PAGE NINE THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 WANT ADS NOTICE I by lot twelve (12), on the west by THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS RATE: . One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. AH want ads .mid in advance. No want ad 1 taken for less than 25c. them in. Diiplay Ad Rates on Request Telephone No. 16. Pursnnnt. tn thn nnwpr nf sola pnn-Mnt tViirtppn . ISi nnH Tin the. west by 1 1 tained in that certain Mortgage Deed j the lands of Norfolk Southern Rail- executed by Allen Lawrence and; road. k jwife Mary T. Lawrence to the under- j This February 11th. 1930. : signed mortgagee dated December! GRAHAM BROTHERS, 16, 1927, and recorded in book 37 at; Mortgagee, 'page 564 i:i ofliee of Register of! Time of Sale: March 10, 1930, ! Doecls of Carteret County, North Car-: o'clock, M. olina, trust, the undersigned will offer for Mail sale for cash at public auction at the Court-house door in Beaufort, Car teret County, N. C, at noon on Wed nesday, March 19th, 1930, the fol lowing described real estate: I A certain lot or parcel of land ly 12 1 big and being situated in Carteret i County. State of North Carolina, in Congressman Has a Real Museum YyFMWRTTERS WE SELL THE famous Underwood typewriter. You tan buy one on very easy terms. Call at the Beaufort News and let us ex plain it to you 7EAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED in town lots or country property ad dress il'he Carteret Realty & Insur- . Co.. D. W. Morton, secretary Beaufort, N. C. t 1 VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS Cards and Personal Stationery made according to your taste and directions at the Beaufort News office. i ADDING MACHINE PAPER AND Second Sheets can always be had at the Beaufort News office. Also type writer ribbons. CORNER and default having been made j Place of sale: Court House Door, j the corporate limits of the Town of March 6 , forehead Lity, -ana Known m me ui- ficial plan of said Town as Lots Num bers One (1) Two (2) Fourteen (14) Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in square or block number One Hundred Twenty-two (122), together with all buildings and improvements located thereon. . Better described as fol lows: BEGINNING at the Northwest 'In tersection of Fisher Street with Twen ty-first Street, at a post, running thence One Hundred Feet (100 ft.) with the Northern line of Ffsher Street, North 80 degrees 05' West to the interestct'on of an alley, (South east intersection) with Fisher Street, thence North 9 degrees 53' East, with the Eastern line of said alley, Two Hundred Fifty (250) feet to the ! in the payment of the note secured 1 Beaufort, N. C. by the said mortgage the undersigned j ; mortgagee, will offer for sale and will I ' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE sell for cash at the Court House door Having qualified as administratrix of Larteret County in the Town of ! 0f the estate of Isaac N. Parker, late Beaufort, North Carolina, on Monday 1 0f Carteret county, North Carolina, the ICth day of March 1930 at the this is to notify all persons having hour of 12:00 o'clock M., the follow-1 claims against the estate of said de ing described tract or parcel of land ceased to exhibit them to the under lying and being in Carteret County, i signed at Beaufort, N. C, on or be North Carolina, in Straits township f ore the 11th day of February, 1931 described and defined as follows: or this notice will be pleaded in bar Beginning at the S. E. corner of 0f their recovery. All persons in the tract of land which the said O. C. debted to said estate will make immed Lawrence purchased from Delaware jate payment. Golden and J. Wilson Gillikin near ;' This 11th day of February. 1930. an angle in the Said Road and run ning thence with the eastward line of tract N22 1-2 W 28 Poles to the said road, Thence with the road 29 1-2 feet thence N 41 3-4 W 90 poles to Albert Gillikin line, thence S 41 W 14 Poles and 7 feet to the S. W. coi--er of the t,-:ict, thence S 37 1-2 13 100 poles and 11 feet to the containing 12 acres more or les. This lith (lav of February 1930. II. C. WHITEHURST, Mar 6 Mortgagee. ELLA B. PARKER, Administratrix of the estate of Is aac N. Parker, deceased. Mar. 20 . I Northeast intersection of said alley SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROP-Bay st;.ceti thence S()Uth 80 de ERTY. jivps 0.V East. One Hundred (100) Pursuant to the power of -ile con- , ' , t. Southern line of Bay tained in a certain deed of trust, ex ecuted on 31st da yof Aug. 1926 by i Lester Glancy and wife to E. H. i Meadows, Trustee, recorded in Office of Register of Deeds of Carteret Page 102 on rent HOUSE Live Oak and Pine Street Fine condition, bath, electric lights, all conveniences. , Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co.. Phone 66. FOR RENT AT MILL", i IIVE . 1...V.4. l-nof onr. water. room nouses, us"!, " Fine condition. 1 six room house, County in Book 39, ' March 24th 1930 at NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 12 O'CLOCK NOON Default having been made in the; MARCH 24th, 1930 payment of the indebtedness secur- At the courthouse door in Carteret ed by that certain deed of trust to me County. We will sell at public auc as Trustee for the Jefferson Standard tion for ca,h to the hignest b5dder Life Insurance Company by the the foilowing pr0perty to wit: Bluffs Company, a corporation organ- Beginning at a ditch between Ira I ized under the laws of North Caro- Garner and C. Gould, thence running! lina, on the 12th day of April, 1929,North to the river rurl( thence with and recorded in the office of the Reg-; the River Run t0 a d;tch thence i ister of Deeds of Carteret County m ; South to th Main Road tnence East- rm-K fi rtr T "11 J J i It being i uic . i.. v. - - - i ouu.ii to tne mum xiuau i . i i. .-.) urofpr hine condition. , tri. en n on T ,;n n. anA i llgm neat , r i"" "J VaKK v.-., . ... ... ... ...... , warcly tQ the ueglnmng Beaufort luniDer xc.-.e- - Phone 60. 1 Street to the Southwestern intersec tion of Bay Street with Twenty-first Street: thence South 9 degrees 55' West, with the Western line of Twenty-first Street, Two Hundred Fifty (250) feet to the beginning; containing fiw lots, fifty by one hun dred feet a'ch, as shown by survey of F. M. Edgerton, C. E., of August Bth., 1927, and al?o according to the official plan of the Town of More head City. This 4th of February, 1930. North Carolina 'Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, Succesor to Cit izens National Bank of Raleigh, N. C, Trustee. By: 1 HI UWlmW it 1 1 REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR RE- turn, or information leading to re Urn of Remington double barreled, V. nlooo Rh0t eUn. AUUICM " Owner, Care Beaufort News. t f BABY CHIX FOR SALE ALSO custom hatching; $4.00 per hundred or $6.00 per tray 150 for hatching. Custom Hatching Selected. I will incubate each Wednesday during hatching (season. Pleasant Garden Hatchery. W. E. Fodrie, owner and operator, Newport, N. C. , MEADOWS, Trustee. T--10 CATV ONE NICE GENTLE pony, in fine condition. Reasonably priced. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Fodne R. F. D. No. 1 Beaufort, N. C. it WANTED A GOOD GENTLE quick Mule, not over 12 years old. Must weigh 900 pounds or more. W . D. Arthur, Beaufort, N. C, Rt. Np. 1 IBox 49. Mat FOR SALE - FEW BUSHELS SE- for planting. Ince ci 6 a bushel. Wm. H. Bell, New f port, N. C. Mar. 20 , . 1 ... ' c - " u villi 4. . tjtcuiiiau, 1 ii-v-i 1 csiueiiti by virtue of the power of sale vest-;the home traet fornleriy owned by C.IXerms of Sale Cash. luV:":i:uur;:r,;;;r;" r!uo" d- . . . . .. of sale -courthouse door, ai uic icuirai ui wre no.ui v, hs sfl ,s ma(ip hv rPnson the d .4. r . jj.-.ii. - 7. ------ ------- -- jjertuiui., -1. v.. ana lor u.e puipu u 6 failure of Lester Glancy and wife to Time of Sale Noon, Wednesday, deot secured Dy saia aeeu 01 uu., , pay off and discharge the indebted- March 19 1930. Mar 13 proceed to sen to tne nigntsi, uiuuei, , ness secured by the said deed o trust NOTICE or casn, -""7 . ,to & J- A- Meadows Company Notice is hereby given that I have Beauiort, "erei oun.y, i.n of New Bernj N. C. this day leased to R. L. Whitehurst CaMnMr a v mVbpiS X !. 1 A depsit f 10 per Cent wU1 be re" ' following oyster bottom : MONDAY, MARCH 10th., 1930 quired from the purchaser at the . Located in Carteret County, on the me loiiowmg ucs-nu-u lonu, - sale. In Morehead Township, beginning! T"hjs the 18th day of February, at a point on the high bank of Boguej 1g3o Sound, the southwestern corner 01 a. E H tract of land owned by Dave Mans- j jjarch 13 ' field, which point is marked by an: iron post located by Schisler, C. E. of SUMMONS OF PUBLI- Richmond, Va., and running thence r,TmM North 12 deg. and 50 1-2 nun. West: T u . ; ,.,v,;i. I North Carolina, Carteret County. In 541.24 feet to a cherry tree, in which . ' p aced "Jn olt; thence North 1 87 deg. and 54 min. East 210 fee to Administrator of Ran- an iron post; thence North 12 deg. ' J ' , , rA K r 1. i,. oonn dolph Eryant, Deceased. ' and 50 1-2 mm. West about 2,91 0 , ' ' feet to State Highway No. 10; thence ' tI . . . t, , f0 1 j 01 1 o Indiana Slade and Husband Thomas North 68 deg and 33 1-2 nun. We J. . Bryant, Wardell Holt along and with said Highway No ' Luvada to its intersection with Bogus Sound Bryant, Dovey Hayes and Boulevard; thence South 83 deg. and ' J. ' ' ir. . n r 1 ...itt, o..;.i Husband Melvin Hayes, franklin 59 1-2 min. West along and with said . ' ' . t, 1 , 10-o 4. 4. Bryant, and Purvis Bryant, Heirs at Bou evard 187.28 feet to an iron ' ' - .i n 1.1. n J J 17 o A unw Ul ivauuuiuii uiiniibi nost: thence South 7 deg. and 17 3-4 , , r, , min. West 3272.41 feet to another The only museum on Capitol Hill In Washington Is found in the ollite of ; Representative Clyde Kelly of Pennsylvania, who has been collecting Inter- ', esting curios from many parts of the world for over fifteen years. In It are found grim relics of the World war and odd objects fnun the South Sea lslamls. A place of Ironor is accorded the highly polished horse shoes with : which Mr. Kelly won the championship of Capitol Hill last summer. The . photograph shows Mr. Kelly holding Ids latest exhibit, a tnrrolse shell medi- : cine rattle presented to him by the Omaha Winabngo Indians, of whom he ; Is honorary chief. 666 it a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flue, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It ii the most speedy remedy knowti. rawojrJSoirimmrJ Davidson County farmers live at home with the exception of some oats, beef and mutton which are not pro duced in sufficient quantities. They expect to remedy this condition this year. WANTED RELIABLE MAN 21 to 55 years old with car to call on farmers in Carteret County. Make $8 to $15 daily. No experience or caDital needed. Write tooay. Company, Dept. M., reeporc, nois. FOR SALE PERRENNIAL PHLOX and other plants and shrubs. Mrs. Dave Whitehurst, Live Oak St., Beau fort, N. CT. ' " 1 1 east side of North River and in Goose Creek Bay. Beginning at a stake in the line of Alvin Willis' water fence, Black Hammock Woods, bearing north 32 west about one-half mile and running south 18 east 1550 feet to a stake, thence south 80 west 1050 feet to a stake the southwest corner, thence north 18 east 1550 feet to a stake the northwest corner, thence north 80 east about 1050 feet to the beginning, containing 31 acres more or less. This the 14th day of February, 1030. J. A. NELSON, 3-13 Fish Commissioner. Passenger Schedules Effective December 29, 1929 Beaufort, N. C. Lv. 7:00 AM. Goldsboro, Norfolk and intermediate points. Parlor cai from New Bern. Lv. 3 :15 PM. Sleeper New Bern to Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D. C. For reservations etc. call on SETH GIBBS, Agent. Beaufort. N. C. BUS SCHEDULE Carteret Transit Co. Leave Morehead City for Atlantic and points east 11:00 AM. 7:00 PM. Leave Beaufort for Atlantic and points east 11:30 AM. 7:45 PM. Leave Atlantic for Beaufort and Morehead City 7 :00 AM. 1 :15 PM. Lavc Beaufort for Morehettflc City 8:10 AM. 10:50 AM. 2:45 PM. 6:50 PM. Leave Morehead City for Beaufort 8:20 AM. 11:00 AM. 3:00 PM. 7:00 PM. CALL 87-L DAY OR NIGHT FOR The defendants, Indiana Slade and 1 l 1 rri T i..l:n- T , . , , ! v, nusuaiiu J. nomas i. oiauc, j uuctn uiy- iron post located near the high bank i ' , lv. c 4.V. 7 1 17 a m; ant, Wardell Holt and husband Hur thence South 7 deg. and 17 6-i min. ' t . n, t 4 4. i, i,;i, i,oi, Aflland Holt, Luvada Bryant, Enmon W est 132 feet to the high bank 01, ' J , ' , , " o j 1.1. f 4. 11.. Bryant, Dovey Hayes and husband Illi- Mar 13 Unless tenant farmers of Scotland County agree to plant and cultivate a good' garden this year, they will not be advanced -supplies py w chants of the county. Moore county farmers purchased 2.025 pounds of !e?pedeza seed, and f then had to order 1,500 pounds more t;l their needs.. Vf tniuMNicTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE long and with Bogue Sound to the beginning, containing 232.36 acres, :-l. 4l.n4. nn4 stl ouM nrrtTl- ttllU lliciuuillli tnai uaL, vi dm.u jivf , , , - erty adjacent to Bogue Sound, which teret County before the Clerk for the , y, J .., j:. ,l4.j 0j purpose of selling Real Estate be- n o a nuon un 11.11 iu iiihii. iiiiii.i.rii aim - (1C(l3 u - - il auw hitiv I " North Carolina, Carteret County, In Superoir Court. H. W. NOE vs .T R Dinlfinson. .T. R. Diekinson. aerent Melvin Hayes will take notice that an ,for all heirs of c L. Dickinson, Town 19 action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Car- )efore elling longing to the state of Randolph Bry ant, deceased, to make assets to pay the debts and obligations of said es tate; and the said defendants herein named will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court of Car teret County at his office in the Court House at Beaufort, N. C, within ten 10) days after the 15th, day of March 1930 and answer or demur to the petition or complaint filed in said j proceedings, or the plaintiff will apply UUUCHia HUH. M.uw Mi.u . .... ,. . if . . 1 to the tJourt lor tne renei demanded conveyances to tne Pcnasers anu This 13 day of February, 1930. L. W. HASSELL. Clerk of Superior Court of Carteret laid out in accordance with a plan and survey of Record in Carteret County, entitled "Bogu Bluffs by the Sea;" but excepting nevertheless, cer tain lots heretofore conveyed by ref erence to said plot being numbered as follows: Lots 6, 7, .8, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Block "1; and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 2; and 1 and 2 in Block 3, and subject to the rights of ways dedicated, in Streets, Avenues and Water Front; all of which appears from plot an County, c. r w. March 13. ' Habing qualified as administrator of the estate of Mason Nelson late of tarteret county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to .riM.ii. i.vm n the undersigned at Atlantic, N. C, on or before the 6th day of February, 1931 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov- cry All persons indebted to said estate will maka immediate payment. This 6th day of February, 1930. LUTHER SMITH, Atlantic, N. C. Administrator of the estate of Ma son Nelson, deceased. . -son Nelson, deceased. Mar 20 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of .-liss Nancy C. Davis, de ceased, late of Carteret County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having' claims, against the . estate of deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C., on or before the. 29th day of January 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. .... All pej-sfons indebted to said es' tate will make immediate payment. This 29th day of January, 1930. ELIJAH B. WHTTMUiKST. owners of the lots hereinabove men tioned as exceptions. This the 31st day of January, 1930 JULIAN PRICE, TRUSTEE Brooks, Parker, Smith & W'harton, Attornevs. Greensboro, N. C. Mar 6 ADMNiSTRATOR'S NOTICE ,-yi-ir Having qualified as administrator nunvf. iof the estate of A M LewiS( deceas- North Carolina, 1 . , t f Carteret Countv. North Carteret County. i Carolina, this is to notify all persons Pursuant to power of le contain-, fc eftate ed in that certain mortgage L-ed ex- undersigned at of Beaufort and Carteret County. Pursuant to order in above entitled matter, undersigned commissioner will, on Monday the 31st., day of March, 1930, at 12 o'clock M., offer ! for sale for CASH, to the highest bid der at court- door in Beauofrt, N. C., the following described real estate: Part lot No. 62 Old Town, Beau fort, N. C. Bounded as follows: On the east side of Turner Street, adjoining T. D. Noe, Estate on the north, Dr. George Davis on the east, Mrs. Sallie Shelton on the south and Turner Street on the West. Said lot being 52 1-2 x 55 fett in size. Sale subject to confirmation of the Court. This, the 27th day of February, 1930. W. O. WILLIAMS, Commissioner of the Cour' Mar. 27 HALF PRICE Save money all year! "Gold Ribbon" Brand Coffee and Chicory has twice the strength cr ordinary coffee and vou use only half the quantity to a cup. When you buy a pound of "Gold Ribbon" Blend, it's h-te buying 2 lbs., of ordinary coffee and it tastes better too. 1 1r ff ecuted by Allen Copeland and his wife Ratchel Copeland, dated tne ., Otway, N. C, on or before the 14th wife Katcnei wpewnu, u,c, .... , , February, 1931, or this notice day of July 1928 to Graham Brother u - J eaded bar 'of their reeov. said mortgage deed being corded in An pers0ns indebted to the said book 60, page ,424, records of Car- J ' immediate teret County, N. C.. and defautt , hav J, ,ng been ra n" - This- 14th day of February, 1930 said noies - inui i-66 v" signed mortgagee will oflFer for sale and will sell for cash at the court hnuao door in Beaufort, Carteret C0Uno;nC?9 JoWk M'ythe,NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES March, 1930, at 12 o'clock, M., the tate Under and by vritue of power and A. B. LEWIS, Administrator of the estate of A. M. Lewis, deceased. Mar. 27 fi-iinuinc described real estate: A certain piece or tract or lana ly ing and being in Carteret County, State Aforesaid, in Morehead Town ship, and described and defined as follows, to wit: .Adjoining the Oak smith Estate, being a sub-development, the plat of which is recorded in Court-house and described as fol- t. 1. l4-. Mo ' nina lows: joeiiiir iwu iu.-. -.. y-. - - , . , i 11 i4. v o Kiiinr... on ness secured tnereoy, wnereuy uic en- - ti-.j. t r..4t and eleven vn; - . . oi. .vun.., he- agister 01 uetua ui authority contained in that certain deed of trust, dated October 20, 1927, and recorded in Book 59, Page 352, Carteret County Registry, and execut ed by Era L. White and wife, to the Citizens National Bank of Raleigh, N. C, Trustee, default having been I .... 1. . .!. :JU4. made in tne payment 01 me iuucuku- NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County. Pursuant to power of sale contain ed in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by Floyd F. Loftin and Blanche Loftin, his wife, dated the 25th day of May, 1927, to Beaufort Lumber & Manufacturing Company, of Beaufort, N. C, said mortgage deed being recorded in Book 37, at page 489, Records of Carteret Coun ty, N. C, and default having been made in the payment of said note and default having been made in the payment of said note and mortgage, the undersigned mortgagee will offer for sale and will sell for cash, at the courthouse door in Beaufort, N. C, on the. First day of April, 1930, at twelve' o'clock, M., the following de scribed real estate to-wit: In Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina, and being lots num bered five (5) and seven (7), in that' plat of the Hammocks property north of Ann street in accordance with a map of said property showing sub divisions, by C. K. Howe, Surveyor, duly recorded in the office of the We Can Fix It i East by lot Seven (7), on the sontnu - ;A j ty, N, ,.!- .! 1. l.. ii 1 sn vna nu 111111 1 nvm t. :iim uvn'" bv lot Ten UU), on tn? west uy m, - - - , n eleven (11) on the North by lot Nor-.having been maue oy tne no.u - , " . ---- - . ..... , . VACTITRING CO.. estate of Miss I Lot eleven (11) is bounded on th, therein to adverse ana - South property aestnucu 111 earn . C. in Book 27, at page 528. This 28th day of February, 1930. PRATIFORT I.UM'PER & M W'U- Mortgagee. Do-the soles of your shoes wet trough at the first sign of dampness w, Then leave them with us for a short time and we will put on a so e tha will keep your feet dry even when it rains. The Beaufort Shoe Shop J. W. Chadwkk, Prop. TTvopwtnr nf the Nancy Willis, deceased. Mar 7 1 East by lotNine (9), on the