i PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT IEWS THURSDAY SEPT. 3, 1925. j if Sum. end Lcx!epA Meetings HOURS OF SERVICE It has been agreed to hold Sunday aight Eervices at 7 p. m. during No vember, December, January and Feb ruary, at 7:30 P. M. during Maroh, April, September and October, and at 8 p. m. during May, June, July and August. ANN STREET M. E. CHURCH. E. Frank Lee, Pastor. . J. A. Hornaday Jr.,S. S. Supt . Preaching services every Sunday 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 A. M. Prayer service Wednesday even ings 7:30. Ladies Aid Society 1st Monday of each month at 3:30. Missionary Society 1st Tuesday of each month at 3:30. Mission Study Class 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 2:30. Philathea Class meeting at 8:00 P. M. on 2nd Monday evening each month. Teacher Council on 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Ann Street L. B. Boney, Pastor Sundays Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Hon. M. Leslie Davis, Supt. Preaching by the Pastor 11 A. M & 7:30 P. M. Junior B. Y. P. U. 7 P. M. Mondays Ladies Aid Society 2:00 P. M. Tuesdays Senior B. Y. P. U 7:00 PM. Wednesdays Mid-week Service 7:30 P. M. 3rd Sundays Woman's Missionary Society 3:00 A cordial welcome is extended to the public to worship with us. "Come thou and go with us and we will do thee good" ST. F AUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ann street between Moore Orange Streets and Rev. George W. Lay, D. C. L. Rec tor. Sunday Service oly Communion, 8 a. m. except nrst Sunday. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon, 11 A. M. on first Sunday of each month. Morning Service and Sermon 11 A. M. on other Sundays. Evening Ser viceand Sermon 7:30 P. M. SOUTH RIVER ITEMS. The weather is much cooler and everybody seems to be pleased with it Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pittman of Morehead City were the guests of his mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Jem Pittman Sunday afternoon. The revival meeting at Lukens be gan Wednesday night September 9th. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cannon were the guests at his brother's Mr. W. L. Cannon Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Tosto who has been sick is better. Miss Fannie Lewis, Veta Norman, Vera Eubanks were the guests 1 of Miss Georgia Cannon Sunday. Little Georgia Wallace is very sick, we hope she wil soon be better. Lillie Mason spent the night with Georgia Cannon Saturday night The short hay crop will be shorter still if some crops are not planted to supplement it. Plant Abruzzi rye hairy vetch is the advice of State Col lege extension workers. "I FEATHERHEADS " " Once to Every Couple ORDER EASTERN STAR 4th Beaufort Chapter 128 Regular Meetings 2nd and Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Masonic Hall. THE MACCABEES Meets every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in Hall over W. E. Skarronjham, Edenton; Rev. N. F. Brooks, and Co. iPrincipal. H. D. NORCOM, R. K. 1 LIBRARY NOTICE The town Library will be open Friday September 21st, from 3 o'- clock until 4:30 and after September 21st every Tuesday and Friday after. noon. Kr.tJh.KAH Luuut No. 141. , Rebekah Lodge No. 141 I. O. O. . meets every Friday night at 7:30 P. M. I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. H. H. Lewis, N. J. R. Jinnett, Secty. Concordia Lodge No. 11, I. O. O. F. , , . , , , , , Tuesday nights, 7 o'clock nr r, n-ir xt n d r W. O. Williams, N. G.; R. D. Whitehurst, V. G.; J R. Jinnett, Sec; r. t t I D. M. Jones, Treas. C. B. H. NO. n Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend these I meetings. FRANKLIN LODGE No. 109 A. F. & A. M. Regular communications, . , w . . , , 1st rnd 3rd Monday nights, 8:00 P. M. of each month. . last week from Morehead City where KNIGHTS OF HARMONY he had been visiting friends. Carteret Lodge No. 2. ! Quite a large number of our to- Meets every Monday night inthe bacco farmers left Monday for Kins year, at 7:45, Visiting bretheren ,ton witn a load of tobacco. Hope cordially invited to attend. the prices will be good. i Mr. Dick Clark and Miss Wilma Fodrie of Beaufort spent a short The Beaufort News prints Carter- ;whie at the hon)e of Mr w R et county news ahead of any other Dowdy Sunday. newspaper as a rule.. Subscribe to j Mr clarence Mason returne(J home it and keep posted. a?t wepk from AUantic where he has been visiting friends. ! Mr- Webster Willis of Beaufort LIVER TROUBLE m mm V & 1 Louisiana Man Tells How He & Keeps "Up and Going, ZdeJt0 ,keep HP and goinKj we have to cleanse the svsemanrffat . J a little something for the liver. i Draught l have used it ff Z I ' " for 20 years. & "I get bilious and have a bad 8 taste in my mouth. Mv head feels ? ' I dull. I just don't feel like getting & uB h oiuunu ana aamv mv uinrii i . fl know it isn't laziness, but bilious- t nMtcnltab.9(..J.....iii....: if v - m S .vrxST' & feeline like new. full nf nVn aS I bl , - : . ' - "i ready for any kind of work. 1 can & a iciiduuy rccommena it." b 5 Black-Draught liver medicine is 5 made from pure, medicinal roots s and herbs and contains no harmtul. s nabit-torming mineral drugs. In ? 2 an easy, natural way it helps V cleanse the system of poisonous & S impurities and fends to leave the & t organs in a normal, healthy con- ? Edition. S w 7 "vv,wt & , f s'.. "I- iLl?? h0w ft10" f who have been visiting his father1 i and healthy we think we are," says i j , , r . , . i Mr.W. S. Reynolds, of Arcadia, 8 a othpr relativcs an(1 f'lends fori i La., "every once in a whil in the past week are leaving todav for COLORED GRADED SCHOOL WILL OPEN SOON The Beaufort Colored Public School will begin its next term Monday morning, Sept. 14th. 1925. The teachers for this term have all been secured and they are expected to reach here by Saturday, Sept. 12, for conference and assignments, The Board of Trustees have given i Principal Brooks what he believes to jbe, a very efficient corps of teaehcrs for this term, and a good school year is condently expected. Teachers for this year are: Mrs. L. M. Clark, Scotland Neck; Mrs. L. H. Askew, Baltimore, Md. ; Mrs. IMarie Cherry, Greenville, Miss A. L. Groves, Beaufort: Miss Leonua Bad- j All children with promotion cards iwill have to enroll the first day if which their cards entitle them. Chil- Jdren with conditions will have to re- ;pjrt the first day and seek to remove SUch if they hope to go with the next 'cass, Tne building and yards will be put, in the best possible condition for the children, and it is hoped that every child will be on hand on the first day and remain in school the entire term. All paents are invited out the first morning of school to meet the teach ers and bid both teachers and chil dren a hearty Godspeed. BAY VIEW ITEMS. The cool weather in this section is much apreciated now. j Reverend. C. L. Merrill, Messrs. jRobert Merrill and William Graham land Misses Bennie Bell, Maymie Itw.j j a u- V .Dowdy and Archie Mae Merrill al TT . .r. ,6 View Saturday and Sunday and all reported a fine time. Johnnie F. Oglesby, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, R. A. flirlpsliv is very ill at present. Little Miss Mary B. Culpepper, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Cul- peper is on the sick list at present j Quite a large number of people ,'fiom Bay View attended the Neuse jForest Association at Granthanville Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Culpepper and daughter and Misses Nettie, Mildred land Ivy Lee Jones were visitors at 0ygter Cmk Sunday I Mr. James Graham returned home KTiPllf H chart Urhila .Qvutslavr of fW - -a m i v v. . nome oi Mr. w. n. Dowdy Sunday. CORE CREEK ITEMS. It is reported that Mr. Alex Fore Norfolk, Va., where h ' e expects to 1 visit his brother. SS A laylor 01 "arlowe sl visiting Mrs. J. R. Cayton, and rela-l tives anti friends of this place. The Snmlnv s, v.i v,Q. o, progressing very nicely now with risht good vww nv.rnuaiii.c. uc Iiavci , . . , - envery io"une xor me last tnree unays " having some one to make us a splendid Sunday School Lecture. . .. . , . Mr. Alex Foreman Jr., was the speaker last Sunday. There was quite a crowd at Mr. Alex Foreman's last night to hear the Misses Foreman's make music on the piano and violin. Mrs. D. V. Sabiston left last Sat urday morning for Great Bridtre. Va.. where she expects to visit her daugh- .vi ...in. i laijn Liii niiu jruuii raiiu- . T7- . I T m L.nni. I : n . . . i son r ranx jr. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Small who were quite sick are able to be out c tf again. We are sorry to learn that Master Leo Whitley is quite sick with fever and a sore foot which he hurt about 'a week ago. Do jve in Carteret County? If so you ought to be interested in Car teret county happenings. You can keep up with many of them by read ing the Beaufort News. Loaded With Sunshine i - - 1 ' -, . LA&ORPAy COOL COMFORT IS KEYNOTE OF LATE SUMMER STYLES v '.1 v r Z i WE vv the burning sun of late summer, women demand clothes that are cool and comfortable and that look all of that. In fact, thev Insist more unon n cool appearance than upon actuul cool flvJWi .......11 ... 1. 1. n .. i n....,.i. i..if iru or wane K1Q hats that arej.opubr. Felt. hats are not cool, but th ey are soft and com fortable and light ones look cool which cnmhinittutn of good points has si idled success for them. Plain linen is a time-honored fiibrlc that him niuintained Its place because It looks cool In summer frocks, and he cauxe It launders perfectly. Put onen- I work linen looks cool and Is cool und u frock of It Is presented herewith, lis an Ideal garment for the hottest weath er. The picture shows It to be simple In design, bordered with scalloped pieces of plain linen down the front, each scallop serving to carry a pearl button and simulated buttonhole. A I"l iHbi i II i iiwiai hp -r r-r i -- i. ?; J f 1 1 ",L1 "r "" " "" 'r.'li " 111 1 i - - Can enough fruits and vegetables to provide for the winter needs, ad vise workers of the State College home demonstration division. A copy of Extension Circular 114. ''Canning of Fruits and Vegetables" may be secured by writing to the Ag ricultural Editor, State College Sta tion, Raleigh. Get the News while it Read the Beaufort News. is fresh. 4V f Vrf f A fry front panel of crepe de chine has a neck-to-hem plaiting at each side of a strip of. pluln linen down the front, adorned also with small pearl buttons. Plain and openwork linen in ny light color, with white linen in bindings and accessories, will develop this frock successfully. The small hut of silk with sectional crown and narrow turned-up brim, Is of the collapsible kind that can be folded or flattened, to put in a suit case. The lust chapter In millinery's summer story deals with the career of this bit of practical and beautiful lieadwear, which Is so accommodating and becoming. It Is as light und cool as H Is pretty. As to the footwear that supports this hot weather costume, It plays Its Important role perfectly white silk stockings, light brown or gray kid pumps nothing could be more cool and comfortable. JULIA BOTTOMLET. ((ft, 115, Wotira N.wapaper Unl.a.) PROF;CARDS DR. C S.mMAXWELL GENERAL PRACT1 E ' Office Hourr 10 to 12 A. M. and bv appointir.ent. DR.H. M. HENDRK DENTIST Office Houm to 12 A. M.. and 1:30 lc 5 P. M. fficeer WP. Sm-th'g tore Dr. E. B. Whitehurst GENERAL PRACTICE Phones: Office 83. Residence 107-L Office Hours: 10 to 12 to 5 and by appointment DR. MANLY MASON General Practice Phone Office I Phone 108J. R..Mi.iice Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to S and by appointment. Dr. J- O. Baxter Specialist THE EYE ONLY NEVBERN, NC. Dr. E. F. Menius Eyesight Specialist With Sam K Eaton Co. New Bern, N. C. D. W. MORTON Notary Public Insurance "Ramsey Bldg." BEAUFORT, N. C. DR. r!l DANIELS SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offices in Elks Temple Rooms 401 to 405 Tel. No. 170 Office Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3 to 4 p. m. NEW BERN, N. C. TRADE BUILDERS PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY FOR Fire and Windstorm INSURANCE SEE Miss Ella D. Davis EXPERT " WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING WL H. BAILEY WITH B. A. BELL 666 s a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever Dengue or Bilious Fever. It kills the germs Exercise care in selecting beef cattle for finishing this winter, ad vise livestock workers at State Col lege. Finished steers command a jhigher price than do cows or a cheaper grade of cattle, even if they are just as fat.

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