THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY DEC. 30, 1926. PAGE THREE Daddy's Eveiii& rairy laie AIAPSX GRAHAM BOW MRS. COW'S SHOP "Moo, moo," said Mrs. Cow, "I think I have an idea." "Why, Mrs. Cow, why, Mrs. Cow." said Miss Browu Cow, "don't he saying such things unless you're sure you're righl." "Moo," said Mrs. Cow, "I don't know whether the Idea Is a good one or not, but nt least, I have an idea." "Well, well, moo, moo," said Miss Drown Cow, "that's pretty good. "When did you think It up? It has seemed to me that all this time I've been sitting here and day-dreaming and having a comfortable, restful chew, you have been nsleep." "I was asleep a good deal of the time, but I've been having this idea a little at a time for several days now. In that way one does not get tired out with too much thinking, and at the same time, one gets ideas slowly. "You see I have a little bit of an idea. It hardly amounts to anything. Well, Instead of getting all tired out trying to make It amount to something and to work over It, I just stop and say to myself: " 'Mrs. Cow, rest my dear. It will come to you in time. Don't worry, my dear.' "And then I take my own advice. After all, that Is always such good ad vice to take. "Then I am sure 1 will be pleased. If I took the advice of others, I might pledge them, or again I might jusf COUNTY NEWS J Russell's Creek spent Sunday here with his sbtcr Mrs. Sudie Wade. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill and Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hill and children spent the week end at Vanceboro. HARKERS ISLAND SPENT A QUIET CHRISTMAS Messrs. Will and Bridges sfent a while in our neighborhood Sunday afUrnoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Norris - ol Wire Grass were the guests of Mr. J and Mrs. Jesse Wade Saturday,. Mrs. Bill "Whitehurst and little pill of Eeaufort and Mts. Bennett of Wilmington spent a while at the I home of Mr.and Mrs. D. W. Sabiston Monday afternoon. " (By Earl Davis). Christmas has come and gone apd Mr.and Mrs. C. W. Phillips and son most of us left on our backs with gf Greensboro aie spending the holi nothing but empty pocket books and,days with theil. paient3 Mr.and Mrs. a bad taste in our mouths. Things.1 ii, u'.kIp . of that kind are not much of an en- j ' couragement for bravely facing the Mr. and Mrs. -Nelson Arthur rer , new year which is but a few days turned home Sunday from Smith-! h?nce. The way to 'bring back that, field Uhti-P thpv snpnt tho Vinlidnui i Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Dill children of Great Bridge Va. The Old Circuit Rider h Robert Frost, the Lincoln authority, has collected many good stories about I; the old Itinerant preachers, or circuit !j riders, of Lincoln's day. ! , "These men," be said at a dinner in ! South Shaftsbn. y, "made up in good j works for what they lacked In book : !j I'arning. One of them once prayed "at I a Springfield revival: - : ': j. I "'Roust us up, Lord! We'ev been "j an(j ! settin' so long at wise In Zion that j ! !,. i we're stiff-jinted. We want llin'. lie ! . V .. . , us, O Lord! He us with the Isle of Tuesday for their home after spend-1 " '. ! ing . the holidays with their parents! Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sabiston. -oOo- LOLA NEWS. old smile is to begin now to prepare j w;tn relatives for the next Christmas. Many of us j may fail to see the next but we will j he better prepared. in all cases should : we succeed in erasing from our minds 1 the idea that the correct way to eel-1 Mr. Leslie Garner of Lenoxville is ebrate the birthday of Christ is by ! here visiting friends. drunkenness and a great amount of I dancing. It shows a lack of good The Christmas holidays have been sense and also a lack of good influ-1 rather dull here this year. ence. We are very glad that there i was not a dance held on this little Mr. Harvey Daniels of Lenoxville island of ours and very little appear-' is here spending a few days. ance of strong drink, during the hoii- days. No doubt the dancing part of Misses Thelma and Fannie Take it would be all right if the whiskey of Beaufort are here visiting rela was left out. But it seems there are ' tives. We had our annual Christmas pro gram and tree Saturday night. Ev erything passed off nicely, and all seemed happy. The children did their parts well and there was a large at-1 tendance. Mr.and Mrs. Jack Dill and little I daughter Mrs. Fulcher and little daughter and Miss Ruth Fulcher of Beaufort were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sabiston Sun- j day afternoon. I j Happy New Year Crocodile leather in various bright ! colors is being tried experimentally 1 in the manufacture of men's shoes. Logical-Minded Parent A young lady living In Irvlngton Is quite fond of Ice cream. She pilots her father to the "sweet shop" on frequent occasions, but ou one evening he re belled. "Why do you lnsit on going after Ice cream so often?" he nsked. "I like it." replied the daughter. "Well," said the Indulgent father. "I like eggs, but I don't run after every hen I see." Indianapolis News. A suit case on wheels is a recent invention. The carrier folds up when not in use and only the small j wheels project. i Join The Crowd OVER 1,150 ONE THOUSAND ONE ... HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES OF THE NEWS PRINTED EVERY . THURSDAY Everybody Reads the News Because Moie Local New Stronger Editorials Interesting Advertising Send In Your Subscription Now I Year $2.00. 6 mos $1.00 3mos. 50c Carteret County's Newspaper Leading Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Styron of Carola are here spending a few days with relatives. Mr. M. L. Lupton spent the Christmas with relatives. of New holidays Bern ; here ; Most of the young people from j this community were visitors at Roe j Saturday afternoon. i Mr. Harold Daniels who is working at Lee Hall, Virginia came home Sat urday to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. Earl Day who is working in BerkleyVirginia is here spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Day. obo CORE CREEK NEWS ITEMS. "I Could Open a Shop." make them feel that their opinion was the only thing anyway and that it was the only thing tor me to take. "When I take my own advice I think to myself what good advice It la to take. "But to get back to the way I have of getting an Idea. "Several days ago, It was around milking time. Morning milking time. "I was coming slowly down toward the pasture, stopping to nod at n flower here, and smile at a long blade of grass there. "The rest of yon were all around. The dog was nearby. The farmer's son was, too. Bat I paid little atten tion to anything In particular. "I came along and I thought to my self a little bit of the flowers that were In the fields, the pretty wild flowers. "Well, that was about as much of an idea as I had at that time. "Then another time, a little later, I was thinking, ami I got as far as thinking that the flowers in yie fields were prettier than any of the flow ers I saw on hats. ' r "That was as much as I thought of at that time. "Then a little later I thought to my self that a wild-flower hat shop would be wonderful. . "There could be mushroom-shape hats and all sorts of different shapes we could copy that we see around. "Then we could gather the flowers with our ever-moving mouths, and we could fix up the hats as we lie about under the trees In the mornings and the afternoons. We could meet at different parts of the meadow and pasture and have hat-making clubs. "Then I could open a shop with all the hats around. I thought thut part of the pasture where there are the trees with the low branches would be a good place. "We could hang the hats on the branches and show them off that way. "And I'd be the shop keeper, and after the business got started I would Just bow and smile and moo at my customers while the others the ones who would be my assistants would do the work. "Then maybe I could afford to have electric lights in the barn just as the cows down the road have in their barn." t ' ""Goodness," said Miss Cow, "don't tblnk of putting yourself to all that trouble and with us Included In the work, tool "Walt for the farmer to put in the electric lights. I believe he will, be fore long." "And in the meantime," agreed Mrs. Cow quickly, "the evenings are so lovely and the weather so Ideal, I don't believe I'll bother after all." a few fellows who think any occa sion is merely bunk if they must leave off that which simply makes a very poor fool of them. The best way to make Christmas a pleasant time for all is to begin now to do away with that which causes so much trouble not only at Christmas but through all the year and to make it hard far. those who "delight in dispens ing it.' ,- : Rev. 3ohn C. Bennett, pastor of the M. E. Church here is, we think, form ing a new and better' opinion of our citizens. He preached a very fine sermon Christmas Day to a full house. There were also large crowds attending the services Sunday morn ing and night. Several' had to leave at.ihe night services as there were no1 vacant seats, 'fte has stated sev eral times that before he came he ws told that Harkers Island was a bad place and that the people were very hard to get along with. But since he cane here he has found the Rev. H. L. Davis filled his regular people as fine as any he has ever appointment here Sunday afternoon, come in contact with. There is no doubt of that. We thoroughly agree with him. Those who may wish to come are cordially invited to come whenever you may to the services at the M. E. Church at Harkeis Island. There were a few accidents on the road Sunday, no wonder, there are about twenty cars here and only five miles of road. A quarter of a mile toeach car. And it somd times happens that they all meet, and at such times there is a bad mix up, and if no accidents occur it is amiracle. We are still waiting for something to occur that will have a tendency toward linking us with the main land from which many years ago we broke away. The Harkers Island news boy was glad to find that in the final count he had won third prize in the number of sales of the News. Happy New Year NORTH RIVER RIPPLES. ... Here's wishing the News a very happy New Year and the most pros perous ever.. v We urish A Happij I and Y Y Prosperous ! Ileu) IJear Y to all our Customers land Friends of I Bailey, t Mr. Floyd Dickinson spent Christmas at home returning!.", to his work Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eubanks of Sanatorium spent a few days with his ! $ sister Mrs. L. C. Dickinson. Mr. Wilbur Sabiston left for Fair field Sunday where he takes a posi tion on the dredge Currituck. -1927- Mr.and Mrs. K. L. Dickinson and little girl Billie spent Christmas with hsi father Mr. M. C. Dickinson. Mr.and Mrs. John Felton and chil dren of Raleigh are visiting her par ents Mr.and Mrs. J. F. Sabiston. Mr. Jeff Simpson and son Sol spent Christmas here with his family. Miss Swannie Wade who is attend ing school in Greensboro is at home. . . Mr. EdwardPiver a student at Chapel Hill is spending the holidays at home. "r': "- Mr. Hardy Beachem who is attend ing A. and E. College at Raleigh is at home. Miss Georgia Wade who is teach ing at Thelma is at home with her parents. Mr. Joe Hill of Goldsboro spent a while in our burg Sunday at the home of 0. D. Warren. Little Miss Florence Dickinson has been o nthe sick list for about two weeks. She is very much improved. Riv. and Mrs. Roy Respass of Washington spent Christmas with her parents Mr.and Mrs. A. W. Fore man. . With the coming of the New Year we aim to give the same Five Day Service on all Watch Repairing. Our Specialty ia Satisfied . Bracelet watch Customers. All Swiss and American Makes. We wish to call the at tention of" customers and friends that we are not go ing to move as has been the talk. 1927 Best Wishes For The New Year To all our customers and the public in Gen eral. You have given us a good patron age 'during 126 of which we thank you. ;We have tried to please you, and assure . you we will be on the job in 1927 Guthrie-Bell "The Friendly Drug Store" -1927- Rev. "and Mrs. A. H. Outlaw left Monday-after spending the holidays here with her parents Mr and Mrs. Ray Dickinson. Miss Lowran Arthur who was struck by a car and badly hurt is very much improved. Mr, John Willis of Smyrna is spend ing a few days here the guest of his sister Mrs. Lewis Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Peterson of Atlantic City, N. J. are here visiting his sister Mrs. T. L. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ltwis of Mrs. W. R.'Murden and little son Will Jr. left Sunday for their home at Fairfield after spending some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Tosto and G. M. Sabiston of Beaufort R. F. D, spent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Sabiston. Mr. and Mrs. Doy Dickinson and little daughter of New Bern were here Christmas on a visit to his par ents Mr.and Mrs. Ray Dickinson. if IDm. H.BA1LE1 X Duncan Bldg Beaufort The New Year Hearty appreciation and very best WISHES for Happy New Year! udflin Motor Co. LINCOLN 2)7CC FO&DSON CAR.S TRUCKS TRACTORS V . , m o m m n m ti mr Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harris left Sun day for their home at Leechville af ter spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whitley. Sarbour Brothers Mrs. E. D. Hardesty and daughters Misses Nina and Lota and sons MACHINE SHOP' New Hear (greetings Democracy ' A big car drove up to the football field of the private school, and a verj important-looking woman called out to a little fellow In uniform "Will you please call my son. Master Al gernon?" In Just n moment tf.ere was n "bout : "TTpy, Skinny, your ma's here!" Ring out the false; ring in the new, Ring happy bells, across the snow ; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the old ring in the true. Tennyson Ned's millinery & Novelty Shoppe General Repair Work EVEREADY COLUMBIA DRY BATTERIES GILL PISTON RINGS A C Spark Plugs Auburn Spark Plugs COLUMBIAN PROPELLERS BRIDGEPORT & RED WING MOTORS i

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