PAGE TWO THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 23, 1927 Arrives Mr. and Mrs. Ira Culpepper and children of this place spent Satur day at Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Fodrie of Har lowe spent Sunday here with Mrs. Fodiie's sister Mrs. Joe Small Jr. Mrs. Nannie Small and daughter Mar RhIIp and Mrs. Haskett attend ed the League at Harlowe Sunday night. The dogs around here are having those running spells, or rather some of them are. Quite a number of our people of this place spent a while Sunday ai Oyster Creek. Reverend Ringold of Bridgeton will preach at the F. W. B. church Saturday nightand Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. '. Skinner and Min of Russell's Creek spent a while ! here Sunday. MERRIMON Miss LilHe Mclntyre of Rocky Mount, Mr. William Mclntyre of New York City, and Mr. George Har leman of Georgia were the week-end euests of Rev. J. M. Carraways fam ily last week. parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Can-away. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ball, Mrs. Ab ner Mason, Miss Estelle Mason, and Mr. Luther Mason spent last Friday in Harlowe. Mrs. Ahner Ma3on of Brandywine, Maryland, and daughter. Miss Estelle, of Washington City returned to Beau fort Sunday after having spent the week with Mrs. Mason's mother-in-law, Mrs. R. B. Ball Mr. and Mrs. George Ball of Har lowe spent the week-end with Mr. Ball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Becton and Mrs. James Elliott spent Sunday with Mrs. D. M. Salter. Miss Annie Mclntyre returned from Graham last week where she ha3 been in school during the winter. Rev. H. L. Davis filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Mr. E. F. Carraway spent last week in Beaufort attending court. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Nelson, Mrs. Sam Mills and two children, Lucille) and Nelson, and Mr.. North Nelson of Briilgeton were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. Mary Ellen Hardy and Mrs. George Hardy of South River spent some time with Mrs. D. M. Salter Saturday, ." " " , Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Hardesty of: ! Oyster Creek spent Sunday here i with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. i Miss Blanche Moore is away on a trip to Ahoskie and Norfolk. t. Jones. bounty Correspondence Items for this column should reach the News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write us for instructions and supplies. r' LOLA. There were tnree C hevro.ets land-1 ,,. , ... , , , . i f i t ii Co ins of Mavsvi le were here sever ed here last Friday an Imperial Lan- r v . . .i Ju: hwf ui-Pflf stonninff with C l. J., is visiting relatives here. Messrs. Warren Gilgo and Max dau, Sedan and Coupe Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Daniels spent Sunday at Roe visiting relatives. A number of neonle from Roe at tended F. W. B. League here Satur-1 flay night. I ;il days last week stopping with C. R. Pake. A number of our folks attended preaching services at Otway Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Earl Day was a visitor at Roe j "Sunday afternoon. H. L. Gillikin and C. R. Pake are serving; as jurors in Beaufort this i Miss Geneva Gillikin of Otway is, here visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. i Rittie Day. I Mrs. If. C. Cherry visited friends Otway Sund-iy. NORTH RIVER Mr. Hugh Lupton bought a Chevro let last Monday. Mr. A. -I. Longest atended church at Russell Creek Sunday. Mr. Harvey Daniels of Lenoxvillo i . . , ,,. i . ... , , Mrs. Mack Runnings spent aunaay v.-.w ...,.,..(, . .,.v. . with her mother at Otway. .ur. anu .urs. Burton uanieis oi , , , . , r, T -,i tit i u -t- ' Clarence Beach jm and sister l-.d- Lenoxville spent last week here visit- .tl . . , . . in relatives I na PrK'nt Sunday vv:th frienda a" 0t' ' way. Mrs. Annie Guthrie and daughter Margaret spent the week end with his mother Mrs. Cassie Buck. Mr. Staneil Buck and family spent the week end with Mr. W. R. Bar bour. Mr. Waiter Buck and family and Mrs. Cassie Buck spent Sunday at New Bern. Mr. Franklin Pittman of New Bern was here Saturday and Sunday the guest of Miss Maymie Dowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sterling of Havelock were the guests of Rev. J. M. Carraway's family Sunday. Mr. John Watson of Wildwood was here Sunday the guest of Miss Ben nie Winberry. The revival will begiin at the M. B. church Monday night and will be conducted by Reverend W. ti. Guth rie of Stacy and Harris of Kinston. BOGUE. (By W. E. Baggs) Mary Esther the fourteen months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stan di had the misfortune of burning its feet very badly last week. Mrs. B. M. Rogers and family are spending some time with Mrs. Roger s The motorists had bad luck last week, Otis Wallace, colored, ran his car into the ditch Sunday before last, Rumley Hardy aLw ditched his one night last week, and Elijah Dixon ditched his down near Beaufort Sat urday. Luckily no one was serious ly hurt only Dixon got some cuts about the face. (Continued on page three) f- i at... t r Cfnn;i urAKo r. Roland Barbour and Mr. Wal- ,, , . . , , . . , . . . i-n'lpd to Goldshoro last week, on ac- ter Kuck mane i business tnn to . ,. n, .. .,. en nr rtr ma i nnaa nr vir mnr s. mother. Beaufort Tuesday. NEWPORT Mrs. Dollie Mason has been very ill for the past few days. The Primitive Baptist quarterly neeting was held at Newport Satur day and Sunday. M?.ny visitors and members were present. The minis ters were: Reverends Goganus, W. Roberts, Isaac Jones and T. C. Gould. Mrs. Mclntyre and family of Greensboro arived alst week to spend a while- at their summer cottage. Miss Emma Taylor who is in train ing in a hospital in Morehead City is spending her vacation with her mother Mrs. Ecu Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Taylor and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Tay lor's brother Mr. Charlie Pringle near Newport. When You Come to New Bern VISIT THE LITTLE STUDIO Where you will get your money's worth Life-like Photographs, Nothing lacking but the voice " Over The National Bank Louise Brooks, Prop. Phone 1025 Pollock St. New Bern, N. C. Ucil k Udi Udi Uc4 Uc4 Uii UL Uil Plans have luen made by the Ep-1 'vorth Leaguers to have a "Stunt Night" at a nearly date. Mrs. Clarence D. vv'ooten of Kins ton was visiting friends here Satur day and Sunday. Miiss R.iby Taylor and Miss Kath leen Holla.. d of New Bern spent the week end at the home of Mr. B. S. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hill and Mr. C. C. Hill made a busines trip to Morehead City Tuesday. , E. D MARTIN & CO RECEIVING NEW GOODS DAILY Mrs. W. D. Hunnings and Mrs. N. i II. Hunnina-s of New Bern were in i tov. n Thursday. Litt e Miss Bessie 1'aKe ot uenox-, , ,, . . c ,, . r ... , , . , ... , Mr. and Mrs. John Small of Core ville was here last week visiting her , . -t, . grand-parents. Crevk spent Sunday here with hei brother Walter Arthur. Messrs. ttugn iupton ana nervie; Arthur of Upper North Daniels and Mises Annie Harris anu . , .... , ' tu,. r ii. n i cd u - o ' Rver is here visiting her son Walter Ruth Goodwin of Roe were here Sun-; , . v day night and were the guests of Mr. j vh0 13 vt'ry su: pnd Mrs. W. M. Goodwin for a short Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and children o New Bern visited Miss Sadie Weeks last Sunday. Miss Dorothy Heath of Kinston spent the week end with Mr., and' Mrs. Newton McCain. BAY VIEW. while OTWAY Miss Lillian Piver of Neuse-Forest spent the week end at home. Mrs. Joe Sadler of Loland spent j m;ss Georgia Wade who is attend the week end here with friends and j achool at Oriental spent the week 1 Master Raymond Currie is very I ill at present with double pneumonia. Mr. E. W. Piver has bought a new; He ha3 been suffering from spinal car. j trouble for a long time and now has i the pneumonia. relatives. ! end at home. Elder W. W. Styron of Lola filled Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mcintosh and his regular appointment here Satur- family spent Sunday with their daugh day and Sunday. i ter Mrs. Denard Guthrie of Marshall- ! berg. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lewis and children of Richmond, are here spend- , Mr. Forest Hawkins of Thelma ing some time with his parents Mr. 1 fepent the week end here the guest end Mrs. 0. W. Lewis. ! 0f Miss Georgia Wade. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Streets and children of Ha-dowe spent Sunday ' here visiting relatives. E. D. Martin & Co., new store of Beaufort are daily re cei'ving' new goods, Monday they unpacked eight cases of dry goods and placed them upon their shelves. These goods are brand new and are just from the northern markets. They consist of flat crepes, georgette crepe, Indian head", voiles, percales, dimities, silk stripe madns-, beautif ul' linen?, flaxons, sheetings, boys and girls knickers, and boys wash suits. If you have not visited this new store, you are cordial ly invited to drop into to see them, Mrs. Martin, (formerly, Miss Julia Rumley) and Mr. Martin too, have had years of experience in the dry goods business, and assures every Durchase you make will be sat isfactory to you, or adjustment cheerfully made. Advertisement HE DOESN'T USE PFLUEGER'S! PFLUEGER'S TACKLES WILL GET 'EM Every Assortment in Stock The Best Fishing Hooks and Tackles at PRICES THAT SHOW ECONOMY H. C. Jones ,! v Company 1839 PHONE 127 J Mrs. Wheeler Lawrence made a business trip to eBaufort Tuesday, i BROAD CREEK (By Miss Madeline Adams) Mr. Charlie Hill of Miami, Fla., is : here on a visit to his sister in law, j Mrs. Watson Lawrence. Mrs. W. C. Dowty was in Beaufort Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Piner of Fairfield spent the week end with friends and relatives. Mr. Randolph and family attended the picnic at Gales Creek Thursday, thew reported a fine time. Mr. Moody Chapplin has been run ning a revival at the M. E. church for the past week. We are having some pleasant weath er now, which every body is glad to see. Mr. B. Goodwin of Lola spent sev eral nights with Mr. B. B. Lawrence while attending services here. BETTIE Rev. L. H. Wetherington preached here Sunday at 3 P. M. Mr. J. C. Salter and family arriv ed from Florida Monday night also Mr. R. T. Salter and family. There was a picnic given at th M. E. church Sunday. There was a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Barefoot of New Bern has recently moved here. Miss Lela Adams spent Saturday at Morehead City shopping. Mrs. Hugh Pake who is attending Neuse Forest Summer School spent the week end at home. Miss Oliver was a yisitor here Mnday on business. Cotton and Linen Nets, Twines and Fittings for all the Fisheries. GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING A. N. & T. CO'S LINEN GILL NETTING BURNHAM'S COD LINES ' Mrs. Oscar Salter of Cape May, N. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Salter, Mrs. W. L. Rowe and children also Mr. I Leo Dixon arrived from Florida Mon- j day night. ' Go wherever you will, where fish nets are used, you will find GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING and A. N. & T. COY LINEN NETTING the CHOICE of SUCCESSFUL FISHER MEN. SAMPLES and prices mailed 01 request. THE LINEN THREAD CO. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co's Products 96 Franklin Street 55 Fulton Street NEW YORK CITY , j BRANCHES . fl " ,;. BALTIMORE GLOUCESTER Calvert & Lombard St. 105 Maplewood Ave. BOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 575 Atlantic Ave. 154 West Austin Ave- 433 Mission St "BUY THE BEST IT PAYS" I Purse Seins, Traps and all other I Appliances fitted Complete. 1