PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 31, 1927 COUNTY NEWS (Continued from page two) tie daughter Elizabeth of Aurora spent the week end at Gloucester. LENOXVILLE Mr. Andrew Lupton of Lola spent ; a rew days here last week. j Miss Ai;ie Chadwick underwent an operation at Morehead City hospital for appendix 'tis recently and is ini prcving rapidly. j Miss Maymie Lee Dowdy of Bayj Viey spent the week end here visiting Misses Mary and Louise Elliott. Quite a number of girls met at the home of Miss Mary Emma and made pictures Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lewis of Camp Glenn spent the week end here with relatives. Mr. David Davis of Sjuihport, ar rived Wednesday the be at the bed side of his uncle Mr. Nat M. Gaskill, who is seriously ill. Messrs. Oswald Elliott and Willie Piescott of Newport spent Saturday ni?ht at the home of Thomas Earl Elliott. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis : a son, March 24, Baby and mother are doing fine. Messrs James Hardy and Ivy Pitt man of South River were visitors here Sunday. Mr. Denard Davis Jr. of Davis call ed at the home of Capt. Fred Chad wick Sunday evening and was the guest of Miss Ruth Chadwick. Little Miss McCaler and Delmer Royal the small children of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Elliott were on the sick day evening. Miss Beatrice Morton of Morehead City spent Saturday and Sunday here I with relatives. ! Mr. Clarence Whithurst of Beau-1 fort called at the home of Mrs. Mamie j Smith Sunday evening and was the i guest of Miss Nadine Smith. ! Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCain visited at the home of her mother Mrs. Mary J. Garner Sunday. Quite a crowd of boys and girls from here were at Atlantic for a short while Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Willis of Punta Gorda, Fla. formerly of Glou cester, came in Friduy by auto to spend some time with parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Willis. Quite a number of boys and gilrs from this place spent a while Satur day night at Havelock. Mrs. Hardy Pake and Mrs. James i Willis attended church at North I River Sunday afternoon. j Born to Mr. nad Mrs. Wilbur Goodwin a son on March 23. The child has been named Wilbur Jr. Miss Ellen Lupton returned to her school Monday aftsr spending the week end at Lola with her parents. Mr. Wilbur Goodwin returned to his station at Portsmouth Wednesday after spending a short while here. Mr. George Bunting of Jackson ville, N. C. came in Saturday noon by auto and left Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied back by Mrs. Bunting who has been visiting rela tives and friends for some time. Messrs. Stancil Bell and Royal D. Garner were visitors at Morehead City Saturday night. i Miss Glennie Pearl Garner attend i ed the old maids convention play at ; Newport Friday night. list with the whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Lewis and children of Sa Level spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick. Mrs. Herbert Martin and Mrs. John Dixon and children were visitors at the home of Mr. Joe Lewis Sunday. If there ever was a people that needed a hard surface road Harker's Island people do, for they are ruining fine care driving them through the sand in low gear. "Think of that!" j j Mr. Ivy Scott of Haikers Island ! spent the week here visiting the I home of Mr. Teddy Dewey and ren- deied some very pretty music. Come again Mr. Scott. Mr. Harvey Willis returned to his work at Bachelor Monday after spend ing the week end at home with parents. Most all of the shad fishermen re turned home today, and are very sorry to say that they did not have very good luck with the fish. GLOUCESTER Mr. Murry Pigott and sister Josie spent Saturday in New Bern shopping. Dr. E. B. Whitehurst of Beaufort was a caller in this community Thurs day evening last. Master R. J. Chadwick Jr. delight fully entertained his many friends with a party Saturday afternoon to celebrate his 10th birthday at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chadwick. At the conclusion of the party the hostess served delic ious refreshments. Master Chad wick Jr. was the happy recipient of many beautiful gifts. An interesting and enjoyable trio was given to a party of young people I and their guests on Sunday afternoon ! vwien apt. u. W. Uhadwick carried them over to Harker's Island on the "Ferryboat" making its trial trip. We were met at the dock by a large crowd of interested people of that place, both riding and walking, old and young who show that they are anxiously waiting for the ferry to the mainland. NEWS DEPARTMNT. COLORED SCHOOL Mrs. Mattie Respess of Beaufort was the week end guest of Mrs. Ber tie Moore Chadwick. j NEWPORT R. F. D. Uev. E. B. Bell held preaching ser vices at Tabernacle church Sunday . afternoon at 3 o'clock. j Qui: a a number from here were visitois at Newport Saturday shopping. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Glass and lit- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Rhue cf this place were visitors at Newport Sun- GENERAL NEWS Although there has been little ath letic activity among the students this year, because of the condition of the grounds and buliding, the desire for self experssion has not been dormant. And now that the coming of spring has brought more fovorable weath er this desire for self expression is manifesting itself in club organiza tions. All of the classes are organiz- edeither in whole or in part into clubs, having as their objective the improvement of the members, and to assist the school in its financial obligations. Special mention should be made of the organizing of the High School. The Principal made the suggestion, and three girls Thel ma Williams, Annabel Stanley and Lelia Stanley with Thelma Williams as chairman organized the club with the following officers elected by blind ballot: President Goldie Dennis Vice-President Bessie Stanley Secretary . Anr.abel Stanley Treasurer John Davis Contrary to usual club procedure in school they organized and went promptly to work making and sell ing candy. N ASH fXddK 0 or $60 to the own payment on a Four and get a Nash Nash6-cylinder, 7-bearing perform ance costs little, if any, more than 4-cylinder performance. You can buy a Nash Light Six en closed car for as little as $925 f . o. b. factory an amazingly low price for a car like this. For besides the exceptional smooth ness of Nash 6-cyiinder, 7-bearing performance, the Nash Light Six has every worth-while feature of modern motoring: Full force-feed lubrication; Nash mechanical 4-wheel brakes, with front wheel brakes totally enclosed. Double-beam headlights; Automatic windshield cleaner; Rear-view mirror; Gasoline gauge on instrument board. 5 Budd-Michelin steel disc wheels; Alemite chassis lubrication, instead of old-fashioned grease cups. Air cleaner and oil filter to seal the engine; steering gear especially en gineered for balloon tires. And, in closed car bodies, genuine hardwood frames with rounded rear roofs like the costliest custom cars. You can buy this car for about the same price as one of the higher priced fours. At the most, you'll only need to add $50 or $60 to your first payment A. T)v Front St. PAUL'S GARAGE Beaufort, N. C. (558!) The"" "Just Us'" "Club formed by the sixth grade, and the second and third grades, have constructive pro grams for organization and devel opment. When we consider the needed practice and experience which can be obtained from this kind of extra curricular activity its impor tance is obvious. PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION Last Monday evening the school auditorium was comfortably filled with fully one hundred patrons and I friends who had come out to the i monthly meeting of the Association. Interest in the school has been in creasing rapidly with each succeed ing month, and now that work has actually commenced on the ne-uild ing the increase seems to be with ; geometric ratio. I After a short program had been rendered, the President introduced two visitors Mr. U. E. Swann, chair man of Board of Trustees, and Mr. R. L. Fritz, Jr., City Superintendent of Schools. In a business-like and concise manner, Mr. Swann review ed the difficulties which the school board faced at the opening of school, outlined the plans for the erection of the two schools this year, and then told the audience of the definite finan cial contribution which the communi ty would have to make. So great v as the interest of the audience, and so magnetic the speaker that despite the fact than an appeal was being made for money, the audience listen ed with rapt attention for fully thir ty minutes, and then unanimously (Continued cn page Ten) qSJhem! IRON CLAD silk. Touch k. Feel it. The exquisite beauty of Iron Clad silk hosiery, and tha loveliness of the latest shades are Irresistible. Graceful feminine curves revealed in dainty silken Iron Clads display a strangely elusive charm that only Iron Clad silk can give. Ask for them at our store. They v:ear. They wash again and again. And they stay new a lone, long time. Re member. Iron Clads! DAVIS BROS. Front St. . Beaufort Save one-third Put one dollar in every three back in your pocket when you use Stag semi-paste Paint. It saves one-third the cost. Just mix a gallon of "Stag" with a gallon of linseed oil and you have two gallons of fin est quality paint obtain able ready to use. Won't crack, r.or peel. Bright, permanent colors. This fresh-mixed paint spreads easier, goes further. Better jobs for less money. There's a "Stag" dealer near you. See him or write us for literature and name of dealer. Ask for color cards or booklet showing houses in colors. semi IBP Wnnctn Tit gallon makes Made by HIRSHBERG PAINT CO., Baltimore, MA i NOE BROTHERS HWDE. CO. Front St. Beautort Watch the signals! t . and you'll see that smokers are headed straight for Natural Tobacco Taster ' f mL tobacco taste that's what you start out to buy in any cigarette, and that's what you tf in Chesterfield. The pure, natural tobacco taste of the choicest tobaccos known to tobacco men. Chesterfield. Liggett & Mters Tobacco Co.