PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY DEC 17 1925 POTATO HOUSE IS I'll at higher prices than t'T..-- . J-- kJei, Jcti Uwi L'-i) Jc JUiiliis lici -wii -& -cJ.JcJ Ucij Lii, ixi Uiilc- w "iLei leJ Ld tril Uri- Lt .ei .c- t.- -rr- rn mark'. -is hcau.-e .:. ; and the ivs:!: fur then:. The Ci Agricultural Department Ccm m?nts Favorably On Curing House Built Here in the Nort! I their yellow co:. ; a i have (levels jvii a ta market for this tvp.- o ! tn in the North is We 1 u!ul the trade in these markets I pay a premium of from 2;-"n'c hamper for this type of stock. rj2 Tile The f ew potato curing house now in operation in Beaufort and built by Carteret Growers Inc.. got fav orable mention in a recent issue of "Market ,ews(". This publation edited by Miss H. M. Berry of the State Department of Agriculture says that the Beaufort house is prob ably the best in the State and (rives full information about it. Southern yams sells at a discount in the Northern markets becauss it ap- f?k peals to a cheaper class of trade and cpj because of its poor quality due to jj interior grading and packing. When one storage room is filled in this Beaufort house, the doors are closed and the roof drafts opened, which can be cut off by two sepa rate ventilators and the air draft is forced into the room through its slatted floor. This method of curing s.s mm m mm m ar m ma-c m mm mmm. The article in full is as follows: In Carteret County at Beaufort ! removes the humidity, which is gen there is probably the best sweet po tato storage house in North Carolina. This house is built, solidly, having two thickness of tongue and proved board ing with a thickness of one inc'i felt 000 bushels, reduces between. The house is divided into per bushel because c erallv held about 30, and the tem peratures in all portion's of the: room are kept even. The house., containing about 21,- tiic , overhead , i. . i i i' wie iirL' oi- six compartments, each compart- , lime, the ment having a storage capacity of tire outsi. insurance is low with tb ie of the building and witi 3,000 bushels. In the house is a ' each of the : ooins separate The 1 receiving platform which extends its; volume also azures the bi'vors entire length, making another ideal regular supi: being the equtv; curing room holding an additional of 40 carloads; and, if we'd gi; 3.000 bushels. The capacity of th whole house is 21.000 bushel is a railroad siding at one end of the house and if the Volume of bus iness should increase, an addition holding is. OlM) bushels can l-e built. The potatoes are cured by the "Foiod Air Draft" method. A Draft" method. A large furnace is built in a small brick building lit on.' ami pacKei! There establis! neat orile:- a good reputation d. which will I ri.'g for the sur..e br.uv, ot Mr. C. V. Huv.tley of N C, who o '.i'.s and ope i-ou. e. is a I'ar-sihted lu; .'lul is ktieenly inte"ested i cult i: al (ievoiooii'eiit of 'r he is trying to create an he.i :-ate.- : this s 1:1 ag''i- -year- ! . 1 end of the storage house, and fans , ..,,,,,) business for Carteret County : i force the air through the furnace : and into the rooms where the pota- j toes are. When fully cured (after a j period of 10-14 days), the air is j turned off. The temperature and i humidity are well regulated through this method. This house has the j greatest storage capacity of any! house in North Carolina. The vari- i eties stored are Porto Ricans, Nancy I Halls and Jersey Yellows. Theie is j a growing tendency in this section to plant Jersey Yellows, both for early and late crops as these vari eties grow to large size early in the season and yield a large proportion of number ones. Also these varieties and thu.s insure their agricultural i prosperity. He deserves the coop- i t-hn eration of all public agricultural workers. What to give the feminine members of your own family and friends for Christmas is often a difficult problem, but many of the difficulties vanish when you come here shopping. The liberal . assortment of suitable gifts which w have provided allow ample range of chofce from which to choose. YOU CANNOT FIND A BETTER GIFT FOR WOMEN In this list are mostly small items, little in cost, bub each. and, every one something that the women want and appreciate receiving as a gift. Be fore you make up ybur gift list take the time to come here shopping. There are scores of good ideas here. THIS LOT OF GIFTS WILL WIN THE APPROVAL OF EVERY WOMAN Dol! Furniture, Brass Ware, Silk Underwear. Hose, Christmas Boxes, Paper, Seals, Gifts for Babv, Baby Eed Rccm Slippers, Christmas Cards, Carters. Garter ard Shoe Tree Sets. Millinery. Hand Made Towels, Wirdscr Ties, Tinsel Coid; Handkerchiefs, Lacquered Handkerchiefs, Glova Boxes, Flowery Poinsetiss, Chanille Fox Tails, Bouttiniers. THIS STORE IS CROWDED WITH GOOD GIFT IDEAS Neals' Millinery and Novelty Shoppe 1 . 1 v THE WOMANS STORE Stationery office of the British Government corresponds to our Gov ernment Printing Office, The state of Washington has the only arc plant in America for fixing nitrogen. There ara more houses in Belgium today than there were before the war. w - '- w . ' ' 1 tit ymgf I I! ;K ,. map ft DDUGLAS PAIRBADKS ID ROBin j-IDDD" DmccTicn By ALLAH DUAT1 Love of 800 Years Ago For lovers of to-day! Love when knights in armor fought with lance on armored steeds! When hearts were won with staff and cudgel and broadsword! Douglzs Fairbanks and the love of Robin Hood and his sweet Maid Marian! This great star is supreme as the romantic wooer! As the bandit who robs the rich to succor the poor He's Douglas Fairbanks ill V77 li ill UV The NEATEST i - Christmas Gift Yet 100 SHEETS NOTE PAPER 6 x 4 INCHES 50 ENVELOPES TO MATCH -WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS (2 ,liries only) IN SMALL TYPE BLUE INK, ON BOTH PAPER AND FLAP OF ... ENVELOPE FOR $1.00 By Mail at $1.25 PACKED IN HOLLY GIFT BOX BETTER GET-YOUR ORDER IN EARLY The Beaufort News His biggest and best Production. Dont fail to see this Famous Story in Pictures. A Big' Christmas Treat. ONLY 25 & 50 CENTS ADMISSION THURSDAY & FRIDAY, DEC. 24 & 25 r THE SEA BREEZE .THEATRE I .. ...... ill Queen St. Beaufort, N. C. mm wmmmwmi wmmm Yuletide M M Special? ? 3'fl am