THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 PAGE SEVEN ceicn Honors Gen. Parshing i i -l, jpga-a-,jyii(-'f fr i"W"lr,1i nun n iiiiiiiiiiiiMiwfff';iiOTiiiiiiiiiimMllE'llJ1. 1S8J 5 - 1 i FEW PRISONERS IN DEATH ROW Only Three Men In Peniten tiary Cells Awaiting Electro cution. One Declared Insane E. HAUENSCHIELB Left to riIit: President John drier lliliheu of Princeton university, Gen. John J. Pershing and Col. William Tihbey, photographed during the presentation of I lie robe and honorary degree to General Pershing at the Princeton commencement. - ! "Snowmobile" for the Arctic Travel Mif " V ' 1 ' i tak a ,'!; mil iiinm RALEIGH, July 2 (INS) State Prison's Death Row presented a lonely apearance today, with only three condemned men along the row of strong cells. There were four, but executive clemency whisked Joe Andres, Franklin county negro, from the jaws of death, and placed him in the State Hospital for the Insane C(olored) at Goldsboro. It -now appears that there will be no "execution at the prison for the remainder of the summer. The lone white man on Death's Row is W. L. Ross, alleged double slayer of War ren County, but he will get a new trial in September. The other two Inmates, negroes from Gaston County, .have appeals before the State Supreme Court. Their execution will be stayed until the higgh tribunal acts on their cases. The Sujjreme Court is now having its summer recess, and the cases win not be reached until Fall. Ross, the white prisoner, was con victed nearly two years ago, for the murder of an aged Warren County the benefactors of his little daugh ter. Aleinists are how examining the doomed man for traces of' insan ity. They are expected to make a report on his case in the near future. DR. M. BAGDONAS - -I 1 frniwfwn y iisn mm METHODIST ASSEMBLY CHOOSE JUNALUSKA FOR MEETING LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C. July 1 1 (INS) This place, seat of the Methodist Assembly, has been chosen the permanent meeting place of the Western North Carolina Epworth League Assembly. Three Hundred Leaguers of North Carolina adopted unanimously a re port of the assembly policy commit tee naming this place as the perma nent meeting place. Hauteville House, Victor Hugo's home in exile, has been given by his descendants to the city of Paris. Eugen Hauenschield, the new coun sellor of the Austrian legation in Washington. The blacks of Arica and their full blooded descendants in any part of the. world never sneeze. Renew Your Health by Purification a-., i-oir-inn will tell you that Tftjrfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation oi reueii Heafth." Why not rid yourselt of chronic ailments that are undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs, once or twice a week for several' weeks and see how Nature rewards you with health. Onlnfrih! are the Greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family pack age, containing full directions. Only 35 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.) Carot's oaks have been sold to a timber merchant. The country folk of Mur, near Loudeac, Brittany, were forced to choose between the trees and higher taxes. FOR INSURANCE LIFE, FIRE & WINDSTORM SEE Miss Ella D. Davis Agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Telephone 121 W Notary Pub. THE Johnson Infirmary Otii H. Johnson, M. A., M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Morehead City, over postoffice 9 to 12 A. M. Beaufort Office, 2:30 to 5 P. M. "Snowmobile" which Captain MacMillan "has taken on his Arctic ex- i pedltion. SPANISH WAR VETERANS GOING TO RALEIGH RALEIGH, July 2 (INS) Ap proximately 100 veterans are expect td here for the annual state conven tion of the United Spanish War Vet erans, which gathers here for one day on July 12, it was announced here today by Captain J.- C. Benja mine. commander of the local post. The feature address of the meet- j ing will be made by Josephus Daniels, Raleigh editor and former Secretary of the Navy. His address will fol low a memorial exercise at the foot of the Worth Bagley mounment on Capital Square. State Commander L. M. Gibson, of Wilmington, will preside at the meet ing. During the afternoon, the next year's officers will be chosen and the 1928 convention city will be selected. Cricket fighting is a popular sport in China. The combat takes place in a large earthen jar and is fought to the finish. Because of a copper shortage in Russia, a method of recovering cop per and zinc from brass shavings has been worked out by Russian chemists. If t t t I. t f t N AS H th HWd ix Motor Car Vain T- 3 New Series New the easiest riding cars you ever traveled in Tv T TQ O 1WW S)pFEe' of Secret Process Alloy Steel individually designed and tailored for each Nash car Now NasK introduces the GREAT EST improvement in riding smooth nrss developed in years. . All new Nash models are now cradled on new springs built of a seovet new steel alloy, ' This new material gives to Nash springs a smoothness and ease of ac tion found in no other car, regardieui of price. These new Nash springs are individ ually designed and balanced scien tifically to the weight and size of each Nash model actually 9 different rear spring types in all. Every new Nash model has these unique new springs, individually tai lored and theft as contribu tion to your ease and comfort shock absorbers on every new Nash model. Even the new Nash Standard Six series, which sell at a 4-cylinder price, are so equipped. In all, there are 21 new Nash models for you to view. Body designs and" finishes are the smartest you have ever seen, and the color harmonies are of magnificent richness. The bodies are extremely close to the road. The wheels are small. And there are a host of other great new features for you to see. At the NEW LOW price these new Nash models are the greatest values you have ever known, Nash invites you to come in and see them and have a demonstration of their great speed and power-smoothness. B. A. BELL lour Jeweler For Seventeen jears Watches and Wrist Watches Dr. Mikas Bagdona3 is the new charge d'affaires of tho Lithuanian legation in Washington. I II u I an am rn- rt Tp REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Beaufort Banking & Trust Co. at Beaufort, N. C, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of bus iness, June 30., 1927. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Demand Loans . Overdrafts, secured, $107.11; unsecured, ; United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds North Carolina State Bonds All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages -- Banking Houses, $29,094.42; Furniture and Fix. $10,315.71 All other Real Estate owned Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies Cash Items held over. 24 hours Checks for clearing $478,380.62 15,245.00 107.11 15,639.74 2.000.00 11,560.00 39,410.13 4,133.77 142,386.18 101.35 559.04 TOTAL $709,522.94 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $ 52'222 SS Surplus Fund, lf-00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ZS6.&1 Dividends Unpaid Vn0A Deposits Due Bank's, Bankers, and Trust Companies 5,10o.6o Deposits subject to check, Individual 234,419.47 Time Certificates of Deposit, Due in Less Than 30 Days 17,220.19 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,7,-82 Certified Checks - ,284.50 Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or After o0 Days 1,375.00 Savings Deposits '- 373,910.80 TOTAL $709,522.94 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET, July 5, 1927. I, U. E. SWANN, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and jjgijgf. U. E. Swann, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to Correct--Attest : before me, this 5th day of R. L. DAVIS ! July, 1927. W. H. TAYLOR Julian Hamilton Directors. Notary Public. x. My Commission expires May 1, 1928. t PAUL'S GARAGE (6017) II Hi