mourned. During the week also the balance of the equalization fund for education was divided a mong the counties. The Tobacco co-ops re-elected their directors. A negro was electrocuted for murder, Billy Sunday spoke in the Capital City and Raleigh contributed a por tion of the $35,000 fund for relief of the sufferers from the mine dis aster near Sandford the last week in May. Test County Loam The test case brought before Judge Frank Daniels in Wake county Superior Court and appealed and rrgued before the Supreme Court Saturday is of vital importance in the road building plans of the State For five years the State Highway Commission has followed the prac tive of borrowing from the counties money to construct roads where those counties were unwilling to a wait their apportionment of the State funds. The plan has been to repay the counties as the; State mon ey for road buildings in the county from which the loan was obtained was available. Attorney General Brummitt held that this was illegal and the case has been appealed from a similar decision made by Judge Frank Daniels. The test case is brought from Johnson county to re strain the county from turning over to the State half a million dollars for road building as a loan. The Su preme Court decision is expected be fore adjournment for summer. Al ready the State Highway commis sion has borrowed more than ten million dollars in this manner so that the decision is of vital importance to the Commission. Mr. Brummitt has stated however 'that his decision will not have any effect on such special loans as that for the bridge over Cape Fear at Wilmington or the Chowan River as these were author ized by legislative enactment. The city was stirred last week when Jesse Wyatt, chief of detec tives of Raleigh saw an automobile on a nearby highway and suspected that it might contain rum runners. He said that he summoned it to halt, the order was disobeyed and he fired. Stephen S. Holt, prominent lawyer of Smithfield was in the car and was instantly killed. A search failed to reveal any liquor and the men in the car said Wyatt did not order them to halt. Wyatt was in civilian clothes He was immediately indicted fi" murder and will be tried at a special term of court in Raleigh in June 22. School Money Divided The balance of the equalization fund for school aid was apportioned during the week. Among the coun ties to benefit in the division of the balance of $335,000 weie the fol lowing: Beaufort, $6,798.65; Cald well, $23,682.19: Carteret, $20,251. 05; Chatham $28,500.90; Duplin $15,492.29; IVanklin $28,347.14; Haywood, $17,750; Henderson, $21, 244.93; Hertford $14,500.30; John Eton, $17,500; Robeson, $10,853.77; Sampson, $40,372.81; Tranyslvanh, $16,895.80; and Warren, $22,070.93 Raleigh saw with regret during the week its hosts of young people leave the city for the summer months; The closing of St.Mary's, Meredith ( continued on page 7) . FOUR-H CLUBS MEET FOR COLLEGE COURSE Raleigh. N. C. June State Col lege will be host from July 6 to 11 to approximately 600 club boys and girls from those counties of North Carolina having farm and home a-; gents now at work. The occasion will be the annual short course, plans' for which are being arranged by J. M. Grav. stutp ncrpnt in ennrerp nf farm demonstration work, and Miss Ma 11 Ho Wq llano nectcf ant einta lirttvia demonstration agent. WhilP thp mirmlptp nrnoram fnr the short course has not yet been an-tion- A crowd that Packed the been making to get producers inter- but reCommend that there be tw0 !nd although Judge Barnhill and So nounced, it is stated that recreation atonum to overflow was present ested in growing berries has met book cases pUrchased and placed in 1,"tor JeS8,e Dav's avf made evry and entertainment as well as in- and desPite the hot weathpr vident- with enough success to make the ven. the office of the Register of Deeds, ,e"ort to cIea'.the docketi a number rtrnrtinn A iha f ;abo. h enjoyed the program and gave it ture a sure thing. The berries will ,h a rMnAna ot cases iemain for tnal- The tlck will form n imnnrfarr r,.irt nf the rn,rSp W mr Knmp tWe V,,,n.! dred girls and over fifty boys took part in the short course. This year it is expected that as many boys as girls will be present. The home and farm agents have been at work on the matter for sometime and various civic agencies and business organiza- tions have interested themselves in helping the boys and girls to attend. Ti,:. ; f the gala events of club life in North j. ins Hiiuuai gaiuci iiig in wiic ui Carolina. The agents select those vn.mo- rpni.l tn nHpnH whn Imvp j , , u i j made real progress in club work dur- ino- th0 vpp anM whr. are fitteH tn become leaders in the club movement on their return home. "We assure the bovs and girls of a real treat when they come to the College this year," says J. M. Gray, "For the boys there will be some work on new features with crops, livestock, poultry. The boys will be ed wnat "eat Progrew had been tend the meetings on account of iil Hven n onnortnnitv to run tractors made In the Publlc schools ,n recent "ess in his family sent a letter in and plows, to study the best produc- and prize-winning hogs as ing cows well as to have lots of fun swimming in the new gym pool, playing base ball and other games." TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE GIVEN TO CONVICT GUARDS ROCKY MOUNT, June 8 Senten- w r p0."" VST ,61Vef t0 W. C. Gdley and R. V Tyler, for. man and guard, respectively on the Knckv Mnnnt rnH district, nv .luriire j ... . , i. a. oiuciau, in ugciumue vuumj court at larDoro late today wnen lhpv Riihnnittpil tn rnHnslaiichtPi' as 7 . , W r t an outgrowth of the death of Joe Armstrong, negro convict, who died trustees and to all citizens who had endorsed the strawberry growing neCessity of Divine guidance in all appeal the J'ury which affordd Thursday within 30 minutes after he supported the school. The class scheme and has offered prizes a- tne relations of life The sermon much entertainment to the crowd in had been whipped and otherwise pun- song wag then sung and the school mounting to $150 for the three best was a very strjking and interesting the court room- Solicitor Davis de ished by the two men. session had passed into history. The crops. discourse clined to speak against John but the The trial of the case offered one graduates were Oleta Barber, Lydia . The 'n,pnlbel.s of the eraduatinK Jury was hardhearted and brought in of the most striking instances oi parkjn, Luther Perry, Edward Piver, SCHOOL OF MENHADEN thi vpflr wprp olivp r.nw.. a verdict of guilty of drunkness. The speedy justice in the annals oi tne county. A grand jury summoned ny special order of Judge Sinclair, this morning returned true bills against the men, who had previously blamed for the negro's death by a coroner's jury, and at the same time launched a sweeping and virorous investiga- rinn. unnn rnp iiirist. s instructions ' ' , " ,' m .u..u.wU..a v w. ........ v Gully and Tyler were attached. ml j.. ix.1il. a ine actual mat oime two men was taken up about the middle of the af ternoon, and they entered a plea of submission to manslaughter charges. Judge Sinclair heard the evidence, which was primarily the same as that given at the coroner's inquest when witnesses testified that Gulley and Tyler had beat the negro with both a whin, and a stick, hitched his body heavily shackled, to a pair of mules and dragged it bout 75 yards and then one of the men struck him with his fist when he failed to get up a ordered. After hearing the evidence Ju;lge Sinclair, immediately passed sentence giving each of the defendants 20 years, the maximum for manslaugh- ter. In commenting on the case the jurist declared mat tne crime souna- ed almost like second degree murder. an then gave them the maximum al- j i .1.. i 4- v, ..i.. . lO.vea UV lllc law iu UiC i.iiai;c i" whic hthey submitted. POLICE COURT ITEMS ! 5 sit of the cases in Mayor Ihomns 'court Monday were continued to S4 report that it was about the best ev- arsenals at Edgewood, Maryland preparations will be made on a com. f ir judgment continued, must pay urday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Three ent of the kind that they had ever came to Beaufort and began experi- rnercial scale in order that those who c:isK were disposed of however. They attended. The people of Wilson did mcnts which have met with consider. , wish may use them. Dr. H. W. Wal. j Tom Noe forcible trespass, noil were Bate Pigott drunk and disorder- everything they could for the veter- able success. Pieces of wood were l:er of Edgewood and Mr. Thos. Mc jrossed. 'ly, sentence $50 fine or 30 days on ans and in fact were lavish in their treated with various chemicals and Cabe also of Edgewood arrived here George Norcom, assault with dead istreets. Harry Davis, having liquor hospitality. Mr. N. F. Carrow was the the worms allowed to do their worst toay for the purpose of inspecting ly weapon, noil prossed. in his possession was bound over to only veteran present from Beaufort, on them. It has been found out again the treated samples of wood Wallace Guthrie assault, tried, Superior court. Ben Debix riding a Mr. Joe B. Gaskill of Sea Level was that certain chemicals are very ef- and hope to be able to make a favor, jury acquitted. 'bicycle on sidewalk, was fined $5 and there and also v.-ternns Bell, Korne- fective in resisting the ravages of able report on the progress of the I Will Mason assault, noli prossed. costs. PUBLIC SCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY Twelve Members In Graduat- mS i-ass. excellent Address By Dr. Mosher The 1924.25 term of the Beaufort 1'UDiic ftcnooi came to an end last Friday evening with the exercises of the graduating class. The teachers have gone to their homes and the Ppils are now enjoying their vaca- ""e1" applause. The salutatory was made by Miss E,ean0r Ranlsey in wel1 chosen Phras county are going to try it also. es after which a trio was sunS by! Three meetings of the farmers and Misses Kathleen Skarren, Eleanor others have been held this week in Ramsey and 01eta Barber- The Pre"l He interest of the berry movement. mentation of the key to the junior They were at lower North River etewas done by Edward Piver and ool house, Wire Grass school and; received bJ G Hudgins. The gift at Straits. The meetings took place to the school was by Luther Perry. ; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Superintendent Pittman then intro-mights and there was a pretty good uuecu uic cm;i ui nie tvemiig i-i . E- R- Mosher of the University of 1"UI1" Dr- Mosher's subject was "Pro- gressivism in Education." He trac- llc cu ",e '"y 01 BUUCBUOI1 111 me United States' showine how at ftl'st the nBht of l8e was given to 8 pKVVlK. tn 01 euu- cat,on unfits PecPle t0 vote inte11" ently the sPeaker and the suc" cess of a democracy rests upon the l.. r i t .1. i- j.. "'s- years and said that this nu,st contin- ue We must have Plenty of Zod uunmne, retier u-wneis a.iu ion- ger terms which calls for consider- able money. He said it is much l l i ..l it cheaper to support schools by the taxation method than by any other, At the conclusion of Dr. Mosher's address Superintendent Pittman pre- sented diplomas to the graduates and alS madC ther Ward Seventh certificates from the county superintendent were also given to a - 1 r n IIUI11UCI x siuueiiis. jjuiscy maiiui nlade a snort speech of appreciation and exnressing the thanks of the i i. . i.. i.u u,Je,...ie..ue..i, i.. .....,- bers of the faculty, the board of Dorsey Martin, Eleanor Ramsey, Mir aret Ramsey, Elizabeth RumW, Sarah Rumley, Emma Taylor, Kath - leen skarren, Mildied Whitehurst. . HEN ADO! TS KITTED .fwc liu,e kUtAn, 1ooking. :f ., warm piace to sleep during the cool - ... . .. nights lately tound it under a mother Jy nen wno ound no 0i,Jectlon to . Th . . , M E,. . them The hen, owned by Mrs. El'zie Rhue, was engaged in the commen- dable task of trying to hatch out e brood of chicks when the kittens found her and applied for sleeping quarters. They are still on friendly ' termg A NEW COMPANY ORGANIZED TO GO IN FISH BUSINESS though the net broke and most of A new fish company has been or- the menhaden escaped, although a ganized in Beaufort. A charter has bout eight thousand were caught been granted by the Secretary of and put aboard the vessel. A State to the Atlantic Fisheries Cor- good sized crowd collected on the poration of Beaufort and it his tne wharves to watch the fishermen at authority to catch and dispose of fish work. and all water products. The com- pany is authorized to issue $100,000 VARFARE ON TEREDOS worth of stock and W. B. Blades of: Bern w A Ma(.e and j F Uuu. can of Beaufort are the ineorpora- tors Thg new conlpany has bought f-i,-..,. fa(.torv at Lenoxville and jn jntQ the fij.h g and oil business. VETERANS HAVE GOOD TIME . Confederate veterans who attend- ed the reunion in Wilson last week gay and Lcckhart of Morchead City, BERRY GROWING IS NOW ASSURED I : Enough Members Secured For oirawDerry Association 10 Make It A Certainty j I t now seems practically certain that Carteret countv wil be included jn the list of strawberry 8hiFping counties next vear and for manv years thereafter. The effort which; County Agent Hugh Overstreet has be grown mainly in BeaUfOit town- ship but a few in other parts of the attendance at eacn Diace ana mucn, ,n v,,., a interest mnifested. County Agent uverstreet was in cnarge oi the meet ings. At the Nprth River meeting Mpikm fi W Huntlv Sam Mnrmm ehsi-s u. w. nunuy, oam ivioigcin and W. U. MeDane Ot Heautort were P""" and Poke in favor of giving .berry growing a trial. Messrs Mor- ' i n i i .i gan ana ivieDane also accompanied Mr- Overstreet to Wire Grass and Mr- J- Ai Hornaday Jr., and Mr. Me. bane went with him to Straits. Mr. u. r,. swann, wno was unaDie to at- which he heartly endorsed the-plan. i ln ord' to raise berries profitably ! . . on a commercial scale county Agi-nt Overstreet showed that it was nec- essarv to secure enough acreage to make car load shipments. It is also necessary to organize an assertion to, mrket them. The purpose of the meetings has been to get enough acreage pledged to make car load: hipts certainty and also to or- ganize a local association. In addi tion to members lready secured Mr. . . ... ., . i uverstreet win see otners tnis weeK and invite them to join. Plants will Hp nrdprpil . snnr, cnn.litinns mvp . , . ... n., lavoraoie lor planting, ine tnara- ber of Commerce of Beaufort his COME INTO HARBOR : Fishing has always been a very speculative business, you never know where you are going to find them 01. whether you will find them at all or not. It is not often that the fish hunt up the fishermen though as a i 1 ...i i . i . j scnooi oi mennaaen seemeu to oo tnis morning, WniIe While the C. P. Dey hsn bo:it Wyona was lying at her wharf this morning getting ready to go out, a school of fat backs appeared in the haibor about one hundred yards frofci the boat. Captain Lewis promptly orue.eu n.s ciew ..no me uuibe uuai 1 J I iL. 1 I . and in a few minutes the school ot fish was surrounded. Unfortunately IS MAKING PROGRESS As a result of efforts of the U. S. War Department chemists it that considerable progress is being made in the effort to stop the ravage - . - . of the teredo worm. Ih.s insect ! Joes tremendous damage to boats and wharves and any woodwork that he comes in contact with. Thiet years ago several chemists from tne the teredos and it is hoped that these GRAND JURY'S REPORT. ,;v'i We, the Grand Jury for the June ITerm of Superior Court 1925 of Car-', t t County North Carolina, beg eave to make the f0nowing rep0rt: j We have acted on au bills of in- dictments presented to us according to our best judgment. Wo hflvo mnrlo nrosont mrnf. nf nil cases of lawlessness that have been v, . t.; We have visited the various coun - nfls. nA finH th wBll l,r.t i Wo visitpn fr.P iail and kppnpr i,nnM, anA fnnH H winH.W fhl premises, in a clean and sanitary con- ditior, and the prisoners well fed and cared for. We recommend that a stoiage house i0 x 12 feet be built for the keeper of the jail. We visited the County Home and found that weU kept, and the inmates well cared for. We recommend the kitchen have a coat 0f paint after window cut through nd put in the end inc nan jicio iv-v. 11 itynucU) uu a of same. i Wp wi.h tn tuflni. tv,p jHrp prp. ' -j- e u i j i sjd)r,g f0r the many favors extended in n,. wnrW nr,H pnppinll fnr the able charge deiivered We wish to extend our thanks to the various. officers for their help, ; Very respectfully, C. C. GUTHRIE, Foreman ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL ,r-tcr.n ...-wtr.lv i-,,r-.,K, wi-woci muni.ni bVLiunu The closinB exercises of St. Paul's Schoo, took paee Monday night the schooI auditorivHI1 wilh a large crowd present. ti jj.. .i,,. u.n i was made t,y Reverend H de C. Maz. yck and was forcible appeal to the students to live for the hie-her and i. a: The annual sermon to the grad uates. ' wu in st. , Paurs church Sunday morning at the regu- j hoUr o service by the Reverend 1 jjn Wilcox of Atlanta Ga. A large congregation was present. Mr. Wil cox's text was a part of the firsst verse in the Bible, "In the beginning r,nd Hia ' t ,Jh iyZ Allip tthv,.p otpl.Hno. rh-iM- William Robinson, Samuel Way. The program of Monday evening's exer. cises was as follows: Part I School Song School. Salutatory Allie Harrell. 1'iiino Solo. Concert Polanaise Engleman Anna Skarren Commencement Address Rev. II. de C. Mazyck. Valedictory Olive Carrawan. Piano Duet, Comrades in Arms Haynes Mildred Salter and Anna Skarren. Presentation of Certi.lcates, Tro- motjons and Rewards. Presentation of Diplomas P. Wilcox. Gloria in Excelsis School Part II -Rev C Opei et tn. The Flower Surprise Fifth and Sixth Nymph's Grades. Part III Operetta, Bonnybell Seventh Grade. MARRIAGE LICENSE Only two marriage license have been issued since June 1st according to the records of Register of Deeds otat Jno. W. Hamilton, they were to y B. Murphy Davis and HildaC. Whitehurst. i John Brickfield and Mildred L. Stanly Newport work. CRIMINAL DOCKET HAS FULL SWAY Lar&e Number of Cases On Trial This Week. Tick Cases Friday A large crowd of defendants, wit nesses and spectators were on hand ,Tonday wh.ai i Superior Court open- il'd at nine thirty for a two weeks ,ri.minal and civil term- So far the criminal docket has had full sway tfiauiuauuii ca&es weie Laneii up Monday and with one exception were co"t'nued untl1 Fr,day rn- The nly case , tr'ed ,w" that at?anlst G' W Hftly fr fad" ure to d,p a h1orse and a '"l ' 'fase went t0 the jury and Mr. Hunt- 'ey " acquitted. There are about J5868 8f fr t4m1' Judge Barnhl11 8 chaI'f?e to the ,grand Jury consumed . about one hour "u ...cc..c v.. - the functions of the grand jury and the laws. He referred to the cattle dipping law which he said is a good thing but many people do not realizil "f j v- i the benefits and think it is an inter Jrenc.e. with thejr Personal. libert' ference with their personal liberty. He said the people who violated the game, fish and automobile laws thought only of their own pleasure and interests and were therefore sel fish. Liquor peddlers he said, are in it for the money only and do not care about the consuquences to oth. ers. Citizens ought to stop buying it. There is frequently drinking among sixteen year old youths. The grand jury should do its duty in this matter as in all other law violations. C. C. Guthrie of Beaufort was made foreman of the grand jury and D. J. Godwin was appointed special officer in charee of the jury. ! A rontiiderable number of cases have been disposed of toy submission or jury trial and sentences have been imposed on the guilty. John Bunyart Congleton who appealed recently from a thirty day sentence in the Mayor's court was tried yesterday af ternoon. He conducted his own case, examined witnesses, went on the stand himself and wound up with an Jutee then gave him the same sen- lT',l-c w,"fc mayul nau ',ry- V10us'y ,mposed on him- ! 0thei: cases dispoRed of this week iv.n 4-Unt n - mi i- j are as tollows: i Arthur Smith and Ellis Smith, vio lating prohibition law, put under $200 bond to show good behavior and pay costs in case. l.ou's Lciko'vitz and Louis Katzin were convicted of unlawful posses sion of whiskey. Lefkowitz was sen fenced to pay a fine of $350 and costs, Katzin to pay $250 and costs, i James Hester entered a plea of nolo contendere to ac harge of vio lating the prohibition law and w.is given 18 months on the roads which was afterwards changed to 12 months Berkley Willis, assault with dead ly weapon, $50 fine or 3 months on roads, capias to issue if he violates law again. ! John E. Griffin violating prohibi tion law, convicted, boat forfeited 0 months on roads if found in county after June 15th. I William Sparrow violating prohi bition law, four months on roads. Ike Dudley violating prohibition l;nv, $150 fine or four months on roads. I Ike Frazier, $100 fine or 4 months. I James O. Harris, assault, judgment suspended payment cf costs, j Ira Hamilton injury to personal property, auto Collission, $50 and CJitS. ! Dave Smith abandoment prayer (Continued on page five) i . j ,

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