THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY FEB. 24, 1927. PAGE FIVE 1 r f In-1 - .....f) M-8(M,IMt -Personal Notes TELEPHONE NO. 16 n Mrs. T. Murray Thomas celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Their sons and daughters and other friends and relatives called and ' of fered their congratulations and wish es for a much longer married life. Many nice gifts, were also received. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are both in very good health and look as if they might celebrate a goed many more anni versaries of their married life. ADIGRAPHS Ten pages. JOIN the crowd. 1,175 copies this issue. Mr. Macon Moore of Southport ar rived here Monday on a visit to rel atives. Miss Daisy Morris of Morehead City spent a while here Monday vis iting friends. Mrs. W, L. Bell of Dover is here on a visit to Mrs. W. P. Smith. Mr. H. R. Seiwell of Chapel Hill was a guest of the Davis House Sun day. Messrs. R. . Dresser and E. A. Brinkley of Raleigh arrived' uesday and are guests of the Davis House. Mr. W. T. Woodley of New Bern is here on a business trip and is stop ping at the Davis House. . Mr. nda Mrs. Dan Darling motored to Southport and spent the week end visiting Mr.and Mrs. R. M. Gaskins. Mr. G. V. Harrell of Raleigh spent a few days here last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrell. . , Mr. V. D. Gregson accompanied Mrs. Gregson and their little daugh ter home from Sanford Sunday where they have been visiting relatives. Mrs. Seth Gibbs who has been quite ill for several weeks is now thought to be considerably improv . tt a tt, a Barbour Brothers are announcing ton, contractor for the new schooi the agency for a new marme engine, Read the NEWS want ads. This week 7 NEW and 10 RENEWALS. Total subscriptions paid since Jan. 1 two hundred and seventeen. Adding machine paper per roll 15c, 2 for 25c, at the NEWS office. The adigraphs advertise the NEWS and gives personal mention to our advertisers. Dont forget to begin the new story "FIX BAYONETS!" starting in the NEWS March 10th. building, was here yesterday stopping at the Davis House. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrell Jr. and littls daughter Doris, Misses Allie Harrell nd Fiances Anderson of Rocky Mount spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrell. Mrs. S. J. Scott and son Jarvis and Mrs. C. D. Adair returned Monday from West Palm Beach, Florida where they had been for several months visiting Mr. Scott who is liv ing there. .. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Snowden were called to Maple, N. C. on last Fri day on account of the death of Mr. Snowden's mother. Mrs. Snowden returned Monday and Mr. Snowden is still there. Among others stopping at the Iri let Inn recently were Messrs. J. Frank West of Kinston, Max Rivers, of Greensboro, R. C. Carter, Raleigh, Z. S. Boone, Greensboro, C. F. Par rish, rish, Raleigh, E. R. Buck, Wash ington, N. C, R. C. Maddry Raleigh, N. W. Pate and L. I. Rountree, Kinston, W. G. Newby, Kinston, Misses Mabel Evans, Manteo and An nie Woods, Hillsboro. :o : CAKE SALE. see their ad on page 9. W. P. Smith is advertising, in half page on page 10. New coats and dresses for spring, also spring mater ials. New ads this issue are: Chevrolet, Dodge, Nash,. Ford, AA Fertilizer, C. D. Jones Co. Seabreeze Theatre, Coplons, Beaufort Bank & Trust Co. Penders Yellow Front Store. The Ladies Aid Society of Ann Street M. E. church Circle No. 3 will have a cake sale Saturday February 26 at J. H. Potter's Store at 10 o'clock. MRS. FRITZ ENTERTAINS Mrs. R. L. Fritz entertainde a num ber of her friends last Friday even ing at a George Washington party. Many of the guests wore colonial cos tumes and tr.e decorations and re freshments were in keeping with the occasion. COMMUNITY CLUB NOTICE. The Community Club wil hold its regular monthly meeting, Thursday, March 3, at 3:30 p. m. in the room over Mr. Clawson's store. In the future this will be the permanent lo cation for all club activities. All members are urged to attend the meeting. oOo MRS. DEWEY HUTTON ILL., And here's another thought on the matter: If a married couple live happily together it isn't news otherwise newspapers would have to be larger Marcy B. Darnall in the Florence, (Ala) News. The letters below are somewhat scrambled, but nevertheless, when properly arranged it is a person's name. If it is yours, and you will call on us we will give you a FREE ticket to the Seabreeze Theatre for any show that you may choose. You must present us with a copy of the NEWS in exchange. ARBHEWLTAYYE Miss Estelle Caffrey recognized her name last week. THE KITCHEN CABINET 13 1 Uc), 1926. Western Newspaper Union.) Promotion comes to him who sticks Unto his work and never kicks; Who watches neither clock nor sun To tell him when his task Is dona: Who tolls not by a stated chart. Defining; to a Jot his part, But gladly does a little mora Than he's remunerated for. Edgar Quest. JUST A FEW CAKES Often a simple tasty well-made cake with a nice Icing will be more satisfy ing than the more elaborate and rich ones. Cinnamon Sun. Cream one-half cupful of butter, add one cupful of sugar gradually, then the yolks of two eggs, two cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder sifted together with a teaspoonful of cinna mon, added to the egg and sugar mix ture with one-half cupful of milk, beat well, add one-half cupful of raisins and fold In the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Bake In a sheet and when done spread generously with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon well mixed. Luncheon Cake. Put all the In gredients following Into a bowl to gether and beat for three minutes, bake forty minutes In a moderate oven: One-hnlf cupful of soft butter, one and one-third cupfuls of brown sugar, two eggs, one-half cupful of milk,' three teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of cinna mon, the same of grated nutmeg, one half cupful of raisins and one and three-fourths cupfuls of flour. Crumb Cake. Take one and one half cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, and two cupfuls of flour; mix well and when well blended take out one cupful of the mixture and add one cupful of milk, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and one teaspoonful of flavoring extract to the remainder. Put Into the cake pan and sprinkle the top with the cupful of the mixture. Bake as usual. Apple Sauce Cake. Tak. one cup ful of sugar, one-half cupful of short ening, one cupful of apple sauce sift ed, one teaspoonful of soda, one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves, one and three-fourths cupfuls of flour and currants or raisins to taste. Add sugar to the shortening, then the apple sauce and other in gredients. Bake in gem pan3 or loaf. I nthis issue you will find a very! interesting advertisement by B. A. Bell, Jeweler.. The advertisement re-' produced in this issue is a copy of an ad run by Mr. Bell in the Js'ew- j bernian in its issue of Feb. 8, 1879. : 48 years ago. Mr. Bell went to New , Bern from Salisbury, and the ad giv-j es Mr. Bell an endorsement by lead- ing Business men of that place. IS THIS YOUR NAME? The News has been informed that Mrs. Dewey Hutton, formerly a res ident of Beaufort but who has been teaching music in the Aulander pub--lic school is ill with malaria and complications. She has been forced to give up her work there on account of her illness.. :o: SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL PRESENT AN OPERETTA On Friday evening March 4th at eight o'clock the Elementary grades are presenting "The Moon Queen" an operetta under the direction of Misses Griffin and Hollowell. There are seventy five of the most capable children. of the grades taking part in ' the operetta. A full description of the operetta and cast will be in the Beaufort News next week. -:o: GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVER SARY OF MR. AND MRS. T. M. HOMAS . On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Attaining a production of 112,499 commercial vehicles during 1926, an increase of more than 132 per cent over the preceding year, the Chevro let Motor Company is now the world's largest manufacturer of gear shift trucks, according to figures just an-j nounced by company officials. i The increase is a gain of 64,200 over the 1925 production of 48,299; trucks. This enormous increase is attribut- ed in no small degree to the numer- ous refinements and lowered prices of the new trucks. Dealers everywhere; reported an enthusiastic reception by the public of these new models. The 1925 production in its turn had more than doubled the 1924 out put of 23,134 trucks. According to present manufactur ing schedules an even greater month ly production is contemplated for the truck division during the coming months to insure dealers a sufficient supply. to meet the growing demand. Production during aJnuary, 1927, totalling 15,927 trucks, also broke all truck production records for a single month in the history of the company. The previous high mark was in September, 1926, when 12,845 trucks were rnanufactured. :o: A dairy cajf club, a baby beef con test, and a poultry club contest have been started by young farm folk of Buncombe County. Spring is Just Around the Corner! And We are Right up with the time Beautiful New Goods Coming in Daily Beautiful- -Full Fashion Hosi ery, New Shades and. Ankle clinging. POTATO SLIPS FOR SALE I have 35 bushels nice Yellow Bark slips for sale $1.00 per bushel. 100 bushels Porto Rica slips potatoes. See or write W. G. Winberry, E, F. D. 2 Newport, N. C. . . 4 t Pretty- Chic Lovely- -New Gloves and A Varied Assortment all the Latest Style. Very -much so are the New Spring Hats now on display. -Are the new Embroid ery Pieces now being placed on our shelves. Mothers You will find here a Large Assortment of Childrens Socks And a big special as sortment of socks for BOYS you can surely buy just the pair for your boy or girl NEAL'S Millinery & Novelty Shoppe Duncan Bldg. j-f I I Y 1 1 LJJ 1 LOOK FOR THE FRONTS St7etching Dollars You'll Find A New Buying Power at a Pender Store PEACHES, in heavy syrup, Large No. 21-2 Can 19c Dried LIMA BEANS, fancy California, lb 8 l-3c SWEET POTATOES, Large No. 3 Can 12jc Stringless BEANS, Amron or Ten Hills, No. 2 Can 9c IVORY SOAP, Medium Size Cake, 7jc CANNED GOODS Van Camp's Pork and Beans can 8c Colonial Peas, No. 2 can 15c Sauerkraut, Silver Floss No. 2 can 15c Libby's Apple Butter can 27c Libby's Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 V2 can 31c Blue Ridge Succotash, No. 2 can 17c Libby's Choice Pears, No. 2 V2 can 31c Van Camp's Pumkin can 11c Brer Rabbit MOLASSES, can 19c QUALITY MEATS Swift's Premium Hams lb. 34c Boneless Strip Bacon lb. 37c Swift's Premium Balogna lb. 24c Chipped Beef, 14 lb Pkg. 15c Salt Pork, Rib Bellies lb. 24c Salt Pork, Plates, ; lb. 17c Salt Pork, Fat Backs lb. 16c P & G White Naptha Soap 5 for 19c HOOKER'S LYE, Can 10c PARSON'S AMMONIA, Bottle 14c N. B. C. Cakes Premium Soda Chocolate Snaps Vanilla Wafers, 3 PKGS 13 Marshmallow ATLANTICS Centers Ik 22 c FLOUR WONDER OR PALACE Made of Best Grade Wheat 121b. Bag 241b. Bag 481b. Bag 54 $1.05 $2.0') D. P. SALT, 2 lb. Carton 10c Our Giant 21 Pride BREAD Giant Loaf 10c D. P. COFFEE The World's Best Drink 45 cLb LAND o' LAKES BUTTER 61cLb- Sweet Cream D. P.BACON Breakfast Sliced Carton 1 1 lb. Carton 24c 4? 0 TT--. Dodge Brothers . Motor Car Mw in Beauty, Comfort and Performance Still morevependable JJow ready for your inspection and personal test a finer Ecdge Brothers Motor Car than ever before, due to many new and vitally important improvements. So important, in fact, that only a personal inspection will give you an adequate idea of 3;hat further engineering advances and greater production nave accomplished in extra values. Read this partial list of the iatest improvements and then investigate: ; A New Clutch Simple, Prompt, Sure and SiUnt. Softer Pedal Action 2 j Easier Gear Shifting ' New Body Lines as $mart and graceful as any on the boulevard New Color Combinations of Striking Beauty j Still Sturdier Bodies , Seats Re-designed for greater comfort 1 New Silent-Type Muffler ' Improved Universal Joint, Propeller Shaft, Differential and Axle Shaft creating greater sturdihess and resistance to wear And Many Other Smart New Refinements of DetaiL Remember, too, that all these are in addition to mtny impor tant improvements recently announced, including ihe nvt bearing crank shaft and the two-unit starting, lighting and ignition system that inspired owners to new expres sions of enthusiasm and satisfaction. . 9 Look at these big roomy cars and you will realize that it is not possible to invest more wisely in dependable transportation, Standard Sedan 1020. Special Stdan 1120. De Luxe Sedan 1220. Delivered D. M. JONES COMPANY ; Cor. Ann & Turner Beaufort. N. C. We Also Sell Dependable Used Cue Dodge- Brothers MOTORCARS