PAGE TEN WASHING BLANKETS Naasktf Blikt In tha latter pert of Jm, wbsn Jsss bedeXag to required, meat house iiasepars beftn to think about waahinx tie blankets and putting tha heavier .anes away far naxt wlatar. Ton will rrut ta atorc tbeae blaaketa In fraab orlcaa eaadltion, not only bacanae It akaa It ao much eaaler and plaaaant- In tke fall when they are afala pat nf aae, bat because experience haa hown that moths do not attack clean woolen articles as readily as tboaa that are tolled. So the chances of wetaplete protection from metha are totter 111 you wash the blankets now. Cheoee a bright, moderately warm, braeay day each time yon plan to jwaah blankets for In a large howe kaid tbey will moat likely be done a lew at a time and yon will than be awre that they will dry quickly and renly. The warmth of the blanket dtpenda vary largely upon the amount of nap. When the blankets are thor oiffhly dry yon can raise the nap by Ifcrashlsg them well with a clean stiff Whiak broom. Band cards, such as are kised for combing wool, are eren bet tar for the purpose. There la soma lass of wool in napping a blanket, bat Ike result Is a fluffier, consequently wanner, blanket. taea In Cedar Cheat blankets orer the summer la In a cedar chest Any tight box or con tainer, however, may be used If you scatter moth balls or naphthalene fakes through the folds, or the blaa eta may be securely wrapped In PERFECT RECIPE FOR ANGEL FOOD Cakt Requires Comiderable Number of Egg. HPrr4 fey th t'll4 atataa Dpartmnt of Arrlcmltarv.) Angel food requires a good many gg whites but Is not extravagant at this aeaaon. The Ingredients are: 1 cupful of aoft wheat flour, 1 cupful f egg whltea (the whites of 8 fairly large egga), 1 to 1 cupful of sugar, tee spoonful of salt, 1 teaspoon fnl vanuia or lemon flavoring. 1 tea spoon ful of cream of tartar. Angel food la in ra- UFf ' Making an Anaal Cake. mixed In a slightly different way than plain sponge cake, aays the United States Department of Agriculture. The augar, flour and half the salt are sifted together several timea. The egg whltea are beaten with the other half of the salt until they are frothy: then the cream of tartar la added and they are beaten until stiff. Tha dry IngreOeata are then folded carefully into tae beaten egg whltea, and whan tha west are g partly blended tha fla voring la added. Only the folding mo tion ahoaid be used in mixing, for stirring tends to release tha air aa- pended on for leavening. 1 ifi if I " "r . " . -''M-'-s .-.? - SsRv. ...... .ft AND STORING THEM Paoto by U. 8. te Make It Flufftar. D. A. stout brawn paper wtth a moth repel lent. Describe the eontenta of each package en the outside for your ean veniemoa next aeaaon. Of afl the textile fibers, wool per haps requires the greatest care In washing, eajs the United States De partaaeot of Agriculture. If moist wool is rubbed, if it la exposed to In tense seat or cold or rapid change of temperature, or If strong alkalis are put into the wash or rinse water, the wool fibers are likely to become hard and shrunken, and white onea win be yellowed. Blankets therefore which are warmest when fluffy need careful handling. Wash them In lukewarm suds made of neutral soap and rinse them In lukewarm water. Soft water la, of course, best, but do not use water that has been softened with large quantitiea of strong washing pewdera. If anything at an betides the eoip 1 pot Into the water, use borax or ammonia. Also do not rub aoap right on the bUnketa, but dis solve It in the water and put the blankets Into a large quantity of this lukewarm suds. Woolen materials ab sorb a great deal of water to yau will need more suds than for eotton, linen, or other fab rice. Ta Dry Blanket. To dry the blanket, hang It orer a line with from a fourth to a half on out or we enda occasionally. As blaa keta are generally washed In warm weather, the precaution about never allowing woolens to freeze la unneces sary, but If possible, hang the blaakets where there la a current of warm air to help them drjaeVenly and quickly. DitHngmuh Hard Wheat From Soft by Practice The housekeeper can distinguish hard-wheat from soft-wheat flour with a little practice. Flours from soft wheata have a velvety texture some what like cornstarch. Those from hard wheat are usually more gritty. Experts detect this difference by rub bing a pinch of flour lightly between the thumb and the third linger. Squeeze a handful of flour tightly, then open the hand. If the flour re mains In a mold and shows the Im pression of the Angers it Is probably a flour from aoft wheat Bard-wheat flour acta more like a powder and the mold breaks up readily. A quart af hard-wheat flour that has been sifted once, dipped lightly into the measure, and than leveled off weighs about 1H or IT ounces, or even more. A quart of aoft-wbeat flour sifted and meas ured In the same way weighs only about 14 or IS ounces. American People Eating More of Milk Chocolate Consumption of milk chocolate has Increased tremendously In the United Statea during the past Ave years, ac cording to Department of Agriculture flguree. More than 200,000,000 pounds of whole milk were used In mnnufactnr- ng this product last year compared 1th 40,000,000 pounds in 1921. The quantity used In 1924 was 194,000, 000 pounds. Peak, consumption of milk chocolate was reached during the war, when hundreds of millions of pounds an nually were shipped abroad to sol diers of the allied forces. There was a sharp decline following vthe war, but consumption since then has In Increased to- the figure shown for 1925. Rice Cooked in Milk One cup of rice will absorb three or four cups of milk when cooked In the douhle boiler, and la, of course, much richer in food value than when boiled in water. To keep the grains separate and prevent them from be ing sticky, wash the rice thorough ly until all the looee atarch la re moved. Have the milk hot and drop tha grains slowly into H, add a tea spoonful of salt, and cook for about one-half hour covered. Then remove the lid from -the double boiler and cook alowly for a little longer until th rice has dried out somewhat. Turn It into a pan, cover It with a lid, and pot It In a hot oven for a few mln tttaa to dry out more. THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY SEPT. 2, 1926. "Didn't you use to won ior thai tightwad Ilittmans?" "Ves, stili do. I'm Kittmans." Fcolish Question "Why have words roots, pa?" "How else could the language ffrow, my son?" Educated Flie$ "What have you there?" "Flypaper." "1 never knr-- hey couM read." The Philadelphia sV riff 1 :;Ti Is&thX L Ts 1 Here is shown a section of "High Street" a reproduction of Philadelphia famous Market street In the days of 1776. It is one of the outstanding features of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition now being held in Phila delphia to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declara tion of Independence. Every building haa been built to actual size and in actual architectural detail. The furnishings of each building are exact repro ductions of thoae used in the Revolutionary days. Many of the pieces on display are the originals and today are worth thousands of dollars becaus of their historic value. The Exposition continues until December X. Important Fat Substance Fats are the most concentrated fuel foods in the diet, and from the com mercial standpoint fat Is the most lm- 4 cuhcturw'A in milk Kinoe If Is the source of butter and is an Impor tant constituent of n.any kinds of cheese. The fat of milk, known a!s as butterfat. Is In the form of small globules varrine in size in the differ ent kind? of milk, and. being liRhtei than water, these globules tend to ris to the top of the milk as it stands thus forming cream. of Our Ancestors - - i -- - -- i ' ""' ' " ""C" There is a genuine Ford-built all steel truck body which will save money and increase profits in your business. Today and every day this week all of the complete Ford trucking units will be on open display at our show rooms. Let us tell you how Ford trucks are saving money in your line of business. We will' arrange a special demonstration tp suit your conven ience any time, any place you say. See this special display of Ford built trucks and bodies. ; - '1 Loftin Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealers OA TRUCKS Front St. Some of the nest poultry farmers in North Carolina will cull their flocks in early September and sell the non-layers at the poultry car. An eye specialist reen quiets the nerve-. Th: is especially true of greenbacks. Bangor Com mercial. St. Louis pastor says finance is the vexing problem in '-nurch, but the church has no monopoly on the Genuine Shopman-Ward Rebuilt UNDERWOODS ONLY V NNDOWN L UaTeB Yo Mora About Ttta Splendid Typewriter A machine that looks and writes o well that evtn experts 'cannot tell it from a brand-new machine. It's the biggeat, best and aquarest typewriter proposition ever made. Rebuilt like New Every machine is stripped right down to the frame, then fully rebuilt All worn part replaced by new. New type, new enamel, new nickel, new lettering, new platen, new key rings a complete, perfect typewriter. A machine yoc wiU be proud to own. Try It for Ten Full Days Sendior a machine. Give it every test Examine every part. Use it for TEN FULL DAYS. Decide tor yourself that it is exactly the genuine, standard Underwood fully rebuilt typewriter we claim it to be. Easy Monthly Payments Our easy monthly payment pi an makes it possible for YOU to have this splendid machine immediately. Payment are just the same as rentals. Don't Delay Another Minute Act Now! You can obtain the machine on a down payment of $3.00. That's good business. You try the machine TEN DAYS. That's good judgment, Then you'll decide to keep it Thafs cartaia. For Full Details Call Phooe- Write. . The Beaufort News r ttt e-ir TRACTOIU vexation of finances. Indianapolis Star. Why don't they improve the de trurs a bit before closing up the r;a;n roads for repairs? Cincinnati Eaouirer. Every little helps. A well known Atchison young lady who is reduc ing, had her tonsils removed yester day. Atchison Globe. Beaufort, N. C. V