s ' f ' I " i i - f. PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. AUC. IS. 1929 MERRIMON We are still having rain more or less every day and the roads some of them are impassible and all of them are in bad condition. Capt. Alex Truitt went to Harlowe Monday to look after some damage done his truck Friday night or Saturday Messrs. H. B. and D. M. Salter i Riesbv who have a ioh at Oripntal took their boat the Janett to Beau- were home Sunday and attended Mrs. M. E. Ball went to North Har-be with us in the future, lowe last week to see her children Ray and George. Roy Carraway who has been right sick at Beaufort is better and was home Monday and Tuesday. He went back to Beauofrt Tuesday. Mr. E. S. Martin and his sister Mis? Eva was in Beaufort Monday on bus iness. Mr. Harris Huff and Mr. Cahrlie fort the past weik for overhauling and painting. Mrs. Nannie Salter has been quite sick the past week but is said to be some better. We hope she will soon be entirely well. Sunday School. We were glad to have them, hope they will come ugain. Our Sunday School was not so well attended Sunday owing to the illness of our superintendent Mrs. D, M. Salter, we hope she will be able to V Trench Warfare on Mosquitoes i 4? m ! w Wi fro A - W in ! Greater New York is waging warfare on mosquitoes along a 030-mile front and has resorted to trench methods of ftshting. The photograph show workmen In the Corona marshes preparing the way for the trench" diggers, who are followed by the spreaders of oil. Machines to harvest sweet clover " .Seed To hoino. mo1o fvsitw 1J I I - iiii uiu uiuuers Three pure bred Jersey bulls from , at a cost of from $50 to $75 in Stanly high producing dams were purchased j County. by Chatham County farmers last' week- Magnesium limestone is proving its 7 value to the tobacco farmers of rwo hundred farmers and business Martin Cnnntv this v :v.- men of Granville County made a farm j sanddrown occurs.nearly every field tour of the county recently. Though the season has been unfavorable for cotton in Richmond County, those fields pjanted after winter legumes were turned under give indications of a good crop. $ ! ! Chevrolet Cars On Sale In Beaufort Again After Having Been Discontinued For A Short Time UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT But in the same quarters formerly occupi ed by the Carteret Motor Company COME IN AND SEE THE NEW MODELS We are open for Service. John Basden, well known automobile mechanic is with i us. Sound Motor Company M. T. Mills, Manager. Formerly in business in Mays-ville. Hardware ! Of All Kinds For your every need. Anything for Boat, Store, Home, Call us we nave it. Tools to suit the job. ' Fine Kitchenware, Paints, and the hun dred and one little things that all good hardware stores carry for you. H. C. Jones Hardware Co "pidest Hardware Firm in Carteret Co." 666 ! where this limestone was not used, is i affected. Dr. H. M. Hendrix DENTIST Office Hours: 9 to 12 A, M. 1:30 to 5 P. M Office Potter Euild'r.g Over the postofflce Dr. E. F. Menius Eyesight Specialist with Sam K, Eaton Co. I - NEW BERN. N. C. Dr. F. E. Hyde GENERAL PRACTICE Office over House Drug Co. Office Hours ' 10 A. M. to 12 M. 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment Office Phone 140 Res 18-L i i.::A.'uT.iV..'..uutAj... . .... i is a Prescription for Colds. Griooe. Flue. Den true. Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known. t X Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office H-ours 10 to 12 A. M. ar.d by appointment. l! V C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVICE Duncan Bid?. Beaufort, N. C. 'Phone 32 Si A Fine Bargain A INfcW SIX CYLINDER REDWING MOTOR 30-50 H. P. with Electric Starter and Gen erator for $495.00 General Repair Work-Acetylene Welding BARBOUR BROS. MACHINE SHOP AP.FMT rn BRIDGEPORT & REDWING MOTORS mum a I. RF.AIIFORT M r for Economical Transportation Jiecordl SIX CYLINDER CHEVROLET'S on the mad in less than eiqht months f Less than eight months have elapsed since the first Chevrolet Six was delivered into the hands of an owner and already there are more than a million six cylinder Chevrolets on the road! And the reasons for this overwhelming success are easy to understand. Into a price field that had hitherto been occupied exclusively by four-cylinder cars Chevrolet has introduced a six-cylinder car of amaz ing quality and value. Not only does it offer the smooth, quiet, velvety performance of a great six-cylinder valve-in-head motor but, from every standpoint, it is a finer automobile than was ever before thought possible at such low prices! Its The COACH $595 ..'525 ..'525 ..'595 ..'645 THm ROADSTER.... Tht PHAETON The COUPE Tht SPORT COUPE. Tht SEDAN IMPERIAL SEDAN 695 Sdan Delivery... 5 Tht Light linn DcliwyChaMte.. 400 Tht lSTondimli.. M5 Thm y, Ton t, CA ChamU with Calk. 09V AU priest f. o. b. fmctort runt. Mich. COMPARE Am dcttond prlc wall m tb 1M pricclacoiMidariiiaaato- RwnH m . jnt beautiful new bodies which are available in a variety of colors represent one of Fisher's greats est style triumphs. And its safety and handling ease are so outstanding that it's si sheer delight to sit at the wheel and drive. In fact, the new Chevrolet Six has completely changed every previous idea as to what the buyer of a low-priced car now has a right to expect for his money. dude only reaaooabl chargM for delivery mat financing. You owe it to yourself, as a careful buyer, to see and drive this car. For it gives you every advan tage of a fine six-cylinder automobile in the price rarige of the four and with economy of better than 20 miles to the gallon! Gome in today I SPECIAL RADIO PROGRAM The Cherrolet Motor Company will present a apecial radio program Wednesday, aujub ucr im unumDu nciwurK, o o :sv, turners stanaara Time, celebrat ing the millionth Six-Cylinder Chevrolet delivered in lew than 8 month' time. Sound Chevrolet Co. T ! PHONE 127-J BEAUFORT, N. C. 424 FRONT ST. FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. a