PAGE NINE THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY SEPT. 2, 1926 Galli-Curci Swayed by the Seer of Sweden 3 i A cow never loafs while out in the sun. She stays on the move srraz- i - i ing continuously which is another argument for clearing part of the woodland for pasture and leaving remainder to grow trees. ' Milk producers of Buncombe County who sell their milk through the Farmers' Federation are getting $4 f er hundred pounds for 4 percent milk while unorganized milk pro. ducers around Charlotte are receiv ing $2.80 per hundred pounds. What's the answer? .,-. , v 1 Prima Donna Gives Wonderful Interpretation of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg HENRY FORD'S Dearborn Inde pendent publishes a remarkable ft" article on GalH-Curci and 1 ' 1 'Emanuel Swedenborg, by Clarence W. s 'Barron of the Wall Street Journal, i 'the world famous financial authority. ( , I Mr. Barron declares that Galli ' 'Curci has the most wonderful brain ' ', ' ' Jhe has ever met or heard of in a ! ; 1 woman, although she is much more t) ; fa true woman with a life and soul ' lot affection for all that is ennobling land uplifting in the family, and in rolor, form, and music." Mr. Barron is chairman of the JRotch Trustees, who acting under the Iwill of Lydia S. Rotch of New Bed . ford, Mass., began in 1872 a modern (translation of the Theological Works which Emanuel Swedenborg .wrote ' .'. jand published in the Latin tongue, land deposited In. the libraries of the world 150 yean ago. I This work was completed and pub ' 1 wished by the Houghton Mifflin Co. in m volumes in m u i. 5 7 About three years ago there ap peared in a Uleveiana paper a para graph that among her other accom plishments Galli-Curci had read all .the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. The claim seemed to absurd to Mr. Barron that he thought a '' ..i absurd to Mr. Barron mat ne uioug tit might be easily punctured by simple inquiry aa to the edition. ITh Bible a Greater Work Than Ever ' To Mr. Barron's "Uirec- mtw iMadame Galli-Curci promptly re plied : "Yes, I have read in the past year the complete Swedenborg Works, in fact it is the Rotch Edition of .the Houghton Mifflin Co. that I have." t "I can say certainly that the Bible to me is a greater work than it waa jbefore." UVi: "My astonish- intensified. Familiar over i - with Swedenborg'a gen I teral theological writings, 1 nau ' lout to read the entire thirty-two vol t umea preparatory to an advertising icampaign for the sale of this edition. Reading a few pages each day I ftn liahed my self-imposed task in four teen years. I shall probably finish a second reading, at my present progress, in perhaps ten years. Was lit possible that a woman with no relation to 1.. . l.j .11.. injlliranUT UieBe DOOKS Owl 1J " tread them within a year?" I Swedenborg' Writing Mr. Barron continues! "As an economist writing state papers on weights, measures, coinages and cur rencies, Swedenborg is easily com rprehended. As an engineer transport in. .hi.. narlnd he is easily visual ised. As a government official in the mining industrv of Sweden, Iwriting practical ' books on mining land smelting, declared to be the foun dation of modern metallurgy, he is ,of interest in the encyclopedia of sci entific history. As the writer of vol o. in-tn.l studies in search for - ul.4 human soul ne is no wimuu Then answer to yourself the number of years that ougnt to oe required to master these thirty-two volumes" Mean More Than Any Other Books Mr. Barron, still credulous, con tinued his correspondence with Madame Galli-Curci for some months. Ha learnnd thst anan aftnr nha Inst her dear mother she bad sought the Writings 01 Swedenborg in a desire to know more about the other world whence h mother had gone. . She spent the entire summer vacation studying Swedenborg'a Works, and declared: "They have meant, and mean more to me than anything else 1 nave ever read. When Galli-Curci returned from California Mr. Barron motored up into the CaUkills to her beautiful Italian nalae. and in an aftornnnn with her and her husband, Mr. Homer Samuels, he was convinced that Galli Curci had read and devoured Sweden borg in a briefer period than any body had ever done before. He says of this interview: "Hours flew ike minutes. I wasn't the quesjkioner. Mr. and Mrs. Samuels were at me with the sharpest -and deepest; questions. They seemed in perfect' harmo&y, mentally and spir itually, 'as in their work in music Wanted to Leara BAY VIEW ITEMS. We are ha vine some warm weath er and plenty of mosquitoes at this writing. Remember the ice cream gunner Friday night the 3rd at the F. W. B. church. Cdme with a well filled pocket book. The F. W. League from here went to Holly Springs Saturday night to attend the union and a banner was to be given to the largest number of leaguers present. Stacy was victor ious in srettinsr the banner by having two more than Mount Pleasant (our league). league). The next Union meeting will be held here, which will be the 30 and 31st of October. Little George Thomas of this place is very ill at present with col itis. Mrs. Joe Small Sr. and Mrs. C. W. Graham represented Mount Pleas, ant church and Sunday School and Miss Maymie Dowdy represented the League in the Union meeting at Hol ly Springs Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Margie Haskett and son are nn tYia Qiplr lief at ni-aaAnf Quite a number of boys from Beau. I fort snent a short whil in our here f Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Gillikin and chil dren of Detroit Michigan are here spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Alex Graham. Saturday. Mr. A. W. Foreman spent the week end visiting his daughter Mrs. Roy Respess of Washington. He return ed home Monday night Mrs. E. C. Dickinson and children are visiting her mother Mrs. Lula Bell of Harlowe. Misses Era Bell Eubanks and Mil dred Sabiston spent a few days last week with Mrs. Elmo Taylor of Oak Grove. Mr. Ray Dickinson and family mo tored to New Bern Sunday to see their son Mr. Doy Dickinson. Mr. Curt Dickinson is suffering from an attack of mumps. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Small and children and Mesdames M. A. Small and Lucy Fodrie and Miss Melva Fodrie spent Sunday afternoon at Oyster Creek. Mrs. D. W. Bell of Harlowe spent Monday with his mother Mrs. G. M. Sabiston. Mrs. J. P. Dickinson was a visitor at Beaufort Saturday night Mr. M. R. Whitley and sons Rob ert and Charles spent Sunday at At. lantic. A Genuine Ship man -Ward Rebuilt UNDERWOOD Now Yours for ONLY O J) DOWN A at. 11 a t M aa.. n mauuue uiai luuii wtrbi so waifl uw nrvi petts cannot tell it from a brand-now machine, it' the biggwt. best, and aquareet typewriter propoakioo nai mmmr imrA ttS Fully Rebuilt These Underwoods are rebuilt as no one ever did before. Stripped right down to the frame, then rebuilt All worn parts replaced by new. A com plete, perfect, machine. Direct From Factory to You which eliminates the newity ef ourearrrinff a big ttack of machine. It our pian tt tare yon nooer. Thi aaviaa paaaad tanrM , la Um lower price of um martn . Full 10 Days' Trial FREE Sead far a machine. Cine it eery teat. . E aoii&eemrtnit. UaeitforTEN fOU-DAYS. uaeaaa roc yiwiram m exacuj um a. ww. Easy Monthly Payments Psytaaats are.joat the sane as notals-MS mall re will hardly tame therm. Ask for Our Special Offer We'll tend ma full dttaUa. Oar pedal after is raadr tot you aow. Doa't miea it. Doo't delay aoochar miorjca. Jaat uee your 'phone WO Wl The Beaufort News 1 1 the human interest 'But when one comes to the realm ' rh nnaeen. where there is neither IMnu nnr tnua 1DOH which to rest mental conceptions, few may enter fuiinaaa. of the -revelation - k.. flnmd into the libraries 01 wvu i - ' tha world through Emanuel Sweden ! i ; , V " " ", ; "Think of twenty modern-sired rvolumea," originally written in the fctin tongue and unfolding from the n.Knv of Ganaaia' and 'Elodus' the internal or spiritual sense that lies L .1 i1 . x . t . J iDeneaui ue levwr. Annex a uumu jmore similar volumes that not only lexpound every picture set forth in 4K hnnV of 'Revelation' aa convenor nt a tmmandoua truth of universal (application throughout invisible de igrees of creation and life, but also Siumine all the problema of sex as thrnnirhout the universe iyivoMvw m from the union of the love and wis dom in the, divine down to sex crystal iiu.finn in tha mineral ktnffdom: in !.ini. ik Ama-mmt of all works ever iwntwii BiiwwTO, !ann.ii Wlarinm Concerning the Di- lyine Love and fte Divine- Wisdom.' 'I "She wanted to know about the 'Grand Man'. I told her it would be fasier" riy .mp9'ro'i. ,it if. h niilfl orego the idea of time and space aHU consider, as Swedenborg says in The Apocalypse Explained', that every so fv n th heavens connects with some organ of the human body and helps to sustain it. Thererore ine heavens have the organisation of the 'Grand Man', but we need not think of it as a shape or figure. "'Yes,' exclaimed her huaband, I see it; it is organization.' I explained, also; how the 'Psalms, likewise con naotjui with everv society of the haauona. and how the world within .nj orifhnnt waa knit tocrether in one grand poem and song of creation, man In tha unarm of blB Matter ana Knit into Him through the heavens, from which; he has life in every organ ox hia hod V. SweaUakort'a 32 Voltwa-a Read In a Simla Summer , . "'Mow I understand.' she said, and asked me for explanation of other things. Her intelligent questions, as well as her statements, left no man ner of doubt that Cialli-Curci naa narf nrmad the stUDendoUS feat OX n,Jn tha thirty -two volumes 01 SwaHanhorar in a sinirle summer son. She declared 'Heaven and Hell' a very attractive and popular title ana Mnin that about wmcn people are moat eamtr to know: but it is not one of Swedenborg's great works; ' al though it makes a good popular and introductory work.". A Help in Her Work r.oiii.Piirci understands the writ ings of Swedenborg even better than theologians, because sne puis mam into practice in the broadest life of l4nv halnfulneas. civ. aaid that Swedenborg had kniori ii in har work. She had no n tn think 01 neraeil DUl oi nvr .jt.,Ak. and let the music now OBITUARY. It is through much weakness and with a sad heart that I attempt to write the death of my dear daughter Dorothy J. Lawrence Willis. She was born October 20, 1906 and died August 20 1926 making her stav on earth 19 vears and 10 months. She was the youngest daughter of Bedford B. Lawrence and Km ma C. Lawrence and the wife of Carlton Willis. She leaves a heart broken husband, father, mother: two 'sisters and one brother, four nephews and three nieces and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. .We go mourning every day, we cannot heln but weeD: we are so sad and lonely since dear little Dorothy 1 She is gone but not forgotten Neved will;her memory fade; Sweetest thouehts will ever linger, Around the grave wnere sne was laid. Willys-Overland Dodge Brothers Chrysler SALES AND SERVICE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES IN USED CARS at 'i Farewell dear daughter, we bid you adieu Hope some day to meet you where all thines are new. ' " Thy voice was so gentle, thy words kind, We all feel so lonely since we are left behind. Oh, we so badly miss you and feel the chastening rod W ecan only stand still and know that VUUU Wit YV.tlfii uu. Written in much sorrow, by her loving mother EMMA C; LAWRENCE , Otway, N. C. CORE CREEK HAPPENINGS. A fishine party from Tuscorora were her at the steel bridge Thurs day trying their luck. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Resnasa of Washington who have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foreman, returned to their home IT is grMt TO-BE abi'o YOUR HOPE HASfBEEN KEALIl;. - YOUR HOPE (3F FINANCIAL SUCCESS ' CAN BE REALIZED BY DILLIGENT APPLlCA TION OF MIND AND BODY AND BY SYSTEMA TIC SAVING. EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD HAVE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT, START YOURS TODAY AT THE Beaufort Banking &. Trust Co. ... 7777. .uxlJUrtWWrHrTf 1926 ITBTTING through her: regard ' herself just a moitum tnr Ufa to nour through. She felt with and for her audiences, and singing was no effort for her. All Faar Vaniahea "Tha mora vou do the more you give forth the more me ana energy is poured into you, ana you .r stronger and not weaker for the do ing, the working ana ine singing. always feel stronger; I am not ex hausted at all by my singing. Swed enborg shows the reason and how life comes in as you pour n iona mwuujr to others. You dont have to try worry or fret. You know it is not you but that it is just oeing uuue w""t Speaking further oi we neip owou enborg had been to her in her work she said: "One gets so mucu confidence. The other world and the one life, that comprehends all life, becomes reality and all fear and worry vanish." E Why don't they improve the de tours a bit before closing up the main roads for repairs? Cincinnati Enquirer. Evidently the Paris crowds have no idea that France will ever need help again. Philadelphia Record. Picking wild flowers without per mission brings a $25. fine i" Mary land. Why wasn't man conontuted so that he would love ,to cut the weeds and let the wild flowers alone? Houston Post-Dispatch, , Cotton and Linen Nets, Twines and Fittings for all the Fisheries. GOLD MEDAL COTTON , NETTING A. N. & T. CO'S LINEN GILL NETTING J BURNHAM'S COD LINES SAMPLES and prices will he mailed ( to you on receipt of a postal card. Now is the time to Resolve to Use Only the Netting which will give you the Longest and Best Service. THE LINEN THREAD CO. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co's Products 96 Franklin Street i 55 Fulton Street " NEW YORK CITY BRANCHES BALTIMORE GLOUCESTER Calvert & Lombard St. 105 Maplewood Ave. rmrACO SAN FRANCISCO BUM UN , etc AHatic Ave. 154 West Austin Ave- 433 Mission St "BUY THE BEST IT PAYS'1 pa Soma. Trans and all other I Appliances fitted Complete. LaWvTv -

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