PAGE FCUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY JAN. 13 197. HE BeALTORT iSiEWS Tublished e-ery Thursday Iieaufort. Carteret County North Carolina. Beaufort New Inc., Publisher WILLIAM GILES MEBAXE President and Editor J. P. BETTS Secretary and Treasurer SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) One Year 2.00 Six Months 1-00 Three Months .50 Entered as second-class matter February 5, 1912 at the postoffice in Beaufort, North Carolina, under the ct of March 3, 1879. Norm c en W1U,V, TrA ppess association; 2f THURSDAY JAN. 20, 1927 From time to time newspa per headlines announce that SAnatnr Rorah is "opposing enmothino- or other. Now if they should announce that the Senator favored something that would be news sure enough. oOo Chinese mobs have been giv ing foreigners the mischief recently, paying special atten tion to the British. Americans have been abused some too but it is rather refreshing to see somebody else get a "cussin" occasionally. oOo It appears from their own statt-meiiis that the Bolshevists have attempted to organize anti-Ameru-i'n sentiment in Cu ba, ilexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica. Panamr. Salvador, I'.irtc Rico, Hawai.. the Philippines rnd several other countries. They have used money stolen from their own people as well as others to spread their false doctrines and t o injure the United States. It is necessary that our Government shall take note of this propaganda and offset it as far as possible The Latin-AmerK'an countries, for the most part have been the hot-beds of riot and revolution i for centuries. They are well i suited for the propagation of I Bolshevism. There is much I ignorance in those countries and the people are easy prey for demagogues. Evil seeds sprout easily among them. The Federal administration is doing its duty when it acts firmly with countries like Mex ico and Nicaragua. They should be treated justly at ajl times but our own rights and inter ests should be safeguarded al- so. A policy oi nrmness is less the transmission towers ot one or more of the big electric power companies are strewn over the landscape. It takes power to run factories. oi )o TAXES FOR ROADS. Bills have been introduced in the Legislature which pro vide that the counties may get a part of the gasoline tax or that thev may collect an addi tional tax. Under the present method the State collects the gasoline tax and builds and; maintains highways with it. On the face of it the proposed method looks good for the counties but we doubt if it is the proper thing to do. The State Highway Commission is a more efficient body than the average board of county com missioners or county mgnwayj commission. It build its roads j more efficiently than they do. Besides the State highways go into every county in the State and so the people get the ben efit of the money spent on them If the Highway Commission s' .:.'! -1 be deprived of a part of its income it will be weak ened to that extent. As we see it the best thing to do is to let j likely to proVoke war than one the Commission keep on build-1 0f anniness which is neither ing roads until the State is cov- creditable nor beneficial. The ered with a network of them. pe0ple of the United States If road building continues forsh0uld support the administra te next ten years as it has done : j-ion in its pdicv which as ev for the past decade there will I ,nts have snown is the best pol not be much ground for com-';,,,, piaint oy anyuouy. t snuug State system of roads is better than a lot of weak county ones. oOo MISPLACED CRITICISM. In the United States the right of any citizen to criticise a pub- -oOo- PRESS GLEANINGS A man 00 years old is out as a : : -A leader in Mexico. lie evidently think? the degenerate modern youth dins not know how to rebel Toron to Star. o o o Engineers are told that in J'.'Sl i: will be possible to run an automo bile fifty miles for five cents pro vided, of course, that room can be found on the roads. Boston Trans cript. oOo A CARD OF THANKS. cMoiheivft Tiemembers- WO.Lawrence Hawthorne tt r V I I. We wish to thank our friends for; their kindness and sympathy during : the illness and death of our husband j and father. Mrs. Thos. Wade and Family. oOo Judge for yourself if Miss Kath erine Seig is a worthy Aunt Julia Jan. 28 Adv. SEABREEZE THEATRE PROGRAM Week Beginning Jan. 24th This is the biggest week's pro gram that has ever been put on at the Seabreeze. Note the Stars and Dates. CLEANING THE ROADS. The 700 miles of roads of this ; It begins to look like Beau fort's long deferred building campaign is aooui to gei unuei , mg so. way. This is very encourag- j President Coolidge has been ing The town needs more criticised rather freely of late lie official from the President I state highway district were clear of down is pretty well recognized snow by late afternoon of the day and rather extensively prac- i following the beginning ot the tan, ticed. This right though like in the night, except what came down many others can be abused. It behind the machines. Not so many should never be used unless j years ago such a snow would have there is good grounds for do- ruined the soil roads for weeks and sou roads were about all tnere were. It was a tremendous piece of work, the heaviest snow the maintenance residences and more business hv some Congressmen and a forces have ever handled: but the houses and the only way to get good many newspaper editors, ; public accepts such service as matter them is tor tnose wno own iana college protessors, communists to build something on it. and pacifists because of the -oOo- A bill providing for a revis ion of North Carolina's election machinery has been introduced j . . have ; in the General Assembly. e . f aU do not know much about tne , h bill but it provides tor a secret ballot among other things. This is a highly important feature but there are other changes that should be made in both the primaries and election regula tions. The method of register ing voters is a matter of much importance and should be han dled in a different manner from the way it is done now. We hope some kind of an improv ed election law will pass. North Carolina is far behind the times in this, respect and it is time 3 a change. government's policy towards Mexico and Nicaragua. This criticism has been of the ex parte, one sided sort. The not been in pos- of the facts in the case and have leaped at con clusions. Recent events have shown that the critics were hasty and that their judgment was wrong. The statement made by Sec- -oOo- ATLANTIC'S OPPORTUNITY Carteret county has a num ber of good sites that are ca pable of being developed as pleasure resort towns. One of these is Atlantic. This place is well located on Core Sound and just a few miles from the ocean, is in fact in sight of it. The outlook there is beautiful and the climate is fine in Win ter and Summer. Sportsmen who like to fish and hunt can have all the fun they want. The smooth waters of Core matter of course. It is even a short- 1 er time since a snow like that would , have isolated a large portion of Guil ford county, before the county main tenance system, was organized, (Greensboro News) ! oOo j TIME WILL TELL. A prominent Elizabeth City minis 1 ter has gone on record as saying that : Eltho he has voted the Democratic ' ticket all his life, he will vote the Re i publican ticket if Al Smith is the next presidential nominee of the retary of State Frank B. Kell-i Democratic party. If everybody Ogg before the Senate Com-1 South of the Smith and Wesson line mittee on Foreign relations last felt that way about it, then the South Wednesday showed the jus-! may as well prepare to swing in the tice of the administration's. Republican column, for Governor Al policy towards Nicaragua. The f red E. Smith of New York is the United States is trying to pro- only hope of the Democratic party tect the lives and property of and if the party fails to embrace that American citizens in Nicaragua hope the South will have no Demo and is also defending our coun-j cratic party to vote for and well all try from the attacks of Bolshe- be voting the Republican ticket. I vists. The committee hearing make that prediction confidently be cause the Democratic party mii3t either win with Smith or go down in ignominious defeat to be succeeded by a new and radical party. The South is not ready to go into a lib eral or radical party; the South is fundamentally conservative and the Republican party is going to be the conservative party in this country for a good many years to come. (Eliz abeth City Independent.- oOo was a secret one and no details of Secretary Kellog's statement was made public except the memorandum of Bolshevist ac-i tivities. Foreign relations are,; as a rule, delicate matters and ! a certain amount of secrecy is' necessary for the public good. ; For several years now Rus-j sian Bolshevists have been try-1 ing to foment trouble within! the United States and to create j bad feeling in Latin American countries against the United ! States. Their purpose, as they; RESCUE Sound furnish fine fishing and themselves have said, has been boating grounds and just a mile or so away one can take a dip in the surf or fish in it if WORKERS NOT SALVATION ARMY The Volunteers of America, or American Rescue Workers, said to and is to overthrow the Amer-ibe canvassing many North Carolina ican form of Government and ' communities for funds at this time, substitute for it the latest Rus-i boar no relation whatever to the Sal ine chooses. Atlantic is only sian style. It a majority ot thevation Army and should not be con- t'Mrtv miles frcm Beautort. people oi tne united fetates fused as such. tapt. aiaicom fen There is a good road all the! wish to abolish the plan of ney of the local S. A. post asserted av and it takes only about an government as laid down by ; yesterday. hour to drive there. The bus tne tounaers oi tne Kepuoiic captain renney said in a formal line makes two round trips a and set up a communistic form ; statement: day and the mail boat from of government they have the J "I would like to say that there are Ocracoke stops there going and I right to do so. It is not the people all over North Carolina col coming. All Atlantic needs to j prerogative of fore ignersj lecting funds, known as the Volun make it a resort town is a nice : though to decide what sort of ; teers of America or the American little hotel with about twenty! government we shall have. The Rescue Workers. These people lead rive rooms and modern conven- ah America Anti-imperiaust; tne puonc to Deneve tnat tney are a League created uy KUSSian I orancn ot tne salvation Army, reds for the purpose of organ-: "They are in no way connected izing the countries to the south , with, nor do any of their funds go to against the United States is the Salvation Army. They also tell the growth of the Piedmont;. , , viftit;nn A st.ript.iv F.nHish. Thu u not tm. SOUtn ' li: tl,4. ttrp CI': A... . u i- i 4 : . l l . . 1 1 . : ,i t u : .. i . i ; TTVnTYi 1 OLlgllL IU e.llKk ueiweeil ail muvcuicm,. in luis country opment ot electric povv e r. r rom . countrieSi Many countries have this movement is in charge of Com- a sman ucBiiumiK - - v , one to war for iess reaSon and mander Evangeline Booth, with head- tive or inircy jearb agu uit eiei. j .f thg United gtateg ghould de. quaiters at 120-130 West 14th atreet trical industry has grow n to gi-1 ,e Ru&si& it would New York city. Commissoiner Wil- ganuc propoiuuiia. tUm- . .... -t ... Tf lences. -0O0- FACTORIES NEED POWER. One of the biggest factors in ections of North and Carolina has been the devel-i a small beginning some twenty ; . ., c j.v, v Dnin ue wen wunu lis iikiiis. it is panies like the Southern Power ; nece to f0 that ex Company and Carolina Light . f ' ,f, , ,, f and Power Company have in vested millions of dollars in hydro electric and steam plants and literally thousands of plants are buying power from them. Thic condition has caused manufacturing pjants i to spring up all over the pied-i mont area and has brought! great prosperity to that region, j Eastern Carolina has. rt ha-i' its share of this industrial de velopment. In order to do so ; the east must have power r.vA should welcome the day who:: liam A. Mclntyre is in charge of the Salvation Army in the South, with treme of course but talk of rec-! headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. The Ognizillg such a country is non- Salvation Army has posts established sensical and Unpatriotic. It in sixty-eight countries and colonies, would not be amiss though to i andpreaches the gospel in twenty-six tell the Bolshevistic crowd just ; c'iiTerent languages. This paragraph about how much longer our is enough to show that the Salvation patience will endure. Russia borrowed one hundred million dollars from the United States which it has not repaid and probably has no intention of repr.ying. N-w as debtors have done before, Russia":": icr iteiors are iroing" around a'vj - i V.:i A .!:.:; v "vho.i: : :"fs Army is really a world-wide movement. "Friends A) my wiil (The New who help the Solvation recognize the uniform." Bernian.) oOo ' :p ir u have f, fi'ii! v.'i to yovi-s a 'rood i ftne; IfAu-h op- MONDAY IRENE with Colleen Moore. Critics pronounce this her best. TUESDAY WAR PAINT Starring Tim McCoy. WED. & THURSDAY Her Honor the Governor with Pauline Frederick mi don't see how my Mower hiw She does, though! But I'll bet my Dad Would never UunK oi even iu, Mother made a cake For him, jus' like she does for me. A mother never couiu iorgei A date, as far as I can see. We know that every holiday Thprell be a party for us boys, With decorations everywhere An' special kinds o' games an toys We know we'll have a Christmas tree; We know we'll always get a lot Of Easter eggs, an Valentines 'Cause Mother never has forgot! Sometimes, I guess, my Dad would like . - It better if she did torget A onnivovanrv fir t.WO 'Cause he feels kinda cheap, I'll bet, When Mother gives him somethin' swell, An he looks at the caienciar u An' finds out it's their weddin day 0. Uwnac, Hva, An' he ain't get a thing for her! i if FA FRIDAY Prince of Pilson with Anita Stewart and George Sidney. SATURDAY The Greater Glory with Conway Tearle and xVnna Q. Nelsson. Our next Serial starts Feb. 5th THE ARCHER FOR YOUR DRUG WANTS PHONE 29 WE DELIVER Joseph House, Druggist Tha jk.jaSJb Store DELIVER I H PHONF. 29 WE 32) is For Modern Modes of Living Reed and Fibre Furniture IN these days of cozy apartments esting collection of Reed and Fibre and sunny little houses in the Furniture, country and suburbs can you Heywood-Wakefield Furniture imagine any more delightful or is the result of a century of investi- practical furniture than Reed and gation and study. There are suites Fibre Furniture? foralmost every room, and also there Now on display is a very inter- is a wide selection cf odd pieces, Gaskill-Mace Company; Two Stores Hardware FRONT ST. Furniture BEAUFORT, N. C. "Keep the Baby in the Air" in a Heywood- Wakefield Baby Carriage. A wide range of styles and colon is ready for your inspection. n oi i it, j