THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY APRIL 29, 1926. PAGE THREE NORTH RIVER RIPPLES. Mrs. P. B. Beachem returned home Saturday after spending a week at Portsmouth visiting her daughter. Mi. E'J PSver r:id Mrs. Tom Piver ictu:i;ed heme Saturday night after spending two weeks in Chapel Hill and Durham. Miss Georgia Wade who taught near Selma the past year returned home Sunday night after spending two weeks in Greensboro and Ral eigh. Mr. Gaston Morton left Monday afternoon for Pennsylvania where where he expects to spend some time in the state working. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Taylor spent Sunday at Harlowe visiting Mrs. Taylor's parents, Miss Lilly Bell Beachem is spend ing a few days with Miss Geraldine Lewis on New Bern road. Mr. Jesse Wade who is working at Morehead Bluffs fpent the week end here with his family. CEDAR ISLAND NEWS. We have plenty of visitors on the island now, the mosquitoes are near ly as thick as they were the middle of last Summer. The C. B. H. lodge gave a social here Saturday night. The refresh ments served were ice cream and cake, all reported a fine time. Misses Lottie Townsend and Gladys Willis closed their school here Wed nesday. We hope they will come a gain next year. Mr. R. T. Day was a business vis itor in New Bern Monday and Tues day, Miss Olive Carrawan closed her school over at Lupton Friday and left Saturday fo? her home in Scran ton, N. C. Mr. Norwood Lupton left Monday for South River where he will fish this week. There will be church services at the P. B. church Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The 8th. and 9th. grades will give their class play here next Wednes day night- Everybody is invited to come. Miss Verda Day entertained a num ber of her friends Sunday afternoon. Quite a number of young people were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Day's Sunday morning. Messrs J, B. Goodwin, Duffy Day, were business visitors in Beaufort T. L. Goodwin and J. W. Danielf Saturday. DAVIS NEWS ITEMS. the mumps now but the whooping! cough has arrived at last. I W D..l lt....: mAtnrf1 in Sfflpr t Sunday and was accompanied by Miss Naomi Willis and several other girls end boys. Mr. Elmote Davis of Beauofrt was here Sunday. Miss Minnie Willis went to Beau fort Saturday shoping. Mrs. Roland Styron left Thursday to go to St. Luke's Hospital in New Bern. Haven t learned yet whether or not she has been operated on, but hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. William Mason and sister Lucy of Oriental were here Thurs day for a short time the guests of their sister, Mrs. Roland Styron who accompanied them back to New Eern Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and son of Beaufort passed through here Saturday on their way to Atlantic. Mr, Joseph Robinson of Atlantic was a visitor here Monday. Mr. Ralph Nelson of Atlantic pass ed through here Monday on his way to Marshallberg. Mr. Kelly Robinson of Atlantic was here Friday. (r W i j v 1 fe. They reported a good trip. P. F. Carraway and family and J A. Wallace and family were visitors i North Carolina, ENTRY OF LAND NO. 23S1. at H. D. Carraways Sunday. E. G. Simpkins has moved to Oriental we are told. Mr. and Mrs. Gorver Paul were callers at J, F. Mason's Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Pittman of Lukens is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mason this wk. W1LL1STON ITEMS. Carteret County. TO JOHN W. HAMILTON, ENTRY TAKER FOR CARTERET COUNTY: The undersigned Claimant being a citizen of the State of North Caro lina, hereby sets forth and shows that the following tract of land, to wit. Being in White Oak Township, Carteret County, North Carolina, Ee- srinning at the fork of Higgins Branch On Sunday afternoon Apnl 25th. : where it runs into Reedy Branch, at 3 o'clock the Methodist choir of thence running Northwardly up said OTWAY NEWS. Rev. John Pittman of Kinston filled his regular appointment at the Disciples church here Sautrday night and Sunday. Mx Alfred Gillikin who has been employed at Norfolk for some time returned home Saturday night and will spend some time at home with his family. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Lewis and lit tle daughter of Beaufort spent Sun day the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gillikin. Mrs. Butler Lawrence and lit tle daughter Katie are spending sev eral days this week with her sister Mrs. Alex Lewis. Mrs. 0. C. Lawrence who hs been ill for several days is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dowdy who have been at Lucama for several days visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowdy, returned home Monday night week, Messrs Clem and Curtis Gillikin who are employed at Beaufort spent the week end with their families. inddate for II. S. S ale ITEMS FROM MERRIMON. The population of Greece is about the same as that of New York City. We have had some winter weath er the past week and the frost kill ed about all of the tomato and sweet potato plants that were set out. It ajso killed most of the melons, beans, squash etc. that were up. E. L Nelson and family of Bridge- ton motored down Sunday and spent a few hours with relatives and friends Mr. A. E. Pittman and .amily, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Ball and son Elsie all of New Bern were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hug Hardy of Wil son were in our berg a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Tosto of Core Creek were over Sunday. Mrs. Annie Pledger of Washing ton was also here to see her parents Mr. and Mrs. T, T. Tosto. The Charitable Brotherhood had a good meeting Sautrday night. Mr. ohnson and Mr. Sam Darling were with them. Miss Ethel Nelson the teacher here had quite a number of her friends an drelatives of Marshallberg over to see her Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. M. Carraway, Miss Florence Carraway, Joe Mclntyre, Capt. Alex. Truitt and Jas. Adams motored to I Atlantic and Sea Level Sunday, Eeaufort rendered a very interesting cantata which was enjoyed by each one present, We all were very glad to have them with us and hope they will come again soon. Miss Lessie Finer who spent the week end at Havelock returned home Monday. Mr. Saryslie Willis who is employ ed with the Carolina Transportation Company left Saturday to resume his work after being called home on ac count of sickness. Quite a crowd of young folks at tended the movies at Marshallberg Saturday night. SEA BREEZE PROGRAM WEEK BEGGINNING MAY 3rd. MONDAY & TUESDAY SLAVE OF FASHION by Norma Sharer and Lew Cody Romance of a girl who poses as another girl and through this innocent deceit finds love and happiness. A picture the whole Family can enjoy. Professor L. H. Davis who has been teaching at Bunn, N. C. return cd home Saturday night after clos ing his school. He was accompanied by his brother G. C. Davis who graduated at Bunn Friday night. Miss Grace Davis returned home Saturday from Bunn and several other places, and states she had a grand time during the three weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Willis of Beaufort passed thru here Monday morning enroute to Beaufort after spending the week end in Atlantic. Mr. W. T. Davis of Beaufort was a visitor here for a short time. The P. T. A. will give a play Safcufday nfcht. Come along and help the school. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Willis of Beaufort were here Sunday and were accompanied by their daughter Mar garet and Miss Elizabeth Lewis. Mr, a'ld Mrs. Joseph Davis went to Beaufort Saturday shopping. Mr. D. L. Davis who is working at Morehead City came home Saturday to spend the week end with relatives. Professor C. W. Grant wer to Beaufort Saturday to atend to bus iness. Messrs. Robert L. Willis and Eddie Davis went to New Bern Saturday to spend several days. Mr. Otis Fulcher of Stacy was a visitor here Sunday. The two plays that were given last Saturday night were just grand and those that didn't see them first don"t know what they missed. We don't hear of any new eases of Spring Goods Our stock unsurpassed, Quality the best Prices Reasonable DRESS GOODS-DRY GOODS-PIECE GOODS-SHOES MENS & WOMENS WEARING APPAREL We extend you a cordial invitation-Come and inspect our Merchandise. OUR SERVICE UNEXCELLED THE PARAGON COMPANY Morehead City, N. C. TTV The Holly Grove airy t Is now prepared to supply a few more steady customers with the highest grade of dairy products. When the price is the same why not secure the best quality obtainable. Clean milk is the one best all around article of food. It is also one of the cheapest foods but at the same time it is one of the hardest to handle and keep clean.. We have the only modern dairy plant and are the only producers of milk in Carteret County whose methods of production are endorsed by the state board of health. Our herd of high grade cows is being enlarged and we therefor can accomodate a larger patronage. Deliveries are made twice daily thereby insuring fresh milk to our customers according to their needs. Our products are of unexcelled quality. Purity and cleanliness is our motto and we invite a public inspection of our plant at any time and we would be glad to demonstrate the equipment and methods we use and the precautions we take in producing milk. We hereby solicit your patronage and in return we guarantee a quality of product and a promptness and efficiency of service second to none in this locality. Holly Grove Farms Higgins Branch to the North line of the Intestate Cooperage Co,, lajd, thence Eastwardly to the A. H. Den nis North line, thence South 30 West 52 poles, thence South 38 East 200 yards to the Bear Harbor, thence Southwarddly with Bear Harbor to Reedy Branch, thence Wrestwardly a long Reedy Branch to the beginning, containing by estimation 75 acres, is vacant and unappropriated land be longing to the State of North Caroli na and subject to entry; and the un dersigned claimant hereby makes en try of, lays claim to, and prays for a grant for, said lands. Entered this 24th. day of April 1926. E. W. MEADOWS, Claimant. Witness: W. O. Williams. Filed the 24th. day of April 1926. ii 3:30 o'clock, P. M, J. W. Hamilton, Entry Taker. 4 t 5.20.26 The Eible is the world's best seller, 9,069,120 having been sold last year. O. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health Accident, Automobile Insurance REAL ESTATE BOUGHT SOLD RENTED RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE DUNCAN BUILDING WEDNESDAY Measure of A Man 1 REAL ESTATE I Our Experience Will Help You I If you want to buy or sell Real Estate pn- t vately or at Auction write us. Farms, J City and Suburban and Beach property. Write, Wire or Phone us if its Real Estate NORTH AMERICAN LAND CO., INC. J Beaufort, N. C. OFFICES: Ayden, N. C. A Feature Lucky Comedy, Accident- THURSDAY Galloping Gallager By Thomson FRIDAY Too Much Mother- in-Law Comedy Fighting Blood, die Rider. Rid- SATURDAY. Fighting Ranger Rousing Western and a good Comedy. TRULY DELICIOUS Hines Ice Cream wheth er you buy it in bulk or in delightfully blended flavors in Bricks, is a truly delicious confec tion. The guaranteed purity of all ingredients adds to your enjoyment of it. WE SELL IT REGULAR Beaufort Drug Co. NYAL LINE PHONE 1 THE SPECIAL SIX 4-DOCR SEDAN $1315 I . o. b. factor? Full force-feed lubrication, air cleaner, gasoline filter, oil purifier, twin flywheel plus 4-wheel brakes, full balloon tires and 5 disc wheels included at no extra cost. Especially is the far greater QUALITY t and VALUE of this car apparent in its brilliantly smooth and responsive perform ance and the price is the lowest ever t placed on a Nash 4 'Door Sedan. Pauls Garage ""7 ISO Phone 602 Beaufort, Rt. 1. E. M. FILLMAN, Mgr.