News AUFOI Largest Circulation In Cartret County The People' Newspaper The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. ( READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY I WAT. fc Your label and pay your subscription . m NUMBER 44 VOLUME XVI 12 PAGES TWO SECTIONS THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1927. HI H fen?! JLm t&&sLiaML PRICE 5c SINGL-.:OPY - bQ r - Plan Big Celebration Here Armistice Day Many Interesting Features Have Been Arrang ed. Will Have Boat . Armistice Day wil be properly observ-j in Konntm-fr Pinna nnw nrWlur way provide for a celebration that should prove of interest not merely to the town but to the entire popula- tion of the county. Reports are that i , , , ' . a large crowd will be neref rom More- f .6 ... . , , head City and the western part of . . . . I the county. The east is also expect-, '. sTend 'v v V" ,ll.s Jr of Morehead City, who has , the reputation of being a live wire in j such matters is helping to ai-range I l e lui me uy ..u .... ; uiul pruuer uuveiLisjiiK 'a uvue. ne says he is perfectly sure that a large ; crowd will be present. in unuuve iiiugmm xvi - t.ce Day provides for a number of very interesting events A big pa- rade, band music, airplane flights, boat races and a f football game are rrl x i i : K i o ..V. 1 some vi me jjiuiciptu lfaiuics. otiiuui 1 Superintendent R. L. Fritz has con- sented to participate in the exercises and will close the school in time for , the Dunils to enter the parade. At- torney Luther Hamilton, who saw service overseas and who is regard ed as a gifted speaker, will be the j orator for the occasion. 1 Mayor Jones received a tekjjram j from Congressman Abernethy Tues- j day saying: that at his request the ! Navy Department had instructed the Hampton Roads station to send air planes for the celebration. Congress man Abernethy has also asked the Coast Guard service to send several vessels here for the day. Arrange ments are being made to have races between speed boats that afternoon. A football game between teams rep resenting the Morehead City High School and the Ayden High School will take place during the afternoon. All in all it appears that there will be some big doings in Beaufirt on the 11th day of November, 1927. "More about it will be published an next week's issue of the .News. No tices of the .event have been sent to up State newspapers and it "si thought many people from a distance will at- j tend the celebration FIRST OF SERIES GROUP MEETINGS Demonstration Lessons Given At Marshallberg And Smyr na Wednesday The first of the fall series of group meetings in the county schools was held on November 2nd at Smyrna. Group Center Demonstration lessons were taught at Marshallberg and Smyrna., The meeting opened at Marshall berg promptly at nine o'clock. Pu pils and teachers assembled in the auditorium for the morning exercis es, Velma Lewis a fifth grade pupil, conducted the exercises. The pro gram consisted of devotional exercis es, action sentences by the first grade, and two selections by a toy band. Miss Roma Parish and Miss Lela Nel son taught the demonstration lessons at the Marshallberg school. After these lessons the visiting teachers went to the Smyrna School. Demonstration lessons were taught there by Miss Christine Nichols and . Miss Josie Pigott. Just before the noon period the Smyrna High School assembled and gave a short program for the visiting teachers. Lunch was servecTby the Smyrna Home Economics class. In. the afternoon the pupils were dismissed and the teachers met for prof essionar work. Superintendent Workman lead the discussion for high school teachers. Miss Gustin lead the discussion for elementary teachers. This discussion was based on the arithmetic lessons which were observed in the morning. The group decided that certain desirable habits should be established in arithmetic and certain undesirable ones should be prevented. If this program is carried out in Carteret County the boys and girls will enjoy their arith metic work. It will be easier and more interesting. This special work should enable Carteret County to rieh National Standards inArithme tic this year. Football Game, Parade, Speaking, Music And Other Things. Many Visitors From All Over County And Elsewhere Are Expected. To Be Present. Races, Sea Plane Flights, ' ' Mayor's Orange Tree 0 Is A Pretty Sight I If enamo thai Uuuiifni'f mat! irot , ... . i make a reputation as a place for . , c, , , growing oranges. Several people m p. , . , . ... Leaulort nave orange trees as tne New hag toW mon tha once Qne of these is Mavor D. M. Jones who has . that about 10Q d . . 5t tvoa ia . J,0U(. 18 years ol(J and ,jves r;g;lt out jn the ppen It has never had any ! ' nartii-n.nt' rav ar.d has met with ' Two or three times j awv. it has been killed down by the frost and onpfi a t came u necP-. H De jte thege vicisai. tudeg the tree &m livcg and ia a yery tt sjght wkh ks Cf0 of ,low I,,.,, .. D, . . f iUQVOO xi BEAUFORT PEOPLE ENJOY SPRING VEGETABLES NOW X !Mr. D. J. Simpson, well known to the citizens of Beaufort and one of the best farmers in the community has been bringing to Beaufort the past few weeks for local consumption vegetables that people upstate enjoy only during the spring months. This week he Had for his customers new Irish potatoes, new beets, new car rots, beans, spinach, besides the cus tomary run of vegetables expected at this season of the year. Mr. Simpson has been gathering beans, beets and potatoes for some weeks past. Mr. Simpson says that if farmers would co-operate that trucking could be made a money-making business in ; this section Arizona is an Aztec word meaning silver bearing. 1 4ijjnf 1 ':. . ,iS't.:;;w:K -:.:;-.v. s-N'iv Asphalt laying began on the causeway today between the two Carteret County Fair Prize Winners List For lack of space it was impos sible to publish last week a com plete list 'of the prize winners at the Carteret County Fair held recently at Newport. Visitors to the fair say that the exhibits were better than they had ever been before. The re mainder of the list of premium win ners is given below: E. D. Mann, 2nd.; Claude Garner, 3rd. Miscellaneous Products Three heads of Sunflower Y. Z. Simmons. Three stalks of Sorghum W. E. Fodrie. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Apples, any variety, plate of five W. H. Gainer 1st.; W. E. Fodrie 2nd. Figs, one quart Carlyle Bell. Japanese Persimmons, plate of five B. P. Gray. Native Persimmons, one quart B. P. Gray. Nuts (Continued on page f jut ) Miketivity is the newest coined word in the realm of radio. A noun, 1 is ia defined as "the quality with 'which a voice or musical instrument I registers through the microphone, cr the broadcasting capacity of a voice I or ir.strument." October Rainfall Was Heavier Than Usual The rainfall at Beaufort for the month of October was 4.85 inches, j LJttle Margaret Bertram In The average for this month is 4.13 j stantly Killed Monday Even inches. There were 21 clear, days in I mg while Crossing Road tne montn, six ciouay ana iour pan. y cloudy ones- The wind blew from k WA4-U-naf 1 T r)oio n m thfl e1lth ' the northeast 17 days, from the south- west five days, from the .northwest j berg which resulted in the death of four days, from the north one day, j little Margaret the five' year old from the southeast three days, from j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bert the west one day. ! rani and grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. The temp'erature during October Robert Bertram, has been rather high,-for 15 days it j According to information reaching was over 80 degrees. There was a the News the child started across the cool spell of about ten days though ! roa(j a short distance irom iier grand when the temperature dropped down parents' home about dusk and was into the fifties and one night it fell I struck bv a car driven by Mr. Claude to 46 degrees. The figures by day j 'for the month are as follows: Max. ...85 ...86 ...88 ...88 ...81 ...81 ...85 ...84 M in. j 65 68 ' 71 I TR 1 r.; 6o ; Q 83 ci 10 11 .74 .79 53 57 12 .78 rrn , 70 67 I 51 ! ,3 14 ig lfl 17 81 .79 68 70 ..71 69 . 65 69 80 73 75 84 80 72 69 70 81 86 77 52 51 56 50 46 49 52 49 58 69 57 54 58 61 60 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 , 25 26 27 28 29 3G 31 58( 58 MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permits to enter the state of matrimony has been is sued by the Register of Deeds since last week: Tennie Willis and Abbie Wade, Harker's Island. Joseph Dixon, Morehead City and Ollie Garner, Newport. liEAUFORT Popidcilion Is LtcreoMrig In Count) Statistics Show There does not appear to be any race suicide in Carteret county. Vital (tatistics for the months of June, Jily, August and September show that more than three times an many people have come into the world in Carteret county as have departed from it. Morehead township with 21 births and one death made the best showing, Davis reported two deaths and no births which was the poorest record made. The statistics in full are given below : CARTERET COUNTY 1927 JUNE..SEPTEMBER INCLUSIVE 1 owns "Deaths Births No Report Beaufort 7 28 Morehead City 1 14 45 Newport . 2 Townships Seaufort 2 Cedar Island 1 Harker's Island . 1 1 Harlowe 1 Davis 2 Stacy 4 Sea Level & Atlantic 4 Merrimon ... 0 Morehead - '. 1 Newport 2 Portsmouth 2 Smyrna 1 Straits 1 White Oak 3 48 October 31, 1927 CAR KILLS CHILD AT MARSHALLBERG A ry distressing accident took Piaee Monday evening at Marshall 1 1 f .1 1 ILf n .ohi 1 1 - Davis a young man about 23 years old. He is in the Coast Guard ser- vice and was at home on leave. The 'little girl's neck was broken and she died almost instantly. Mr. Davis stopped his car within a few feet af -Iter ine emia was . ,i i i l i 1. TT- i until sne suaaeniv annearea riEni in , m , . n front of the car. He was greatly ;; aisire?sea on account 01 me acciutut ,, ., u j i.. ana snomy alter n nappeneu came lu i Beaufort and asked to be taken m ! custody. On his own request he request he , ., .... .i i 1 ! v.,t. ' spent the night in the county jail but , as no charge was made against by any one he was released the nex, j morning. , i Loroner trank King went to JViarsn allberg shortly after the child was! killed. After talking to several peo- j pie about the matter he decided that there was no reason for holding an inquest as death of the little girl was an unavoidable accident. There wrs no evidence that the young man was driving fast or that he had been drink ing. SEAPLANE CARRIER TEAL GETS CRIPPLED FLIER The former mine sweeper Teal, now aa airplane carrier, was brought nt here Tuesday afternoon by pilot Will Smith and taken to sea again Wednesday carrying a crjppled sea plane. The plane had some trouble near New Bern and was brought here on the cutter Pamlico Tuesday. Silk being the cheapest of all fab rics in Madagascar, the women of that country wear nothing but silk clothing. DRAWBRIDGE drawbridges. The finish of the 2 11 2 9 6 July, Aug. Sept. June July August 4 8 1 21 8 1 Sept. 10 11 7 174 Motor Boating Still i An Attractive Sport I Nowadays nearly everybody seems crazy about riding in automobiles when out for a little pleasure but the fact remains that there is still a fascination about a nice boat ride, especially for some people. . Richard B. Taylor, of Beaufort and Mr. and Mrs. Mebane of the News on j The escallop season of 1927-28 of last Saturday were given a fine ride j ficially opens December first accord in the motor boat Jean of Beaufort, i ing to Commissioner J. A. Nelson and S. C. which convinced them that boat ; F. S. Worthy, Chairman of the Com : -fni v,oo it i-Vimms. Caotain Er- i mittee on commercial Fisheries of nest W. Tranter of Bay Head, New Jersey was the host on this occasion. The Jean which was built by Hu bert S. Johnson of Bay Head for M. Mosely' Swain of Beaufort, S. C., is a fine little craft. She is thirty feet innof. has an enerine of X30 horse i less than three feet of i water and can make a speed of thirty J five miles an hour. There is a nice ' cabin, with comfortable seats, on j vL-hu-h mp can sleeD. an ice box, lav- atory, alcohol stove and other con veniences. The cock pit is thirteen . . , . , . ... i a : feet long ana eigni ieei wuie uuu ia & windshield and port. . Knnt aDie awning, muon tp hnnt is de- Z ' i.i,. r. 1, . , ....... 1.. n ksh ! ai,v Bmniw fins the bil IK'S aiHl Ceriaimy tUlipi una Saturday the Jean was : tQ the Fort Macon chan. j thrrh her naces. ' From the hell bouv to the junction I ; M,.ofcH ritv hR skim- med over the surface of the water at ok ,;i o-. v,nr. if nther tiinp. uuyj ii'-m iiv vnvwu , - , dov.ed tQ about fivc miles an hour. The passengers on the boat got a decided thrill out of the high speed but there was nothing uncomfortable about the experience, in fact it was all very enjoyable. SPECKLED TROUT CAUGHT TROLLING IN NEWPORT RIVER It isn't often that anybody catches speckled trout by trolling but this has been done several times neqfently. Captain RvQ. -Willi and Mr Richard Taylor have been out several times recently and caught a number of nice trout in this way. On Wednesday Captain and Mrs. Willis trolled in Newport river and caught 16 fine speckled trout. Last Friday they caught 14 trout in the same way. Tom Tarhee says being a Master Farmer is about to work him to death. entire job is drawing near. Weather Unfavorable For Menhaden Fishing This week has not been favorable for the menhaden fishermen. Winds on shore have not been high but some disturbance off shore has caused high seas practically all the week and this has stopped ocean fishing. The sea bass fishermen have not been able to do any thing either on account of the rough seas. The best catch made this week was by Captain Buck Parkin who brought in 115,000 in the Balster. Captain Bonner Willis caught 20,000 and this is about all reported so far. Several of the boats are still' lying at Ocra coke Inlet hoping for better weather conditions. The fish seem to be mov ing slowly down the coast and the fishermen hope that by next week they will be nearer by and that the weather will be more favorable. POLICE-COURT ITEMS. There was only two cases in Police Court Friday afternoon and as both defendants submitted to the charges against them the proceedings were very short. Will Parker charged with having been drunk was fined $2 and costs. Charles Parker, drunk and disorderly, $2 and costs. America eats more than twelve bil lion loaves of bread each year. SCALLOP SEASON Fisheries Beard Relaxes Rule And Open Season Starts December First the Department of Conservation and Development, who have been in con ference, relative to the matter. The date of the opening of the seal lop season, according to law is the first of January, but under authority vested in the Fisheries Commissioner and the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, known as rule 31, the power is given to suspend certain rules, and in so far as the escallop season looms as a great season, the commissioner has suspended sneinsn rule No. 41, putting the opening dajT as December first. Fishermen of Beaufort, Morehead City and other parts of the county no doubt are pleased that the season will onen earlier this year than it ,11,, tk c,mnW nf wallnns u: uai.jr uuv.t ..v. 1 a few years ago became very much de pleted and it was considered neces- sarv to take rather stringent meas- nres to replenishing them. While thPv are not anv too nlentiful now in- I dications are that the catch will be ! fnirlv o-ooH this vear. In Virginia j the scallop geason does not open un. til the first of February. 1 he supply j in Long Island Sound is understood to be very limited tms year so me ' indications are that Carteret scallop- pers will get very good prices for their catch. At any rate that is the hope of about everybody in these parts. Tennis Association Will Hold Tournament The Beaufort Tennis Association will hold a tennis tournament begin ning November- 3rd and running through the tenth. Schedule of the ' tournament is given below and the' public is invited to the games. Both! courts are in fairly good shape now and both will be played each day until the finals. A silver trophy is to be awarded the winner in the final contest on November 10th. SCHEDULE: Thursday, Nov. 3rd First Group F. E. Hyde vs. R. L. Fritz. Paul S. Jones vs. O. E. Duncan. Winner vs winner. Friday, Nov. 4th Second Group: W. H. Taylor vs B. H. Noc. J. T. Abernethy vs J. A. Hornaday Winner vs winner. Monday, Nov. 7th Third Group: T. E. Kelly vs U. E. Swann W. T. Davis vs J. P. Betts. Winner vs winner. Tuesday, Nov. 8th Fourth Group: T. W. Brinson vs Julian Hamilton R. W. Jernigan vs E. L. Davis Winner vs- winner. Wednesday, Nov. 9 Semi-finals (3 sets) Winner in first and second groups Winners in third and fourth groups Thursday, Nov. 10 FINALS ( 3 sets) Winners in semi-finals. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tides at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. High Tide Low Tide Friday. Nov. 4 3:09 3:32 4:08 4:30 5:03 5:27 5:54 6:18 6:45 7:09 734 . 7:58 8:25 8:48 A. P. A. P. M. , .9:06 M. 9:43 A. M. P. M. Saturday, Nov. 5 M. 10:12 A. M. M. 10:37 P. M. Sunday, Nov. 6 M. 11:05 A. M. 11:12 P. Monday, Nov. 7 A. P. A. P. A. P. M. M. M. M. M. M. 11:27 A. M. 12:07 P. Tuesday, Nov. 8 M. 12:15 A. M. 1 :00 P. A. P. M. M. M. Wednesday Nov. 9 . A. M. 1:03 P. M. 1:51 Thursday, Nov. 10 A. M. 1:52 A. M. M P. M. 2:43 P.