THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 31, 1927 PAGE SEVEN MM"',M"'MM''lw '""'"asaaBaaaaaaaaai - - 1 I The Vagrant J turn's ITie Into a constant auvgnrTre. That is the woman of whom a man will never tire, and who will adapt herself to his mood, even when he wants to kiss her while the bacon fat is still congealing on the dish." From "Sugar and Spice," by Lady Kitty Vincent Ml mm TREATMENT FOR SHEEP FOOT ROT Vrrr mnv YPArS SbeeD rtttseri bare dreaded troublesome affections la Ibelr flocks "known as foot rot. The te?m as commonly used includes two foot allmenta, These are true or con tagious foot rot, and a so-called foot rfc or foot orecess. True foot rot la a highly contagious bacterial dls ie resulUng from Infection of tne fret with bacillus necrophoras. This disease Is characterized by In flammation trf the foot and by fever, fdlowed by ulceration, softening of Shoot the tonnajtoa of a fetid, pur nt, sticky discharge of character! tk odor, lameness and sometimes loss cY hoof. The organism may even at tafck the bones of the abe&p. Travel Ins becomes aimoet Impossible when rtf tup feat ace Infected JlB death pmy reait t)ot sorenesM, which is teas serious. maUy the resull of mechanical in which breads Che akrn and thus rta filth anil sofl-borne Infectious Anim entrance. Inflammation, Tit ration, ana lonnanrao 01 yua umj on If the lnfecnpn U Oisregaraea, ; It Is not contagious, like true foot i;The treatment for eKher foot rot or pt soreness cceefcta of removing tne ected sheep, paring away all dead ny growth ftwn the noor, remov nil foremen material, and bathing fnnt in an antlseDttC solution. tPnwrtprpd crvetais of copper sul phate, commonly called blue vitriol or tJtue stone, may be dusted between the titfcs, or on the uUic. Healing usually ftJUows In a few days. Instead of powdered blue stone, aome sheep raisers prefer a paste of fnal parts of powdered blue vitriol, wers of sulftour, and burnt alum xed with enpngfi lard, vaseline, or be tar to make a paste. This la applied directly U tHa ulcer. Mass treattnontoX tne flock rs often desirable. Fur tbl u a water-tight tftbugh 8 or 10 laches wide, 4 to 6 laches deep and about 8 feet long, Saced between panels so the sheep Jn be forced to walk through a satu; Ated solution of copper sulphate Jfbout 2 Inches deep m the trough. O. i. Bell, In charge of sheep work at the. Ohio exnerlment station. Find Alsike Poisoning in White-Skinned Horse Alsike poisoning occurs with more or less regularity in white-skinned horses. This Is due to the fact that there is no pigment or color in the skin. It is caused by some sub stances In the alsike clover plant If horses are kept out of the clover when it Is wet either with dew or rain they do not get this condition. Any good lotion or ointment can be used. The following Is as good as anything that you might use: Zinc oxide ointment, belladonna ointment or carbolized vaseline. These should be appuea night and morning and rubbed in fair ly well and gently. They can be se cured from any druggist Good Mineral Mixtures Recommended for Pigs Various homemade mineral mix tures are recommended for pigs. The Purdue experiment station has had good success with the following: Ten pounds acid phosphate, ten pounds wood ashes and one pound of salt The Ohio experiment station recom mends the following as very satisfac tory: Two pounds of ground lime stone, two pounds bone meal and one pound of salt. The Iowa station rec ommends : Twenty pernios sau, iony pounds bone meal, forty pounds ground limestone, and one-third ounce of potassium iodide. Either of these mixtures will give good results under ordinary conditions. Watch Foot of Sheep Watch the hoofs of all of the sheep to see that they are kept pared away. On stony, rocky soil the feet do not need as much attention ns on soft or loamy soils. Keep the sheep dry underfoot at all times and never allow the wool to be come water-soaked, especlully during a season when the weather is likely to be cold and cloudy. This is especial ly Important during the winter season but deserves attention even during the summer. Big Job for Woman to Handle Grown Man "Man has always wanted a listener since the beginning of things, and when he comes home he wants it stllL . . . Listen for all you are worth; it Is your Job. I can tell you, to handle a full-grown man properly Is a full-grown woman's Job, and don't you forget It." "Anyone can be charming when the evening falls and the stars twinkle In the sky, but give me the man who can be charming at breakfast without be ing offensive." v "It Is the things of the spirit more than those of the flesh by which love Is preserved. A woman may not trouble to powder her nose, nor mani cure her nails, and yet she may have that fithtl flair for lovliS well whih Fort's Discovery Adds to Britain's History New pages can be added to British history books as the result of archeo logical discoveries In the Island of Bute, which lies In the Firth of Clyde, on the west coast of Scotland, accord ing to experts who have been exam ining the finds. The period covered by the relics, which were found In the vitrified Dun- agoll fort, In the south of the Island, Is from about 200 B. C to 100 B. C says a special dispatch from London to the Philadelphia Record, and hith erto little has been known of the origin and habits of the Islanders In those fur-off days. The finds, however, throw a flood of light on the life of this early race, for they Indicate what food the islanders ate; how and what tliey wore; how their women were bedecked, and the nature of their houses and industries. Prof. Ludovlc McL. Mann, Scottish archeologist, says the relics have filled a enn in what was hitherto an "almost entire blank" In the student's knowledge. Ancient Archives Saved European merchants economize by wrapping their merchandise in old newspapers or any other paper which can be easily obtained. In the little Rumanian town of Nagyvarad (for merly Hungarian) this custom led to the discovery of some old documents of historical importance. Students bought fruit from a street vender and examination of the cornucopias showed that the .Dftner. came from .old Hun- garfar' ' documents. One tliA'ument , contained an official account of the battle of Magenta (fought in Italy in j 18o9). Another was an original de-1 cree of Franz Joseph, dated 1780, per- j mitting the Protestants of agyvaraa to sing their religious songs when con ducting burial services. According to reports, the documents in which the fruit was sold came from the local archives, the Rumanian authorities having sold them for old paper. With a collection of 2,500,000 specimens representing 113,000 spe cies, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington pualifies as the world's largest bughouse. OWN A TYPEWRITER 2 Brings You a Shipraan-Ward Rebuilt Underwood Every placed. LIFE, FOR INSURANCE FIRE & WINDSTORM SEE Ella D. Davis Agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Telephone 121 W Notary Pub. Mi iss n atif f f IKf M w New enatnol, new nickel, new platen, new type TEN DATS TRIAL. Yoa get tea days free trial to prove that the machine k exactly the genuine standard Lnderwood we claim it to be. BAST FATMBNTS. Our easv monthly payment plao makes it possible for yoa to nave this splendid machine immediately. Pay menu same a rental. ACT NOW I r Full hd.llC.UPilW,ll. THE BEAUFORT NEWS AT FOUR EACH DAY HOT ROLLS ON THE WAY I mirwSf-rr-. - .- Alfalfa or Clover Hay Is Excellent for Sows Alfalfa or clover bay with Z to .4 pooad. of tankage w$ .8 to 12 pounds of core proved an excellent combina tion for brood sow In winter feeding teste, ai the OMo experiment station, The leguminous hay, replacing part of thfl grain, supplies needed bulk to the rhtlw and has a desirable laxa tive effect It Is also beneficial be cause of the protein, mineral, and vitamins content. Bright green, leafy aHalla proved' best By feeding the uncut hay In slatted nacks, covered to exclude rain and snow, the sows wUl be Induced to take the exetclse which Is essential to the production of thrifty pigs. Phone 6 'Uc! I I Read News Want Ads C. A. CLAWSON Grocer Phone No. 6 Baker Will yoia give a Penny Sor its Lifie? IT costs one cent more per chick to feed Purina Poultry Chows for the first six weeks than to feed uncertain unbalanced mixtures. Of the chicks fed average mixtures 50 die. Punna saves 90. It costs a lot more to let chicks die than to save them. The best feed you can K,r i rw far the cheapest. You can save a centor a life. Which will it be? Phone us your answer. Just say I want runna v-wn-i j. Startena." C HANCOCK-HUNTLEY COMPANY CmUJMIM. fclTTTMllS J an AnocMuvwou. rj I M MA5M run BU n 5TARTIS.", P1RY CHICKS LK CHICK D.W. Morton Notary Public. Insurance With M. Leslie Davit BEAUFORT, N. C. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES via NORFOL KSOUTHERN RAILROAD and CONNECTIONS to Havana, Cuba and Points in Florida. Effective March 12, 19, 26, and April 2, 9, 14. Consult Ticket Agents for Further Details. 6 t 4-14 J. F. DALTON, I General Passenger Agent E Go wherever you will, where fish nets are used, you will find GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING and A. N. & T. COY LINEN NETTING the CHOICE of SUCCESSFUL FISHER MEN. SAMPLES and prices mailed on request. THE LINEN THREAD CO. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co's Products 96 Franklin Street 55 Fulton Street NEW YORK CITY BRANCHES BALTIMORE GLOUCESTER Calvert & Lombard St. 105 Maplewood Ave. BOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 575 Atlantic Ave. 154 West Austin Ave- 433 Mission St "BUY THE BEST IT PAYS" Cotton and Linen Nets, Twines and Fittings for all the Fisheries. t GOLD MEDAL COTTON ? NETTING 1 A. N. & T. CO'S LINEN f GILL NETTING BURNHAM'S COD LINES Purse Seins, Traps and all other Appliances fitted Complete iaaBMlMaaaaaBBaaM THE FITHERHEADiT .J t,aJZT . rSELPWTo' APPLYING-1 PMYSCAL OK&Y FOB Mfr " yoyRjep f T 66TT ANV S fp ff y HELTM 1SCJ - ,UljRMOlJa INSURANCE-P FCieCVE INSURANCE. 17 AU CMEQTUS INSURANCE -YboQ IO V LPLJ A IowmL M6S Nll(, I vtsm ""- - fa wnuws - w vm jsAructT and a tso i ' -as vs,-..u. M. su nt-y 7.irrTC PatiS f THTll?D N SuSiNESS MAN rr?EC susness -ANO SHE- THANKEO HIM Come Lilliiirv "Borrow t V