THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 PACE THREE LOCAL FIRM GETS ' -'.worthy measures for the development ,of the student group. In this way VALUABLE AGENCtfr te .montor who assists with the disci- ,Pline of the group, and tries to act as F. R. Be" Secures Exclusive 5 - for forgetful student-. Yea Fier.chiss for New and 'The monitor can be told by his badge Celebrated scientific Formula THE ENGLISH Local citizens who have ruard of the amazing results which have been acecmpl'.sned by Saigon will be inter ested in the important announcement that this new and scientific formula can now be obtained in this city. Manufacturers of this revolution ary medicine have followed out the policy of selecting outstanding firms as exclusive agents in ever city where it has be.-n introduced. Lead ing druggists everywhere have ac claimed it as a trumph in he field of modern chemistry and have been eag er to be among the first to supply it to their trade. Never before in the history of the world has the progress of Medical Science been so rapid. One important discovery al'Ur a.iothtr has been (BIOLOGY .AND CLASS Last Monday, October 14, we went on an observance trip to Front Street. We saw many things which we have studied in class. After our return we went to our English class and de veloped one paragraph from the sub- the color of which is orange and blue, ject "One Important thing that I lhe members of the council are as Observed on my trip. Some of the follows grade 11 Robert Pastures. I paragraphs were developed by sever- Icolene Bakemore. I al methods by detail, by special ex- Grade 10 James H.irvis. Henro-in : amnles and bv definition. The fiTst Campbell. ' method named gave opportunity for j p0i to Rico were in the states of Kan- Grade 9 Estelle Nolan, Rowland i for explanation. Among some of the j sas, North Dakota, Vermont and U- collected in fines. The total amount for the last year was $7,476,300, 5173,000 more than the preceding year. The largest nnmber of cases were instituted in the so'uthern district of New York, where there were 7,816. Next came the eastern district of Ken tucky with 2,945, the northern dis trict of New York with 2,295, and the District of Columbia, 1,661. The smallest number of cases in anv district outside of Alaska and things observed were: "The decidu-.tah. Wesley. Grade 8 Effie Anderson, Olive ous trees and ever green trees." De-j Vv aid. Grade 7 Margaret Williams. Grade 6 Sarah Campbell. Grade 5 Geneva Davis. Grade 4 Caroline Henry. Grade 3 Ethel Stanley. The officers of the council are: Fresident Robert Pastures. i linquescent and Excurrent trees "Bad environments and good envir- onments. "The sail" "The dispersal of RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT We, the members of the Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. church Beaufort, record with sorrow made wnicn win nave a iar-ieacning miive Ward; Haniet Windsor; Burt i etlect upon the health and well-being Williams; James Harris; Mattie Ma of mankind. Some of these discov-SOn. eries are startling in the extreme and ! ah:-oiutely disprove many of the be- HARD WORK By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Ccan of Men, University of Illinois. liefs, practices and theories we have known for a life-time. .As scientific investigators learn more about the human anatomy, the practice of medicine changes the old is discarded for the new. As a result of this world-wide med ical re'arch, Science has learned that good health is largely governed and maintained by three vital organs: and fluids of the body. What is more important, we have learned that these organs and fluids can often be aided and stiengthened bv certain basic elements. Haviner knowledge of these impor- i tant discoveries, one of America's leading bio-chemists mcceedid, after two and on; half years of laboratory ! research, in combining many of these basic elements in one formula which may well be considered one of the j greatest health-sustaining remedies of j the age. I It is called Sargon. This formula j and the lormuia lorsa.praomw, type minollnoe on nparIy evm Pills, which are an essential and in- j mngnzine, pac some new vertn tegral part of the ?treatment, are the ! wnlch ., msh u,r( n.rk f0 fho pioperty of the Sargon Laboratories j wal) ani make it unecessiir.v fur oup and can be obtained by no other firm j t0 ext.rt ,iMlsef either physically or that each had observed carefully, but some expressed what they observed , the death of our. faithful sister and better than others. Among this group co-worker, Mrs. Jennie Lewis, vife 'having the best paragraphs were: 0f Hardv H. Lewis, who peacefully Vice President Georgia Campbell -Mattie Mason, Gertie Ellison, Eliza-1 slipped away September 19, 1929. Secretary Janus Harris. ,beth Davis, Freddie Pickett, Mildred j Therefore be it resolved: rultord, Ella Sparrow, Sallie Fulford First, That we as a society are con Viola Rhodes and William Stnaley. ' scious of a great loss. Our trip in Biology class gave us j Second, That we bow in humble something about which to writs in , submission to the will of God, thank English class. j ing Him for the blessings of the I Christian life she lived among us.. Third That we extend to the fain TORRENS PROCEEDING HERE ! 5,? ves ou:, tenderest love DRAWS CONSIDERABLE CROWD , sympathy, and pray that the God . '. " I . .'of all will comfort their aching a large number ot witnesses ana Monitors The monitors for the second month of school are: Freddie Pickett. Ophelia Henry; Georgia Campbell; It was by the sweat of his brow that our first ancestor was to work out his salvation Hard work was to he the disci P 1 1 n e wlil c I' should rn ise him to a higher stifle Wr are usir., ev pry p o s s I h I p means those days to get away frnm it. Lnlior-snvlnu' devices are her alded on every side. Glaring col ors mid broad lawyers were here Monday and Tues-j day for 'the purpose of attending a1 hearing in a Torrens proceeding. The action was that of the Interstate Cooperage Co., against Orrin Weeks and C. E. Weeks. It was about some 517 acres of timber lands on Petti ford's Creek. A. B. Morris as Ex aminer of Titles presided over the ' hearing. The plaintiffs in the case were rep resented by McLean and Rodman of ; Wr.rhir-g-ori and J. F. Duncan of ;Ptaufort. C. R. Whoatly of Beau- j and Ward and Ward of New; , To! n rppeared for the defendants.; 'T'l' Examiner makes his report to! the Clerk of the Superior Court. Either side has the right of appeal if; desired. I of all hearts. Fourth: That a copy of these res olutions be sent to the family, to the N. C. Christian Advocate, our local paper, an ! that a copy be u'corded in the minutes' of the society. Mrs. Thos. Duncan. Mrs. Hugh Jones. Mrs. J. H. Stubbs. Committee. On taking leae of the chronic handshaker it is just as well to count your money. The total area of Norway is about 76,700,000 acres. READ THE NEWS WAN i DS i Dr.E.B.Whitehurst GENERAL PRACTICE Phones: Office 63. Res. 107L Office Hours: 10 co 1 2 to 5 and by appointment ..........vt..t.-.!,!!,!!"!I!,I-,5v -TAKE EYE SIGHT Good eyesight is a val uable posession. The way to keep is is to take care of your eyes. FOR THOSE BAD COLDS Relieves from the First Dose MADE BY THE MAKERS OF DUFFY'S PILLS (At your Druggist) PEOPLE OFTEN NEED GLASSES AND DO NOT KNOW IT D. W. Morton Notary Public'. Insuranca With M. Leslie Darii BEAUFORT, N. C. B Works Hard, Dances, i Gains 3 Lbs. a Week Glasses to be satisfac tory must be fitted care-, voi' Witness: M. S. Lee. R. W. Wallace, Entiy Taker for Car teret County. Nov. I work hard, dance and have gained 3 pounds a w .'ek since taking My nervousness is almost all fully. Have your eyes1-;-" examined and get the ,cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nerv , , . . , , I ous, easily tired, anemic people are Kind 01 glaSSeS yOU lieed (surprised how Vinol gives new pep, ! sound sleep and a BIG appetite. The I very first bottle often adds several Dr. GeO. E. Komegay liquids weight to thin children or ad-- a j - c. ! ults. Tastes delicious. Corner Ann and Craven Ms. D nDiirricr BEAUFORT N. C. ! F" R" BELL" DRUGG1S1 'oKromSovnmRHA OS or individual in the world This new' scientific treatment, which represents much of our latest knowledge on modern theraphy, has been acclaimed by druggists through out America as a triumph in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry. With the needs of their customers uppermost in their minds, leading druggists everywhere have been eag er to be among the, first to supply it to their trade. The exclusive agency for Sargon mentally. If one knows how to set the machinery In motion he need sel dom t.ave to do n lick of work. We are getting qui;e accustomed to the automatic stoker which eliminates any attention to the furnace except ing occasionally to rnke out the nshei and to see that the supply of coal does not become depleted. The gaso line engine does almost every task today which was once accomplished through hard- physical labor. It has not yet been taught to get the chil dren out of bed and put them Into LIQUOR CONVICTIONS SHOW FALLING OFF Washington, Oct. 20 Prohibition comphints monopolized almost two thirds of the criminal docket in fed eral district courts during the fiscal year ended June 30, but while the number of cases mounted, convic tions lagged behind. i Statistics made public today by the department of justice showed a to tal of 110,655 civil and criminal cases, of which 86.348 were criminal. I There were 56,786 prohibition cases, i 1,000 more than the previous year. ! There were 47,100 convictions, 1, 700 fewer than the year before, but the department pointed out that there :was a slight increase in the amount anA Conrnn Snft Mass Pills for this citv has been awarded to F. R. BELL i their clothes, hut there Is no end to city nas Deen awaimu I1)iIifIe8 of ,he fururei Snme Adv. to possibilities time-saving and labor-saving machine Is put on the market every day, and It seems only the matter of a few years until we shall have to do noth ing more strenuous than to press the button or turn on the current. Short working hours, and easy work, and higher wages is the paradise to which we all look forward. In education, as well, the general is away from hard worli. The 'easy road toward a definite end Is the one most fought. Text bocks emphasize- the fact that a minimum amount of effort will he necessary to comprehend the subject matter as presented within : their pages. Stu dents must he pleased. Interested, aid ed constantly along the road from which every possible abstraction nas been removed. If It Is possible to get out of work we do It. I am wondering If such a realiza tion would be a good thing. Life may be made -loo easy mentally and phys ically for the best development of the Individual. An ntblete would be quite unlikely to get anywhere if he did not work regularly and if he did not regularly, also, push his muscles to the limit of their powers. There Is little training of the brain if It Is never subjected to hard persistent dif flcult thinking. The hoy who loafs along mentally never forcing tils mind to the accomplishment of somp unpleasant or difficult task will nevei have a trained brain. No one has ever gotten far without hard work. The labor-saving device mental or physical may rob a man of the power and development which comes only from strenuous and per sistent exercise. Cne-yf the oufstand ing men of the country diking to a group of yoiii'ig n en at their college graduation said ; "What I have occQniplished In the world, I have done tltfough ifhrd work I do not know unyojle who has dune . pese -of thfpa-ncil is to give the stu-l anything . tvonn:,wiu.e inline wuuu. dents a foWof democratic govern-! who has not worked hard." , . il flip rpnvpsrn-, He spoke lire ..truth. . .. -.' 'J , j. '' 'J : ' (. 1U2'J. VVBBiWn Newapapgr Onion.) lauve win present sane uuu ijulc- 666 COLORED SCHOOL FOURTH GRADE The fourth grade continues learn many interesting things. Last I tendency week we began 'the study of letter writing. A diagram of a letter was placed on the boaul and the different parts of the letter pointed out by their names and position in the let ter, such as the heading, the salu tation, the body and the complimen tary .close. The class also brought envelopes f" 1 p-Hr3--p"l them ac cording to the model which was plac ed on the board. Those who wrot interesting letters were: Samuel Chad WICK. Kussen uavis, urie .uonme, i Carolyn Henry, Pearl Chadwick, Ehz abeth Chadwick and Albertiis Williams. i a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flue, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most s.'eeHv remedy known. Passenger Schedules Effective May 20th, 1928 Beavfort, N. C. Lv. (5:50 AM. Goldsboro, Norfolk and intermediate points. Parlor ca: from Naw Bern. Lv. 3:15 FM Sleeper New Bern to Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D. C. For reservations etc. call on SETH GIBBS, Ager.t, Beaufort. N. C. BUS SCHEDULE Carteret Transit Co. Leave Morehead City for Atlantic and points east 11:00 AM. 7:00 PM. Leave Beaufort for Atlantic and points east 11:30 AM. 7:45 PM. Leave Atlantic for Beaufort and Morehead City 7:00 AM. 1:15 PM. Lave Beaufort for Morehenc City 8:10 AM. 10:50 AM. 2:45 PM. 6:50 PM. Leave Morehead City for Beaufort 8-20 AM. 11:00 AM. 3:00 PM. 7:00 PM. CALL 87-L DAY OR NIGHT SPECIAL TRIPS FOR SHOE REPAIRING Women's and Children's We specialize on shoe repairing for women and chil dren. We have a big stock of leather and equipment for this work so that we can handle it in a first class manner. Phone 109-L and we will call for and deliver your work. COAL Service Shoe Shop C. D. Whitehurst, Prop. Phone 109-L Notary Public I ill IIHI1 jlfciig'fTOHi'wgtl"gw I i .. vw " GRADE FIVE This week finds us woiking hard and in the same cheerful spirit. We are planning health ppsters and to make books in which we will classify foods and make menus suit nble for growing boys and girls. - Those who received one hundred in spelling for thj entire of last week ere as follows : Geneva Davis, Ophelia Heniy, Mary Alice Pickett, I.ucy Pickett, Cornelia Stanley and Joyce Tate. THE STUDENT'S COUNCIL The Students' Council was organiz ed last Wednesday. This organiza tion is composed of two students from each high school class and-ohe from e eh j,".'ade to. v . three Inclusive selected byplrpular vote. The pur- I "Whon the Cold November breezes Blow w w-" THEN the comfort of Coal in the Hi, ready for heater or furnace, will appeal. THE PRICE at the mines is advancing. We have bought a number of cars at summer prices. WHILE THEY LAST they are yours at a saving of from 10 to 20 per cent. BUY NOW. Can quote delivered any where in the county. Genuine Pocahontas Egg, W. Va. Splint Egg. -. V s t f V 'Phone 45 When you order by phone you save both time and energy. We will give your or der the same careful attention that a per sonal call would receive. Our good and fresh groceries are also an assurance that you'll be fully satisfied. Beaufort Lumber 9 B2CI 'ife. Co. i i I JONES;Co.: "EVERYTHING TO EAT". . 4 FliONTi ST.. . .. ' BEAUFORT, H. C. ' J AT WViL "Plain OS nlrtAT A7C". TO C.W.lir) l?f J . -l--. lii tIat BOY ii-T (j . WELL, I P ASSIST. GO A!JY il'. . i t a . a. uraa, U-fl. J. AlY I -M I Kf "ST ' ' - 5 1 . -. lit. . 1 ) :