The Beaufort Mews The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY , , WATCH Your label and pay yew subscription VOLUME XIV EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY SEPT. 10 1925 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY &!UMBER 37 NEWS ITEMS FROM ! STATE CAPITAL! Tobacco Prices Rather Disap pointing. Griffin Case In Supreme Court This Week (By M. L SHIPMAN) !) Raleigh, September 7 A quiet week was passed in Raleigh last week j the chief interest in the Capital City ; centering in the opening on Septem-;j ber first of the tobacco markets of Eastern Carolina, this meaning much 1 1 to the business of this section. The i Governor and trustees went into con ditions at Caswell Training School before Mr. McLean departed for New -York to sign road bonds. Highway Commissioner Frank Page left for B lienor Aires to attend a Pan-American road meet, the capital specuuat ed over who would be appointed as judge at the special term of court for j the trial of W. B. Cole of Rocking-) ham, killer of Wfl W. Ormond, Jo, sephus Daniels, chairman, went ahead i A BJGGER BEAUFORT According to a notice pub lished elsewhere in the New a movement i on foot to ex tend the city limit of Beau fort o a to include a much larger area. The notice signed by Attorney C. R. Wheatly et forth the fact that an applica tion will be made to the city commuaioner to make the ex tension. According to the law it will be necessary to hold an election which will be decided by those in the territory . af fected by the proposed city ex tension. The addition would take in all land from the city to the eastern point of Lenox ville and a line extending from Mulberry street to Norjth River. Persons desiring to express their views on the mat ter may do so through the col umns of the Beaufort News. Communications must be to the point and of reasonable length. LARGE DOCKET TRIED IN POLICE COURT MONDAY I The weather was hot and sultry I Monday afternoon but that did not I keep the attendance from being I large when Mayor Thomas opened I court The number of defendants' I was also rather large and it required PREPARING FOR NEWPORT FAIR ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL OPENS NEXT MONDAY its i ht Paul s bchool will begin twenty-seventh academic year Monday of next week, September 14 SCALLOP CROP WILL BE SHORT Will Fix Date Next Tuesday. Jt is hope that theie win be a good Freshet Last Year In River. Hope To Make Fair Big Suc cess Thi j Year attendance this yeaji, and a good line up of teachers has been secured. I The following are the faculty for Believed To Have, Killed Them. (By Bureau of .Fisheries) Washington D. C. Sept. 8th. At the request of the Fisheries Commis- nn nTvmrvi7 nn inn Uf lAUill 1 DUAlil with havin been drunk denied the! It has been said that our agricul- charge but a witness said that he sang tural fairs are the show-windows of with plans for a Bryan Memorial at nfIAT)rr, M171?nniTr Washington D C. the special com- fJUf, f ill ill invesugawiig uie uumimsHiun or of Labor and Printing with refer ence to favoritism charges reported and printing bids were opened for the public business. The also looked forward with interest to the Supreme Court of this week when the appeal of Henry Dennis Griffin of Williamston, sentenced to 30 years j One of the largest crowds that has ,11 i fi . nearly two hours and a half to get (fi H h 0vergtreet County Aeent) the coming school year: I through with the docket. Most of I Mr. E. F. Duncan, Principal I the defendants were ' without attor-1 At a cal1 meeting of the officers of Engiish and Algebra. Beaufort. i x- j ai i i Lilt ipw imn. r win HSKnrinTinn i iipb. . . , neys u ueieno mem ana several --- " -- j Mr. W. W. UarK, Mew Uxlorcl, fa. Bion Board of North Carolina, the plead guilty to the charges against deeded to postpone Band orchestra public 8chool music Bureau f Figheries hag undertaken them- y- fTVr theate.tMht5ld he, and athletics. . an investigation of the scallop fshery Milan Gabriel and Gene Springle, until next Tuesday night Sept. 15th. , Miss Mabe, Jones SparU( Tenn of g two youths about seventeen years old "ch time we hope that all inter- English and Science agsj to thg wor and fa were arraigned on the charge of lar- d Prte. w;ill make an effort to, Miss Caroline Cumbow sioux Falls making studies of spawning habits, ceny of a fish net from Moses Austin. Present The meeting will be gouth Dak French and ffis. of n:ea I Attorney C. R. Wheatly defended he,d " the strand Theatre, Newport tory tribution, etc. I them and succeeded in having the at 8 'clock- Miss Louise Gear, Franklin, Ind. , All report's indicate that in the I case dismissed on payment of costs.! There has been a great improve- High School Mathematics and seventh summer of 1924 scallops were excep I The boys admitted they took the net ment in our community, county and grade. tionally abundant and that prospects I and went fishing in "The Rip" where State fairs in recent years. At this, Miss Mildred Smith Cataula, Ga f0r the coming scallop-fishing season, I they caught two . flounders. They time there is no better way to be Fifth and Sixth Grades. which begins in December, were un- I brought the net back and claimed found to acquire information that Miss Grace Duncan, Beaufort usually promising. Late in the sum I that they did not know it belonged will be of value in the equipment and Fourth and Third Grades. mer a rain storm of torrential vio- I to Mr. Austin any way. - improvement of the farm home-in Miss Ayleen Rogers, Batesville, lence occurred, and unusual quanti- Herbert Springle and Hubert Smith improving the soils and crops and live Miss., First and Second Grades. ties of fresh water were brought iwo young men cnaigeu wi,in ngnimg own., mm m juiuing- me reai success jhiss Louise Seale, Holly -Springs, down by the rivers. A survey made admitted the charge and were assess- in farming, which is to make the bus- Miss., Piano. shortly after the storm showed that e ?1U ana costs, George Fulford, mess a mode ot lite as well a middle aged white man, charged means of making a living. TA1I7T DA ADn n lew sonCR. went, tn kIupti ami crave tlm fn-.- Tk!. : i t ; I I I II 1 111 I (A Is I I -( ,! rs j a J' i n r o-- it ""u. xma jo nuc, aim lanncis i j. v 1 1 jl i uvius v"1"l" DOru Aojournea vjm ui ive- other evidences-of intoxication and RhonlH mare nn t;m in t. spect To Commissioner Hunt the Mayor gave him the limit of $50 tractive displays of all that their land ley Manday nnd C0(;t6,. Carlton Parkin plead can be made to produce, but the mod- guilty to the charge of drunk and em fair is more than a show-window ! ! Mj.s. Edith H. Wills, Gainesville, ! except for the beds off Moitehead a., Matron at Dormitory. City and in a few less important areas live scallops of a size that would be i marketable in the fall and winter were almost nonexistent. It is sup- AT rj MPrvmmjri posed that the scallops were killed KULllJ iTlDlj 1 liU by the sudden reduction in salinity, caused by the influx of 'fresh water. On the Morehead beds, which are sz.i ftnn it is on oHnxcf nuui uwi miiuu mauc rur nei v j - for mutilating Joseph Needleman 'attended a county commissioners' costs. Bn chMge Koam. Interest By Pay- Jed 7 shw teT th sea iop will be heard. (meeting recently was on hand Mon- 1iaviB(, ,,r1,nV hllt u J. M :nlr Assessment. : . . . ca"ops . t tv,-. k o,w: i., k f " " ' " yuuiuy t le nmue vo uemonsiraie . - remained abundant and , u i,c.uB x u. - ..... . u- es saj(, ;hat he wag and the Mayor the most improved methods of culti-l Were UlSLinciiy uisnpWiiiniii;. juuincu in a lew iiiiiiulcs. ui uuincas thought average price of 14 to 16 cents, which was transacted. The adjournment C0Sf. was four to five cents below last was taken out of respect to Commis- a very vig- ... orous fishery was Drosecuted. . so too. He was fined $25 and.vation, breeding and feeding, along' members ot the board ol town, A su with displays of improved equipment F. ...- Bn empioyee of the Fisheries Com- Llenche Bryan, a colored woman, !f or the farm and farm Ridings, 1rpeifular monthly meeting Mondi,y; mission Board of North Carolina and year was realised en opening sales sioner G. W Huntley whose father WJIS charged with tbe arceny o( Threading of the minutes caused with about 8 000,000 pounds offered died a few days ago. Mr. Hunfey pair of B Minnie' Da'vis aid fields and ' a ut a permit for ZZS e..!h!Ttty,:fnlh: llZ. o CM9 maction, add to the conveniences Ld smalaL in Bogue SoJnTar Mr. Gutsell failed to reveal scallops in a Boeue Sound and on ing to $5.25. The evidence was that comforts of the farm house and lead WeeKS ag0 t0 W Klades- tbw certain flt. th. Ronfnrf sianon is io De on tne water iroirs A j . ,.j ... , . A , . laboratory, where they -appeared, to The following list constitutes the j Former commissioner A. T. Card- be abundant- t UJ officers of the Newnort Fair Asko-' ... small scalloDS. nresumablv from this -est wnt to bpr hnnm A tvw .... .... er attended tne meeting and liven- , ' I market with too much cheap tobacco, !the county 5n regard to tbe road gi. " "auon lor tnis year: d it confiiderably b season . spawning, were xound. thus lowering the price. Hope is tuation tbere. Tbe meeting was held e Wt"Ch admitted haUng Chas. E. Simmons... President a djpcussion of the UJ The. s.tuat.on prseents several pe held that the later season-quality will upstai in the county courtl,om . po ,le p. o e Major Simmons... Is Vice Pres. Tp took the Wion tha cuhar arpects In . places where raise the price! x Je otLr place was too small for tte'JJ-SrZ P"n Newport Con School 2nd V-pres v- of lefa enorced strjct, That seal top. were nbnncant the fall, Governor McLean and the board crowd. Mr u B. Ennett of Stella was 'tenced to lail fn. so Z."""--"'' ome people kept their places cleaned 7; v- " , T, 8..8C8rCt'y aly .Were tobacco was said to be poor. The sey to attend his father's funeral, opinion was expressed during tne) Although the board did not hold she..8n(1 aother took the sti general life improvement vcv r - -r an ouiciai meeting aia near in an from a Simple minded man named had not been offered for sale and al- informal way a large delegation of pjerre Totter. Chief of Police Lcn so that the farmers drugged tne!citizens from the western part of witn orunKeness s r f Caswell Trainin? School decided at:.j u!-.. .i;.oJ a . . T " J ' Ane iank 01 Newport-.. .-- umvcm aa umuiuou aim cniucu lrie case againstjonn woe and r'ercyi a meeting to formulate a definite pol-it 0f the meeting. He referred Garner two "white youths, charging' DIRECTORS .uy ... uC.,u6 " to tne iact tnat roads m tne west disorderly conduct was dismissed. Claude Garner children of the institution. This pol-are in & miserable state and urged Pete Davis a coIored mani charged Jesse R. Garner icy in its vanous phases will be work- that the people there are tIltitled t0 drunkness drew & fine of ?25 A M ed out by the various members of the gome reliefi A petition to the coun- and costg H c Garner board and presented in full at a lat" ty board, which will be presented at ( s J. T. Graham vi meemiB. the next meeting, was also reaa. cr.,,,,c r-., w 7 Mr0u .Treasurer. up while ethers did not. There was H. . !r " ?TJ: r " 1 he Chairman then stated that he . NEXT MONDAY MORNING 1 ooutu l" " " w wished to have several of those who meeting he expects to visit several we" pre8en; di e J"" ! Roth the white and colored schoois C. H Garner I .1 ..v.i: . nder consideration. W. G. Mebane will open Monday, September 14th at J- Garner ooum Amenta" jcuuunts , h.j.. n..i j.u . , wno was canea on nrsi, siaieu nun ne n,ne 0'ciock a larire enrollment it ex, spect road systems, returning about, . ' ..... nine o iiolk. a large enrollment it ex xt il v.)n iwas heart'y 111 sympathy with the pro- pected at both sch00ls. f nnsnl to huild a flrstclass road in the to be found this summer, and where they have been fairly abundant this but no action was taken, as there is BUmer they W6le eVortcd Procti- v-mjr uucAiat.ciib alter tne iresnet. With two exceptions, all the scallops Wm H RpI luat.u... , rpt i j , , . . . mivrii iimt nittv ue supuoseu to nave n T..n r1,-! T'ie board passed a motion making , , it . . D. Ira. Garner1 1 been from this season's spawning oc- T A ..- c jji'iujji iav.iun oj. xuv a year 101 . . , .. . F. E. Simmons C. T. Cannon G. W. Gamer an ordjance already in existence thr.t covers the situation. the Rest Room of the Communitv Club. Police officer G. W. Sty;on curred in localities where last sum mer's mortality was reported to be BUILDING COMMITTEE . ' complete and m es from where adult r r. v v i,n asked for an advance m salary but ' , ... "'":lc O. barner . h. bimmons . . ..J . scalloos were fnnnH thi irm tne motion to tut eflect failed to, -,. . , : oi-.m.issioners Whitehut-st , " ' " "" wj nt.l f.r it. .,i r.nms5. handlcPPd the density of the A. A. Garner A. M. Gurner DECORATING COMMITTEE Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Edwards. M ! pass, and Ni . ners Parkin, Mtxwell and Smith a "grass" on the flats where the seal- Governor McLean has not appoint ed a judge to try W. B. Cole of " ; and it is practically impossible f or will have charge of the Droeraln Ormond. The trial is to open at a ., . .. r . wm nave LnarKe 01 lne program, tp, t Rn,kinrham on Sen-.lnal SeCHOn 10 aeVe'T .'i A" "out of district" pupils The white school will open with and Mis K. L. Garner. Mr. and Mrs. gainst. An c.oe, was passed to al- ? uchiefly ,occur- This vegetation west. In the first place, he said, the exercises in the auditorium. Mr. U. E. D. Ira Garner. Mrs. J. I. Mizelle roads are in deplorable condition gwannf chairman of the School Board who REFRESHMENT .COMMITTEE W. H. Bell, Chairman. DEPARTMENT MANAGERS low pcrsc,. who wish pay their ov;- " B'eauy reol,cl!a D I8U ana ing or sidewalk assessments in "full ' fa bopd that at that time sca,loPs without interest until Oatober the f"ay be found present in Kreater 8' first to do so. A petition of Charles bundance that seemed likely in mid- n t .m .... .... Summer. As it. is. tho iit nut-inn an. special term i jvuuhikkiuhu u a Vvtont iinlpw thev are iniDioved The' i i. u- u i. t 1 w., l nomas to reDuild a store build- . , ' r tcmber 28. The plea of the wealthy;ef e" tZtnmm ntetm hlf Rre F. J. Mason .... ..Livestock Dept. ing on Turner street was ordered to beeallv Manufacturer has not been indicat- co"ty anTive I'V ?V " h T 'Penn' G" Gould and A- M- Garne' Fa ,ed for twenty da , v T1"8 SC.allP fi'Shery ed by counsel. The State will have j !J enSo;f tendent Workman before the openmg The matter has been worth nearly $125,000 an- assistance of several criminal lawyers Z be'lde f ompved ff! " . JZ? Mr, Geo. Mason......Fruit Dept,or clay taken by city for street pur- T.' in the case. , ' .. . ; " Mrs. Troy Brown. Fancy Work Dept. poses and which has been hamrinir ",e scanops are , u.c -. ' roads. Furthermore, he stated, in crowded no "out of district" pupils f lry Dr0Wn rancy W0IK uepz' p08e9 ana wn,cn "as Deen 1 The vocational work of the State, f gQme crowde d 0 ou t o f d stnet pupds HunnjngS( Antiques & ow flre fw a long wftg taken ill be closely combined with that o , under way wilI J"86 deS Mr.s A. M. Garner....Flower Dept. discussed. A motion was ther Eate Col eee in the appointment of . , at least ior tne present. . fiiinu;ino- Mr lnmct 4nn will Oi-.i. Alfnn th 4-lin onrtAinfiriont T E. BrowVe, vortional director of b f e!y fdd mn ? No thild' white or ld U .(. .lirppto,. of the vocation- ,-u"",J, " " oes not Decome 6,x Vears ot ee De" up and found. The loss of the greater part rnw OtotC Bo UlH3.IAr Ul lire vvv.w m t i . - .1 jn.rtmBt f State faced r0Bd would be a eood paying fore the gpring term opens will be ad .. i investment for the whole county, f tu t;t v -wu RURAL PUPILS WILL College He wUl hold both positions' w , t. I ...r. .1 o , of tax on barber shoo was refused. wi he admitted to the lirst crrade I ocwrwiii Ji-nuvt. . . . . .. . i v, : : .. .. i .i i. . . i"" . LJ1..' if. J.l 1 Hugh Overstreet allowing Mr. Longest $400 for the "IUS'"P lne community. County Agent clay. Commissioner Noe voted a-' gainst the appropriation. A request of Mrs. Maud Garner to be relieved nnl a a Adrian n a thu nfrirv Henry Dennis Griffin has appealed Fpeakef and he made f ong ""after the first month unless he comes from a sentence of 30 years for be- f ntun favr of 8 bond 1fue,tp under the compulsory attendance iiuim 1.1 J C ncabciii lunu nuu mov ing the leader of the mob which mut- age. The matter of erecting a new build- All members of the County Board in ut the etett,ic lht Plant was of Education were present at the left to the Wster Bnd Uht Commis- mon. come Dins were audited ana CROWDED THIS WEEK. An unexpectedly large run of news and advertising mat- ter this week, much of which came in late, has crowded the columns of the News to their full I ... M capacity ana more too. Some of the omitted matter will be published in next week's issue. TEACHERS IN CONFERENCE .. . . . other roads in the county that need , t j .j fi, f meetinc held in the first Mondav. Be lated Joseph Weedleman at Williams- - i .u.. ...v v. --------- . , the board adioumed subiect to the 1 . , . tt paving. He said the difference in th fi t .ade children come with sides the routine business several XDV uoaro BUJurr,ea suDjett to tne ton in the early spring after remov- r . B. . ... lne iirst graue Lniiuren iome wiui , . w . s u ' m ,ii Th maintaining paved roads and dirt them on Monday and be prepared to matters were considered that are of cau 01 lne wayor- 'i 'appeal will be heard this week by roadfi ' woud be a, b,f M?m and PaV the required book rental fee, -ore or less pubhc interest. " the Supreme Court. (ouId efa"Ce Iand valu8- Mr; which is $1.05. The fees for the i The board armed at a decision to e fm Kr. jtf. Josephus Daniels chairman of tho : Herman Small, another speaker said gecond and third gradeg are fl.90 re-purchase the old school building mond DickinBon WM inted a MQn,...ioi rnnrnritto u Pnn. mo of the road money becn each. This reduction being authorized and lot. at Newport, sold several . . :ft Df Cm tinning correspondence and confer- spent Lm er part8 of th C0Unty by the Board on recommendation 0 months ago. Dr. E J. Tucker bought f M Q Dickinson resigned. gram of which was published in last ences with various 'parties relative to, uuu "iak "x "cc"c ' """former Superintendent nttman. ru- f'hy j.ui .m sum . ' the memorial at Washington City,worse now than ever He thought pils in the other grades are required back for $900. It will be used for W!iiiM inin. n, Tt i bis section ought to have some re- t f i h thei own bookgi Jn order a teacherage. rxoected a meeting will be held the ilief- Messrs H- K- Foit and C Rl to facilitate this matter, book lists; A delegation of citizens from the The Teachers' Conference, the pro- cxpecteo a mwuiig wm ue nciu mci . , , . . - , . eu. vjnester morris was eiectea com-"J uuftinsui u latter part of the month at Washing- j Wheatly were called on but declined wJU be digtribu.ted by the teachers on Core Creek section came before the mitteeman in place of g p. Watson, Schools Brogden and Jule B. Wa ton to begin work on the plans in a, to "iscuss the question. A com-Monday .board to make some rangement a- resignedf fa the Weekl Neck djs. secretary of the N. C. Teachers' 'mittee was appointed to press the definite shape. , " - i c w,.,u . , . . n tnct. i ne rural scnoois will open on . : i iv v,l ninner ueiore nie uuoiu i iw tho r-itv nmo time to-morrow. xmbib ic nuuui 4,u ui. niesc oiuuc:iu-i A warnniK i 1'" l"6 vi "" i . .... . nublie, te "K JL1,e 1 u11uw",k Robert L. Jfritz, Jr, lL. T Tl W.-.A Tl I I ... Supt. City School the committee: L. B. Ennett, D. J. relative to fire dangers in -.1 1. U. t.n.M iffiiflrl hxr Stflt Tn-1 BUIllfUiB lino uccn UJ i TT 'II t -n . . T. , , .ST .... surance Commissioner- Wade.. The.HUl, J R Adams, Robert Weeks, Agricultural Department announces, George G. Taylor E. P. Watson, that its Division of Markets saved' Commissioner Woodland, Hall Tay poultry raisers of the State $50,000 lor and Whitehurst were present at (continued on page four) meeting. and the board has arranged to take m , , - ..." , . schools on the 14th.t seven months i - ... . schools on the - acnooi. iney w,u he trnsported m and six t MARRIAGE LICENSES a school truck. The board decided fcer the mh L. H. Harvey of Merrimon was ap- peek's News, is in progress today in pointed committeeman for that dis-jthe auditorium of the public school, trict in place of B. H. Harvey resign- The features of the morning were ad- ed. Chester Morris was elected com- dresses by Mate Supervisor of Rural iTen As sociation. ,This afternoon Dr. G. M. Cooper of the State Board of Health made an address a health subject. 28th. of this month and the six months schools on Octo- Cecil J. Nelson,, Harkers Myrtle. Lewis, Harkers Island. to offer two prizes, one of $10 and Island the other $5, for the drivers who ,operates their trucks with the least day Attorney A. B. Morris of More- head City was a business here Mon- The meeting will continue through tomorrow. Elder L. H.' Hardy of Atlantic was in town Monday on his way home from an extensive trip.

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