A THF RVAUFnRT Nv's w- RSDAY DEC 17 1925 PAGE ELEVEN NEWS FROM MERRIMON. I Want Ads The weather has been fine the p:i few ilavs. Rev. Mr. Davis the new preacher' DQ YOU DOPE YOUR HEAD here was over Sunday evening and . CHE? Koladine will produce nor- nreached to a large and attentive i mal .ei;ef aIl(j satisfaction. No traveler has ever cossed the. erent southern desert of Ar.ibi.i. the warriors their ti; r.tli-.'.c and satisfaction. Sae, sure and prompt.At all stores. Guar anteed 5 minutes cure! Four hundred eighty new went into e!fect in California, 24. 102-". lav. J u --z-ziimmmm , Ucil Udi UciJ LcJ Uci aci -CXJ .tJ Izz. Jczj -a LJ UCZJ ucj uti. ut-i u i wi u i ui j 1 . 1 rn"-t:ve. ci :rRia nev? leave -r 1 ' Tn r-ni ri-trt of Norwav npnile t W L3 " 1 j I lr taii :;i seme parts ot Norway people up the teltphor.e number after down trie receiver. I LATH- op motor, jump spark $75.00; one cycle Knox motor Basch magneto 5.00. BARBOUR BROS. , congregation. Rev. J. M Carraway was called to Oak Grove Sunday to conduct the - . nr.. At funeral and burial service oi an. ".rOR SALE ONE 5 H. P P. Whitehead one of our Dest ami oldest citizens. He only lacked a few months of being eighty years old. f- ..n monf tct Mrs. C. u anuwa, , rNT!FVFRAI. FOUR AND M.,.d Ctt, Friday to . lhe mi, Be0. Misa Mildred went to New Bern Fruj- f- day via. Beaufort and returned Sat-, RENTFOUR RQOM ApART. urday. afternoon. d conveniences, partly Mrs -EF Carraway returned from ,urniahed Morefioad City Monda i . rraway attended the tun-, Whitehead, one of his, . . i rMTrrk. ccttcd mpri nnr. life long friends and brother-in-m i,.I.L: r.v no S.mdav afternoon. Must be well trained, good looking Mr R B Ball went to Harlowe'and reasonably young. Trial must anil Oak Grove Sunday be giveiuR. L. Fritz, Beaufort N. C. Mr'fobe Lewis of Morehead CityjWHy" TAKE KIDNEY PILLS was in our berg S jnday hope he will j kk)neys do not pcin- Take rine come .again. Ivy for muscular soreness, colds, flu, Rev, Mr. Edwa ds of Beaufort was , s(.iaUca and Crmks Guaranteed. over Sunday and filled his regular , appointment at South River School i hlse FOR SALE DWELLING HOUSE Mrs' D. M Salter is reported to ! an ,:in street 7 rroms and bath. he quite sick to(. ay. i,ot 4:i ny au ieei. ma iouih North Nelson of Uridjreton spent j tenant house on Pine and Cedar week end in our .berg. , street. Lot a by 1W. for terms E. J- Ca eral 6C A P O. H. BUSH ALL Fire, Health Accident, Automobile Insurance REAL ESTATE BOUGHT SOLD RENTED RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE DUNCAN BUILDING BEAUFORT, N. C An Ideal Christmas Gift K; YELLOW FRONT STORES 1 YULTIDE GOODIES Keep in Mind the Yellow Front Stores when Thinking of Your Christmas Dinner. S They will be completely stocked With Ev pEH erything to Make Your Christmas a Suc- 3T0 AtwamrKent RAM IT is just a9 satisfactory for us to know we are giving full value as it is for you to know you are getting it. That is why we ask you to come in and let us demon strate an Atwater Kent Receiving Set and Radio Speaker. L" r7 ail ail cess. APPLES YORK IMPERIAL. Peck 75c STAYMEN WINESAPS, Peck . 75c ORANGES. Florida, Doz. -45c to 60c GRAPF. FRUIT. Florida, each 9c to 15c the Messrs. D. G Vtmpkins, John hitm-, and prices seed S. I). 1'ord, bO i Ann Mabel Reel, Lucy i street, Beauf ort, N. C. lJ-u and ens and Misses Twine anil Mrs wary Mrs. Sady Can away were among those who wen to Beaufort Satur day in the mail boat Florence. HARLOWE NEWS FOR RENT SEVEN KOOM HOUSE- large lot bath and lights.. See I. N. Moore. 5 GRAPES, Fancy Emperor, Pound ... 20c CRANBERRIES, lb. ll 23c COCOANUTS. LarRe Fresh, each 12V2c g CELERY, Fancy Colorado Jumbo, m Extra Large, Stalk 20c Mrs. C F D Bell was. called to Greensboro Saturday on account of the death of h. r sister Mrs. Mosley CROUP & CHILDRENS COUGHS are the dread of mothers. Anways will relieve croup instantly and its harmless. Sold at stores thirty years. i Absolute guarantee. Le us demonstrate one in your home without obligation CAETEEET BROADCAST SERVICE CO BEAUFORT, N. C. Mrs G C Bell motored to New i Bern Thursday shopping. Mrs David Be'.l and Mrs Lula Bell went to New Be n Monday last shop ping. The ladies aid society met at Mrs N. J. Cannon's Wednesday. Misses Edna rnd Mattie Connor, Miss Delia Small and Mr. Sam Con nor went to New Bern Monday shop ping. Mr. and Mrs. M Simpson and daughter Edna Ea -1 and son M"axwell of North River sient a while with Mrs W. W. Chadwick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jerman spent a while at North Harlowe Sunday. Miss Alma Chadwick spent Sat urday night with Miss Mary Haskel of Mill Creek. FOR SALE EARLY JERSEY Cabbage Plants, ;i.50 per M, 25c peh hundred delivered. J. E. Tay lor. Sorth Harlowe. FOR SALE 2,000 BU. CORN! $2.00 per 2 bushel bag. F. O. B. here, cash with order. 5 bags or more. j Carroll Mfg. Co., Bayboro, N. C. j George T. Moore, of St. Louis, says that the average city dweller would gain from 25 to 35 pounds a year if the body retained all the soot and dust breathed in. It is said that the engraven bed of the Hudson is borne on the bot tom of the sea for a long way out. Passenger Schedules Effective Dec. 28, 1924 at Beaufort, N. C. Lv. 6:30 A. M. Goldsboro, Norfolk and intermediate points. Parlor' car from New Bern. Lv. 4:00 P. M. Goldsboro, Norfolk and intermediate points. Sleeper New Bern to Nor folk, Va., and Washington, D. C. For reservations etc., call on i STTII r.TRR 4ront I Beaufort, N. C. MONEY TO LEND ON BEAUFORT REAL ESTATE ' We are now accepting applications for loans from one thousand dollars and up to the sky limit for pur pose of. building and re-financing old loans. It will be to your interest to talk over with us our plan for financing the building cf homes and business property by monthly payments extending over long periods of time. : ... ' We have the funds to lend and if you need mon ey be sure to see the undersigned, 6rt IF. Duncan ;;i P.RESENTAT1VE an! 3TJ dill m MAYONNAISE, French's 8 oz. jar .23 c NUTS Walnuts, lb 37c;; Brazil, lb. 29c; Mixed, lb. 35c; PLUM PUDDING Libby's, 1 lb. can 25c R & R 1 lb. can 29c MINCE MEAT, lb 19c C & C Imperial Dry Ginger Ale Bot. . 18c SB u MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, Quart Bot 27c RAISINS, Sun Maid Puffffed, Seeded, 15 oz. pkg. 12V2c Currants, Pkg 21c CITRON, lb. 65c SULTAN FIGS, 8 oz. pkg 9c Dromedary Orange or Lemon Peel, V4 lb. pkg 13c Dromedory Dates, pkg. 23c 3 CROWN CLUSTER RAISINS, Valley Brand, 1 lb. carton 23c INI PENDER'S FLYER COASTER WAGONS Each ...4.75 Rubber tired, ball-bearing, disk wheels CHRISTMAS CANDIES COLONIAL CHOCOLATES, Pound Box 39c SUGAR COATED JORDAN ALMONDS, lb 39c FRENCH MIXED CREAMS, lb 25c PLANET MINTS, lb -- 25 PEANUT BARS, lb. 25c HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE, Plain or Almond Large bar r 8c; Small bar 4c WRIGLEYS SPEARMINT, pkg. 4c D. P HARD MIXED , lb 25c CHOCOLATE CREAMS, lb. 25c MARSH MALLOWS, lb. 35c ANGELUS MARSHMALLOWS, pkg. 9c TOM TOM SUCKERS, each 2 l-2c OLD DOMINION SUCKERS, each lc CRACKER JACK, pkg. 4c 711, BAR 4c ADAMS CHEWING GUM, Pkg. 4c MONTICELLO CHOCOLATE COVERED MARASCHI NO CHERRI ES, l ib. box --------39c SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR, Package 35c BAKERS CHOCOLATE ; V4 lb. cake 11c; 1-2 lb. cake 21c; BAKERS COCOA 1-5 lb. can 10c 1-2 lb. can 22c i) 11 1 It if If : 1 BE '' mi ' The selection of gifts for your own family and - real pleasure at this store. We have assembled from man u u the best items for gift giving, and now they awa.t your ap pro jal ma display that aids you in choosing, quickly and wisely the things ou wish to give. May Me Siiffle-s an: 1 5. jc n ail 1 an For "Her" Pert umei , Toilet Requisite), Ivory Toilet Sets, Ivory Manicure Set, Playing Cards, Ivory Card Holders, Ivory Picture Frames, Pen and Pencil Sets, Kodaks, Incense Burners, Stationery, Compacts, Fountain Pens, Talcum PoWders, For "Him" Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes Tobaccos, Cigar Holders, Cigarette Holders, Fountain Pens, Tobacco Pouches, . Bill Folds, Military Brushes, Shaving Sets, Smoking Trays, For the Children Variety of Distinctive Toys, Different from the Others. Beaufort Drug Company GIFT HEADQUARTERS m so IF. 9 T ism a p i mm mm 1 m 11 til D P COCOA, 1-2 lb can 15c SWEET POTATOES, Large Can 19c Ready for Use BAKERS COCOANUT Fresh Yellow or Blue Label No 1 can 17c DROMEDARY COCANUT, 1-4 lb. pkg 16c 1-2 lb, pkg 30c PUMPKIN, can . 12 2C PENDER'S OLD VIRGINIA FRUIT CAKE lb. 50c In 2 and 4 Pound Handsomely Decorated Tins Plain ) Light Fruit ) lb I5c Laver ) I DP FAMOUS POUND CAKE 1 lb 8 oz carton 35c D. P. RING SFUNlifc., 1 lb- carton oc OUR PRIDE BREAD, 21 ounce Machine Wrapped t Loaf. 10c Truly the Bread Supreme Making New Friends Every Day LARD, Best Pure, Pound 19c LARDjjGood Cooking, Pound, -----------."z-J Your Christmas Dinner would not be complete without a Cup of D. P. COFFEE. The Worlds Best Drink Pound sealed pkg 1 l- 47c 3T - r. f