I p8 'k '' ' id 1 dverdsing medium published in Car 5t Co I READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY WATCH Your label and pay your subscription 1 (c i-Ji ex ......;.; NUMBER 4 VOLUME XVI io;pac;es THIS 3 EEK THE EEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY JAN. 27, 1927. PRICE Ec SINGLE COPY . Y f MAOTMMNOWOf Bf Arr;Oths 'A! "New : .-Elect :bn' Law, Increase of Judges, A estate 'iCrastabularyXoanfy Government, And Various V Others. State Instituticns Want More Money. ' ; Tax Question !?.o Jru ion - A lh'-i Assembly get down to its definite work the past wetk. and a number of Important legislative proposals are Soto to bS considered Among the I . .of L-n.5-)U. outstanc.ing Mils due xo receive ai- tention are those providing tor a ; State wide law the Australian bal-; lot law, several measures looking to , a reform of the Judiciary coming J out of the Judicial Conference, a ; lare-e batch dealing with variott as I phases -of county reforni,nhe-pproJ;.tyijunnjnga-harged with hav- priation and revenue bills, a Statff-i. constabulary measure, two cr;three bills which would increase, the pow ers of the State Highway Commission in locating roads, and many others. The General Assembly, of course, occupied the center of the State in "Raleigh during the week, but there were other events of mterest .Theny'. reprinted the -men entered ; B News for the grades from! fight by the Umvers.ty of Nortl, Car-,a plea of not guilty for them. Th4th 7th inclu8lve. .There, will be I, olina for a larger appropria ion than Mavor held then. .for 'Superior Court $- 8 bffered,Jn pr52s for .the bel - tie liungt-i i i )i t iccuieu wa w i . i i u . have begun betora. .the . joint- com- " ,y T : V fv T" 1 hi 1 from each branch of the Assem-1 bly but it was suddenly postponed, liic xccii'ii ii, iifiiiLii waa iiui ntuicu , Some believe it was on account , of the resolution .. presented . , by ; the Presbyterian of the-State protesting agamst the :tyPe of the Lniversity gets for tbe McNair lec-j tures may have had something. to do with it. ; University 'trustees at: a meefinjrVere took th resolution un- der consideration and then postponed ! t. i --aS ' i-'-t . t i, i .: , , . . . j appearance, before frnance bodjv It calaboose. -: - ' . ? ,Li;? . 'a-t' that the University lovs not feel that it has been allowed -nough money i for its edueational program. So far as knojyn.it, has never teen entirely satisfied on thai soore and has plenty of conjrwny. asking for more. A number of State dejarrtments and ii stitutions seem to feel that they "have been "short changed" by the budget Commission.. .... , , The Survey oi women in industry, it appears, has died a natural death. When th prcgram of, ihe1 Women's Legislative Council was published re cently :,ft failed rto contain any reference-' 'o. the survey and inquiries of leaiiiftg-woirlen haTB not develop ed anything on the subject. They seem disinclined to fflscuss the Sit uation. When there was disagree ment tt the survey several months ago it was said that the matter' would be presented to the Genera Assem-I bly, but nothing ha& sinca been -done about it. Apparently, the wpmen nave aeiaeo. 91 Timei-is-net-iavov-4 able fr this-injove and will .mobilize their forces "Tor .other" important measuieainaw-j yenuing. .V ". Taxeal-e gettihff their share of attention and it is urged that the people bar...hprae'iet their ljjiste tors know what'tfiey tbinlc cjhe 3 systeni. veiriJ)r McLean is W hind the ii)teoariBticlly7eTbr State's llftteiaofi thfjik? a -tax icomihis sion should Jiandle $.h m1fOirdre port its nndigs beioie .oiTrnment of the General Assemtny. ' The trend generally appears to be for some measure of : tabiejoj-ra.- Coujityv'an3 city taxes are, also, figuring $n .this reform""at$ a '' a-e sal t " 0t3hjJtasi . count'Wrji'lis, 'there' wil most cer tainly W passik) sortie roii,ty govern ment legisjatiop which may1 reduce taxes in the long run. ' The division of sentiment in the members of t,he Educational Com mission o nthe'eTght months rsehool term indicated M.'the report made to the Governor during the" week; " was not at all; pleasing to supporters of the rriovejfor longer schools. The question of financing, is the point of division, the majority of the members feeling that tha time is not ripe to put out the necessary money. How ever, he proposition -is still "wig gling" and the General Assembly will most jljkely.'be called on " to-; submit the issue to a vote of the people at the neigrttfr Tctloii.f3.'t6i2 w Legislative; -committees Shall e. under consideration bills to require license plates front and rear for autmobiles, planting shrubbery along highways, lights on horsedrawn vehicles at night, increase speed limit to forty miles an hour, modification of the XX. ade 1 osjyng stop Jaw se asjo ojak 1 more effective.,, -State ponjjtab1 larv. btate-wu e cnauneurs license. Bo reduce rire hazards in hospitals and" theatres, gn-e -juries discretionary 1 power in capital crimes so as to make j the life sentences possible, create a j National Park in Western North Car-1 (Continued on page ei-ht) TAW1AKERS RALEIGH : t Looms Up PolicecurtBegins ':. . . . , . .1,0 DOBUSinfiMAgaiB ..r.Jf .: t. .7 7 1 , . ,'; AJTer bjn their good tehav- ior for about two weeks to such an , the-Poliee Court had! Ull IlEUl ; thiR to do the morally stunted r . m t0 vav ha(j a rtiaDse. At any ! rate severai defendants faced Mayor Thomas in court Monday afternoon, Thg case 0f most interest set for trial was that of Mack Runnings and ingicuor in th.ir possession and also with transporting liquor. The den'ce was that they were arrested,..,, eiA . fAfc I on Pollock street last Thursday night j by Deputy Sheriff Chaplain and Chief of Police Longest. Their car had m , it nine half gallon fruit jars filled; with whiskey. Attorney C, R, Wheat- j ,v-f w hnntiS OI 5.1UU eaCO.' itiact f C '. . . , , ... oil ig:nai scones, j.-iiua is a cnaiice iotj Runnings is a married man about iaJ. nA 'Ju , ..fv ;-. .,, 7 R , ";,t8 , ' V " TMnfci ah o Vm-t i River innS. i Ha i i Vtari QI a6 anil IS rt Ilv UllcW Oi the other fiian..'-.. " ' ;. i Polk. Johnson, a one leeeed Regret' ., , , - ," . . .v. was held for Superior Court on the , charge of having, sold John Bunyan Congleton a pmt of whiskey.. , , . John-Bunyan Congleton was bound 1 0Ver to comt on.. two fhar-ges.- One ; was tnat of 1 drunkenness -' and:'-the .other waw.WakinB out' of the town i ."disorderly, pleaded "guilty atid got o.i i ... ii.. -a j.- VpK colored:' disolerlv "' Flg?'t' co,oretV . 0 soel,y conduct, judgment suspended on-pay- ; ' - -.j" "V ? Vf "JS5 "i" Wi m-VW8 , ' . " ' , L'alo assisting m getting things. in rnent ec. . 3. $tory to be -priginaii lofUl his-1 sh;L , . - -'., Roy Pottery 'colore.!, .transporting! t orv; uef erred' f: '- .? v, ?r?" 'A '" C " i , liquor, baund over to Superior Court. It " I fna ;l rSi f-,F- the.prtW.enough rooms to P.- Ponps. spin linuor to J. L, ' y not to exteed 300 wordA tnke care of immediate needs will be i Ir-' ' ' V- 'i vc vvUU,..m, , ; Julian Austin, charged with ;injur- mg a bicycle, case continued--' ; ouo .r STORES MOVING EAST. Mr, L iN. Moore is having one of his store; rooms in Front street re modelled and expects to move: in it "New windows 'and -doors very Booa, are being put in and new fixtures ol - J so. A novel feature of thetore will term expired 111 April. .J.ne Kepubii be two nice' ife'st rooms for men and can precinct 'Committee of Morehsad women. ' The new place will be much, City . . has aske.d, the. county executive larger than the one Mr, Moore now ' cbmuiittee' to call an examination of nectiniBs at'the corner 'of Front and ! applicants for the position. The c6un- l Crayen jjtrects. If the other stores i tli'ariiave ' been talked of .are built ; in this. block there will" be xXwisidC erable movement of the retafl trad. towards theeast. iiurrMiniK WUIQICPV STtf.I. section was taken by Deputy sher-j iff R. E. Chaplain and Chiet of fc- lice Vi" 'Rongest up'B"5gife' Sdunfff neaTBroakVek Tueayping, Tbstilj 'was a very ingenious affair, It consisted of a wooden box with a bottom and a beer, keg for cap.:;vlt'7iad a capacity of about, 40 gallons. X Spme 40 or 50 'gallons' of Lt wereiound and destroyed. No one was about the still and its owner is not known. .-T , ,; a 0O0- A MANTLE OF SNOW COVERS BEAUFORT, TODAJ " T -1 ' i -n. Beaufort citizens awoke this morn-' ing to find .the town- covered witr a'; mantle of snow and ice. The schooLfhe jotter is as follows; children seemed to be highly pleased ' . - with the situation but' grown - up i'..-""'.-n"6rf'6lK SOUTHERN took the matter rather' more serious-j , RAILROAD CO. ly. The snow began falling ' last j '-", M. S. Hawkins night at about seven'o'clock and kept ' Assitant to President and Secretary it up .most ,.0 the mght.,i Although r. . . ; 'Vt Norfolk, Va. fof-'a -while- It melted. 'cbout as.- fast ; ;., .: '-':' " ;,;;!' :. :" as it fell but th'tempeniture 'drop jf,j SAlhalfeSecretary '.'l ped-below-fre'ezih.g and then it be-' Chamber of Commft'Ce,"..;".."; gan to stick. This Morning on tKe Moryhead::City, N C. ' levd ft wast about, J,iv0. inches deejifj.- J.;"-,. :- - -1. 3. - '' Avhfchi n a pretty deep-sjuw.ffcawM fort. The sun came out though and Chamber of Commerce, while rather cold the day was a prct- Beaufort, N. C. ty one. j Gentlemen: 0O0 I have before me an inquiry read- MARRIAGE LICENSES. j ing as follows: ,Tha followino tiprmits in wpd liavn . been issued by Rsgistei'-or6 Deeds R. i , Wallace since last week': X .r ' - . j,,. - f Louie Guihrie and Ella Lewis, Haikers Island. Raymond Frazier and Pauline Fraz , ier, Beauofrt. 1 Lemu?l C. Mann, Newport and' C::,: 0 Full?r Fuller, Eostcn, Mass. ' RIZES' OFFERED k i. : 1 : STORY WRITERS j . . . - . . Rural Schdol Chaldren Have A.. Cha.ic'3 To Show Their Skill 4 As Story Writers ;. ' . Who knows but that in Carteret i . . t3.. tlovt nv' 5 some r I a Henry ? rw,m of the convention is as fol pcitumtv to bud forth as a story writer; Geniu, has a way of buwt- ,ng out m unexpected place.. The, . d g h , niz. Beaufort News wishes to fi nd out f , - J of childl.enu. there is any special talent for writ- j ing among the school children of the t 'f""' .... ,. tv, , . .-. ,,!. 1., fV.t; - uu"L " V'' h. rfl. ; T ,' . V, ' v ! I. ,.,,! tV,,, U!lrli.v. n.V,r. ramnotn' will get some practice in composi-j t.on that may be very valuable to j them. .;, The Carteret County School Nev,S of this week carried the announce-,. ". matter ig explained ite .ulj , thjs a).ti ,,e from thc SA(J0, Ngwi .. u , t . 'ro nnpi, . i t plli ' pnntpst , hv th9 v .....,.,.....,,...,.... , grades to do sonie.real thinking. W . . . ... .. ' t , . . , . i Sn,.to' fn1,'witXi'!aoVi.coi.,ai4..4 T"ir . .7 . "T Ki me cjiunu-y, .ufyniiy suojeui, hiohk .- ixui. j... h? - " Z.nv gue " ThprizeB are $5.oy0 &Y Jdze. I LTve alrcbeen en er ained there . Qa. v,, ,(1 . f if ! have aiuady been enteitan ea tneie. tfZlUM t3 the f,rst of the mon tbe hoa? Pr-'1'ai fc'N Mi fe-ill be very likely, in shape to take , 1.f rues .an.a regulau.0"8 gOTeln!care of all who may wish to patron rng tne contest are as loilows: i, u . , . . , 1- Teachers judge stories and send in list to Beaufort News. 2. Jndrrp stnrip nn Tipct nf fitsin - o ' . -r w WOvked Ut Rt Gr0Up 'and- nrltfter'-lrf f Detinljefr School I eanMrl lNews- ,.r c. .. -contest ends March 1st -1927 - Eeaufort Kews print all stOrfes .sent in. :' ; '- 0O0 ; . FOSTCFFICE FIGHT BREWING IN MOREHEAD CITY The News learns' that a ight over the llorehead City postoffice is brew- - .ing, i Postmaster Cleveland Willis' ty. committee forwarded this request witn its enuorsemeni to state vnair- man &ownlow-Jacksoij who bas tak- W.9t matter, up .with tfie authorities at Washington. ' - Carteret . - rn Jjnc sii! r.:.. i. 0,1 .0 i.onuv.r-y. '?T?gUst ed quite Sjf&Wy."??. f.,! '! a matter of "interest to many ' people.' ) def Jfeh;; ta?e ... 0nr the i .send mo.-wiU be greatly , . y Ba possible to eCwpxecM; !' uu-lu WB k il ;J ' 'k-'l-liav-e'-e.fven the party making this ; improvement. hc re(fuegts : nents say that high taxes are harmful ; -n regard t()- the prineipal industries, .because they ter.d to drive capital ! anA whilp I could also have (riven him ' awnv rather than t j bring it in. P The News has' been asked to print a letter-addressed to the secretaries of the Chambersof Commerce of Beaufort and Morehead City as hav- ing some. bearing on the tax question, j: soma ciientsl ot mine .are, considering making. ij'some industrial investments in ..Beaufort' and , Morehead, City, N. C. on your rail road. I would be glad if you could send me any informa tion on these two towns which you m:iy have avail- ;sswwto. 1 0 " ; for some wet ss a. series, pi mtvi- intended to" aid Sunday School work in the county has been held. A meeting of this sort is to take place Vm-rnvf nn Sunday the 6th of Mr. P. P. Garner of New- r eoruary. --rt u the township chairman. The O .UU UlSaiililllg mm Young People in the Sunday bchool E. H. Gorhani, O.IJ ojufc ,an:H to ReaL.h anil Hold the M gchool c R . V Eett(,r A(lministiation. -M. . 4:05 General qscussion and Bus inass Ptviod.' i .,; i :20A1 journ, -oOo- fill 4 TfipC M A 1V LOiiiUJM iflrtliij :-AT INLET INN -, m.w Is Having 1 - The Hotel Made More At- TVin lmtV tf vennvntino- til" Tnlpt W P"-?aratory to reopening a nu., ' tieen "o nn- foiward for several (lavs, Wd.1 e"" 7 ize it. Mr. W. L. Dernckson of New Bern, lessee and manager of the Inn, is civine- his nersonal supervision to i . i - n .i nf.. inp xrorK neiTi". uone. ivir.a.ui .uis. i Depnis Saunders, of Peoria, Illinois, i .A i renovated and furnished. By the renovated and furnished. By first of May , or soon afterwards all the: rooms in the hotel will be fur nished and made ready for Summer guests. ' The kitchen, dining room, lobby and sitting room are all being overhauled; and much is being done to make the house more attractive pneT comfortable. 'The management expects to ad vertise the Inn thorough ly and .hopes' to .have it filled with guests all' during the Summer. Next Winter efforts will be made to draw enough Northern visitors to keep it filled. It is expected that the open ing! of the, highway bridge an dthe improvements that have been made in the" roads will cause many visitors to come tp, Beauofrt this Summer and that,',the ."hotels here wil have one of the best Reasons in their history. f : Taxes Arev Prohibitive J jtnabje.i -particularly in refer riVeritei to; the. principal indus ,Ll ir.ie's,, tax;.rates, etc. Any information that vou may at the same time the data desired about the taxes,.. I was apprehensive that if I stated to .him that the town tax of Morehead City was $1.50 plus the-County rate of $.25, or a total 0f 53.75 on ejoo Valuation, and that the. town rate of Beaufort was $1.90 and. the. County rate $2.25, or a total of $4.40 on S100 valuation, without an explanation of the reason for these high Elites and bow long they are Jikely to last, and about what the "ratio of assessed value bsars to the real value of property at these two places, it would probably have the elfect of making anyone who contemplates establishing an indus tryJeV either Beaufoit; or Morehead City conclude that these tax rates are prohibitive and that they would then seek some other locality. I am. therefore writing you with the hope that you can make some suggestion which will be helpful to me in ans wering this part of the abov yuted inquiry-., r s -. ? -- V V ; M. S. HAWKINS, Xorfelk,.Va, . i , : .. . ... ; December 30, 1926. 0O0 A small folding airplane, which can be carried in a tank on a submarine, has been designed for the United States Navy. COUNIYlOiRirADOPTSBESOLlTfWN'. m V KING FOR Money Already Spent Amounts to -$830,000. The Rest To Be Used In Paving Mere Roads Will Levy Tax To Pay " Interest And Sinking Fund ' - r" - J v- .. Carteret County Debt Is Over Two Millions Some light has been thrown on the question of Carteret county's in debtedness by a statement put up one day last week on the bulletin board in the corridur of the court house. This statement is signed by Mr. Car ter who has been auditing the coun ty's books. It is not his full report which has not been made public yet. According to ths statement men tioned the county has bonds out standing amounting to $1,473,000. It has notes outstanding amounting to $1,375,000. The bonds and notes together amount to $2,848,000. As an offset to these debts the county has owb.g t it according to the statement the following: j c-1at j -if N C R44G 0001 Town of More'he'a'd"city"::V100:000 Town of Beaufort -r- 20,000 , Total ----- $50i!,(l00 ' The notes which the county owes j are due to the following named cred-; itors; Sp:yer & Co. .-.-------$1,075. 00 Curtis & Sawyer Town of Beaufort Keaufort Banking& Trust Company - . Bank of Beaufort' 150,000 100,000 15,000 35,000 ..-$1,375,000 Total notes . -0O0- LAKE SCUGOG DUCK WAS KILLED IN CORE SOUND For several years the United States Bioligical Survey hn.s. been making efforts to obtain information about the habits of wildfowl. Birds are caught, bandvd an.d released in their far away rt'orthern homes.. ..Occas ionally they are killed and the L-g bands sent back to Washington or to some Biological Station. A few days ago Mayor T. M. Thomas Jr. shot a black head duck that had a band on its leg. This band was turned over to Superinten dent S. F. Hildebrand of the Biolog ical Station at Beaufort. Dr. Hilde brand sent the band to Washington, D. C. and the following information was obtained about it: "The bird carrying band No. 464450 was a lesser scaup banded at Lake Scugog, Ontario on November 8, 192G by H. S. Osier." So the fact was established that this duck had come from a province in Canada tQ the feeding grounds in Core Sound. ,,Oo FIRE LIGHTERS CHASED BY GAME WARDEN GODWIN There has been a great deal of game in Core Sound and other waters in this section this year and this has been a temptation to some persons to violate the game laws. Chief game warden D. J. Godwin has received reports from time to time .that some person, or persons, was fire lighting and he resolved to make an effort to catch somebody and have him prose cuted. As the fire lighter knows he is violating the law and he is always armed catching one is no child's play. Mr. Godwin spent several days re cently at the Carteret Gun Club on Core Sound and while there kept a lookout for the fire lighters. One night he saw a skiff with a light in her bow and one or two men in it evidently after game. He tried to get up with them but as he was un able io do so he fired two shots which caused them to put out their light and get out of sight as fast as possi ble. He could not find out who was in the boat. Hunting wild fowl at night is a violation of the Federal game law and those who do it are li able to be fined or imprisoned. So far this season 76 licenses to non resident hunters have been issued. The charge is $10.50 for each license. The hunting season for wild fowl ends January the 31st. -oOo R. Q. WILLIS RETIRED. The Chief of the Bureau of Navi gation recently notified Mr. Rubin Q. Willis of Beaufort thta he had 'x-en placed on the naval retired list. This retirement comes alter tnirty v'tars service in the navy and a pen won goes with it. Mr. Willis served in the U. S. cruiser Montgomery dur ing the Spanish-American war. 0O0 The Greeks had the first written music. LARGS BOND ISSUE "A copy of the Minutes of the two meetings of the Board of Cr jnty Commissioners was furnished the Beaufort News last Friday morning. The regular meeting o fthe board took place on Monday the 3rd and another meeting was held on Monday the 7th. At the second meeting of the board a resolution was adopted which au' thorized the issuance of $1,250,000 worth of highway bonds. The pro posed bonds are to be 1250 in num ber, of $1000 each, and are to be ser ial bonds. The first ones are to ma ture in 1932 and every year there after up to and including 1957. A provision is made to levy sufficient tax to pay interest and set aside a sinking fund. A paragraph in the resolution sets forth the fact that the county already owes and has notes outstanding for not et8tinB" ' ' tno bncl money is to be used to Pay off these debts The rest of the "'.ey which wou d be about $400,- (!00 :k to be used for the completion of th r: n d ; Beaufort-Atlantic, I.enoxville Marshallberg highway." The Cedar Island project now under way is not mentioned. At the meeting on the first Mon day a number of routine matters were transacted. The bonds of Sheriff T. C. Wade and Township Constable George Woolard were approved. Mr. S. D. Garner was appointed Road Supervisor for the western dis trict and Mr. M. A. Norris for the territory lying, between the Inland Waterway and Oyster Creek. . Mr. Grady A. Willis is to supervise the territory east of Oyster Creek A resolution was passed by the board applying for a loan from the State Literary. Fund for $15,000 to be used in constructing a school building in the Beaufort Graded School District. The money to. be used by ths County Board of Educa-. tion. , , -'' Commissioner Teletier was instruct ed to have some work done on the public road from Bogue to Stella. A motion was pissed authorizing the removal of the county road forces from Harker's Island immediately. County Auditor W. L. Stancil was instructed to advertise for bids on shelling the Harker's Island road. A claim for damage for $75 by reason of road construction was filed by Mr. Vernon Simpson. Mr. Wm. J. Willis filed claim for $150. A motion was passed that the county take and maintain as a public high way the causeway across Gallant's Creek between Beauofrt and West Beaufort. .... 0O0 TWO PROMINENT LAWYERS VISITORS TO jBEAUFORT Two eminent attorneys are spend ing a few days in JBeaufrt this week. They are Messrs. William W. Fuller of New York and Clement Manly of Winston-Salem. Both have visited Beaufort before but it has been about thirty years since either was here last They are here just to see the country and to take a lit tle vacation. Mr. Fuller lived in Durham for a number of years and practiced law there and in various counties in this State. He afterwards moved to New Yoik and was at the head of the le gal department of the American To bacco Company for many years. Some years ago he retired from act.-. practice but still makes his home i:i New York. His grandson V . ,. Fuller the second accompanied hi::i here. Mr. Manly is a native or Ni Bern and practiced law then- and i 1 the nearby counties for several years. He was once county attorney of Cj- -teret county and practiced regularly in the courts here. He is quite fa miliar with the history of this part of the countr and tells many inteiest.ii.ar reminiscences of men and events of the time when he v-as living in Nc-.v liern. Both of t-V'se gentlemen noted with interest the many changes tbit have taken pia.-e in this section since they were last here. ' 0O0- JUDGE CRANMER TO SPEAK AT ANN STREET CURi.I Judge E. H. Cranmer of South port will speak at the evening ser vices at Ann Street Methodist'chuivh Sunday night. The hour for services is 7:30 o'clock. Judge Cranmer will preside over Superior Court heie next week. He was in Beaufort fivj years ago and is well known in this section. " oOo There are 27,000,000 rates in the freight traffic of the United States.

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