THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 PAGE FIVE Personal Notes- Telephone 16 COUNTY NEWS OCEAN Mr. and Mrs. John Russell and Mrs. H. T. Rhue attended the family reunion at Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Rhue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Weatherington at Jacksonville last Saturday. Mrs. H. B. Mayo of New Bern and Miss Dorothy Lewis of Kinston are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lewis. Miss Mattie Weeks is visiting Miss Gladys Bell in Newport. Miss Mary E. Weeks who is attend ing Seashore Summer school in Or iental spent the week end at home. Mrs. L. T. Newton and daughter of Norfolk are spending two weeks -with Mrs. D. W. Whitehurstand Mrs. "W. D. Arthur. Mrs. J. F. Styron and children of Norfolk are spending the summer with Mrs. Styron's sisters Mrs. D. W. Whitehurst and Mrs. W. D. Ar thur. Mr. -and Mrs. Charles White and baby spent the week end with their parents Reverend and Mrs. G. W. Lay Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Patterson, daughter Lucy of Nashville, Mr.and Mrs. E. A. Cline of High Point and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cook, and son Henry of High Point are the guests of Mrs. Hugh Overstreet. Miss Sue Beckwith of Sanford and Mr. Dan Fowle of Washington are house guests of Mrs. Bayard Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Paul and children of Petersburg, Fla., are spending two months with their par ents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paul. Mrs. Charles Latta, Miss Mary Lat ta, Mrs. W. N. H. Smith, and Miss Hal Morson all of Raleigh are guests at the Manson House. Mrs. Robert Tillett left last Fri day'for Baltimore for medical treat ment. Mr. J. F. Rogers of New York City is spending his vacation here on a visit to Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon spent the week end with Mr. Richard Fel ton. Mrs. Gordon was before her marriage Miss Alethia Felton. Mrs. Buell Cooke and little daugh ter Virginia left Sunday for a two weeks visit with Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Modlin at Aulander. Mrs. W. H. Bailey and two children left last week for Sunbury and Wil liamsport, Pennsylvania where she will visit relatives for several weeks. Social Events J MRS. CLAUDE FELTON GIVES BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Claude Felton entertained four tables of bridge at her home Monday evening. Topscore prize an attractive bridge score pad was won by Mrs. John Gordon, consolation prize, an all-day sucker, attractively boxed with appropriate verse for a booby prize went to Mrs. A. W. Dan iels. Fruit salad topped with ice cream was served. Those playing were Mr.and Mrs. John Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gutsell, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Jernigan, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Meb ane, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thomas Mrs. C. P. Dey, Mrs. B. C. Brown, Mrs. A. W. Daniels, and Mr. Harlowe Chapin. BRIDGE PARTY COMPLIMENTA'Y TO VISITING GUESTS Mrs. Hugh Overstreet entertained a few friends at bridge Saturday night in honor of her house guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cline and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cook. Top score prize was won by Mrs. E. F. Patterson. Those play ing were Mesdames Rupert Jernigan, J. S. Gutsell, Joseph House, G. W. Lay, B. C. Brown, E. F. Patterson, E. A. Cline, Hugh Overstreet, H. L. Cook, W. G. Mebane, Miss Lucy Pat terson. Messrs. E. F. Patterson, E. A. Cline, H. L. Cook, Henry Cook and Hugh Overstreet. A delightful sal ad course, tomatoes stuffed with chicken salad, pickle, candied ginger, sandwiches and iced tea were served. Mrs. F. B. Brunyate and son are visiting Mrs. Brunyate's mother Mrs. C. A. Moore. Mr. J. W. Basden spent a while in New Bern Saturday evening. Mrs. L. M. Jones of Raleigh spent Wednesday with her sisters Mrs. Jo seph House and Miss Virginia Hen dricks. Miss Hendricks went back to Raleigh with Mrs. Jones. Mr. D. W. Morton left this after noon for Raleigh where he will fetvnd the State Equalization Board meo;ina: Mr. Isiah Wade, a well known cit izen of Davis was in the city Saturday and paid the News a visit. Mr. 0. W. Chadwick of Gloucester was in town Monday on a business trip. Mr. Ralph Noe who was a Junior at the university of N. C. last ses sion returned home Saturday for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mordecai of Raleigh, Miss Margaret Mordecai 0f Durham are here stopping at the Dav is House. Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Jones of Raleigh are here guests of the Davis House. Messrs. J. S. Dortch Jr., and M. C. Dortch of Southhill, Va., spent the fourth here stopping at the Davis House. i Mr. W. D. Stewart and son W. D. Jr., of Raleigh were guests of the Davis House on the fourth. Mr. and Mrs. John Chadwick and children of Rocky Mount are here on a visit to their mother, Mrs. Lizzie Chadwick. Mr. Lewis Davis of Hopewell, Va., is visiting relatives in Beaufort. Mr. Davis was formerly of Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. C. Davis of New Bern spent the week end here with relatives. Mrs. Alex Truitt is visiting friends in New Bern. Mrs. W. L. Arrington returned to Beaufort Tuesday, having spent sev eral weeks in the hospital weeks in hospital undergoing treatment. Messrs. James Clawson, Harry Da vis and Richard Duncan spent the week end in eBaufort visiting rela tives, returning to Raleigh .Tuesday. Misses Margaret Jones. Lena Dun can and Gladys Chadwick are taking special work at Columbia University. Misses Duncan and Chadwick left for New York Tuesday, going by Norfolk visiting Miss Duncan's sisters, Mrs. W. T. Kennedy and W. T. Sellers. Messrs. A. W. Wells and W. Rous? of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Washington, D. C, are here stopping at the Davis House. Mr. W. E. Mewborn of Kinston is here the guest of the Davis House. Mr. Charles Thomas, Jr. of Hen derson is spending a few days here visiting his relatives. Mr. Leslie Rice of Rocky Mount spent the week end here with rela tives and friends. Mr. Elliott Ewell of Raleigh spent the week end here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr, Miss Ri ta Williams and Branch Car of Wil son, A. C. McDaughton of Wayne, ?enn, are spending the week here stopping at the Davis House. Mr. Linwood Guthrie arrived here yesterday from Southport where he has been for some time on a visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guthrie. , . Mrs. J. W. Harrell, Miss Allie Har rell and Mr. Louie Williamson of Rocky Mount spent Sunday and Mon day here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrell. Mrs. J. B. Hellen and children of Vanceboro are here on a visit to Mrs. Hellen's sister Mrs. Chas. Manson. I Mr k R Parkpr parripri a nice ,i ...... .... j . lot of cantaloupes to market last weeK tne nrst to De carried irom mis place. A SURPRISE WEDDING. Morehead City, July 5th A mar riage that came as a surprise to the family as well as relatives and friends was that of Miss Lucille Nelson and Mr. Elvin Lewis both of Morehead City. The ceremony was performed. in New Bern Sunday morning by a Mag istrate. Only a few friends witness ed the occasion. Mrs. Lewis is the young and attrac tive daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Ver nnn Nolsnn and has the acquaintance of a large circle of friends. She was a member of the graduating class oi 1927 Morehead City High bchooi. Mr. Lewis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lewis formerly of Marshallberg and is well kndwn id this county having been employed for some time by Mrs. A. Hoffman prior to this he was employed by the Stan dard Oil Company in New York City. The couple left by motor and will visit MrsLewis' sister in Norfolk, Va., before they return to Plymouth, N. C, where Mr. Lewis is employed. Mrs. S. A. Brinson made a business trip to Bayboro one day last week. Mr. Guy Sanders and family of Wilmington spent several days here last week visiting relatives and friends. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weeks former ly this place but now of Leland, S. C was visitors here Sunday. Mr. A. M. Weeks made a business trip to Swansboro Saturday after noon. Mrs. Kate Weeks and daughter Sad die, formerly of this place but now of Newport, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. R. "Parker. Mr. Benny Kellum and family of Pocky Mount are, here visiting Mr Killum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W N. Kellum. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION DEPT. Edited by Edith Powell County Home Agent And Hugh Overstreet County Farm Agent NO APPROPRIATION MADE v FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT HAVE COOD FALL AND WINTER CROPS WILLISTON Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Willis motored to Eeaufort Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore left Thursday morning for Staten Island where they will make their home for the present. Mr. Moore has a posi tion with an oil company there. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carrow are deeply grateful to their many friends for their expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. Insects pests appear to be more numerous in North arolina this seas on. One farmer states that the con stant showers keep the poison washed off the plants. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tosto of New Bern spent Saturday and Sundey with Mrs. Tosto's parents Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wade. Messrs. Ivey and Manly Willis, who are employed on the freight boat Chelsia spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Willis spent Tues day evening at Straits visiting Mr. Willis' sister Mrs. L. B. Chadwick. July is the crtical time for the all year garden. Under the heat of the summer sun, and with unfavorable weather conditions much of the en thusiasm of March disappears, and many gardens are neglected. Keep up tillage; soil moisture will be none too plentiful this summer and fall when the fall and winter are get ting started. The following vegetables may be planted during this month; snap beans,-bush lima beans, beets, car rots, sweet corn, kale, cucumbers, tur nips, lettuce and pumpkins. Cab bage and tomatoes should be planted in seed beds at once, so as to have plants to set in the open about the middle of August. Charleston wake field and flat dutch cabbage and Stone tomato are good varieties to plant. Insects on young garden plants should be destroyed as soon as they app?ar. Poison the eating and chew ing insects with Arsenate of lead and the sucking kind by using Nicotine of Sulphate. Do not wait too late to kill the insects, as they cause most of our failures with our fall garden. Few people realize the advantage that our long summer and sunny aut ums give us for the production of a constant succession of vegetable crops and even the fewer realize that in this climate the garden need at no time of the year be abandoned to weeds. From January to January there is no need for there being any vacant space in the garden unoccu pied by crops. Even if vegetables are not grown the land should be growing a green manure crop. If the garden is carefully planned, there can be secured from the plot a suc cession of fresh vegetables from the time the earliest peas are planted un til the time it will be necessary to prepare the land for them the follow ing winter. HUGH OVERSTREET, . County Agent. The dairyman who sends poor cream to his creamery helps to des troy the reputation for North Caro lina butter. Farmers of Vance County will make a tour through western North Carolina, across into South Carolina and return back through the Sandhills during a trip beginning the week of July 11. (Continued from page one) tion will cost $719. The estimate for the County Home is $5,660. Road and bridge maintenance is put at $20,000. The biggest expense of all though is the interest on debts which amounts to the sizable sum of $147, 342.50. Persons who are interested in the "Budget Estimate" wil find it on page five of this newspaper. Growers of beef cattle have an era of prosperity just ahead of them stu dents of agricultural economics. There is a shortage of good beef ani mals at present. Poultry and hog growers in David son County are saving between $1U and $15 a ton by using home grown grains and mixing their feeds at home I as compared witn tne commercial feedstuffs. Tom Tarheel says it seems like all his family have been healthier since he started to produce all his food on the home place. Mr. A. T. Willis had his store turn ed around last week fronting the pub lic highway and is planning to have his dwelling house moved this week from its present site, near his store Mr. Denard Davis is doing the work. t Hr R I. Han.Vl. f SPECIALIST 5 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offices in Elks Temple j Rooms 401 to 405 Tel. 170 Office Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3 to 4 p. m. NEW BERN, N. C. 1 t Special Feature - Week! At The SEABREEZE THEATRE MONDAY Norma Talmage in Graustark WEDNESDAY Rosita with Mary Pickford We are all wishing for a nice rain soon which is very much needed at present. Biddy Ann, a white leghorn hen, in Iowa, being deprived of her setting of eggs flew to the top of a tree and took posession of a crow's nest and eggs. She comes to earth twice a day for food and water. iliillllilisilll FRIDAY Ben Burbridges The Gorilla Hunt r To a Girl Who Has a Sweetheart!, Give man a good reliable watch and he'll cherish it for years. And when it comes from the ONLY GIRL as a birthday gift draw yout own conclusions. P. S. The nunc Bulova on th dial is an endorsement of your good owe. 14 Kt. white or green gold filled case, hand somely engraved; 15 Jewel radium dial. . . $37 50 Other shapes and styla $25 tO $125 Wm. H. BAILEY Beaufort, N. C. Messrs. Irdell and Carlyle Willis who are employed on the freight boat O. H. Vessels spent Tuesday night here with their families. J I , i- I I n Mr. and Mrs. Edward Piner and son 1 of Davis are spending a few days , here with Mr. Piner's parents Mr. j and Mrs. C. C. Piner. After an -Interval of nearly a quar :r of a century, Rev. R. A. Torrey, O. D., evangelist and Bible teacher of world renown, has resumed con nection with the teaching staff of the Moody Bible institute in Chicago, where he will be a special lecturer on Bible doctrine and evangelism. Doc tor Torrey'e Identification with the Moody institute dates practically from Its beginning. Motor Car Bargains I am going out of the Automobile Business and have some exceptionally good bargains in used Motor Cars. All of these cars are well known makes and in good running order. If you want a car and haven't much money to put in one, now is your chance. They will not be here long at the prices I am making on them. Drop in and look them over whether you buy or not. Note These Prices 1 ESSEX COACH, Fair Condiaicn and a Bargain At.. $200 2 OVERLAND FOUR SEDANS, Good Value, at $200 and $250 1 OVERLAND, 6 CYLINDER SEDAN, A Real Bargain at $400 BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR CARTERET COUNTY FOR YEAR JUNE 30, 1927 TO JUNE 30 1928.' GENERAL COUNTY FUND ' , HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT Personal Services $600.00 Supplies 120.00 Working & Office Equipment 400.00 Total - $1,120.00 PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT Personal Services 900.00 Office Supplies 50.00 Travel Expense - 300.00 Total $1,250.00 SHERIFF'S OFFICE Office Supplies and Postage : 220.00 Total 220.00 COUNTY FARM AGENT Personal Services 1,700.00 Total 1,700.00 COUNTY AUDITOR (Continued on page eight) 2 OVERLAND FOUR TOURING CARS, Genuine Bargains at, Each ... . ..... . I AUBURN COACH AT VERY LOW PRICE 1 1923 MODEL FORD COUPE For $75 m m m DAVID M. JONES