IS 2 MJF U in) I'u b-t advertising medium published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY VOLUME XIV 10 PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY JULY 30 1925 NUMBER 31 MAD DOG SCARE AND POUDANIELS FIGHT DISCUSSED .new bcokspok library. MOLINA FEAST WELFARE FOLKS Several new books have been add-! ed to the public library's collection j recently and others are expected shortly. Among the new arrivals is NEW ATLANTIC ROAD i WILL SOON BE FINiSHED WELL ATTENDED AT CHAPEL HILL According to information that re cently reached the News work on the canal and road that are being con- the much talked of volume "Drums." Anm1 TV.w. Ijr Social Problems Under Discus- structed by the East Coast Land ...... - ' , ... XT.- - ... Thin hook written hv James BovH of, r-wJ T H,,, r. , sion D various noieu WM. J. BRYAN DIED SUDDENLY SUNDAY AT DAYTON, TENN. Child Dies From Hydrophobia Southern Pines is a tale of North j And Many Dogs Are Kill- i Carolina in revolutionary days. Itj ed As Result has an interesting plot and is well written. Other - books added are Other Features (By RALPH NOE) The third annual Carolina alumni- Various Speakers Cnmminv is makinc srood DroETess. The dredge is now about a mile and Apparently WelJ Great Orator (By LUCY LAY) Chapel Hill, N. C The sixth Pub- three quarters from the point neari Sea Level where it will connect with i the Atlantic-Beauofrt road. The; to nine feet! Passes Away While As- Appoplexy The Cause SIXTY FIVE YEARS OLD DAYTON, July 26 William Jen- WAKE WILL VOTE ON BONDS "The Restles Lady" by Philip Gibbs, rf.0f Kof ,t cv; "c vteMre institute ior training so- canai is fron) eight ."Brains o fthe Family" by E. J. Roth . ... J p . . . Clal workers held under the direction deep and wil, carry an mmense a- (By M. L. SH1PMAN) "New Friends In Old Chesterby 2?!: !. ri!l-lT f .the State Board of Charities and. mount of water and drain a very Raleigh, N. C, July 27, 1925 A Margaret Deland, "Minnie Flynn" hag eyer bfore attended one cf the "c weuare ana me ocnooi oi arge territory. A fine road is be- nings Bryan, three times presidential mad dog scare and a fight between a by Francis Marion. The complete banquets. preparations were made e of e Unlversltv' has ing built right by the canal and it nominee of the democratic party and News and Observer Reporter and the set of Patty books by Carolyn Wells. for g hundred and tweive guegt8 and passed through a week of interesting win not be very long before there known the world over ' for his elo Prison Superintendent were the two' j : .Bt nf tW ,lmll meetn,BB nd lectures. The Insti-will be & new route from the east-quence, died this aftrenoon at the matters which absorbed chief inter- - . 7W . nnn . t m t. ia r.jM C,0ses n . ,y . . Prt of the county to Beaufort, age of 65. LAYING ASPHALT Twenty nine high school graduates Courses are being given by Dr. jjr q q gtrieder who is general i The end came while the great com- w w.r """"6 -"c 11 1 liJ lOillrlUl accepted their invitations and it is p R ppjp rr F r Rrn and : ' T " . I , , , , past week. Governor McLean was ' J i K. R. Reeder, Dr. E. C. Branson, and manager of the company, was m the moner was asleep and was attributed busy with the installation of the new j OfTI i nrrijf TIIECil A V tended y W" glVe" county last week ccomPanied by Mr- by physicians to applexy. He had re policies of government which he is I ill 1 LV 1 ULoliil I . . The 'erowd assembed in the dnling ecePtional'y fine serles of ulka on G. R. B. Elliott of Minneapolis who tired to his room shortly after eating advocating but stopped long enough j TOn at oV,n.k . WBfi child-training, especially the training is a drainage and agricultural special- a large dinner to take a short rest. to run down to Lumberton the last1 I n" hv , .ir frnm th 8 of chlldren in instltutlons Smce Dr. ist They expressed themselves as Mrs. Bryan sent the family chauffeur, part of the week to inspect his crops Hope To Finish Work On Road e u"c I l"e Reeder was for yean the head of one being very well pleased with the Jim McCartney, to wake him abou and then to the Sand Hill Peach' From Town To Junction " " of the largest New York orphanages, progress that ig being made. 4:30 and it was ,earned then that he show. He also sent out a call a special term of court to try case against the four Raleigh Companies alleging restraint trade. for the Ice By Saturday Evening through the course of the dinner. Mr. he wag wel, qualified to handle his Luther Hamilton, with characteristic Bubject For the gecond week of the rx i rkmnm-vm iv i it in humor, filled the office of tastmaster ..i. t , ...i. . I U tUHU I IVI 1 IV Asphalt laying on the highway ' M, n p wllM ins' J ' . tAUIUllUl DJ Mr. C. R. Wheatly. -,i,i a- pVofnr. fm.K. Royall, Mrs Royal, Dr. dat- win , , of leturR. Alvah Hamilton, Mr. on Th. Art f Hplnino. pPOt,ie nut! i - i was dead. Dr. W. F. Thompson and Dr. A. C. Broyles, who examined the body ex- Iff 1 TrVTP OITrTT'OO Pressed the opinion that Mr Bryan MAiiiiNu oLILLiiiJij had been dead between 30 and 45 j minutes before they tafrived. The death occurred in the residence of Rural Social Ills Fareleigh S. Dickinson Is wow Richard Rogers which had been as- Dr. Branson has been dealing with Banker And Manufactur- signed to the Bryans during their the social rural ills of the State, us- A- I. Twn . "Recause we have been horen bv ; . i i died last Monday of rabies and the E. Graham has charge of the plant thege . fizzes, ,ig no re8son """i p t t j ,n A... same day a German police dog went which is in operation near the city's wh we are ot ; to be favored "J lectred on Forty 'yrrs fg0 8 Cartelet C0"n- . Funeral t" bad ot mad and bit three or four persons power plant. with . real address... her&n the toast. "J" e"C.e- T ll tv yuth felt the w& to & out ,n bcen completed tonight, but Mrs. and several does. This was the signal; if weather i-nnditions are favor ; !fj: n. d n w . ... . v uieis oi the world and geek his fortune. He Bryan indicated interment would be , j I . " " Morth Uarolir ior a general open .eiuu uh uuja abie anti no otner trouDie occurs it Connor, of T-i j- . j , . i t; 1 u oi irom ceauion to ixorin xviver oegan tj t p . A 1 m 1. 1 A J . it. yesveruay. Ae worn Btarieu hi, inc Thomnson Mr xne maa oog scare, Because oi junction oi tne two roaos aoout a L Garner, Mr Clifford Lewis, Mr. nf Trnnh1e uii,iiuai.c i"iuiiai xco.v... uoyd Moore and Mr. Dorsey Martin at any time assume, absorbed chief back towards Beaufort. The Sim- were caHed on by the toastcaster and intrest and there probably was some mons Construction Corporation has responded wjtn sbort speeches. ' name not justmea dv lacts. a cnua tne contract ior tne worK ana iwr. vj. lina ills" excessive farm u: i. i ....i 4 ai,' t . r the University factultv. j:,. WUI,lcu ",a a -'r -t. .. and about 100 passed out by the ex- is expected to have the road com.'the chjef gpeaker of the evening Dr ''nZ 'ljT with from Bea"frt to Elabethport, New who was a colonel of the third Ne- ecution method during the week. A p,eted from town to the junction by Connor entertained the crowd for a th remedies for those Tils whkh are JerS6y a"d f0U"d emp,oymvent baska volunteers du"K he number of others were treated for Saturday night. The road which is few minutes with stories and ahec- " detdmenLl to tv italkv of the He ! I. J"TZ r , i !1 SeVera 1OCCuos,on the disease and several persons, bit- Dt the asnhalt tvne is laid rath- a. n i; .a , f.. oe"imentaI t0 tn vitality oi tne lnegs man of Rutherford N. j. and had expressed a desire to be buried i. mi,v. a. ' : . uu-" .Ui " c" ot the State, tie informed his , h H rerarf.p(1 thpr a ciiDDinir Arlinirton. . nearers mat tne country population from new8I)aper 0f that city shows. Mr. Bryan's death came on the eve ten or who had contact with dogs er rapidly and can be used in a few jto his theme. which died or went maa, were mocui-hours after the toD coat is put on.! wkv !,. Ktnto nf Nnrth rr: ., , . . , , . ated against the dsease. Dr. C. A. There will be a' three inch base and . anont ,K nnn flnn TrT . The newspaper-extract reads as fol- of another crusade he had planned Shore of the State Laboratory re-a two inch binder or ton coat.. .Lo, L" L L' B ,nm f T y' 'eavg tne country regions low8. ;-;:..vC- to carry before the American people ... ,... , oesoiate in many places, tie aepior-. muicu me yyu.oc mvi. mmt-M sututui . juiii.y inu' the close .relationship Detween "By direction of President Calvin battle against modernism. He and the ' ln. n.;n nf illUn..ofa . . . . .. ... went that the treatment was an at- been found and this is mixed with Wfc h. nH rnlW that thP Car. ?V .1 1 , olidge, Secretary of War John W. returned to Dayton this morning af most sure preventive against rabies. Jake asphalt. The base has 6 per- eret Club has encouratred. "Be- , r..i 1U. -I--. '"'"':" W1 - themembers of the Institute to raise ftf th. nriitprf Stt-. Armv with the and after havinir rnmnleteH rrn,e. e laree percenwee oi i, u ;4-n i?wiA;A.k c A v.M'n i. j p " ,n ecus, iiao iywiiiicu roticigu kj. ii jjta mauc auuicsacs jCBtciuajr ... w.c xoeitmson ot Kutheriord, an officer at Jasper and Winchester. Tennessee, making people more careful concern- cent of it. When finished the road ic Stote. he renlied. in answer to his 4 . ..u j .!. . ul " "a,"'e -"'"' -uk ing their dogs and it is probable Ral-wm look just about the same as Beau-w nwinn "For the first hundred ... Vi "1 " " nk of Lletenant 'o"61, Order ments for the early publication of . . " " cure oi conaiiions. inat 01 uuuuinu t r- Alfrli will VlQ1r ofririlTOTlt InCICllft tl rfl fA4-rn nn1 Dvne TV.A war1nroi x . m .1 , ! . 1. w...e .w....-... vuvc o.o. iIC and mty years oi tne existance oi tne country comunities where there concerning cogs at tne next legism- wm De sixteen leet wide irom town to State of North Carolina, the concep- jvable civlizatjon. lure. wortn Kiver. for several days mot- tjon 0f the duties of a State was to Fight At State Priion oritsts have had to detour through enforce the laws and collect the tax- Georg Koss l'ou( superintendent oi west Beaufort and several farm es Now the functions of State Prison, lost his head Tuesday roads going in and out of town. a, f the speech he was to have made in a i At the close of the World War Bee- closing the trial of JohnT. Scopes, ton, Dickinson & Company, of which who recently was found guilty of a 4 v ninlrinttAn je Vi o vfaoirlont vo VI nlatinir Ton Mr. Brown has been giving ourse in "Social Law in North Caro- ;j u-.ij.fcaj ioW S, , irivcu ututivuo iui uiobuiKuiiaiicu dci - am tv iir n " iiiivinop tho Dttornnnri nonnnq ue a jrrfat social uiu iu it in having aided materially in ob- V.A kn 4nk1A Ainxxa ... - . . afternoon when Jonathan Daniels They have grumbled' some at this onle as modern civilization de- i L. - , . G tainm& vctory lor the armies or the. Despite the streneous program Mr. 'Rannrtor ftv 1P NpWfi AnH Observer Vinvrlohin Vii-f fViio pntiitinn fair ' ' -JJ:i: ... vi United States. Rrvan had been foil n wirt c7 ae a mem. , - manas. in auuiuon in niiueuuK TjonrH! Mother's AM. eH hv Miss ... - ... . . " was met to be a thing of the past in a few these social aids to its people, and Kmpth T'ttlp. m, Pri ' , nn(,Vonrl. . nw to 7? 38 een ber of the Protion staff in the on account of rendering them the 7 1, , 7u i m m recoKnluon 01 lnls serivce ana in Sc0pes case and as leader of the fun- Sate Tails 'tS H- 1"!, 5 W'th DePart-nt pro- damentalists, he appeared in excell- Prison was not giving any news to ation is building a road out of New- trained citizenghip and s0 it has en- Board.' Special Mresses have been Jl JfeZ CT , M . the News and Observer as that paper port to the western part of the coun- deavored to offer the best possible mad. bv Dr H W Odum and bv na"0nal delense- . Shortly before Mr. Bryan entered "had told nothing. but damned lies" ty and the News is informed that ,education of every child within its ruteZnt Oxlev addition to Mr. Dickinsons ac- his room to rest he told his wife he about the Pou administration. The considerable Droeress has been made i.j0 vn,i roni,tinn. re !r , . .. ;. t'v!ties in manufacturing and bank- had never felt better in his life and - mvi o. ....Vv. iintim nr i ntvprsir.v Tarn it. v i i t ... This road is also to be of the -ooneratim? with the State in its ed- V mg ne nas Ior many years servea as was ready to go before the country . cooperating wun tne ouiie in us gpoke on uslne common sense in so- .:n 4u Mi i d.;i . , . iotinnnl nrntrram for examnle the i i . . . , . . iL -u""'r "" 10 Wage niS ngnt in Denall Ot lUnda- ucational program, for example the ,a, worki pointmg out chnst ag the , t Association and is now menta,ism church, m its denominational schools. rt teacher, who always soug' nd has bepn fop the naKt six (fm T ! on - i v m p The oreaiest evidence of the exist- i. i t r p years. About 4:30 o'clock Mrs. Bryan ine greatest evidence oi tne exisi, to lift up any one he found in trouh mMjj.Bt nt ty.B ,Br;oa ollri,.ai jliiv li.ji.jii. ence of this cooperation is the fact ' Work Resident of the American Surgical sald she felt her husband had slept , , , . , , "ere Instrument Manufacturers Associa-0nc ennuirh so she sent the chauf- that a great tobacco magnate chose Lieutenant Qxley. who is Director ; :jt J j j;.. '0ng en0UBn: 80 khe ,Sent tne C ,UI -- Yu-v-ptBiucui iiu o. unci.- ieur, wno also was nis personal at- r T lino I n o n jf W nrlf ci ii ( i n ir the . . . ..... . . enting in its crusade against Pou and West Beaufort, was bitten by a fox thp nP(.nip through the aeencv of a "... IU. o,.,. o--j tor 01 tne Kutnerlord national Bank tendant, to wake him. McCarthney ... ... . , , x x o . .ix eti uca ui mc oia ic uuaiu. dmvivc 1. 4 . 1 nc Ann nr.nn inr him awwi n TnnoHntt limn Lr e r rl nnivia fno r . . n n iihs piim,cu imuS vontCi.....6 .i.... ic.wcr ; """ denominational college." to the Institute on Appeared Weii asked for an interview he with a blow to the face and a state- days. ment to the effect that the State I The Simmons Construction Corpor two then mixed it up a little. Each on it. claims the other got the worst of it sand asphalt type, but the fact is neither was badly damaged. Pou lost his head and acted unwisely and unbecoming a State Official but at the same time the DOG BITES CHILD. A little daughter of Mr. Carl Ed- News and Observer has been unrel- wards, who lives at Gallant's near to uge bis fortune for the uplift of director of the Bergen County Bank, snook Mr. Bryan twice before he c r..4 1 e 1 . J. l f . . . ... in )rtreSSinr the hitrh school .rrad- ir.. r... x .. t ul r p.ue..i ox noticed the latter was not breathing. liiu ivutuciiuiu uvuiiy ciuu, a iiiriu X ne pnySlCU After the sicians and A. B. Andrews, head sent to the State Laboratory in ctafo naa Rr,Pnt so much monev on ,7 ' ber ot tne s"nK,nK Juna commission a neighbor, then were summoned hur i-.- i. a i r . "... weuare womers nave uccii cuipiuy- t,ln ITn ri.-h nips Hent. which would have made many a man was felt that the dog might have been of more balance than Pou lose his mad. The animal was killed and its uate8 present he said head. head sent to the State Laboratory in u0 cnont art mv - LiLauc iicia diiviiv ...u..b u, v iirfi itiiia iiTMino noira nnnn m ri i nir - . . . . . Govenor McLean acting at the re- Raleigh for examination. A report ,mll. oJ,ln9tin. vou ftre under abli- . Z 1 l;; . ... " " . . ' tlle Unlon Liub' P,esldent of tne riedly. quest of Solicitor Evans called a from the laboratory received today to g0 on and complete it, so '.witoS TonUjk.h Country Club, as well as Mr.. Br,. C..m soecial term of court for next month states that there was no indication of fw mav return some measure 7? . "P ... j . i be,n nteested in all movements Mr8. Bryan accepted the .. .. ...... r,...:u . ...,j i.... -.. u-- me program was woraeu out. uy us fv. jmnMv.mtit nf Rntnoifnnl v i 1. iu l. -ru . -...r-- - - uuiyciy WHS ,i,iL, uOD liherallv nn vnll." ...... , . o...v . . , - j tnemseives raising tne money neces- to try the case against four Raleigh rabies. The child was bitten on the of jtg jnvestment to me community Ice Companies charged with com- lower lip an the wound which bining in restaint of trade. Since not a very bad one was treated the combinewas made, the price of Dr. C. L. Duncan. ice has risen nearly 100 p,er cent. The folks are pressing for relief this summer. The Reverend R. L. Davis, Super- byi After the dinner the company pro- l T : . . I ' , , "i, i iv" " r "ck,u A FALLING TREE ceecied to tne Dan room to tane pan tenant Oxley mentioed several gifts BREAKS MAN'S LEG in the grand march and many remain- made by the negroeg lately, the Ne-j MARRIAGE LICENSES. ed for the dance which followed. shock and remained calm. "I am happy that my husband died without suffering and in peace," she said. Mis. .Bryan tonight received a message from her son, William Jen- nll t , ... gro uim pieagea aiu.uuu to, Robert Sirnmong a coloied man of nj B Jr statni he wag ,eav. erect a trades building and cottage ,,,,, ,OD t,wi.,i,f M. . T .. . ,. J:i.,.. u. - o n - ....... lug uva .iif,i.Ji.o 1 1 1 1 1 1 i. i in ii i j iv uui. dav afternoon sufferinc from a badlv coot f Ri-v.n ctctoJ tVinf aha niient Rnvi anH the neorn women'R , . . . ..... . ' . . i i C Vir nnn i iracturea leg. He naa Deen employ- WOuld ini m him of the arrange ciuos naviiig given over ipij.uwu iu . . c r rom i f Anwn . HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. at the Morrison School for Delin- Work on some harbor improve- Only four licenses to wed were is- intendent of the Anti-Saloon League, sued by Register of Deeds Jno. W. resigned during the week after 20 Hamilton since last Thursday, they - jf TT - 1 1 .. i A ... ... 4-1. f nllwarivi r TJ fX O fA tiects to re-enter the Methodist con- Wardie G. Hunnings and Lillian R.-ythe U. . War uepaitment w. ference. iBell of Newport. Alex Henry The boom of Mr. Everett for the Nellie Rhodes of Beaufort. automobile next Govenor by the men meeting at Greensboro arous ed considerable interest here. It is known that Mr. Everett is one of the men who DIVER GETS HURT. There is great need now far mx i i iIua n tun I and gin in a day or so. ine jeiue i uuiutr n.m m iu. a iShackleford Bank and the Fort Mac- minded institution for the negroes. Ion channel bulkhead are to be i Ltmeohpned h the addition of a-1 POLICE COURT ITEMS., 'bout 500 tons of stone each. Cap- Campen to cut down ments of ti.e funeral en route. Big Speech Undelivered a tree fell and in some way caught Mr. Bryan had prepared what was him under it with the result stated, to have been the closing argument The man was brought to town and before the jury at Dayton. It was attended to by Dr. C. L. Duncan no secret that the preparation of and then taken to the Morehead City this address had been a matter of hospital. weeks. Some of his friends thought While diving from a boat a fewtai" J- J- Beveridge has the contract Not many offenders ugains tthe : that he expected t omake it one of is not altocather for davs aeo near Bird Shoal Aleck e worK ana wl" Bta" on 11 ' majesty of the law faced Mayor BRIDGE PARTY LAST TUESDAY. the greatest efforts of his career, C a aha ttxwxiTkB tirhinh ic fiV. mi . . mi ' 1 1! L i r..l 1 1 . i . .... . . . the McLean program and it is also Mason, a son of Captain Aleck Mason i8""" "a "" xnomas in ponce court .Monday., ine j a very oeiigntiui Dnage party was , suggesting that it would perhaps De true that no man suffered more at of Beaufort received an injury that Pected very 80on- There is ns- cases tried resulted as follows: given Tuesday evening by Mrs.' his last extended oratorical effort, the hands of Mr. McLean than the laid him up for several days. The erable other wo? to be done ,n the Will Mason, drunkness, 15 days Charles A. White at the home of herj When arguments were waived and . I ... . .... hoi-hAa ortrl thia la ovriPPtflrt Tn trel . i . l. universally popular Secretary of young man's head struck against tne - -,wora on streets. i ... t U .tate Mr. Everett, alwavs discreet 'bottom and the blow rendered him, w u.u pr.rents Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Lay. The the case sent to the jury without fi- Steve Dudley and Hubert Springle, piirty was complimentary to Mrs.n;il speech making. Mr. Bryan said drunk, disorderly and kghting, guilty Sidney Caswell of New -...York who that he would nevertheless deliver nnn1 whn wa a. better friend last unconscious for a short time. Be; ... r-r- year to Mr. McLean by declining to was taken to his home by compan-l Farmers in the mountain sections and were fined $50 each or 30 days has been in town several days a guest , his prepared address . later and the run against him for Governor though ions and Dr. E. B. Whitehurst gaveof North Carolina are now building street work. of the Davis House. Besides a num-jfirst succeeding days in Dayton after urged fro mall quarters than the new him the necessary attention. It is silos to provide cheap and nutritious W. E. Duncan allowing dog to run ber of town people who attended the the trial were spent in revising his Governor was t him after being expected that he will soon be alllwinter feed for their cattle, report at large. Let off with costs amount-affair out of town guests present manuscript. 1 elected, has had nothing to say but right. . .. , : , .' J county agents of the State College ing ti $3.45. were Misses Kathrine Martin of Bur-j There was no indication of illness (Continued on page four j 'x : ' extension service. lington and Marie Graf of Salisbury.! (Continued on page four

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