?AGE F1VI, -Personal No?es Telephone ! Gilbert Potter who had his tonsils lenioved early in the week went back to the hospital this morning for fur ther treatment. , The man who waits for something to turn up is llkel to discover that It U Ids toes. Mrs Laura Pou, Mrs. Fannie Lau'h inn'house, Miss Mary Hooper and Mrs. (I Maud Hooper ot Winston are viiting Mrs P. B. Loftin and daughter ivliss ! ...:!.. I ,.; I .. tir o rv'D di,,ii on1 enn 1 "c E ackwe 1 and Powell Bland of Golds-. .... , . , ' . , I Diii.nr- ded the schools of Memphis and Den- ocro aruveo ..u. " . is, Miss., and in the part few years n no- at the home of Mr. and Mis. . . ' , ' 1 ... ,.... n., . . oovfvnnienr. nostrum. Mrs. Bessie Nicholson of Maxton and giandson Robert Xea! are visit ing Mrs Jams Rumley. P Dey. PITTS SKARREN MiS FRITZ GIVES j NICE BRIDGE PARTY The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E ! yrua t iht o'clock. i Skarren on Ann Street was abloom Mrs R L Fritz was the charming : with a variety of summer flowers, hostess to a lanre number of her i when the marriage of thtir daughter, frk,n,,Si entertaining at bl.i(ige jn .tditn to Mr. Lnaries u ritts was soi- hon(1, of her sister Mrs Henl.y E(1. 1 emnized in a beautiful, though simple vva,.;s of Daytona Beach, Florida. ceremony at ten o'clock Wednesday ; Covers wsre laid for eight tables. morning. Afier several progressions, the cards I The bride was never more lovely, wel , ,ajd aside and delicious lenlon. ; than when she entered with tne groom ade punch an() n,.,,,,, were serv. he was gowned in a creation ot rose e( T(,p gcore pl.ize) a stt of tab,e num beige, with accesories to match. bera wpnt to Miss G1...ivs Ciihhs Ktv. Leland L. Smith, pior oi Guost of honor, Mrs. Edwards was i Ann Street M. E Churc.i, officiated, . prestnted with a loVilv v;lSt,, Ml i. ;us.ng tne impressive ring ceremony. . M, Fritz, gui,sts fol. th tVening j Mrs. Pitts is the youngest daugh-;wmf. Misses Marie Clawson, Gladys ,ter oi .Ur. and Mrs. W l. Skarren. ; cimdwick and house gu.st, Lucile kShe graduated in 1U23 from Beaufort j Plin(i) Lessie Arringtoa, Lena Dun High School and later attended Eastcun A,k.e p,, Mjlil.ed JoneS) Va. Carolina Teachers College, Green-,rina Glndvs Gil),)s Mes(lames. Fred .vine, x c., anu business college Se ley, F. R. Seeley, Harry Freeman, , Norfolk, a. Morehead City, and mother, Mi s. 1'or- ine groom, son oi ivir. anu mrs. tv ,,f rVml.ttP .Tr.hn fimvlnn fin.. b.ro, Gerald Hill, Charlotte, Dave Denoyer, John Brooks, Jim Ruml.y, John Chadwick, Rocky Mount, Buell Cooke J. S. Outsell Josephh House, C. P. Dey, V. G. Mebane, Otis Moore, P'ollowitig the ceremony, Mr and Mrs S. P. Norris, daughter Miss Reverend and Mrs E. Frank Lee : Edith, and son Master Lpndrum are here occupying their xottage on Raleigh are visiting Mrs Xorris sis- Front Street iter Mrs. M L. Davis Mis. Pitts left by motor for Cana.ia, o after which tour, about September ist, tney win oe at nome in .Norlo;K, a. Dr. and Mrs. S F. Hi'ldebrand have ! Mr. E Walter Hill left last Set,- , moved into their new home on the W r mass "ca - 7 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED wheie he is attending the reserve of-1 ficers training camp. j VISITING LADIES HONORED Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jones, Beau fort, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nell Blair Jones, to Benjamin Ernest Windley. The wed- Island. Mrs Clauclo Wheatly is viting her mother Mrs. P F. Garner in Newport. T off Tliuciltlt' OVFTlinP". Mrs. R. L. dins: to take place in Beaufort, Oc Tit . . t if yi:ii: 1 .1.. u.. t j.Mtovmjf i-., , " V," Fritz, enteitained a number of herrtober J, niJ. Miss Lena May .1 hams and Mrs , at yook jn honor of hr moth. H C. Stone of Chapel Hill are guests' Vm,nr nf Ashpville and si?-! ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY ter Mrs. Henry Edwards of Daytona j 1 no,.v, Fivwla win arp sneidina' the Mrs. H. C. Jones, of Beaufort, de- Miss Lena May Williams of Chapel'., ' -th . h(J xhnse nlavine lightfully entertained Thuisday tv- of the Davis House Hill and Miss Lucile Pond of Wake- summer Mesdames W. T. Davis, E. L. ening from 8:30 to 12 in honor of field, Virginia sang at the evening j w H Tavlori juijan Hamil- her sister, Mi s. C. L. Hornaday. The service at the Methodist Church Sun-' Blondgood, J. W. Mason, house was artistically decorated with day. . 1 Henry Edwards Henry Younsr, C. H. shasta daisies, swert peas, roses and .jBushall, Rav Wheatlv, N. F. Euie. S. zinnias. Sixty guests enjoyed her Misses Salhe Bradley Pittnian andH Havwood j h Potter, Jr. W. V delightful hospitality. Hearts dice Rebecca Fittman are guests of Miss; g ptei B',.ady Wav, Hugh Jones, v. re played. At 10:45 the door Laura Eure. land house guest! C. L. Hornaday, M. b.ll sounded and the Western Uunion JS- Snowden, Blythe Noe, Oscar Dun- Messenger boy, Miss Bess Jones, was Mrs F. E Hyde returned last week tan g p Hidebrand Misss? Lottie usneied into the spacious hall and from a trip to New York City and Aers and Nannie Potter After delivered to each guest, a telegram Long Island. ...,,.,! ii,i ottuiB tnn smvp n ize announcing: the anproachincr wedding went to Mrs. C. L. Hornaday, a deck of Miss Nell Blair Jones, the charm- M. Hendrix, Claud.' Wheatly, Henry Edwards F. R. Bell. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. J. A. Vzche, Rector 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion !:-lo Church School 11:00 Morning Fuyes and Sermon. 7:00 P. M. Y. P. S. L. On First Sunday celebrv.ion of the Holy Communion at 11 A M. St. Andrew's Mission Morehead City, 9:45 A. M. Church School 8:00 P M. Evening Prayers & Sermon What Does Your Baby EAT? rjOCTORS, who are baby specialists, are advising the feeding of strained vege tables to supplement the milk diet which frequently fails to supply the food elements needed by a growing baby. Is Your Baby Thriving ? In Oapp's Approved STRAINED VEGETABLES, prepared exclusively as baby foods, the high per centage of potassium, phosphorus and calcium are preserved these are the building elements. Home cooked products vary In food value and make a woeful lot of work. Here you get surgical standards of cleanness and standardized food values. No medicine or drugs just wholesome foods. CMP 3 APPROVED BABY SOUP STRAINED VEGETABLES SPINA! U CARROTS BEETS STKINO KKANS ASPARAGUS PEA TOMATOES PKUNHrU.? APRICOT PULP LiVKR SOUP t" JUT' B Put up In rnnvenlnnt 4 oi. iars, ready for you to prepare as a 'vised by your cini'tur. Par cheaper tbau trying to make your ov, u. "(Jrtiwth Is a Babv's Sole Business" F. R. Bell The Friendly Druggist For La!e Summer Mrs R. P Jernigan and children left; rnuay l0 jo.n .ur. ue.nigan in .nar-; , sandwiches were 5erve(. tone wno nas recenuy rajien a posi tion a? manager of a drug store in that city. While here Mr and Mrs. Jernigan made many friends who re gret their leaving Reverend and Mrs. W M. Hyde of Walnut, near Asheville, are visiting their son, Dr F. E Hyde. Dr Tom Borden, U. S. N., and bride, who was Miss Virginia Aver ill of Lynchburg, Va., are visiting friends and relatives in the county. of rook cards, and delicious punch ing daught'ner of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones to Mr. Benjamin Ernest Wind, ley, the marriage to take place Oc-! BISHOP SMITH TO PREACH tober 1. Beginning Friday and continuing Following the delivery of the tele through Sunday night, the Northern gram?, which created a great surprise, Methodist church will have a confer- delic'ous refreshments, chicken salad, ence at Morehead City Sunday morn- lettuce hearts, tomatoes, cheese balls, ing and Sunday night, Bishop Smith s.ltines and iced tea, were served, will preach at the Methodist church, j Mrs. W. N. Wilkins of Mt. Olive The public is cordially invited. ! proved most successful at hearts and . : was presente-d a dr.intly embroidered Disappearing a year ago, a pet : towel, the consolation prize, a quaint hedgehog- recently returned to its corsage of old fashioned flowers went owner at Dormansland, England. M-. J. S. Gutsell. Mr. Ralph Noe who holds a posi tion with a large banking concern in Ntw York is here on his vacation vis iting his parents Mr and Mrs. I T. Noe. County School Superintendent J. ! H. Workman has gone to Cherryville on a visit to his relatives there Reverend and Mrs. A E. Brown and children of Bynum, N C, are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs Wiley Brown. Messrs Wyatt and Bryce B Brown of New York city after a two weeks visit to their partnts Mr. and Mr-. Wiley Brown returned to New York last Friday. Firemen D M. Jones, Charles Hat sel, Hugh Hill, Charlie Manson and Ben Jones went to Hendersonville Sunday to attend the State Firemen's convention in progress there this week. Mrs. M L. Wright, daughter Miss Evelyn, son Mr Dan, Miss Frances Wall and Miss Eunice McGehee of Gieenville spent the week end heie with Miss Annie L. Morton. Mrs James Fodrie who has been vis iting near Atlanta, returned Sunday night. Miss Alida F Fales, who has been teaching in New York the past year returned to her home in Beaufort Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jones of Graham spent the week end with Mr. Jones' sister Mrs C. P Dey. Mrs C. P Tyler and children who have been visiting in Asheville have returned home. Mrs Charles Case who recently un-! derwent an operation in Baltimore j has returned home. Dr. C. L Duncan who was in Nor folk last week on business has return- ! ed. j . , Mi?s Etta Perry of Raleigh is visit ing Dr. and Mrs C. L. Duncan Hints to Parents IT'S HIS INTEREST IN 'watching your chin wiggle that puts over MAN A BtD TIMt STORV m I'll, jjC 7 Miss Eliza Poole, Mrs. Henry Briggs and Miss Bessie Brown of Ral-j eigh are guests of th Inlet Inn. Miss Laura Eure had her tonsils removed early in the week. Miss Lucy Fellinda, niece of Mr. N W. Russell is making her home with Mr. Russell and children WMM I Ml4 otuk IT Ivan dau someone isintha maifot lor d car like yoyw An inv?sTm,hof d ku writ 3n d udnt will 4i"4.1h t'j'dorJVhoM oi Wl? AD gv? mi-u- cars 7tvp dspi ads i ( FRESH FISH minimi. nu"!,'l . An alltiiriive navy hlue dress with white dots. It features a high waist and h flare at the hem. PRIVATE DANCING LESSONS Instruction given at St. Paul's Dormitory For particulars call at News office. FARM FOR SALE Some fresh fish would taste mighty good for dinner, so why not let us send you what you will need? We have an ample supply of the following kinds: Trout, Mackerel, Mullets, Blue Fish and Bottom Fish CLAMS AND SHRIMP S. W. Davis & Bro. FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. Barter Shop THE BEAUFORT HEWS TWO MILES FROM THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT On the North River Road; 43 arr nf land, about ten clear ed. I own both sides of the road, it has a two story house and two small barns ana on-? shed room; will sell for cash or terms. Apply to F. B. McINTOSH at Beaufort Lumber and Mfg. Co., from 7 a. m. uniu o:ou pm. All Talking All Talking SEA BREEZE THEATRE Mon. Tues & Wed. JULY 22, 23, 24 "THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN" with Norma Shearen; Lewis Stone H. B. Warner; Raymond Hackett. Listen Folks! This is a knock out. You'd feel like ringing somebody's neck after th? trial. Matinee 4 O'clock 15 25c Night 8:15 35c FOR A LIMITED TIME Cuts Prices Not Service Old Price New Price Hair Cuts 40c 30c Singes 35c 25c Fitch Shampoo 60c 50c Combination 60c 50c Oil Combination ... 60c 50c Plain Shampoo 40c 30c Tonics 25c 20c Hair Oil 25c 20c Elect. Massage 40c 30c Plain hand Massage .40c .. 30c Medicated Steam . . .40c 30c .- Tonics in Bottles $2.00 size $1.60 $1.00 Size 80c 50c Size 40c When Better Service Is To Be Had We Will Give It Next To Post Office Front St. T I t t t t t t" t

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