il InlEL o) c, 11 u TLt best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XIV 8 PAGES THIS WEEK. THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY JULY IS 1925 PRICE Lc SINGLE COPY NUMBER 29 a: MULLET TAGGING BOARD CLOSES r EXPERLMENT MADE A CONTRACT FOR Allowed Ten Millions1 BY FISH BUREAU NEW POWER PL ANT I Controverey Where Mullet Water And Light Commission ! Educational Institution Get Most. Over Two Million For Hospitals And Other Institutions. City School Children j Get Twice As Much As Rural Children For Educational Purposes does When He Runs To Sea Will Be Settled FISHERMEN ASKED TO HELP Favors Installation of New Equipment DOUBLES PLANT'S CAPACITY (By V. C 5JJ1MANX ( By Bureau of Fisheries) Action taken by" the Board of Com- state and County Will Build Bridge County Board Ratifies Contract And Agrees To Advance Sum J Not To Exceed $360,000 For Beaufort-Morehead City i Bridge. War Department Will Have Hear- ing Next Tuesday Raleigh. N. C, July 13 Raleigh sweltered during the week with , an average temperature which rang-1 ed close to 95 degrees and official circles were unusually quiet. Gov LOCAL ENGINEER GETS Where do the mullet go when they missioners at a special meeting held have Carolina waters at the finnrnfiph Vestprrlow mnrnintr u 1 0 aIaI BIG CONTRACT 0f the Kpawnirig season jn the falt? means that jn few months Beaufort r r t Do they hurry south where the win- will have an "entirely new power . os .,- ters arft ml(Jer7 If when an(J how ant for itg wate d ,. ht . art QTininacrinn n ni t a fn. U . i . . ' UI.L,att 1W ao they return? Perhans. th S,m The tntai t ( tt,D wn.f;,. crnor McLean, in order to speak and , pav'ng , lne l0wn . schls do not return at all. Who this plant will be more than perhaps to get cool went to Ashe-; ""ul"eu'' ine amounl 01 knows the answer? ville where he encountered temper- "e acl , . " . Many 8erious theories have been iiuu uuimrs. ine wur. nowever Wlii nTvnnoH A contract, to build a bridge be- tween Beaufort and Morehead City, j with the State Highway Commission j and- the county of Carteret as the j PULLMAN SERVICE NOW. of atures which were not much lower than those of the capital. Tha first day of the week, Gover nor McLean issued a statement show ing to what extent the institutions and departments would be allowed LA.mnitAn to go in the matter of expenditures MVr IlNllR WIT I ini-in,. tho fiict fioool iron. 10QS OR Vl VJ I Ull-i 1 VIl T I JLIjLf under the Executive Budget .Act. The Department of Public Instruc tion announced the costs of educat- The lack of Pullman service for contracting parties was ratified at a Beaufort and Morehead City noted meeting of the board of county com- in the News Iast week no on(rer e fity missioners held last Friday Com- ists. The pnUman car from Wash. missioners woouiana, wuntiey, Hall, ingtor,( D. c which has been stop. The purchase of new equipment by " w"nen"m " " preS" Vg in New Bern now comes on to Vi W J i. ao lb VI 1U lOl OUlIllilCl, X lit? thousand dollars. r .v,u uuu a mill. 11 lr r u-j i nil rvi 4 L. I i i t - in,i.. i n . . ....- me coara 01 commissioners was r nnp . th. year Th ontract was s , lgUeSSe8 haVe bee" made 0n the -commenda'tfon of the Wate i " "e ? on,,oner first car came in Tuesday with Cap 7 J r i? C0.ntrfct WaS se-"garding the annual travelings of and Light Commission and Citv En Huntley seco"ded by Commissioner tain Stevens in charge. Tourists cured by Capt. Brooks in competi- this important fish. A nonular iHPa i, !L"t V. l! ,y Hall, and all voted for it ex- from tht. WPRtprn nnrf L tha Riat. tion witn several engineers. that our mullet winter in the warm that the r,reBPt w i. i cept Commissioner Whitehurst who have to change trains in Goldsboro waters of Florida or Texas. If they enough to meet present needs let ..uu,BC , exl,enaea migrations this al0ne to take care may De possible. It hsa even been The contract was drawn but can get Puiman seats the rest de- by the State Board's attorney. of the trip here. of future IT- n a . e . , , ..... . ! v w-,w --. - ,m n . .i , . j. vi a jcai ur mure ni)w i-ujjy ui me conT.raci was not a- ! REVIEW SOLDIERS Si aZTJXZZrjz Z?;X CONNOR TO SPEAK a '"U"B7,CIS- trie current. The new plant is in-yearned in regard to it. It appears. Am IT ITMYfl I7UI7TVTT lanng! A two-mch mullet needs tended to take care of all growth in that the county is to advance for the I A 1 ALUMJN1 EiVfciN 1 jots oi courage to brave the dangers business that may arise 7 for some bridge construction $310,000 and! x . me mue Auanuc. small ones, years. ing its rural population as compared Big Military Event At Camp with city children; the first move to-1 Gienn Frjdav Afternoon. Al ward a decent Union Station for Ral- j BO Exercises at Fort Macon eigh was made, farm college editors ; oi tne nation met at state conege; i Tomorrow (Friday) promises to be 18 common Knowledge, current considerably il. i .1 i ... Kilt wliavA rl ' 1 f . . ine nauonai guaru encampments op- a big day at Camp Glenn. The ' Kume irom an is now done. ened and various other matters of Troops tationed there, which are lesser interest took place. ,the 120th infantry, will be reviewed H Tt TO flirfhai n1o?mn1 H -frinf if ia U i-L. .. however, are abundant in Beaufort win be possible to nroduce WtH, fill which it is S,H will nt nMr Cet . founty Alumni Plan . I ' - .1 V J .111111 TKtVjVvv UI1U 'Till llUaVky UC ICSSi Budget Figures Given by Governor McLean and other dig nitaries. The dress parade and re- wnere were thev hatched? Pei-hana fnnivi nJ? 1.. .i A. fnntiraft wm rilicorl iidh..iIi, cKKn laiu on me Coasts Of jmiuoj eocnnnn i i . t.v.. -with renresentativp. nt th. u-.i..! i,- ?360.000 and it may be less, . " . ' v m . xciuaus irum somp RTlflwn. ' "" and will According to these figures the county I will advance a total of not more than This The Twenty Fourth ed much nearer Beaufort. No oihl -Morse Company for two money is to be repaid to Carteret p.?r County whenever funds from future ......... o. uicoo iiomue biiu re- , . nnita- n f 170 1 1.1. wneiiever lunus irora iuture Governor McLean's figures for the view will take place at four o'clock f" . uestlon aer question can "A r,nowatt ana tne gtRte bond issues allowed to the j u.-j i x.i ,n .1 . .... . thus be advanred onH tnvcj olner 01 155 Kilowatt canacitv. turning uuuKei year snow mat spiv,- ;in tne aiternoon ana it is expected . . . , u, (By Ralph Noe) Information has been received that Dr. R. D. W. Connor will speak at A balance of the annual banquet given by Carteret - .... tv,5 ii .1 . t, ,1 county are avauaDie. 070,518 will be allowed for general that a large crowd will be on hand t"r " mmlet 18 an lnte'esting fish. ine pies- about 32 000 of the dd 150 000 County alumni and students of the expenditures while bond issuees for to see this spectucular event. Sena- permanent improvements will amount tor Simmons, Congressman Aber- j,,...,..., iv hi, ...,, ul oiuuuii. wi oiiiiiuuiiB, congressman ADer- .. " " " w 1 to $5,125,000., Educational institu. nethy, General A. J. Bowley and oth- m,f'Ion Pour,d8 a year. We. quite Jj1 burn lther rosene r crude tions will receive the largest individ-'er prominent people are expected to know h long it J pnc. q v.w r . ent eanapitv nt Vio nlont tv, "u"" is mterestea in mm . r " """- "" hnnrf iKBi, wh,Vh ic in i-v, v,n,i TTnivitv of Mnrt roiir,, n. , iL. . , . . fines are of the -rn.rlo nil 1. ..A ..w ..-nun - " uuuut 10 me extent 01 a - ... . ... ; of the count, will he naiH .r 0t : 1.. .t.: . . . ..... w.w. uu 10 tu ntiiii liiis vt'ar hi TnR urpHn . 1 T T : . . 1 1 al shares of the funds as $2,288,162 be present. At Will spent IOr SUCnort Of the institu- IS to takA nlarp at tho Atlont; tions and $2,000,250 for the public J After the military review is finish- PP"lar- LJrbv.,(l, iI4 duuiuvii, cu uuvciiiui iuuxjcuh ana cne various the institutions meaning the LUC 1 for improvements amounting to $3, 'exercises there. The public is in-i ge filQ.Onn Tho pnnritnKlo intitntinn. .,ifoJ 4..l 4.1. . t:.. n ! SUCh 1 -..v i .v.. ...v iiiDvimuuiin ii-u 1W UUCUU LI1I? i" Ul L 11 iiL U II PT. once to the Highway Commission. jBea-ch Hotel Fri,Jay Ju,y 24th Dr nieht Tt h 11 t8keS him t0 reach an edible Old age equipment is M5.025.33 and this &- A motion was passed by the coun- Connor, who is Kenan Professor of at the Atlantic"!! t th "ge whn 1,6 ds hitnself so-ount is o be paid in 36 monthly ty board to allow the chairman and History' and Government at the Uni- juntuiiiueiits oi (iiiiou.YU eacn. it is L-ierK to borrow $150,000 for a per- eiy 'e son oi me late reaerai would like to know too if aKreea that these monthly payments. iod of six months to be used in the Junge li. I. Connor and is an ouU " v.A . .. . . i ... , i . .... . ....... .1 : ...ii. : i x 1 1 fi i "c maue out oi tne net earn- roaa ana Driage program. Eneineer b""ui"b uuuraiiiy on nora Carolina In other words if Brooks was instructed by the board , history. At this time of the rapid as i ;uj . me runs oi smaller fish, knnwn uuuujiuiiitii visii,uj are to go over . ..... . . Ioo-ok will rereivo hr.nA ic' i p,.. tu 4. '--ape Mullet," ever becomes the "eB V1 !"" n ..... ...... uwa.u iiwuv .miuo v A v.l, 111(11. J IL I MttlllClUaLK 111 InF . . 1. '. 11.H..rtw. rue inuueu r or nnding out . " '"ft" jajmcni-s tuuouit mm oiaie iiij;nway 1 . . . v v vvuu.j OT0 things we need some simple will be made. The company is to officials relative to the plans"' and a resort center, Dr. Connor may be wku.ui.ii iiiu vi ohcmu me tun macon ex- . .. r i . , .. . .. . . . i j . L. i . . hospitals etc-will receive $1,669,- ercises and boats will be provided meanB 01 1lentifyin-g fish when they . "ere to install tne specmcauons of the causeway to be " w ou n.s Knowieage 8767 500 bv the Fisheries f,: anA !t are seen t& after a neriod of "lt"-",nery. it is claimed that It will built between Beaufort and More- 01 "'"ory ior some interesting rem- 600 for maintenance and $767,500 by the Fisheries Commision and cit- for per manent improvements. The izens to carry over those who may time 3n as fish are 'continual' be fosf Ie ? Y time to tell to a head City. The total cost of the iniscences of Old Carteret and, with . ,. ... . .. . orrnntino i. ,l:o;....ii mi cent what it is POKtino- tn nrnlnoo i-nmuwav an1 hriln-a ao iaaf ImotnI Ills clear cut Vision, make KdtnP nrpHif It is likelv that inn ""'"6f id uuniuii.. mere seems " f""-- '"r- " jtmiinou - - iincijr uiat Bev- . , , t.hp pnrrpnt Tt .,nr,oora t v. u i.,, i, ot tt:i i-i : : tinns fnr tne Mpvl- TVio unmniiHu reformatories will receive $821,000 wish to attend, for maintenance and $688,500 permanent improvements. An exclamation of relief tinged with unbelief went up from the pop , ulation of Raleigh last week when it became known a survey was being made of a Union Station site by the city administration which will take for eral boats will go from Beaufort and ' n0WVr a solution to the , Uliv'11" fc ue.ine in- vy me otate mgnway commission is her points also proujem. jc t?airr nu i-iigni com- fuourvuu. e- vic uavjwi xccia mgn- r poin s a so. If a certain three-pound fish can mission to do awy with fiat rates and . i'y elated over being able to bring The program for the exercises at be recognized as the small nine-inch put in ,ight and water meters. . St! J" 1 "e News last week, Dr. Connor to Carteret County and the Fort is as follows: one of several years past some 1 ReW , .. ZT' oi "e have him address a gathering of . . .. - -M"'j""ci.. urn oiates war department nas civen n i. i. ui icici iiunty pcupie. Major 0. O. Kuentz of the United i iciuic me new eaumment cn tie sfoin. Wo n, i,- ; . . - )iuiu nor icjui tiiiciib lias given I Invocation by Dr. George Lav of ILnfo"nat,0jn a" .fate. of rowth can mstalIed be necessary to erect notice of a public hearing on the! iaufort, N. C. 'eBrnea. n tne locality of his a building and build a foundation, bridge matter set for Tuesday July1 .The purpose of the annual event, j.aFvuir tellal, sometwng can be A new well will also be provided. 21st. at 2 P. M. in the county court- at which Dr. Connor will speak, is to learned of his travels. The U. S. The post nf th OCA 1 torn a ia nDf.'n,nJ 1 ail . , , i . i Vic n Knn .nnf a-T 1 J Beaufort Welcome remarks by Hon. J. the matter to the railroads and ask Woodland, chairman of the Carteret Bureau of Fisheries is therefore at Von f IZ "i r T T P 8 mteresiea ln lne " ""'7" "x T 1 for their cooperation. This mpB.s County Commissioners. SI. !l !! f' f0re' Un' 35. f the b.mld,n,1500 for r are invited to be present and to which high school graduates may little Greensboro has been waiting for years on a decent station but it con, by Hon. A. D. Ward, New Bern, ed to the """"""6 " extensive taggine ex- the encme foundHtinna nH 1 Rnn ..: iu... u l.... h ninloil fi oliovoio . !,.. r- i,;i:i i. t-i i .,.i . . j.i.i. Bi,cn,e anjr vicwj? uiey may nave auoui , 6c, nucic xnei nistoricai sKetcn or i"prt Ma- periment. Little metal tags attach- well. The hnnivl naco,i a kuaIn. u. u. .u n i :x thpw i - x .nwi tIt; queMiuii uuui vmuy ami in writ-j " v win- fiTlll COVerS Of liberntPll tlOn 'Allt.hnri7.ino tha I .1 f mi 1 l...;h..i .i. vafDitiT troium,, nvnlnin 1 It fa believed th the 0 r, " f f clinch their identity be-Light Commission to borrow $6800' Department show a concrete and Hined by some distinguished alum- !L fl ,11 f I t? I ly ' P,esentatlon of Fort Macon on be- V? a doubt. Suppose fish mark- for the building, the foundation and steel bridge about 8,000 feet long nus, and thus be encouraged to attend vSrs th. with nreseni ZLrt thUnjted ates Government Beaufort Harbor are later taken the well. A motion was adopted by with two draws one located on GaU the University or some other institu- There ate Tix times as ZZ ,hu' L Abelnethy. reP" E"ftn,d' !" XaS' 0r' more the board maki the salary of the lanfs Channel on the Beaufort end tion. The banquet has been held ,i,pj IhI r- tv- T T ? u" rcsentatlve ln Congress from the belief, in Florida. This, would Chief of Police $125 a month. Bids and one located on Newport River on three times previous to this, and al dien attending the rural schools, the Third North Carolina district. . ; automatically settle a long-discuss- will be invited at an earlv meeting th m,.i.j Pit,, ready manv of Carteret Countv'. tu. Department oi Public lnstiuction. 1 . ' ed point says, than are attending the city1 stf"!n? r r "f00" ,0r the I Several thousand mullet have a. schools but the amount spent 'V2i"'Bb',CovmMrdy been market with ' non-corro-their education is only about three Angus w- Mca- sive( metal tags, each bearing a nura- times as much. In other words, a-! Brief remarks by Major Wm. D. ber and the stamp of the U. S. Bu bout two dollars is being spent on Harris, acting director of the Noth reau of Fisheries. The tags are a each city child for one dollar on each Caolina Depatment of Conservation bout three-quarters of an inch lone v..u. u ...u - ..H, on ron macon as ana attached to the left gill covers ers met Monday and sat as an equal- imately4Gr,0 feet between done a crpnt deal in pHuputinn lint it .Stntp Pm-L- 1 n. . ... ...... ' iinmciiuuu icqi ur'vvccii - o - ... . . - UA ule nSn Tacrine' pvpw fniimuo. iiinn kAnj v... ..,.,!..:..... i oo o - - luH.iuii uwuiu iv ncr wi'iiifjiauii,! null oraws up tne Bureau's hshing for the construction of the new pow- have horizontal clearances of 50 and dents in the various colleges owe er house. go feet respectively. The proposed their training to the fact that they . bridge is parallel with the Norfolk attended. Invitations have been mail- COUNTY BOARD RAISES Southern Railroad and 30 feet down ed to all the 1925 high school grad- SOME LAND VALUATIONS stream from the railroad trestle. It uptes in Carteret County. is proposed to construct a solid fill or ' The banquet at the Ocean Beach The board of county commission- causeway for a distance of approx- the two still lags far enough behind other states for the populace to go ahead LIBRARY GETS CONTRIBUTION and act rather than to talk of whtl FROM MR. E. M. HOWARD fishing ground nas oeen done, lne average spent suffer little for education of a school child I As related in a recent issue of the everv fish tacrtrp,! n 1 - w vajcv.iicu boat and make adjustments as to tax matters. marks the daily catch right on the There were only a few requestes for Thus the mullet chances in the assessment of nrnn.' wtiwiiuii injury, and practically erty. However , the board made i some change on its own motion which i GOES TO STUDY AT BROOKLYN Hotel is to be conducted, on a larger scale than any previous. The ban quet proper will include a six course dinner during which the guests will be entertained by orchestra music. Following the dinner, there will be a Grand March in the ball room and then dancing or strolling on the creeased. The average spent North Carolina last yeai than half that amount. Petroleum products which inrougnout tne nation in l2U was xsews, Mr. js. M. Howard who s the live. F.arh mnll l u ... s...i . j.i Mr Mnih P. SUrrpn. whn-Im i. u ..- j. I m,. . ..i , , , ... , . ,, , i r n i . ..- i'vij nicas- i.uiiBim,t;u iii raisiiiK some valuations - " uracil, us me rucsis may preier. ine $b4.15 and this has constantly in-1 Director of Sales of the Beaufort ured. the nnmherpH tno. U iaA m...j i been emnlnved hv the ReHiifoit News ! ...:n :..i..j . u. in Realty Corporation won the $25 prize the gill' cover with one elifk nf thi ThB r,,. v,Dv, ,.lvt for the lafst two vears as a printer r- i i ,v nAAu: North Carolina last year was less offered by Mr. HenryK. Fort for a rJiers. and the fish KWim frBO tn ...D Tio.i .... a ... and linotvne one'rator. has pone to r... n m- t Lu- u-:i I ' - ' vw mu-- " V imaiiu HCIUIUIVIC CISOCOCrU tt r f - v IU lL. VUII11WJ, ifll. XjULUUI JT1UII111- county slogan. M. Howard' ug- sist the investigators in their prob- $5 an acre was advanced by the Brooklyn, N. Y., where he will take toB of Morehead City will act as were ?eStl,0n.WaS "Carte"et County The lem. Plans for tagging and liber-board to $20 an acre. This takes a six weeks course in the mechanical toastmaster. brought in through Wilmington from! T . Vt V S thousand mullet at Beau- in practically every thing from Fort "de of the linotype operating With j other States and redistributed in the' ,7 keeplng the Prlze mr.- fort are under way. A like number Macon west. The valuation on the the Merganthaler Linotype Company.' GROWS FINE FLOWERS. State must be handled at a intra- V wn. PrPe Mr. Howard,, will be marked in Florida during the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City.. Mr. Skarren is the second student state rate rather than inter-state ,"turned 11 to the Beaufort News with coming fall. PerHaps Florida tags' which was reduced by the former that the Beaufort News has sent to Judee Meekins held in Federal rmirt '" ma oe used ior some will appear in next season's catch at board, was put back to S91.000 in- this school, the other one being Mr. loot ,-,, ; .ipMin o k..,u i purpose that wouki of benefit to' Beaufort. That remaws to be seen stead of 850.0(10. A few Mho. D. C. Thigpen. Mr. Skarren was " - the public. In accordance with this vy tne uii i.,uiii(iiiiica aaiiiei. me rail- fr Mr. D. W. Whitehurst when he is not busy in his barber shop on Ann That remains to be seen stead of .$50,000. A few other ad- D- C. Thigpen. Mr. Skarren was a street, finds o-ood deal of nleasure Will P For T. iustments were maHe alsn It i p. student at the Beauofrt High School, in of f mir or t r Viia flnwot criivA art A f turned the The tagged mullet will do their bit timated that a half a million dollars 'having completed his Junior year. It somewhat the price of gasoline. jo" over to the Beaufort Library jby just swimming, but the fiisher- will be added to the county's taxables 's not known whether he will return a arge quantity and The amount of $38,585.07 has been ' 'fu " ' operated u"der theaus pices ,men and fish dealers must cooperate as a result of the board's action Mon- to work here or elsewhere. 'flowers in his front ai distributed to the suffers from the . .TK .lhemon: r Government's experiment is'day. r, i ri i- "l" ue usea 10 cuy new books and Coal Glen mine disaster in which 63 uD n -i. . . ., , i- . . . uirioute to tne pleasure " D",lc ,'MUCU of a very considerable ( Continued on page eight) people. number of his home on Live Oak street he has variety of front and back yard and also in the sidewalk strip in front Charlotte of the house. Roses, lillies, zinias. Mrs. R. F. Laughinghouse and sis- Cushman, actress, and Harriet Bee- petunias and many other kinds of tag returned to the U. S. Bureau of iter Miss Lama Pugh of Kinston are ccher StoweH novelist, have been un- flowers are all grown successfully (Continued on page four) jvislting Mrs. Anne Loftin. veiled in the Hall of Famtv by Mr. and Mrs. Whitehurst. to succeed. A cash bounty of twen- ty-tf v cents will be paid for every j Busts, of two women i ,1 r! ifi rK 1