PAGE SIX THE RFAiiFORT NEWS THURSDAY NOV. 18, 1926 COUNTY NEWS HAPPENINGS AT CORE CREEK Mrs. Alex Foreman was Bern Wednesday trading. New Mi Kudie Oriesbv of Bridgeton is visiting her niece Mrs. Alex Fore-, Sundav School as a child and by your begun its life in eternity, in a realm where a thousand years is but a day. Are you willing to face that boy ov er there and to hear his opinion of your influence on his life? Will it be a glad and joyous meeting among the redeemed? Will he throw his arms around vour neck and sing your praises because you led him to man. Mrs. D. W. Bell of Harlowe spent Monday with her mother Mrs. G. M. Sabiston. Mrs. Roy Mason of Harlowe spent Monday with her mother Mrs. J. P. Dickinson. Mesdames Lula and G. C. Bell of Harlowe spent Thursday with Mrs. E. C. Dickinson. Mrs. Elmo Taylor and son of Bach elor spent Thursday with her moth er Mrs. J. F. Sabiston. Miss Louise Bell spent the week end at her home at Bogue. She re turned Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Alex Foreman, M. C. Dickinson and D. W. Sabiston made their weekly trip to eBaufort last week. We had a heavy rain Monday night and it is still raining at this writing. We are sorry on account of the pota to digging. Mrs. Kate E. Gooding of North River returned to her home Friday afternoon after spending a few days in nor midst. . Mrs. Joe Dickinson and Misses Ev ie Lee Hardie and Irene Simpson of North River were guests of Mrs. G. C. Langdale Sunday. Dr. C. N. Mason of Harlowe was a visitor at Sunday School Sunday morning. We are always glad to see and have him with us. Mr. Alex Foreman, Mrs. J. H. Dickinson and daughter Miss Marie and Mrs. L. C. Dickinson and little daughter Florence were at New Bern Saturday. ..' The Ladies Aid of Harlowe met at the home of Mesdames J. D. and B. B. Small Wednesday afternoon. They served oysters, crackers and pickles to their guests. There will be a pie party out here Friday night Nov. 19. AH are cor dially invited to attend with a full pocket book and to spend liberally. It is for the purpose of raising money for Christmas : 0 Heme and Sunday School Must Work Together (Continued from page three) caresses us and soothes and heals the wounds and whatever trouble there may be, disappears. When we are through with our sniffles, mother wipes away the tears, we jump down and toddle away again to join our playmates, as happy as ever. We forget mother's love and kindness in the happiness of our play, but moth er has left upon that heart, that life, impressions that will live on through out eternity. We come to mother, as we get older, in much the same way. In our outbursts of anger a gainst a playmate because he claims one of our marbles or because our friend's doll, in our imagination, has said some rude things to our own precious doll. We come breathing out threatenings against our play mate. What a wonderful opportu nity for mother to take us and in her patient and loving way, calmly teach us a great lesson in self control that may mean much to us in after life. That mother has great and fearful repptmsibilities too great for her to bear them alone tht Sunday School should and will help if we as parents will co-operate. We read and talk so much about the responsibilities faithfulness and duties of mother. Is there any reas on the father should have less respon sibilities? In some respects the re sponsibility of the father is greater than that of the mother especially when there are boys in the home. No matter how earnestly a mother may try to teach and train her boys and try to get them interested in Sunday School and church, if the father is worldly or even indifferent, it some times seems like a hopeless task, for the boy looks to the father as an example of the ideal man. This is often true when the father is not worthy of such trust and confidence on the part of the child. We be moan the fact of so much indifference and waywardness on the part of our boys in our county. Why should they be expected to be any other way? I can tell you where the big gest responsibility lies-on the should ers of the indifferent fathers. Fath ers, you are responsible for bring life set an example that led him to know his Lord and Master : Ur win he, from his pit of gloom and despair, shrink from you as from a frightful beast, with cursings too foul to be uttered, because you set him the ex ample of loafing on the street corn ers or around the stores on Sunday morning instead of attending Sunday School? Suppose you were invited by the recording angel to write a sentence or a few sentences expressing your ideals of life to be read from the Book of Life on that morning when we shall all come face to face with our Lord, would you not be extreme ly careful to say just the right things? That is exactly what is happening. Your child is the tablet on which is being inscribed for all time and eter nity the influence from your life and the inscriptions on that tablet will be publicly read before you and the great host on that great day. We love our children dearly, but in so many cases, we are so busy looking after their temporal welfare, we neglect to co-operate with the children follow our example of in difference until they become harden ed in the world and there is no hope. A .hnildinsr was on fire. In that building was a mother and her child. That mother loved her child above pvervthine else in the world. She loved it so much that she had spent mnnVi wiAnov Catherine? around it mnnv trinkets and playthings. When tVie alarm was eiven, the mother thought of all these lovely things that meant so much to the happiness of the child. Thinking that she had time to save them, she hurriedly gath ered them in her arms and rushed out" to a place of- safety and then rushed back after her child. But, before she-reached the room in which was her child, the flames had cut her off. The child was losj:. In her an guish of soul, she shrieked and fell in a swoon and would have been lost herself had not some one rushed to her rescue. Is that an extreme illus tration? I think not, All around us there are hundreds of women and men doing just this very thing. They are so devoted to their children, so wranDed un in their affections. They spare nothing in reason to give them what they need and gi'e them a good time. Their one desire in life is to make them happy, to dress them properly, to see that they take their rightful place in society. The world ly fire is beginning to burn in that building, the alarm is sounded time and time again from the Sunday School and church. At last we real ize that the building is on fire, but the trinkets and playthings must be snvpd first and before we know it the flames have cut us off from our chil dren and we are left to spend our old age in lives of remorse-and suf fering. WTe as fathers are just as careless and in most cases more so. We, too, love our children dearly. We may not express that love in such tender terms as the mother. We may not be as attentive to the many little things to amuse the children but we lnvp them. We not only love our own children, but we love all chil dren. If some one were to rush through the street at this moment crying that a child was overboard or lost or kidnapped. I a moment this building would be empty. We would be rushing here and yonder trying to find and save that child! Onlv a few years ago, we had a vivid i!!'" tration of this kind, when in the quiet of the evening, suddenly the word was flashed thraugh town that r fhild had been kidnapped. In an incredibly short time the streets were thronged with peopl?, all in a ru?h to help save the hoy. We as fathers are quietly and in an un concerned manner letting the kid nappers of the world and the Devil steal awav f.ur boys. rh! that we low rumbling talking. He thought his fears would be realized and that they were making their plans of at tack. Putting his head close to the door and listening intently, he realiz ed to his great delight that the fam ily were having their evening devo tions. Thev were reading from Gods word. He immediately rolled his hpd awav from the door and raised the windows, retired and had a good night's rest because there was Christianity in that home. Fathers and mothers, are we meet ing the rsenonsibilities of parenthood as we will some day hope we had? Do we realize how time is fleeting and how fast our children are grow ing up and away from us? Ae we cooperating with the Sunday School I and church in a way that will draw i ..hii.irfn? Tt will be only a few short vears before we will face that terrible moment that Mary and Jo seph faced when her child of twelve years met their anxious questioning with that strange answer: ist ye not that I must be about my Father s business?" Oh! how we then want our children to be active in the Sun day School and church. Will they. It depends upon how you are leading them and training them in their ear lier life. Folks, let's get under the Sunday School problems of our county and discharge our responsi bilities as men and women in the fear of God and for the sakes of our children ond our neighbor's ch.l- dren. ... m m w m m 1 I i i New A fW Vs 1 . .... 1 i I Q f L might realize it and the' the men o' this county as well as o:' the world mie-ht be awakened to the real con dition that faces our chi! hen. If w? j care nothing for our own souls, we I should care something for the souls ! of our children. We need more Christianity in our homes. There is no better way to bring this about than to link our homes with the Sunday Schools and co-operate wHh the christian work ers not only in the Sunday School gut in all phases of the church work. A traveller was passing through an undeveloped country. It was be fore the day of automobiles and trav elling was tedious and slow. Night overtook this man before he reached his destination. He was carrying a large sum of money and he was very much concerned for its safety. He finally came to a dilapidated looking hut in which he sought slelter. The inmntp wpre ouirh looking, showinir the results of their hard frontier life. mg into this world a human sou I. The traveller was uneasy for fear That soul will live on throughout all . . . combine ingt hjm eternity. When the everlasting hills i and rob -Mm of hig m when he and mountains shall have become old i M at ,agt ghmn to hig TOom he and crumbled in decay; when the drew down and fagtened win. waters of the great deep shall have , , v.j : .v. , j.j , i. uow mm pusncu me ueu against me j leen dried up; when the sun has door t j to make nimse,f secure, ceased to shine and give out its heat, from attacfc Aft awhilCi he heard I the soul of your boy will have just NOT ORIGINAL We do not claim credit for originating the slogan "Dodge Brothers Dealers Sell Good Used Car9." But we do claim to be doing our part to impress the world with its truthfulness. D. M. JONES COMPANY A USED CAR IS ONLY A5 DEPENDABLE AS THE DEALER WHO 5 ELLS IT VS-:VXXX"'-' '""!"XKX"XXX-W The Big Question Individual pieces as well as 50 Piece Sets Delicate Design, enhanced by a decorative pattern chosen to your liking ,.,.,.. ALABASTINE Water Color for Walls An Endless Variety of Shades H. C.Jones PHONE 127 J Hardware EST Company 1889 SOLVED For Thanksgiving SEND "HER" A Box of WHITMANS i.X'XXX''X"X"X"X,"X"Xv The Beaufort Drug Co. Phone 1 We Deliver for Economical Transportation J ,i Low Prices! 'JL Tourin? or $ Roadster Coach-$ Sed.n Landau $ 765 SSSK S'4S5 AH price, i. a. b. Flint. Mich. Small down payment and convenient terms. Ask about cur 67e Purchase Certificate Plan. Embodying the most recent de velopments in design and the highest type of quality con struction, the Chevrolet motor has won a worldwide reputa tion for power and economy of operation. 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