mile 2 o li Tt.- brt advertising medium published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY ") . i?.fCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XIV. EIGHT, PAGES THIS tVEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY OCT. 29 1S25. PRICE Sc SINGLE COPY NUMBER 44 EaUF so) v FEWER HOLIDAYS RECOMMENDED BY WACF f OMMITON Superior Court up to noon Thursday, ITHILl VAlIIII!110OlUIVW89 Eiven. Court adjourned Fri- Question of Holidays For State Employes Still an Issue In Raleigh HIGHWAY ENGINEERS RESIGN - yiy m. l,. DrurmmNi r- 1 CiTTTTtlf 1 IT Kaleign. W. U. UCtODer 26 The contest between the Salary and Wage Commjssion was the center of interest in Raleigh during the past week. The horrible tragedy at Rex Hosptal which took the toll of a baby's life by burning also was the object of sympathetic interest. The Governor Iliaue UUUiesses UUnne Lne WeeK to the Wegro btate air at Raleigh and the Railroad Trainmen at Charlotte) and then departed for Washington i.o appear Deiore xne ways ana Means Committee of Congress and oppose the inheritance taxes. The will of J. B. Duke made public in terested North Carolinians because of the laree sums which were aHnVd ux me laige sums wnitn were aanea to Duke's endowment fund. The will also made further provisions for char itable and religious objectives in North Carolina. The Salary and Wage Commission withdrew from its stand abolishing six of the Vinlirl.nvs pstnhlicVio.1 hr tVip T ptrUlatnro ,pn tKp 4tt r.o- 0aa v,Q ; v,-i 4- j- u 4 41. r. 1 I . , v, , , n-v n .did cut it down to three months, bly had done. ,The Commission . got 1 , . . , , ..... , . , v 1 The grand jury made its final re- back at the employes however, by1 . : , , , ... . .. ... . port and received the thanks of the stating that it was considering cut- .... m, . ting the annual holiday to six days unless the department heads co-op- e.atea wjm 11 in reaucing ine num- . 1 . . ... . . ., wjy-L j 1 ivgui nviiuajrst 111c 111a tkCI jo etill at issue. The Commission had a hearing on salaries and classifica tions last week and decided 'to-give rnnnirlprntinn to a fpui nnnnnla hut denied the great majority. The State Highway Commission estimates it will lose 100 trained engineers who had been promised salary in creases but wWch were denied by the Wage body. The tragedy in which the ten hours old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Smith was burned to death aroused Raleigh citizens; The , child was placed in a receiving basket at Rex "Hospital immediately after birth and died a few hours later. It was then discovered : that a heating pad had been left in the basket, and that death had resulted from burns. The Coroner's jury held that the cause of death was negligence and careless ness at the hospital but did not file any criminal charges against any one. Two nurses who had charge of the child are under suspension at, the hospital pending further investi-l Ktion. The Governor's address to the Ne-"and gro State Fair applauded ,the great progress accomplished by the race 'since the days of slavery. The Gov- crnor however expressed the idea that th further progress' of the negro was dependent on the continuance of a state governed by white men. The Pair was said to be a wpnderful ex- hibit and the negro officials deserv- ing of much credit. ' - Governor McLean travelled to Charlotte the middle of the week where he addressed the Railway' Trainmen In session thei'e. The Gov ernor lauded the progress made by desired to do so carried home with The ring was lost by a Mrs. Stronach According to reports in the daily Funds were appropriated to deepen . lock 2, West Beaufort, eonsidora lubor and also commended the train- them some of the catch that they seven years ago. newspapers of today the contract foi it 10 feet, but after conferring with ' ion $850. men for their devotion to duty hich made to show their friends. (J the Beaufort-Morehead City bridge t number of your citizens interested E. G. Gillikin and wife t oil. M. he said had been the meHns of 1 ak-i On Tuesday evening a special sup- John Sparks of Iredell county still will be let on December 8th. Fifteen 1 n navigation, this office recommend- Gillikin parts of lots in Moreheud ing the American railroads "one the per was served the vsitors by the refuses to bury the body of hia son projects are to be let for contract at f J that these funds be used to con- City, consideration $100. wonders of the world." Friday Mr. Davs House, where they stopped. A who was killed in France during the that time if satisfactory bids are re- s ruct a bulkhead from Town Marsh W. A. Ballow and wife to W. II. McLean appeared in Washington to urge abolition of the Federal tax on inheritanceces as unfair and an at tempt on the Federal government's part to take one of the state sources of taxation. .He appeared with sev- eral other governors to support the stand in the matter taken by Secre- tary Mellon and they appear to have been successful for the committee will recommend a bill about in-Jine with what the Governors desired. Duke't Will Probated The will of James B. Duke takes R. E. Sentelle, Tarboro, C. W. E. ed to get him away and carried him lice Longest on the charge of selling specifically mentioned. The report on Morehead Bluffs, 80 acres in More another opportunity of making this Pittman, Marion. I 1 to Greensboro for safe keeping until quart of whiskey and also having this examination has been forwarded head township, consideration $10. great business man gond philanthro-1 pist secure for time to come in the regard of his fellow men.- Mr. Duke left another $17,000,000 to Duke University which alread will benefit handsomely by the income from $46 ,000.000 Duke foundat:on. T'iO iZi. ...J cu p p.,v..; . SUPERIOR COURT ADJOURNED LAST FRIDAY AFTERNOON In last week's issue of the News en nrrmint of the nrorppdinP'S of day afternoon. One civil suit, that of C. S. Maxwell against C. G. Goul- den and others wag tried and the'jury gave a verdict in favor" if the plain- tiff. The defendant gave notice of an appeal to the Supreme Court. This aiiit wo a oKrktif o vn4- t Ion ft in Mar. , . w A 1 . T TT nmon townsnip. jars. iNannie r.. c. v 1 4 j- " ow" W"B ,VBU 4 j rr c ' V ' A f JIJl nv yea t.anaonment. In addition to cases reported last week a numbeof others on the criminal docket were disposed of. i hey were follows: Jim Lynch, violating prohibition loir foiloH In nnnonr fnr trial ami forfeited a bond of $100. Romie Mann, violating prohibition kWj cai,cd and faied Capiag and continued. .... i .i . IS. Y. lieorge, violating pronioi- tion law, case continued. " U. A. Lupton and A. K. wall, , . , t. , . tnarKe lalHe V'ew, '" jjpxl verm. i-i T n... -1 ..: Vj. 4 ruLiiin, ciiaige iiasjiin charge passing worthless check. Capias and continu ed. I J fr. -1. .1 ...,-4u o . juiiuvuii, tiidixcu w 1t.11 ouaiiu' 4 j 4! a onment. Capias and continued , - , , , , in tne case 01 jonn c uong.eion, 10 was given a sentence of four wh W8S PVen months on the roads, Judge Bond re tence but "sed to take off all the sen L'UUIL XUI 1LS WUIfl. A11C JU1J irwil tated that all the county offices were 11 4i,,.4 . u ..,'1 ,OD luuiiu wen nrin. tiiaw iijc j . 1 1 ganUary and that the coun. ty home was well kept and inmates well cared for. The jury recommend- ed that a bath be installed for women and hot water, syste nf for baths in coun home. SCHOOL MEN HOLD iVTVTYTlT Y TmTlkTn il ll HI III I I lv rlllilUriJj UU 1 IllU Educators Came To Beaufort On Fishing Trip. Have En- Joyable Visit "V ' - . Several years ago County S'iperin- . ' tsndent M. L. Wright conceived the jjea of having a,number of educafio nal workers come to Beaufort on a ileasure trip. Invitations were sent ut mostly to county superintendents! n the eastern section and to several n the State headquarters in Raleigh. Those invited came, liked their ex- perience and since then it has become n annual affair. ' Sunday evening. the educators ar-l rived for their outing and Monday Tuesday were spent' by them boating and fishing. On Monday the weather was not favorable for ocean fishing and the day was spent on the inside With considerable success, Tuesday was a fine day they got up bright and early and embarked in the motor boats of Capt. Tom G. and Ru- ben Willis and went to Cape Lookout Despite the fact that soipe of the party had to stop fishng on account of sea sickness' they had good luck and-were pleased with their success. They caught some nice trout, sheep'shead and other sorts. All who nock debate on evolution was pulled ft at this supper and there was also ome serious discussion of educatio- al matters. Most of the visitors, ame in motor crs and left for their liomes Wednesday morning. Those in the party were: State Superin- tenden't A. T. Allen, P. E. Seagle, John L. Harris of Raleigh, J. T. Jer - ome, O. A. Hamilton of Goldsboro, E. E. Sams, Kinston, R. H. Wright, M. L. Wright, Ralph Deal, Greenville C. M. Proctor, Durham, S. T. Emory 1 During the first week in October, 1 County Agent H. A. Edge delivered' to Harnett County farmers one car- load of explosives containing 30,000 founds and later he delivered 1,000 'tu'ids cf crimson cllrver seed fyi STATE NEWS terns Of Interest From Various Part of The State " A report from Nashville is to the effcct that Reverend A. L. Ormond wjh gtart a gnit at an eariy d lte a. gaingt w. B. Cole of Rockingham for the kining of hi8 gon Will Ormond. c.nB r.entiv 0(.r..iittH f thp tharge of murder The suit will be v i . i t i. Drougnl ln waKe counly ana I qM will hp for S 1(1(1 000 iuu,uu. A train load of 12 tank cars-of recent,y carrie(J ffom High pofat to Asheboro to relieve , shortage of water thcre. 0n ac count of thfi gevere drouth pre vai,ed fof gevera, monthfs A.hWo hnvp hn atlv ! ; j t . . inconvenienced. Recent rains may lave helped some. Up to last- Saturday 35,000,000 TioiinHs nf fnhnrrn Vidva Koon ant1 nn the Wilson market. The tobacco has averaged . little more than 12 cent, a p0Und. Wilson is the largest to- Dacco market in the State. i r .... .. A. W. Allison- a detective on the j Durham police force was dismissed 3rom tne service a fed days ago fol- , Iiwing a brutal attack he is said to have made ttDon tafco voune men who " were under arrest Scars and bruises were xound on tne two youths made by a ,eather belt and Piece of wood, iney were cnargea witn stealing ome parts from an automobile. S Ben N. Duke has given $50,000 a Pineland Srhool in Summnn n n. m,!. -,.V.l t :l j .j. i . o ci smuui 4ui Kitin aim v;e founded about 15 years ag0 The school is said to be one of the best managed in the Ft ate. Mr. Duke hui xid 'larpe gift U raritras ' otherS schools in North ("nr. Ima. Police sergeant Ohason of Fay etteville, who was shot and killed last Thursday by a burglar, was the tenth offinp. that, has hppn lrillpl thpn since the year 1905. James Hinton tried last week for . 1 1 it tr.i . ",uluer 01 "arvey rwraan al Leggett's, Edgecombe, county, plead uU1y t0 manslaughter and got a sentence of ten years in the peniten- tlary- A contract was let a few days ago for the erection of a three story ho- el building at Carolina Beach, a few miles below Wilmington. Work on I he hotel, which will cost about $100,000 will start immediately so as to be ready for next summer. I , ; The report has gone out from Ra- leigh and elsewhere that A. M. Scales of Greensboro will be a can- didate for the Democratic nomina- tion for Governor in 1928. Mr. Scales will neither deny nor affirm the report. It has been understood heretofore that O. Max Gardner, would get the nomination withou' opposition. ' - I , ' I ' After reposing in a city sewer fo; seven years in Wilson a valuable Diamond ring, was recovered last Thursday by Fletcher Bowling, col-1 ored, a city employe. Fletcher fixed up a trap at the outlet of the sewer. war. He has had a house built for the1 body and keeps it in there, ror long time he kept the body in his own house. He also refuses to take $10,000 insurance which the Govern- inent will pay him any time if he would take it. - 1 Preston Neely,'' a South Carolina negro 23 years old, was arrested !n Ashevitle Monday charged with rape on a white woman there. A mob tried to get his but the sheriff manag- he can be tried. : r "Reduce the cost of production, Money can Jbe made with cotton and 1 orn when it is produced cheaper ' hj,n the other fellow can do it." ' ov. A. W. McLean in State Fair Ad - cress. , DEDUCING TAXES NOW CHIEF TOPIC Will Be A Considerable Cut In Sur Taxes. Many Plans Be-. ing Suggested. Washington, D. C, October. Now hat work has begun in real earnest on tne enort to whip some sort of a tentative tax measure into shape I IV. t n - ! n the opening of Congress in De- i ,.. . ... cember, Washington is in the throes Wf VllllIlK VL VUUKlCOa 111 UC- . j;j ... uisvuodiuu ui iiiiaiiciui itrgjsitt- tion, and all sorts of plans and gchemeg are- being devised for the purposes of reducing taxes in a way that will satisfy the most people and ftm ,eave the Xreagury in a pregent. Me condition. . I Certain Democratic statesmen feel that all incomes below $5,000 should 4V4 -11 : , W-l r nnn .L...U be exempt from taxation. The Sec retary of the ; Treasury disagrees with this theory. He says that the tax on the smaller incomes will be VOrv email Acnartiallit a-ftcw fkn viav "" """ "' "J , . '."""T uc i nminatea irom tne nation s annual ' . 4 . recemts without, materia lv bpnpfit. ... . . . tinflT anVOne. . mere is bound to he a hie out in the surtaxes. This is generally al- - O - nutted and the countrv is rjrenared - 1 for it. believinsr as it does hat this put will tiTYiinfo nrAnivd m.-,.- nes enterprise by encouraging cap - ital. to shun tax-exempt securities and invest in new enterprises. One school of statesmen believes ,;that thi rest of the so-called war taxes, on theater tickets, high-priced 1 jewelry, cameras, and, automobiles should be elimihated while there are Oiners wno IfliriK tnat tne automoDlie tix should be retained at least so mS as tne government each j-ear is spending millions of dollars in road building for the benefitvof the. auto - mobile drivers. Congressman Bacharach, of New Jersey, has framed a compromise measure which, he thinks, harmon izes so far as possible the conflict ing views on the subject of taxation. ... .... ne Deneves that taxes can be re- AnpoA ,nn nnn nnn a tv, k mity feature should be eliminated, He would increase the exemption of single persons to $2,000 and of mar- ried persons to $3i5oo, at the same time extending the age limit of de pendent9 to twenty-one years. The rormal tax on the first $4,000 above exemptions would be one per cent, on the second $4,000 two per cent and on the third $4,000 four psr cent. The tax on incomes above $12,000 would be six per cent, with a maximum surtax of twentv ner cent.! He would repeal the tax on theater tickets selling for not more than $1.50, on club dues, automobiles, jew- elry, etc., and would reduce the coi- poration tax to ten per cent. Con- gressman Bacharach said: "I am opposed to the proposit;on cf exempting all incomes up to $5, 000. I believe it makes one take a greater interest in their government f he or she has to pay some federal tax, and under the rates , and with the exemptions suggested above the amount of tax on incomes up to $5,000 would be very small and would not be a burden or hardship to any one." , . WILL LET BRIDGE CONTRACT IN DECEMBER ceived. Among them is project 203 which is the bridge referred to. The matter has been deferred from time to time for a good many months and the news that the contract if finally to be let was received with pleasure by a great many people in Beaufort and the county. HELD FOR HIGHER COURT . ON LIQUOR CHARGE time a number of your citizens gave 47, 37, 121, Morehead City consider Kenneth Merrill', colored, was ar- their views as to the improvements ation $5. ested Tuesday nignt Dy Lniei 01 1-0- itMn his possession. He was tried 1 Tuesday afternoon by Mayor Thomas and held for Superior Court under two bonds of $125. each. Wright Stanley, alleged to have bought liquor 'from Merrill, was tried on a drunk j land disorderly charge and was fined' $25 and costs. r EW WHOLESALE GROCERY FIRM WILL OPEN SOON The Daniels Grocery Company is he style of a new wholesale firm that will be ready for business about November first in Beaufort. Mr. A. W. Daniels is the proprietor of the concern and will occupy half of his new building on Front street. He wi carry a genera, ,ine of grocerie8 and wij, cater to th- in , fort and Carteret countv. 1 Thp r,lhor hoi n tli. Iton.'oL I T v. Ml lniUCI3 UUJIU- j u u j ,t tl I mS has been engaged by the Stubbe r,v, 1 4-4 whijmhj wi mow otaiv business very soon. The Stubbs Fruit Company is a successor to the firm of R. H. Hill and Company and will handle about the same line of goods that this firm has been selling, Messrs J. H. Stubbs and R. H. Hill are the proprietors of the Stubbs Fruit Company, Fmil r'nmnon.r POLICE COURT ITEMS. Seveal persons faced Mayor Thorn- w K A -Ci. - 1 1 ...j.L -i..un wun 'j t' ..U" '"7'" nue ni..K, c..UrKeu wun hivina h.-n rirnnlr anti it urHorln , . ma naincuJ ion ti .. - v j-h mu moioi 4 Jnnpe Pli vic nnlior Tnnoa onA TiVin ' --..-a ..v. . KnnWlo rhariraA with - r " t5 I .6S.A ...V. I'gll.tUg V et off with the costs in the case. Ed- varH Williams rnlnrp1 fn. ,licn,,10r. ' ' " " 1j rnnHuH wan lt i a ,i cu "Kiac aim tne turns ainuuiu- 1 ng to $4.35. John Marshall driving horse recklesslv. was fined $5 ond costs. Roy Potter letting dog run I t large, was let off with the costs a- nounting to $3.45 MARRIAGE LICENSES (in v one nprmit to wprl haa hppn granted by Register-of Deeds Jno. W. I i vvv.. Hamilton since last -week's issue of I he eNws. This was to Roosevelt JaviR "and Millie Willis of Harker sland. FINDS IN HAND FOR RRFAKWATF! 1 Vil LPIlIirlllTT lliil v 1? . .." . . . ..1 engineers Awaiting aui oritv From Chief E-igi'mer To Start WorK At the recent meeting of the Onam- "ier of Commerce secretary J. p. Petts was instructed to find out what I he chances are for certain improve- nents in Beaufort harbor. The wo matters of most interest at pre ent are the building of a breakwater rom Town Marsh to Cart Island and the improvement of the "Turning1 Basin." A letter from Assistant Engineer Harry T. Paterson to Mr. Betts says that funds for building the breakwater are available and that no report has been made yet on the 'Turning Basin." Mr. Paterson's let- er is reproduced herewith: New Born, N. C. Oct. 26, 1925. llr. J. P. Bettsf Secretary, :hamber of Commerce, Beaufort ,N. C. 1 I)ear Sil I With reference to your inquiry of the 24th., you are advised that n Turning Basin has been dredged to depth of 7 feet at the western end of the channel in front of the town. across Bird Shoal to Cart Isbnd. This recommendation was approved by the last Congress, the funds are in hand, and we are only waiting for authority from the Chief of Engin- -neers before commencing this work. 1 The last Congress also authorized a preliminary examination of Beau- fort Harbor, jind a hearing was held in your town on April 23rd., t which needed, tne lurning Basin being through the customary channels, but have not yet, been advised of the action of the reviewing authorities. You will receive prompt notification f s soon as this action is taken, Very respectfully, Harry T. Paterson, Assistant Engineer, BIG COTTON CROP SEEMS PROBABLE Favorable Weather For Pick ing. Large Quantity Has Been Ginned Already Raleigh, October 26th. According to hundreds of North Carolina far-: jners reporting to the. State and jUnited States Department of Agri-' jralture on October 18th. this state's cotton crop is expected to be 1,120--' nnn t.-i 41.;. . ... uuv uaica lijjs year Compared Wltll 825,000 produced last year and a past five year average crop of 908 745 bales. 63.4 percent of 709 909 "bales of this crop had been ginned to October 18th. and most gins have been worked to capacity during the t)ieknr season -Tj. i i . i ... percent of the crop, had been ginned to October 18th. ' A yield per acre of 251 pounds of int is indicated by the condition October 18th.,' and farmers are ex- tfng an abandonment of about 2.0 P nt, due to a failure of the crop in several localities on account of weather damages The crop indicated is 30,000 bales """" "P11"" " 1st. At that time, farmers were in I he midst of picking and yields vere 4.,,: i , . , , , j . ad expected, lneir reports- this reports . me tempered with more certain ty, and th ginnings since October .5t.veie over 300,000 b les, making tie total ginnings at this time more han this state has f.inned to this date before. Condition reports f:om the Coastal counties were some ower than in October 1st., and aver aged for the Elate about 63 percent f normal. Many fr.: '.tiers in the Peidmont counties W that their ctton is yield- iig rruch better than , -they 'had thoul.t possible "and several in the ower Coastal counties state that citon is still opening where it seem d there' was no more to open. The cold snaD that 0011 rrpd shout the Jh-was accompanied by frost which cid some damage to late opening bolls as far south as Wilmington'.' 117-..1.I 1. 1 . ei"er conauons nave oeen spien did for picking. Prices for pickers, were such that few complaints of roll weevil damage are received from counties in the northern Costal section than elsewhere. This section has experienced a more rainy season than any other nd this has favored the weevil. United States Crop A probable production of 15,226,- C00 bales is ndicated by reporters n October 18th. This is 467 000 biles more than was ndicated bv thp October 1st. report. Total ginnings I o be the 18th. were 9,519,784 bales. This is over 62 percent of the entire crop. The probable vield will he . bout 164.7 pounds per harvested acre. An abandonment of 4.8 percent is xpected. A supplementary report will be sent out on October 27th. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds recently recorded by Regis ter of Deeds Jno. W. Hamilton are as follows: Julian Flucher and wife to White- hurst and Brooks two tract of marsh in Beaufort township, consideration $10. Beaufort Realty Corporation to !Anna M. Richter lots 18 and 19 in Ballow 10 lots n Morehead City, con- sideration $300. O. C. Willis and wife to Walter M. Willis, 5 lots' in Morehead township, consideration $100. S. A. Duplanty and wife to Mrs. Arrington Guthrie 1 lot in Morehead City, consideration $168.15. W. N. Jones and others to E. II. Gorham and wife, 3 tracts in squares Beaufort Realty Corporation to T. D. Webb to Bertie Cherry, strip 1 foot wide in lot 12, block 9 More lead City, consideration $10. Tom Tarheel says he is writing to State College this week for a list ( f bulletins that he wants to read this wnter.