lEAUIFdRT 1 Inllfi mm m m mat advertising medium published in Carteret Co. ( READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE EODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XIV EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEVS THURSDAY AUG. 20 1925 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 34 ICE COMPANY NOT GUILTY OF CRIME SO JURY DECIDES POLICE COURT ITEMS. fDATlO IM fill AITT7 Although it is, not usually the : r.Tr . case the session of police ,comt Mon-I KY K Kl HIV I k A I dav was taken pIv.1 m. lf-VJll alXllilkJ colored onenders. One STATE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. or two cases were continued to next Mon- Drought In West Broken, Crops ,l iv;n; t -l , ... . In P.atM. C: A I uj. vt iiiiaiii uuyner cnargeu with' ul' ucviivn nic Very Good I j In the real estate transfers this Item, of Interest From Various week recorded y Register of Deeds Parts of North Carolina Jn0, Wl Hamilton one deed was put on the book that was made in 1870, it was from L. R. Pelletier to Alice I - - .7 vu ii.ii No Restraint Of Trade By Ral- having been drunk plead guilty and . . n r . 1 mi. ... . ! eign ucmpany. rrices atayjayor inomas assessed him $25 and' HicK .COBtS Charlev Tavlor. name nffenao ' i ' Tl 1 -: -.1. T a . . same piea and same penalty. Harrv na,c' - Aug ibui (N. C. Department of Agriculture) A sum William W. Ormond nf Rnlpio-h , shot and killed by W. B. Cole of Pelletier 1-6 interest in Peletier Rockingham, Saturday afternoon. Fla:'tation, Morehead Township, con , Ormond was seated in a Ford car Bideraton 1250. when Cole walked , up behind and1 Beaufort Realty Corp. to Mrs. .. same piea and same Penalty. Harrv ""'sui - nuK JOL" a sum-. , . v c! 1 tl , . , ,... ' (By M. L. Shipman).. Davis chrged with dlkeness pS har of "P " P threetimes, Ormond was J ' .lots 19 and 20 West RaWh. N. C. An,, 1 7.With ruiltv H t fi . on August 1st to 15th in North Caroling Sn the Great War and served in eaufrt, $10 and other considera- no "let up" in the price of ice and no 'days on the streets. He has" been Ehows the hot dry weather contin- Fra"ee- He "had been working re- immediate prospects of a reduction, the capital city sweltered under the " me Birceis. ne nas oeen , vi in court before r,d thPrPfnrP thp in& influence a considerablepor-fentlv 88 an eIectrl tion of the state. Occasional Rhnw- le6e. Raleigh. He was the son of tion. I W. B. R. Guion to Geo. T. Duffy lots 1 and 14 Morehead Township consideration $10. CELEBRATION AT UNIVERSITY WILL BE GREAT EVENT Fiftieth Anniversary of The Re-opening of The Univer sity of N- C. To Be Celebrated INVITE PRESIDENT COOLIDGE ( By ROBERT MADRY1 Chapel Hill, N. C. Aug 15 Prom- jt. nic smie. vccasionai snow- - u ii . . . Keverpnn A. T. tirmnnA most excessive neat oi tne season, lUtrl Turner also ud on the drunk " norvnern mountain ana . . " cmuui , . . '. , , . ' " num- while ,IirrW9 f t.h,. 'Vonlino. r'rh . , .or northern Piedmont cour,ti h,vP mister. Cole is a wealthy cotton' ov"a annon ana Wlle t Jesbie ment leaders from all parts of the eess" went "scott free' of the charges icosts or 30 davs on the sWfc,rtr. bn helpful. Good general rains manufacturer- The cane of the tan" " 25 acres mo. r less, New- country will gather here oA October . . . j ii , .... Shnotinor ic a rmiel nlV..u ;i poll lOWnsniD. uceii utijjiui. uooa general rams v i me have occurred through most cf the shootinK a mystery although it prt 1 Piedmont areas breaking into the seems to have grown out of the fact slJown- of ODeratine in-restraint of trndp. field Rii(c-a nnA A lonn,lo, sm;, r i .... . ' . . 1 1 . . preierrea against tnem by a Wake were charged with fighting and were eas oreamng into tne - " intuitu, o-mnri in th,o iDf v. lone drv sDell. nd rpnnrta trivm tv.p tnat Ormond had paid attention to " j - w j4.j. iuotr a- . wim vile wu&LS 1 1 1 U U 1 1 L 1 1 1 K IU " - -v , .. . r,i i.- . , L.ole s riancrhf-p. tn in.li Pio ni;. vuoniai cuunucs are very iavoraoie. 0 1 vc uujctt- -J " 1 ... ... ... gainst the ice manufacturers after $4.35 each after Judge Dunn had ruled that only I issues involved in the present case TIIICJ CT A TE1 II A CJ could be presented. The jury found lllllO 0 1 A 1 Li JllO no "criminal intent" and the defend ants were released, with the pros prospect "of a civil action to be brought by the city acting with the' Attorney General who intimated such a course in his speech to the jury. The defense contended that no evi dence had-been adduced which tend ed. Cole is in jail awaiting trial. The western Mountain section con tinues dry and hot. i Corn and Small Grain The gen-! Miss Margaret Parker of Georgia eral condition of the corn croo av- who had been visiting c.'cf. i . I DIAMONDBACKS consideration not . 12 to participate in the plph.-.t; of the semi-centennial of the re opening of the University of North Carolina following the Civil War, ac cording to tentative plans announced MAV Df? DsTCTADrn t0.night by University officials in iUAl DE KfiM UUftU Ee r arra"eements. HJf k VtT WtllifTniTrr! cunamon oi tne corn crop av- wno had been visiting a sister of hers1 ' "'' -""oge nas been urged MANY HfflMIl .IIIKS eeB from fair t0 god- Reports in Wilson, N. .C. went to ride last Thousands Of Youn, Tp-.n!:t0 .8tten as the. principal speaker v..vuiiji0f considerable imnrovempnt. in thp Rnnrinv witi, ... r.i , , :. ana nas indicated that he is in .o J v... iiioii Mic nau just met ncieasen in unrtn i am i. i .. na Waters . - ... ...u.. HOU jucl met Piedmont COUntipR from l'Altcnf Tfli'na RTA uraa .lvkJ e Ainnn . .w..w iutocu oi iuuu wortn OI , The Pistol And .The Knife Kill are numerous. Reports just prior to diamonds. The man who went bv More Than Typhoid August 1st stated that Piedmont and the name of H. C. Walsh made his Fever Mountain crops were so badly daniatr- escape but Was lnt.Pi rnnhtroI iv M. cu "y o'ougnt tnat rams could do ioik and put in jail. He will be ,ceptive mood, but he has not said .the final word. 's. The celebration will be dividprl in. to thrpp nnrtc -,.:n i . . r cic w i u oe exer- WASHINGTON, D. C Epicures CISeS ln the morning in Memorial Hall (BUREAU OF FISHERIES) e to show the organization of a com-' Ka'e!h. Au- 16 North Carolina very little good. However, we note brought back to Johnson countv for mav look forward to thP rptn,nt;nn with Resident Chase presiding, when hinatii-n in roctmf f i,. ..,tv. contributed more than its auota to considerable imnMovement wViprp trial f tv, t j: . , ". . the Drincinal snpnlroro iii j i-iic auiuuB i uumnnfl nark r.prrnnn 1 t141 ucaivci- au- 'as a table delicacy within the present dresses and delegates from institu- bination in restraint of trade, such as the CaDitnl Ice Hnmninv wno cV.n tne Crun to be, although the Drosecution had the past year' 299 death bein desig- apparently establishhed the claim that the price of ice has recently 0 ain cernncatcs ed with the grains and threshmen report ivels." So it coard of Health for 1924. yield and quality as very good. me cume wave oi tne nation during gooa rams nave occurred.1 ' B tnhip jn. ,;v,: ,u to be, although the prosecution had year 299 death being desig- Conditions have been unusually! A large auantitv nf pp!e h.w eeneration, according to the United tions thr&t the country will ex- .i.. ... . . nated as hom ic Hps in tnn. mo,i favnrahlp for i,OM,.t; n xlile quantity ot eels -held up . . B ",c to j m, .ppnienuy escaoiisnnea tne claim . .. .. " - """"""6 i ponstiiintin . . atates Bureau of Fisheries, nf thp inese exercises will tko " u" UHI" m , . be follmvpH hv o iu- j . i v . .. . . . . - """"construct rin nnnTn )nrriMintAH ki j ii ivvoir ta w 4- u .. l . , . - vij, u iiniii 1 1 1 i r 1 1 Qt.t. V;:" . " c: 7" " ""c" lep?, lne.Waccamaw river in Columh,.- rnt. ce Department. The exper-, cu 8 eon. or dav or so Fftv lmental work of the United States1 . lnea Iternoon Program will be be followed by a luncheon. . rQ T a K rn yrt r IJnn14-i. t rc i vmM ntJ i ' " v. in VUlUllliUN I'0 11 11T V . " 1 reached "new high leve s" So it ui "m,,,, lur ivc. 4umy B8 very gooa. ioof . j imenta work of tp TTit c goes while "Jones pays the. fi eight." !Chlcag' with rec.ord of more than PotatoMovements of sweet po- bushelfi np mn a . J. "r, "y Biological Station at Beaufort. North given over to th dedication of Ven es wnue jones pays the. fieigbt."! ' " ---- - - ---- ...a ux oweei FO- bushels or more of the pp1 ti, 'o'ogwal Station at Beaufort, North 6 CI w lne aeaication ot Ven The "status quo" is maintained in 1 . day 0r al ma t8teS fr0m the northe- Coastal en before the wrk could 2" Carolina' has P- a sue- bIe Hal1' the University's new chem nf im!,w,.(U --x bave led the country, but this State sections are in DroirresR and o-nnH . uejo'e me worK could pro-, . . , istry bui dinr whpih j.,t u... i. H .. r . . ceea, lauiLo wcu up- m me ioreiront. prices are reported. The condition State administration circles, not meaning at all that "u-h m Una nof ia away the mice will play." Secretary Typhoid feVer not so lone aro wa. CF iS. VCry g0od'. thoUgh Cut I England, Pardon Commissioner Sink. lor ftn, i , Bome D lne arv weather in the West. .iu omer auacnes or tne Executive the State. It has been one1 of ,1 ,, istry buildinc. whnih i0(- i wootui uciiiuiiHtration oi tne com- " jwc uccu mercial possibilities of rearing the fmpIeted at a cost of $400,000. It .1: i t i . . 18 the mnat (.neflw . i uuiuiurm DacK to a point where the ouutiurt un tne :T. B. Jackson for 25 vears n mem. ctat;r, ,;n i .University camnns nl aaiH t k v, T, . . - - ..... . . u 1 1 1 iivc bllUiJa- ... -" u. v.uji . wiib -- -- " "...m.Bi.uii re uepart- ana to ten thousand vnnno- trmnin -"'ffu vuciniBiry DUiiaine in n . .. . " vear- i rpnnrta . tk.'w ,v .. ment w pIp j . . r. v.u Bre aeepmg tne machinery in causes of death against which both tv, iu , Vu ' , ' V " n,e m su,taDle rth Carolina waters - aeration and when His. Excelency state and local health authorities I f , k. ? th? CrP lf located in the " T'1?? Monday after-ach year. The State Fish Commis- The program at night will be a - returns from a well deserved vaca-have waged a toajor offensive. ,. . dlstncts . the New Bright non The fire did about 135,000 ion has prohibited catching or hav- om the three living ex-presidents ; tion he is likely to find no snarls in murder . and -automobile accidents jje conditions vhmte, taeni.yJ of damage to property. ing in possession diamond back ter- 'f the University, George; T. Wins- officialdom that cannot be easily iron- each levies a greater annual toll of .enaia- lhe y turninS out . - rapin of any size for a period of five ton Edwin A. Alerman and Francis It1 nut .... .. - iair. avel'SCinC about hf)9. nni.n,lo nor1 iObaCCO has hPPn K . v numan lite than does th s once nrev- . .. . r .. - . . au.yews. vunaoie. iiic Dtouc. in me uia celt '" we viaiRton marKet recpnt. mL j t ..... . Vt,., Auditor Baxter Durham loses one 8,ent and dreded disease. .u v." . . " 'elnu1 The Beaufort station beean exner. his most valuable efficiency experts The records show more than from The drht a7 J JI -rageT ab 22 c nts To WSeHl mthe ? by the resignation of Car K. Hill who ,,ku tv j. i.:.u . , , , . .ou"" as early as 1902, using the Caro ina : ecucated m I793 the University of . JL n.c imiiiuci ui utsni vicunn ow ovciage uown consiaeraD y. ' consiaerea gooa lor the ear- j tv. rr . , 'North Camlino ; u u i. . leaves the Department to go into among the homicides as compared H.y CropWhile hay crops suf-ly sales. f"d kth TefS V8"ltleS rather tha" ' un lr2 " .ll-l ' ! - " viivDt. ucanc tci i cX- i . . uvw Celebration National in Character Chartered in 1789 and formally Drivate business Rpntpmhov 1 Mr .:i.u n. ...v:i.- mi. , . .. . t j e , .. ... , 1 UJe wrmeSi lne Qjstnnuxion is J-ereu irom ary weather Dossiblv morp 1 . , i.u -.i . Hill has been with the Department 94 white,, 201 negro, and 4 Indian, than any other crops, they are'show- ' Ku Klux Klansmen were asked to ST faTT ? " Jf" comp, shments 1177 the greater part of three years and. The homicides are divided into ing considerably more improvement leave the Baptist church at Cedar H 7 at Tnafon w de Llr f ,1 T a number of departmental plans of four classifications. Of the - total than other crps from recent rains. Falls Cumberland county last Sun lln8 T'T haVe pr0S- 'rtraUo . andT I " T t!T " uniform character are attributed to 235 were killed with firearms, 47 by Farmers report thaeir intention of in day by Reverend A. F. Pitman who oi years of aUd J J th. inst, u- h,s experience and ability. ;kniveB 0r other piercing instruments, creasing the sowing of hay crops s conducting the services there Lfh t f fluencT " m"- T.,.f Ev.ngeli.t. ;6 were babies killed closely follow- this fall. The robed figures came in the church T r rket&he ae in I P""ident rnTV A rather breezy discussion here ing birth, and 11 wer killed by other Pastures hf,ve been parctically use- but left when the preach told them t0 S'X W ' to attend the T T was provoked by the ruHng of At- mean, less through the Mountain countie,' they were disturbing the meeting. ' e Beaufort experiments for a " invLS W " torney General Brumitt that Evange- during the past several weeks Some! lon time Were devoted to demon- h8S thf mvltat " 1 con- lint M. P. 1km hi. n,ir LDnnvr.rT( :... p several weeKs. bonTej :tt,at; t.,.t , . sideration, and many believe he will r t, wmrLtno Jii.provement is reported where help- davenport College, Lenoir. N. C ' b'"wjjiK es a fl..r.pnt ;f . , i . has recently received a gift of $25,- . P0S!,blIrty' b"t.W lhe 'ventent to be aw vl IZ W. n. Ramsey, are subject to the State income tax. The attempt to ex act this tax meets with scant approv- AT METHODIST CHURCH ful rains have . m um j-l nuiiiniHi'v ftT i nu rnmo'L-ia vvv xitJiii nijr nummu ixi i in in h.t,-. - t .-x.v I'mv vi; j.-u a ii The members and friends of Ann from farmers on August 15th re- York. This is the second gift the rf U Can not onIy furnisl) data fored to hithe tentative ntnvt work has so advanced that the Pu - "V" -"k ai'piuv- ine meniDers ana irienas oi Ann irom iarmers on Anmiat. iRtv. roric. h s ia thp al, the prevailing opinion indicating Street Methodist church will be de-ports the fruit crop averaging from college has received from Mr Duke thSe who may desire to PresidenT rninrti,tlVe Tl a rather strong sentiment atrainst nen KcrhtcA tn.l'm i,o ii vpr w.- o ,i i.. , . ' . terranin commerrinllv hut t ' lue"1 ooimge requested when ., .... r 6 "r"""" luuiv-niiug otreei mexnoaist cnurcn Will De ae- ports tne iruit crop averaging from college has received from Mr Duke """ " ""x' utR1 a rather strong sentiment against pen lighted to know that the work inci- very shot to (flair. Some sections and has raised the colWe', InH terrapin commercial! alizmg religion. The point friends dent to layintr the new hardwood of the Mountain pnnrt wi, ow ment fn,n,i tn sonn nno the point where the surplus stock-... P'eslaenl Vlslte of the Evangelist are advancing is floor... 11 thp intprinr nointin . u nj or,ni. i.i:..i u.. ' mav be nlanted in rnnvpnint n,ii White House last spring . , ' . ."v.v i'" " ic jicii(.ii ui, u u l tne ma-1 : - - the University president visited him Dr. P. P. Claxton, former Tar Heel and former United States Com- " - - v.ic. I'irei.v: jjiiiiiuiS mm ""u ojjpica are pienuiul, DUt tne ma-j ! that the State must be in an embar- decorating has been brought to prac jority of the commercial orchordists ' High schools in the State turned Buitable'aters. ra OCin rr cihiafinn Amnnfl!1K. ...1 i ; i . . , ....... wne., u.ucai compienon, ana tnat the con- state that the. crop is hardly half of out 9000 graduates last Spring ac-l The Diamond back are reared atWioner of Fducation will h Z leeis tne needs of exacting a tax on cree-ation will wnrshin tVioro r.n Smi. Wt freewill offprint tn p5M,p. , , tv, , u u r . F xe m,a:ny "guies given out oy tne the Beaufort laboratory in somewhat of the principal speakers. He will free-will offerings to citizens -of the- day, both morning and night while lowered some by dry weather, State Department of Education. That similar fashion to young chickens, discuss the process ofTduraHnn er states. This view of the matter Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. and is generally good. is a gain of 2100 over the previous The egg procuctl of penned ter- the Sl h in st 50 ears Dr Jiam-Kamsey party. It is not. be-. Rev. E. Frank Lee. Subject. "Cast-Port concer ns-'cotton is that col ec-e and rp0,,H tv, n , . . ' UK,a lieved the State would be gainer in ing into the Lord's Treasury." Ev- from boll weevils haS 1,::; are crowd, to , "Z:. T ""eXaS season, noma. the lonir run bv exacting sner-ial tv.'pnin . a ..,-v c 7 . . OIHCe lerrapin grow rather slowly i . . , " 1 6 .'w o y, ciuiuii oc.iuus jrci.. vv eevus are increasing ar,d ordinarilv hihematP Hnrino- th es from ministers and c-osnel sine-ers. hv thp SnKio.t t - ;ik, t ,i m.. . . . ana olalnauly nioernate dunng the ne suggestion is consiaerea not only Slope.". the crop is heavily infested. MiilWUMIIflirj, UUlr U II I COMJ II UiC. Noted Educator to Speak M, - . v... vwici iiatiuiiniiy J". and Mrs. C. J. Ttrnrtrnmn nr, ,if. u ,t .l. .... i . , - ... niiuci, uic ww lu u. me new iy Mivwu hivHKers ana aeiecates nave r thoir D-t r i a . ) ..... . v. v " nu. u.i- ,i- vtLu mm august re- natcned terrapin is speeded up by already definitely indicated they ex- " jiuo ucru teiierai in tnp wnrsp tuiiicu in tnpir nnmo in i ivoonoK . i ; 4.1 1. A 1 . x 1 - tilZeTStty HAVE -SOME GOOD SPORT been very active ,n all cotton coun- .n a rord car Thew went to the Pa- flVst winter. The mortality of adults 'cut the country have already accept- TrntTJSiiS?Z' m 7 k t a,d'nf dfoy the wee- c.fic coant and back. They were gone penned np at the station is only a-'cd the invitation to send delegates vriiiinvriit, in a lener tu vne iNorin aro jwanv Rnortfsmen nave hppn rvvintr vil nsr nnH fa . , n . , , r- - ... v.,i.....s v....,,t-u u UIM, o, nout one-nait ol one per cent. A Among them will be President I iv Una Association of Countv sioners meeting at Blowing Rock du ring the week. The Governor de clared that his administration is earnestly trying to place the State government on a sound business ba sis and urged reformation in county governments as well. The system of county government, .thinks the Gov ernor, lack! organized unity under definite and responsible executive headship. Duplication of effort, ov erlapping dutfes and kindred evils inflict the present system which shouid be reformed. A commission so. Mr. Ben Sheppard of Uan. inches in four veai-n and somp pvpn sitv. whi will snnk fnr V,o on ;t; ... , v ----- .v. kuv v niau" jai! in Gascon county is so reah mntnritv in tw timo Hiitinn i.nm,i.w v a A - , -- ' w..... j mc &ui:iation the past week or so. About the ods. largest catch heard of by the News Shedinir has been heavv. hut r.lnt The was made Monday by Messrs. P. B. are well-fruited and the crop in the crowded that it will have to be en. I Thp p. piov,.;D u.. ' a- ' tt.: . . Beard A H. Graf and W. B. Stra- Piedmont is reported as showing im- Iirged. According to jailer Ed. Pet- aided in this development as well as the University of North "Carolina h chart of Salisbury and Messrs A A. (provement from recent rains. It is ty there are more whites than color- in its other work by the coopera-president. President W. O Thomp McEachern and W. A. West of Pay-hoped that this is general throueh ed in jail and at the countv rnnviH- f !, v.u r- u: (..i. .r . ? ' , ... nr., , , , . . tivu wi uic Dwic ui nujtu uaii'iiiitticun ui t;iiiu oiaie Li niversiiv Will ettevme. xhey tisned around the out the southern PieH mnnt pnnntipa Camns. 1 i ... ! . . .. . . - r j niHKina. nnn eniorcinc repu arinns sneaK inr tnp Nntmnai a cr.oiQ; ,.t I to 'preserve its fish resources. The 'State Universities. President J. A. sea buoy for u few hours and caught as the crop there has been in rather 170 fish of one sort and another, poor shape. Sundav ftprnnn h rr,r.i D ,', . .. .. . ' ,, . , , - ..u.puo ciiuw uii uiiiiuui vj. vjiiuiiuier f)i tne college OI WU- lhere were trout m the lot, ai An nouirv concernmo- thino-s af- bacco warehousp nt irintnn wo. a. I..su r xt..u r . . i - i ... . . , , , , , . . ; . uv.- jfn.iu nuni rvunri ijaiuiuia usnerie? .;uam ana jviary, oi Virffinia. will few blue fish and various other kinds, fect.ng the farmer most at this seas- stroyed by fire.The loss is estimated :of about 230,000,000 pounds, forcing greetings from the colleges lJarties trawur.tr for SDaniKh Macker- on secured thp fnll - - . -;- f,v- ""-" "A "'e "le.wmcn tne nsnermen receive ?o,UUU,-;and universities of the South. Pres- el.have had qpnwderable success al- eral replies: "Lack of ram;" "Poor s not known. There was consider- 000. The state has also built up alident W. P. Few of Duke University "v. ui . uvii uiic;;hi u Xkciic 1J ur jJCtt! v" u.ev..k icMj.am ivL-uin- went cut witn iapaiin inariey uar- system;" "Weed of good prices vend healthy reforms is suggested in the Governor's letter prepared for presentation to the Commissioners' Association before taking his de parture fqr "the sticks" on a brief "leave of absence." Stateand Federal crop estimators Mrsi B. C. Brown arrived Sunday ifrom Washino-tnn Tl C. nnl mill , plaee the cotton yield for North Car- Ispend strnie time with her parents Dr . i .. . . .... ivyuniinuea on page iourj end Mrs. U Duncan. in , . , , . .,,. . i . "vcm oiu uuui ujj aiucui, . r. rew oi uuKe university rtaieign prospects ror feed; Good credit able insurance on the building and it series of fish cultural stations for Will Rnpnlf fn 'Mn'tri forAlino no of good prices; is sa.d that tnhe owners will rebuild 'maintaining the supply of fresh wat- 'tional institutions. p frnm nnll wppvils' it. ...r-j i. il. . . .1 -er us! m me streams ana nas loaned Uovernor Angus W. Mclean will tne use ot lis coats in the Bureau's ; deliver the response to those ereet- ...v.. I " ..... WMi ajowv.u, 11CCU UI UUU JI I It t ; IO row Tuesday afternoon and brought, "Expected damage from boll weevils' it Buine veiy nice macKerei. ine me iNortn Carolina farmers are professional firsei'incn hae also generally in an optimistic frame of I J. C. Scarboro a colored citizen important investigations cf the mul been catching a good. many mackerel, mind and are expecting good prices of Durham has made a 6f a val- let fisheries. " 11 " ' ii-ii. 1 1 1 i fnt til oir ttrLn : nt, V.l ImiiIw.... j. i 1 1 -v,,c ui,u,s w w co.ureu people: Miss Ursula Pelletier of 1 OT that. tAwn Trio nvknarrw !i mM-r4'U I HjI 1 JT wn rt ww, .' ., r T ! " h-vkv.vj, "v.n. raisoos mary miner, oaran leaser, is here on a visit to relatives. Mr. W. B. Longest, of the dredge about $25,00 and will be used for and Ledbet'ter Collins of Gastonia Miss Dorothy Lewis of Durham is -i. v.y.i.i.iuKc re spenoing several days in Beau- here on a visit to her parents Mr .and a day nursery. ' and Mrt Hardy Lewis. mgs. Miss Ursula Pelletier of Raleigh Pamlico arrived to. spend days with his family. X

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