i I PAGE TWO THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY DEC. 2, 1926. i i r ?: i. 1 W "Win ii .X i ASARV GTmVA BQMNEH. ZOO SIGHTS Sow you." said the Rhesus Mon key, "can be made a pet of. as you're amaJU, daloty, and you bare nice man ners. "You eat your food nicely, but, above all, you're pleasant That's y they file ymi for a pet." That! soT said the Bonneted Ma caque, as he ate bis breakfast of egg and milk, "many of my family have been pets of people. They Bsy we're the beet monkeys to have as pets. Just as you say. "We eat what people eat, which, of eattrae, yon da "Bat when we get our food we're nlee. and even then you scowl. "lou'd be a nice-looking monkey X yon dktnl always scowl and wrinkle up your furehead. "TToue not very big you're about the size of a ring-tailed monkey, and a ring-tailed monkey Is Just an aver age slae monkey. "So, as far as your size goes, you would make a nice pet. "Bat that Isn't enough. "Now, wherever I am, here or in my borne In the East Indies, I am always pleasant and have a nice, good-natured, friendly disposition." "Now, I think It Is too bad that I must be cross. "Often people think all monkeys are cprra, because they've only known Qbesus Monkeys. "1 have to be, because ft Is too late t$.SKDd my ways or change my habits As cbange the family ways. We've been cross for years, all of We? famous for being cross and disagreeable. "And we cannot make ourselves all er again. ""JTou see," the Rhesus Monkey con tinued, "we come from India. There k'jj.t. -Th Rhesus Monkey. they considered us sacred, and so they "have pampered us, and because we ihave been spoiled we have become dis agreeable." HJlmS sps too bad," said the Bon neted Maccque, "too bad. Tour size and the food you like wouldn't bother jnynne, but your crossness would!" But in another pnrt of the zoo the members of the collared peccary fam ily were talking. "It seems to me," said one of the collared peccary family, "that we're very r.lcv." "I think so, too," said another mem ber of the family. Now the collared peccary family, as you know, is n family of wild swine and this Ptectal family lived In a zoo. "You sees" snld the first collared peocary, "we come from the tropics. That's where It is warm and where things grow so beautifully. But I can't go on to talk ahout scenery and birds and sky, because a collared peccary Is too much like his cousin, the pig, to care for beauty. "But I think we're nice because we don't grumble about the weather. There are some creatures who go a-vlsltlng cnother country and come home and say : " 'Dear me. It wasn't like this out here. The sun used to shine. We d'dn't have these rainy days!' "They come home and are not at all satisfied with their homes. But we come from real tropics and we don't complain at nil about the zoo." "That's so," agreed the other mem bers of the collared peccary family. "We dig In the ground with our pig like snouts and we lie down in the pimshlne npd dream while folks gaze i-t our gray and black bushy bodies. But we aren't forever wishing we were somewhere else," continued the first collared peccary speaker. "Why should we wish to be some where else?" asked another member of the family. "It wouldn't get us anywhere. We aren't fairies and we can't make wishes come true !" "No, we're not fairies," said a third collared peccary, "we're wild pigs, and pigs and fairies are different as dif ferent can be, heigh ho!" So the whole family took a nap, and, lying side by sldo, they dreamed of the dinner they would have when they woke up I Needed His Teddy Bear Blllle's teddy bear had reached the point where tt was but a remnant of Its former self. With a down-hearted sigh, BIlHe remarked, "Tf only my toddy was living, I'd be so happy! I ure need him to play with !" Cheap Lead Pencil Why Is a cheap lend pencil without I point Uko a nnnshty hor' Because it never docs write (rirtil. r CORE CREEK HAPPENINGS. I Mr. Wilbur Sabiston caught a large I fox in his trap Monday morning. Mr. Maxton Sabiston was the guest cf Miss Eyvonne Langdale Sunday evening. Mr. North Sabiston was the guest of Miss Marie Dickinson Sunday evening. Mr. G. M. Sabiston went to More head City and Beaufort Saturday on a business trip. Mrs. E. C. Dickinson spent Thanks giving with her mother Mrs. Lula Bell of Harlowe. Mr. Wesley Styron of Wire Grass was a visitor at our Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. Louis Dickinson of North Riv er wa"i the truest of Miss Valeria Whlt.ey Sunday night. Mrs. G. 31. Sabiston spent Friday at Harir v.e with her daughter Mrs. D. W. Bell who is sick. Mr. Bridges Sabiston was a visitor at the home of Miss Maud Parker of Beaufort Sunday night. Mrs. G. W. Ball and Mrs. G. C. Bell of Harlowe were here Sunday afternoon at our singing exercises. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Tosto and Mr. Guy Sabiston spent Saturday night and Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Sabiston. Mr. J. H. Dickinson was quite sick last week, suffering from kidney col ic. He has so far recovered as to be able to resume his work. Dr. C. N. Mason of Harlowe was with us Sunday morning and after noon giving us training in singing. We always enjoy having him with us. 0 BAY VIEW ITEMS. Miss Emma Lee Whalley of Wilson is here visiting. We are having some showery weather at this writing. Mr. Ben Culpepper who has been on the sick list seems to be improving Messrs Eslie Fodrieand Roy Merrill of Moiehead City spent Sunday here. Mrs. Sam Conner of Harlowe speni Sunday here with her daughter Mrs. Jim Small. Owing to the bad weather there was only a few present at the basket party Friday night. Messrs Junius Hardesty, James and William Graham of ''his place spent Saturday night and Sunday at At lantic. Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner and son of Russells Creek spent the week end here with Mrs. Skinners parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham. I wish to recall that about men, horses and mules that was in last week's News. It was told as a joke to the writer and not knowing that it was meant for a joke it was put in the items to be so, but it was only a joke. They seem to be fine team. 0 ROE BREEZES. Miss Georgia Salter of Lupton was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Robert Goodwin went to Beau fort Friday and bought him a new Ford. Miss Lela Nelson spent the week end here as the guest of Miss Lessie Harris. Mr. Robert Goodwin carried soms of the girls out riding in his Ford Sunday. There was a candy party at the home of Mr. C-. W. Goodwin Sat urday night. MiFS LilHe Gaskill of Lupton spent tie Goodwin. Miss Cereta Goodwin entertained a number of her friends at her home Sunday afternoon. Messrs Cecil Harris and Adrian Daniels who are attending shool at Atlantic spent the week end at home. There was a Thanksgiving program given at the school Thursday night which was enjoyed very much by all who attended. Free scholarships are to be given to musicians who are willing to uti lize their talent entertaing the sick in New York hospitals. A rejected suitor in Brooklyn was J warded $500 by a jury to reimburse J him for the expense of his campaign. GLOUCESTER NEWS. Mr. Dt-nard Davis was the guest of Miss Ruth Chadwiek Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pigott returned to Aurora where he will continue to teach. Quite a number of young folks at tended the show at Marshallberg inursday and Saturday nights. Mr. Loyd Pigott motored home Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. Quite a number of the ' pea- This Ad Is For ) Fishermen NOW A BIG ASSORTMENT OF FISHERMEN & BOATMENS SUPPLIES SUCH AS: NET LEADS & PARTS MENDING TWINE COTTON ROPE BOAT LIGHTS CORKS ANCHORS Pumps Steering Wheels Dry Batteries H. C. Jones PHONE 127 J qjIbwi Oaevfftoidts , Greatest; Yeag j Carteret Motor Company SOUTHGATE TERMINAL QUALITY AT LOW j pie form this community attended an 1 oyster roast at Gloucester mail dock. An Epworth League program x'dz given at thee hurch Sunday night. Quite a number of people were pres ent. Mr. Harold Lamb and Gordon Kor negay of Seven Springs were the guests of Miss Doris Pigott Thanks giving day. Misses Rosebud Wade, Dollie Dav is, Christine Willis and Mr. Berkley Simpson motored to Gloucester Thanksgiving. Every one enjoyed Thanksgiving. T - Boatman Everything For the Boat OARS CLEATS FOG HORNS Hardware EST Company 1889 In 1925 Chevrolet astonished the automotive world by attaining an an nual production never before reached by any manufacturer of gearshift auto mobiles. Yet, so spectacular has been the in crease in demand for Chevrolet cars, that a new and even more brilliant record is the climax for 1926. Thus, for two years in succession, Chevrolet lias broken all its previous records and has set a r.eiv mark in auto motive history. Smell ifmtn payment and convenient terms. Aik about oar 6 Purchase Certificate Plan. Tourins or Kradsrcr 5IO, Covpe or Coach $645, Sedan $735, Landau $765, Vj-Ton 1 ri 375 iChas,is Only), I-Ton Truck 49S ifJumu Only), AU tr: . o. b. Flint. M.chan Mr. and Mrs. Glass and daughter! Elizabeth were at home with Mrs, Glass' sister during the vacation. Misses Myrtle Watson and Ethel Whitehurst came home from Louis burg College Friday and stayed until Saturday when Mr. Murry Pigott motored them as far as Kinston. C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health Accident, Automobile Insurance REAL ESTATE BOUGHT SOLD RENTED RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE DUNCAN BUILDING BEAUFORT, N. C Have YOU Attended ? If Not You Will Miss Many Christmas BARGAINS AT THE ORCED SALE AT Smith's GOING OUT OF BUSINESS EVERY ARTICLE CUT IN PRICE This splendid achievement results from a steadfast adherence to the fund amental Chevrolet policy of building a car of the finest possible quality to sell at a low price. That the vast majority of buyers now demand a car of this typeand that Chevrolet is building such a car pos sessing the highest degree of smooth performance, smart appearance, and economical operation is proved by Chevrolet's success. Come in and see this record-breaking Car. Tom Tarheel says the main reason why his children are so healthy is because they gget all the milk and butter they need. American mms will be barred from Italy if plans of a great motion picture merger carry. Only films of Italian manufacture will be shown. PHONE 65L COST '-4 i i ' t V? : ft t A SI 1