i VC TT f pro 11 11 JcU - o Tut bt advertising medium published in Carteret Co. I READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XIV 10 PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. JULY 23 1925 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 30 Beaofqr 11 Inl ia t . . f t V ?. t FORT MACON PARK HANDED OVER TO NORTH CAROLINA Considerable Crowd Present at Interesting Exercises. Gov ernor McLean Makes Address SOME REPAIRS MADE With simple bu impressive cere. monies on last Fridav afternoon the 17th, old Fort Macon and some 400:roaa- 1,118 18 a most surprising - t acres of land were formally taken f tement to come from one on the Sounds. ! 3 in mo e irviceable con- DeP"rt1me.ntI1whlc.h dePrtment ha8'case, the financial situation at the over by the State of North Carolina Beaufort side of the "Great Divide." It is an extensive gcientific study J Jjorj ble con r , bl tre m t,e f Qrmer for use as a public park. Congress- cannot understand why any one in- cf the BUmmer fiBherie8 of these "11 1 COn8lde;al!le rison's "deficit" statementand the man Charles "I Abernethy made the terpstd the historic town of Beau- soundg. with Bpecial stregg laid on "f""f t0 "e Standard wd om the two towns and the sae of Meredith Coege wh,ch .g to presentation for the Federal govern- fort should ish to prejudice the the action of the two chief types of gThe depsrtment hag dur. C0Unty Were PIesent- Sral nf be converted into a hotel were some ment and Governor Angus W. Mc-"dfthe reading publ, and es-gear.pound nets and ,ong haul''he paTwee Hh" of the topics that absorbed interest Lean accepted it on behalf of the Peclay tourists, against the road to seines-upon the fish stock. ZZ nf fZZ S i t tZ Commisslon were a,so on hand during the week in the capital citv State Mr W D Harris of the his home town. " Can it be that thei . - , . . . t me oi suifacing material to the watehing the proceedings with evi-' f thZ ctl P C ty oiaie. air. w. v. warns oi tne Pamltto Sound, the second largest Neuse river hiehwav bridee and it At i the state- Statp Denartmpnt nf Conservntinn proprietors of the local hotels which oj u Aii . r ,"e"wy """Ke. u dent interest., I , , btate department ,of Conservation p canacitv d the Atlantlc coast in con- j8 understood other coats will be ap-; . r n n v . The fight against the ice compan- and Development presided over the tne eaitor says are nnea to capacity, junct;on w;tu gore SnunH enrmms j u j Major Oscar 0. Korntz of Wil- . . ... meeting have requested the News to do some- J " " 7jfv. ! f- PP plled tlme t0 t,me' Produc,nS mington called the meeting to order les.here..charged w.th exacting ex g' thino- nr Mv Bnm.tV,W t nhrt the 8 6Ummer fishery consisting approx- finally a smooth,' wear-resisting sur- ... , . meeting to oraer ive jceg for necessity was After reviewing the 120th regi- " Lrf f 4 milHn PUnds f tr0Ut; face that will make traffic more com- a"d 'th military precision, stated ,ts ken jnto CQUrt firgt ment at Camp Glenn, Governor Mc-,0"0; " . . . 2 million pounds of croakers; 1 1-2 fortable, and at the same time ex- ff H1 mi. W" ?.ePartmnt time resulted in a "no true bill " the Lean at about five o'clock accom- U f Zlotl o r be in Z t mMon PUndS f 8pts and 200 tend th life of the bridgl. "0 "J88 ,n b"dge matter second being the reverse which por- panied by various military and civil- TtZ0 " I L !hou.sand pounds of butt-fiSh (1923; 1 "" tends a hard fought legal battle" in ian 'dignitaries newspaper" folks and others boarded the State Fish Commis sion boat commanded by Captain jf , , , t i. a t , , x ito make this very" remarkable state - John A. Nelson and went over to the' . , . , .. . , , . , . . , TU nj , ,i . . . , rum chaser alio carried a number of v . 3 x i . .. neaa city ana oeauoin Drougnt otn- i . . , ers maKnig a crowa oi several nun-i dred. The Beaufort chapter of the U. D. C. attended in a body. After making a short inspection of the old fortress the crowd assembled under the shade of several water oaks where a small stand had been con- structed an the ceremonies took place. The reg.mental band played a selection .and then Dr. George W. r .u.c:cu. "7 u':-"-- r- uams introduced as tne nrst speaK- . , . cr Congressman Abernethy who on v.v.n il. t:i-j--i r "ZTr i.r:.ijr Mr. Abernethy predicted a great fu ture for Beaufort and Morehead City and said the park should be kept -for - - - " all time as a'place of recreation for ... . A . T - the next speaker and his remarks which were favorably received appear on another page of this newspaper. J V Wnniilanii " lSQirtrtfin tt tha board, of county commissioners made a short speech in which he refers to the progress the county is making and in appropriate language extend! ed . welcome to all to the exercises. Ward of New Bern who Head 1 shnrt vuc utiT. tl)cawr nil. A. y. sketch of the three forts that have occunied thiR noint. Hi aMre n- pears elsewhere in the paper! The exercises concluded with the rendi- concluded with the rendi- idi . ' a; .1; a: iv. t. i j ti i.. uon oi tue oiar oangiea uanner the band while -the crowd stood attention: Fort Macon is now tKe property of the people of North Car- olina. Some repairs are being mare w ai effort will be made to get a good sized CUIJ W ii HV JK, VVU DiibCU appropriation for the park from the Legislature when it meets, again (Continued on page five) BETTER DOCKING FACILITIES ARE BEING UROVIDED ,r An improvement to the wharfage facilities of the town of vBeaufort is; lr"e' thls Part- 01 the Mate high- now in progress. The old wharf at3?y bas,not y been hard surfaced' j, , . ., ... The Hichwa Commimwin hav tunt tne piace Known as tne county cock has been repaired and put in good nhape and a good sized addition is being made to it. Mr. Henry W. Noe 7" A" " " Xt" tM. rnT is doing the work for the town. An," m ' j0 tn" raf'l " because of their double vea thribble other wharf will also be built at the foot of Craven street and possibly 0 lga 0 0 . 80' fW ' See.mS elsewhere. There has been talk of nat our e"eml e . building some wharves for the espec- Jfve Pvaiiea -witn tne Mignway ial benefit of the yachts that P:m"" through twice a year. At times when, fna "PP lne 1UDas Propeny Delong' by reason of bad weather or other causes, a large number of yachts are in the harbor they have considerable difficulty in finding places to dock. . The reason the Beaufort News is the best advertising medium to reach Carteret county folks, because it M read rpirnlarlv hv lsro-R nnmW of the most substantial people in the . , V . , , . county. County Farm Aeent KuS. Over - street is on a vacation trip visiting his relatives in Mississippi. j DR. MASON MAKES ANOTHER PROTEST! News Criticises Statement In And Pays His Respects To Others Editor Beaufort News: I In your ISSUe Of 9th. mst Under head State Petitions Army .for Bridge" you say "Tourists finds it , . ' ..... . , difficult to come to Beaufort by au- tomobile, and impossible without a lon8 circuitous route ' over a bad I mi . ... - mr ... . p . ' . ".. ' .w v....v v iiiem, wiucn ii you win iaKe lime to drive out on this old stage road, on vi k , , . , . .'. . nave riaae ,pti von. will us fnr- vnnrcelf . is UNTRUE IN EVERY RESPECT Wherpin i it riiffinif- fnr tnnriotc to get to Beaufort by automobile t h these waters once held. v tv, nVMuch valuable information will be from East Cr'eek tQ Beaufort ig near . .. .. - w...,..- . ri. , or g;x 'mOeB less, and if that Dream Brid fc t he djg. Morehead City, fc 4 y' fiveV minutes X Z tomobile. And . the road. East , . . - ' . - - ;, is GOOD as you 'come out in your urecK to iseauiort, ' . . ; Bce wucn yuu come uui in your Nash or Limousine, making 40 mile, , , an hour. If vou can not come. I will refer vou to the declarations of sever al of your correspondents on the oth- re side that thig road ig y,e of the t . ' . , . .. best sand-clay roads in the State." But come yourself Mr. Editor and stop to see the writer who is anxious .-Vi 4-VA 1 ...V. 1 A ... . . . ov-vcvi xviv xcov. auu cuaugt; Vi. V - norses. And wherein is the route so CIR- ""- isr. . y,ng ut this part of State highway ;No- ,10 left the 0,d road in cutting through woods and fields, re - , . .......... gardle8S of aed owner's con- r ven'ence r Wlshes. for .the purpose of "u " iiiQninK vuc iuou mule iicauy sLiaignv an.a. "j . 18 11 8 f tnat g J"' as" uiumi ipi;iioi.c ouwrjf, nas irtun in making the road "long and circuit- ous" instead of shorter, and more di- reett No. there is nothing so far as -r y ui iiianiiiir me roau jonir ana circuit- othing so far as road is "ncerned, to cause any tour- ist to hesitate to g0 to Beaufort. If the hotels are full to capacity, the citizens of Beaufo1 should let loose some of ,their BurP,us money, and build , nice lare-e. modern hotel, to erive amnle room nrf nerpRnarv st- tractions for visitors; aria" let them know that the road to the historic ,,ow u'al ",e roBU lo lne 8 town 18 GOOD, and at leaFt one mile Ao' tharr when the stage ran daily oveJ . - :j. . in nd for bridges on this Toaa l" e j , ' lu ,lu uu"u"'8 - unnecessary and expensive bridge r Newport river, connecting two' j , , a T;nical in Pect, Mr. Pearson desires iness relations, and less love and af no less love ana ai- j feetjon eath 0ther Think of V "f.. may 1 tie " la " J' rMrfnae wonld "ulu piojev.1, nvnose tnjei Ube wouiu be foi- iov rifipr. mn.tlv niffht nH fr M r,ders mol?tly niShts andhis children the fish jjiwivjaB. ouvn BciiEeicss wasve m Such senseless waste of puDlic xunds should not be endorsed by our P"eat Governor, whose very iwi8e poJicy is for fnomy Public" f (Continued on page six) NOW INSPECTING SOUND FISHERIES' . d v V U. S- Experts Are Getting In- formation About Fish , In Core And Paml'co Sounds . It TTV . V. i 4 cy oureau 01 risnenes; ! I Onp nf thp mnt imnnrtant hik, r largest of fishery investigations ever conducted on the Atlantic sea-hoard is now being undertaken by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the N. C. Fish Commission in the waters.of Pamlico and Core! U. statistics). While all but lrout nave increased rapidly unt,U re - cently, these fiipheries are new and tv,B 4 u j they are now believed to be declm- , The main purposed of this investi- 1B l" ucusriiiine xne causes OI n.4i.. ji iv. this dec,ine and to find remedial meas "res IOr DullQing op the tine fash obtained as a basis for intelligent fisheries conservation. V ' ' The work was begun about the middle of June and 'will not end un.- the close of the fishing season in NoVember. The field work is being nducted Mr" J 1 W under the general supervision of -Mr.omer on tne tfeauiort-mw Bern Imer Higgina, both experts of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Washing- us kv. . . ... . . ton, D. C. . The problem is to determine thp , . . .. . . course of the fisherv at different In- calities during the season and the reiative importance of each kind of c . ,. A , , . fish according to locality and type of type of fishing gear used; to discover the relative percentage of immature and rvi t) ln 4 I. I -: , , - ,. i-v. bhu 1uv.n411.1cg nttui uiii vu vuc A J. . d to learn the type vi gear useo ana to learn tne relative' destructiveness of different it different times during the fishing FACTORY f destroyed BY FIRE , By an examination of the size and! " . . . - age of the catch, according to time! , . ... ... , and locality with measurements from sample 1015 oi nsn ana tne collection and J? ot ,scalef to determine age oi nsn, mucn valuable intormation 01 vi&u, niucn vaiuaDie lniormation will beobtained toward solving a hard problem. Around 3,000 fish are be- ine measured each week with the ex- .io, ...uw. a.uoUiC ,..ioI,auun will neontampn t.nwaril en vintr a hnrrl ing measured each week with the ex- pectation of having at the close of the work the measurement of over 75,000 fish with a collection of of scales covering around 15,000 indi- v ' viduals. About "tn fishing centers arnnnH P, H Pm1;,. silD oM heino. rnvomil ounh mjjolr or.4.;i; a cruising distance of nearly 150 miles a week. mnes a weeK. The N c Figh Commissioner through Commissioner John Nelson , has put at tlie desposal of the Bureau for thig work the gtate patrol boat "Neuse" under Capt. J. R. Moms. r, . , . . . . negular lrlps to tne nsnmg grounds are made each week on thjg boat 8nd on th'B boat the 75'000 nBh wi!1 be measured and otherwise examined. Beside obtaining the information ",uc """""s iiivuiinauuu mentioned above, physical condi- tions such as temperature, salinity of the water; details of construction and ag well ag the fishermen's experiences on the catch, movements of schools and weather and local nA . . . , .. . . conditions affecting the catch are al- rnrAtlA A,though tfae invegtigation ig techJWELL.KN0WN BUSINESS . , .. i vuc rauniiKo iui he realizes the value of the practical side and knows that every fisherman CM contribute in olvinK the great . "UU'B'U conserving ior man ana M.t.umna. " JLi. ua iuuua ui uuq ijicMv ouite oi xvonn larouna. Carteret county is growing and im- proving and the Ceaufort News is 'trying to do the sane thing. WHEATLY TO RUSH ! ROAD WORK IN DISTRICT New Bern, July 19 A report says. Claude Wheatly, new road commis-i sioner for thjs district, just back frnm tnn nt tv,0 IBtr-t win Hi. Tp:t hig effort8 toward rushing all highway construction projects in his domain. I M, whpfl.,,v if. ,. Ravin . . . mat tne Dricx road in graven county which , rt o Highway No. 10- . iL ,.. r, . . . . .in Ko ,. A? v,h V,,-. to extend two feet on ejther gide 0 4v, c w , mv uicscub O'iUUt pa VClilVIIti - . , . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE i HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Chamber of Com merce took place Tuesday evening iv. .1 r r n n nie .oiiiv:e 01 ur. v,. o. maxwen. n. good attendance was present. A- Dout an nour's time was consumed in Rearing Mr. Lenox of Georgia cuss a system of sweet potato curing which he installs. Agood many ques tions were asked the speaker and --h interest manifested in the sub- ject, . The advertising committee report- ed that a sign directing travelers to 5" had -e!! 8t roao At a recent meeting the board of town commissioners passed a mo- mad. At rprnt mptinir th hal ion au orizing . .arge sign made ior tne naveiocK corner ana so mere wil1 be two Beaufort signs on the road' Secretary Betts reported that ne naa 8 conwoeraoie aemanu ior nrinted matter relative to Beaufort Prlnlea matter relative to rseauiort ",7" 7,- l Ta lnal sometning or tne son was needed- The advertising committee - - o was instructed to get up a tolder. The matter of having some wharves huilt for yachts was discussed and a - - --- - -- - other subjects were touched on after which the board adjourned. ...... n . t. .. unc ui me must uisasuuus liicn , . . . Cartpret . county in a long time, occurred at fln ea; - ' when - - Tavlor's . , . . , . , , P 1 oE . olaylor s. CrC F Sc"p a"d 0l1 Crmpan,y WaS burned- The fire occurretr wh" e . , . . , T.v,.. - uu'"eu- "re " ,t . ' j that lipht JL. t " T"k..5 i5fl f' ..4.T. 4. . . . - . .. ... . . . .... e " 1 Bna lne n"cmnery was so oauiy aam J Al- - t V Jl J j iv.i nm. :j. v.. agreu niav very mue u. ii can Ufed ain, P nr. OB , ' niflnt anH thp ln i p vijij.av.cu vu tic iiuiii mcinii vu vwvrnv. fiv. v.nl,.0j jn, ownen of th(J Ta.,jor.g Cre,k ,.iant hav. nt ApriApA vfi. u,hat plant nave nor oeciaea as yet wnat they do about rebuilding the plant. Their boats wele not hurt by the fire and will continue to fish. Arrangements have been made to start up the former Chadwick plant. . . j. i t . evbit up tne iormer i,naawicK piani, now owned by the Atlantic Fisheries Compjfny, and this factory will take care of any fish caught by the Tay- lor's Creek boats Both-cf these plants are situated a few miles east of Beauofrt and are 'owned mainlv bv Beaufort oponle CHANGES HANDS . . . me long ana weii estaonsnea ary goods and milinery business of Mrs. C. A. Moore has been sold to Misses May Belle and Georgie Neai who will ' . continue it in its present location 4 1 . . . . ... j 1 1 wi-uno etory oi tne viawson (DuiJaing. The business wUl be con- ducted under the name of Neal Millinery and Novelty Shoppe. The new owners will open up the business . Saturday morning. ARMY MEN BOLD BRIDGE HEARMJi Will Move Morehead City Draw. Several Weeks Be fore Matter Is Set tled Another forward step in the fight, wh,cb has hen proceeding for a long time to build bridge between Beau - fort and Morehead City, was taker Tuesday afternoon of this week Thls was at the hearing before en gmeers representing tne u. &. war T J " " "c u r - . . ... r . vl view, xnis eliminated any possi- . , . , , ble controversy between road and bridge advocates Major Koentz asked come repre - aeiiLauve 01 me otaie niirnwav 1,0m- . . mlss,on 10 explain wnat sort ot a ; Zto State Anti-Tru,t Law is $1, g.er w- u raven took the floor n00 for each offense patrons of flnd gave tne necessary information. A large bIue print showing the posi- Jj ""' was exhibited All persons interest- Thi viTwTwlU a ST and press their vews which a num- KM.ri r::, - v" . P ng U ." u""c w w,uc- nno Krt tfc n f " . " be at the foot of Ann street on the Beaufort side. After some discus- it was decided that the More- -- 7 " neaa )ty araw should be Md.a.j , moved 900 feet to the eastward and Mainr - - - ----- , lit i ... - - - f" '"'-" '" - ""Y port of the engineers will be for- ,,jqj t w..k; 1 ; t i,. . ... thollht that th " e'1"1"" u,uusl ",e necessary permission will be given to g0 ahead with the work. A repre- "tative of the State Highway Com- mioinn tniH tho k.. v,D thought the con tract would be let - at the September letting. Represen- tative. of the Commission present were District Commissioner C. R. Wheatly, Bridge Engin wneatiy, Bridge engineer W. L w. n : l.:j. , r -j . r. Craven, Assistant Bridge Engineer W. S. Winslow. Construction Enei- ng E gnowden neer and Assistant Construction En- Bi"eer W. D. Somervel. The War Denartment was renresented bv Ma- nnrfmpnf wn rnrnt h m.,. j0r Koentz, Assistant District Engi- Engi- neer H. T. Patterson of New Bern ana jttoDert u. Merritt oi wnmini?- - ion s "WEST BEAUFORT SPECIAL" 1 BRINGS MANY VISITORS Eus parties that come down to look over the West Beaufort devel- opment are getting to be a weekly ' . . .. . performance, ln lact they are almost UP to Florida real estate folks who carnr PeoPle in cars aI1 the way from Nrtb. Carolina to Miami, Palm Beach and other places free of charge. miim iiinfr 1 1 1 ij i i. u i ifK jit fiianiji 'e('k before last a bus load of Prospectors came down from the central Part of the State and last Friday evening the "West Beaufort Beaufort Special" drew up in front of the Davis House with a party from High Point and Greensboro. Mr. W. B. Ouerrant was m charge of sightseers who Vvxre W. H. Apple, Pau' Hedgepeth, Fret Arey, Fred n i t. w- H. Sloan, L. C. Furgeson, A. W. Proffety, E. P. Jacobs of High Point and W H. Par.ish, C. O. Hall, t? j- n r ti th. v. in,1' u- """i bkih, oi itaieign. AflfltllPI. hlltt TMIf IB n...i.. J .1.x... -. cj.ijct.wu uunu " wees. Judge D. H. Bland, Mrs. Bland ,and 'ldren of Goldsboro are recent jarivals at the Divis House.j MORRISON SAYS NOT TO BLAME FOR BIG DEFICIT Former Governor Thinks Sys tem of Accounting Is Unfair To Him STATE PRISON BADLY BEHIND , (By M. L. SHIPMAN) j Raleigh, N. C, July 20 The ice fiffllt. Wlt.rl fin flVPraffO fomnovar iiia vf 90 t- gfi H(l0.rp., ih Wvat(. m, superior court later in the year after the need for "ice-coolers" has passed ,, , ... , ; ,. . ' or a season. The bill of ind ct- , D . " iment chargeS Powe11 & Powe11 Inc- the Johnson Coal and Ice Company, 'the Ralpich To A r - - - wv w ,VUA. ,1, illtilJJI t. a h. nr u r otanvi viie y yaiiDurruss company with forming a combine in restraint 0I traae. me minimum penalty un- thege concerns complain that last summer when competition existed ice T '" " ' hUndr6d whereag it ia now selling at 80 centa ? hUndrd ' effectlve the pagt ew montha. . : Former' Governor MoSrlson too his first Pen crack at the McLean administration in a lengthy statement issued to the press from Charlotte on Sunday. Mr. Morrison objects to thp mn than nino milling o,.;t ported during the week by Governor Uf nt can nnl rwnvln A 1 ... . 7 . e ,asl year ln trvlng to eXp,a,n ,laWay- "e contends that the system of financ ng used by the v.fciw ouiiiuiiotiatlUU tU9CU H VI Kill. portion of the deficit and that when every item of revenue is considered it should be reduced several millions. 11 is the same old argument involving chieflv the diffprpnre hptopn tv, .,. B7 " ", k . 77 .aCCrU8' a"i Cash baS ' Mr- rMor"SOn Mbe'ng fr tbe Iormer ana Oovernor McLean for the !- Mi(l,0t many other folks appear to be even clirrktNr Air -,V.rA 4U m former ,. ..... . . , . wuuiu nave oeen tne Detter pan oi , ., v ' , ' Meredith, the State Baptist Col- Iege for women' has been sold for a 1 of $271,400, and the central building will be eonver building will be converted into a ,arKe "olKl- ine conege is moving !arg hotel. The college lnl 118 new oualnK on tne Liurnam road two miles west of Raleigh where . wonjprflli nlint is hono, oroMol, r Governor McLean spent a major portion of the week sway from the 'ty. On Tuesday he was at Fort Bragg where Governor's Day was ceieDratea; ruaay ne went to Camp Glenn to review the militia and later accepted Fort Macon as a St.te park n. . . . . 'f uovernment. The Governor is much in demand out in the State and is usually "Charley-on- , me-spot. I The deficit I i nj .ii.iii'iT r .no MDia I'ricnn announced sonft months ago as ap- proximately $300,000, has soared to the level of $563,913.14 according to a recent audit made by the State Auditor and, in. addition, it in said, there was a total of $112,530.29 hich the Prison spent on perma- nent improvements and provided for in bond issues authorized by the Gen- eral Assembly. ur. j. i. woyner resigns as a ui- Sector of the Tn-State Tobacco Growers Association, stating that his action was prompted by the de-. i . .... . slre to serve the tobacco growers n ' .' J 1 . . 1 1. ' . wiinoui mere Deing any question that he was influenced by ulterior j motives in giving aid to them. He 'will continue his efforts without com- jpensation.VIevoting as much time as (Continued on page four)

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