fHF. BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 PAGE FIV -Personal Noles Telephone Col. and Mrs. Chas. W. Bryan, of New Bern and New York, are here now living in their sunimtr home on West Front Street. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hassell went to Jamesville Saturday on account of the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Marv V. Hassell, wife of Dr. U. S. Hassell, prominent physician of that ; wife community. tion WAAjz A If j i The reason the woman pays and pays and pnys Is because she buys on the Installment plan. has just undergone an opera for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. John Chadwick, of J Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Sealey and Rocky Mount, visited relatives here children of Newport News, Va., over the week-end. They were ac- spent the Easter Holidays with Mrs. companied home by Mr. Chadwick's Sealey's parents Mr. and Mrs. James mother, Mrs. Lizzie Chadwick. Cree. 1 Two other witnesses were examin ed but said that they knew nothing about the women. Frances Jordan said that both she and Jeannette Martin are maried and jthat their husbands were in the ! North. She also said the man found by Deputy , Gaskill in the room with ithe Martin woman was the latter's i husband. The liquor was carried ' there, she said, by a traveling sales ! man and the presence of the other !men could be explained by the fact that- they were havin ga party. Jeannette Martin said that she is married, that the man found in the room with her was her husband, who left the next day for Philadelphia to resume work. She said she knew 'nothing about the liquor beirj in the ! house. Leonard Fulcher, a Coast Guards man, said he was sent to the home of the defendants Saturday night by an officer and that he saw Frances Jordan sell three drinks of liquor and receive pay for them about elev en o'clock, which was about two hour before the sheriff raided the children will defend it. Few men have been patriotic enough to shoul der a musket in defense of a board ing house. The prosperity and glory of our country depend upon the num ber of people who are owners of homes. Capt. and Mrs. George M. Willis, i Mr. - i. , ... ... :,. and two children George Jr., and Ala- -" '.ou hala of Point Lookout, Md., and Mr., " New Bern. and Mrs. 0. M. Dough of Virginia j Beach arrived here Sunday and are; Mrs W. L Bell of Dover was here the house guests of their sister Mrs. r tne week end with her s.ster Roland Davis on Ann Street. ,31rs- w- Sm'tn- . plae. Both the defendants then were plac jed on the stand and said that they .. , . . had never seen Fulcher and that he Otis Moore left this morning , , . in th.ir home. iiau uctvi 1 v - - Sheriff Davis followed them witn the testimony that Leonard Fulcher is of good reputation. Judge Hill charged the jury and it retired and, after deliberating ov er an hour, brought in the verdict of not guilty. Howard Eudy was charged with driving a car recklessly and in excess of the state speed limit. State High way Patrolmen Crum and Duncan Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hill of Chap-' . P- Kennedy and children i win ,, SMtnrdav here with his of Norfolk are spending a short time .u.. r- g,h tun Rhp arcnm- wth her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom, lIlULiici mis. uouic ...... jThmnnn nanied them home Sunday where she uuuu"' . will spend several weeks. ! !said that Eudy drove hi? car on the i Mrs. C. Dora and Mrs. Sallie Mav. . ril w;Wa i,.ifff(1 au.he i i , T t-. i mill em "tu iy - Miss Virginia Howe visited friends on have moved. to New Bern and are j f fort mi)es an hour and that and relatives here during the week- makln? their home with Mrs. Dora I ded to sixty when he end. .Masons daughter Mrs. Spencer. ;reacned the causeway. Eudy was In jcnr , i fined twenty-five dollars and cost. Mr. Martin Willis, of Durham was . Keverend R. F. Munns went to ; Dan chadwick was charged with Raleigh early this, week with Mrs. here visiting relatives Sunday. . Messrs. Charlie and Vernon Harrell visit there a short jvhile, of Raleigh, visited their parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. John Harrell, over the week ' 1 ' , ; Hollister, Potter. nr. A tvjn cnnrtinfT limiftr Munns' mother Mrs. Rogers who will , T " " f U H attorney. T ..J.1 TT lUv. nnfntnl a nlnn I Ij 111 lit? I IliUUULUlI, ClllCliu not guilty. The Chief of the More- Mr. and Mr, Charles Potter of ZdC yVoe Force stated that he Washington D. C, are v,s.t.ng Mr. wag sumLned by -citizens 0f that Mr. James D. Biggs spent the week end visiting relatives and friends in Raleigh and Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Geddy 'Bennett, Of Wilmington, spent the week end here visiting Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Whitehurst. Capt. Loftin Garner, instructor at Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, of Wildwood, N. J., spent several days here this week the guests of Mrs. Gustave Johnson. ' Mr. William Rose is herevisiting his familyv Mrs. Charles Skarren spent the Oak Ridtre Military Institute, visited eek end. with her sifter Mrs- J- P- & relatives in Newnort over the week- avis ln New Bern- attending the end and was a visitor in Beaufort ast?r Mrf at Christ Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Pitts, of Nor folk, visited Mrs. Pitts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. week end. E. Skarren, over the; Capt. C. A. Clifton. was called to Norfolk last Friday on account of the illness. of his brother there. city who saw a drunken man James Brown in the car owned by the defen dant's father and which was parked in front of Huffman's Pharmacy. The defendant anda New Bern man nam ed Watson were both up the street and were drinking. A half-gallon fruit jar almost full of whiskey was removed from under the feet of Brown by the Chief. He said he didn't see Chadwick either drive or occupy the car. Pf-rw flnHwin testified to the drunk Church, nf ti.. tj,e nlen James C. Willis said he saw the chief remove the whiskey from the car and kept it for him while he es corted the men to the City Hall. Chadwick said that Brown drove Mr. Howard Gaskill visited his mother, Mrs. Annie Gaskill, Sunday. Va., spent the week end here i relatives and friends. Misses Annie Morton, Susan Rum- ley, and Louise Hudgins, who have been spending the Easter holidays' here with relatives, returned to Green ! ville yesterday. ; Mr. Charles Clifton of Gloucester. v a ity minutes before he was apprehend ed. He testified that he knew noth ing about the liquor being in the car and that his drinks came from other sources in Morehead City. Young Chadwick was fined twenty five dollars and cost of court, but his attorney took an appeal to the Su perior Court. McKinlpv Godett. color :-d, was HOSPITAL NEWS charged with assaulting W. C. Davis, Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sparks, of Cape Lookout, at the Potter Emer gency Hospital, a son April 17. They Mr. and Mrs. Aycock Brown, of have named the infant Thomas Jo- Orriipokp. mnt.nrpd thvnncrh Viprp Sat- seP urday on their way to Swan quarter. . Messrs. James Dudley, of Beaufort als0 coi0red, with a deadly weapon, They called at the News office while onn ewis 01 "arKers Island, and nam(lly a lazor, Godett submitted as here. . Gaskill, of Sea Level, are in he d;d in Polk.e Court ast Friday. jthe hospital for treatment. TwQ witnesses were examined but Mesdames A. T.-Gardner and Ar-! r " t0 Mr- and Mrs- John Lewis.:tHey did not seem to know much a thur Newkirk motored to the Azalea ;of,?arkers Island, a son April 21. t th ff av judfce Hill found .ir. uus nuns, ot bmyrna, has:him ilty of carrying a concealed been quite ill with pneumonia, but is!d d, weapon but relieved him of Gardens near Wilmington last Thurs day. . Miss Julia Parkin, who is attend ing E. C. T. C, Greenville, spent the Easter holidays here visiting relatives Mr. -William Keith Saunders, of! The regular monthly meeting of costs of the court the jail sentence Elizabeth City, son of W. 0. Saund- the Music Department of the Com-! will not be enforced, ers who is editor of the well-known munity Club will be held at the home Birdie Rice plead not guilty to the Elizabeth City Independent, spent of Mrs. Horace Loftin Friday even- rharfre of assaultnig a Mrs. Wilis with MUSI CCLUB MEETS t.Ka assault charge, and sentenced to sixty days in jail and work on the : county roads. Prayer for judgment ;is to be continued and if the defend ant pays a fine of ten dollars and the week end here as the guest of ,ing this week at eight o'clock. Miss Lillian Rice. He called at the News office Saturday afternoon. Mr. Leslie Springle has recently' been promoted from manager of the!,,. '. local Gulf Rf-.nt.inn t.n Kprvi SoH 1 ashllltgon, D. a deadly weapon, namely a brick, on the 18th of March 1929. Witnesses said that there had been friction be tween the two families and that on 1 1 sin in nnncf inn Vl OVA Vtflfl VlPPfl Charles Potter of: aeitation of this by the children c together with a ' f,0 Uvn nmn;pfl. nn,l as a result ANNIVERSARY PARTY Snnprinfpnripnt nf tha Hnif Hiofof inumoer oi friends in eBauofrt gave . Mr. Hugh Piner has succeeded him Mr and JMrs- Jim Ptter, 8 surprise j()f conmte and briek8 at the houe as manager, and Mr. A. P. Belangia ip.a7,y .a"d shower. Tuesday evening !flnd one brick hit Mrg, Willis who ox Morehead City has taken Mr. Pin er's place. Grid Star Also Cager TAX RELIEF MEETING HAS LARGE ATTENDANCE According to reports some 500 del egates attend the tax relief meeting in Raleigh Monday. Carteret coun ty was represented by C. H. Bushall, Chairman of the Beard of Commis- linn Capt. Johnny Leliners ot the Tto Jans' 1930 basketball quintet, who Is one of those sports enthusiasts who doffed his moleskins at the close of the 1920 football seasun to don bas ketball shorts and go In for the court same. Captain Leliners plays guard on the varsity aggregation and has carried his teammates to nn Important position In the season's Far West competition. House of Representatives and County Judge E. Walter Hill. There were many delegates present from the east ern counties, as well as other parts of the State. Sixty six counties were j represented at the meeting. Perhaps the principal thing done at the tax meeting was the adoption sioners: D. M. Jones, member of the , . . , . . ' I Gardner to call a special session of the General Assembly immediately af ter the November eleciio.i to take up the problem of tax relief. The as sociation will undertake to raise some Champion Pea Eater r n jgfcjf ftr tm money to carry on the work which it has started. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Miss Lucille Anderson ot Los An geles holding her special knife with which she won the world's pea-eating championship by eating upwards of five thousand peas In exactly one min ute and ten seconds. RELIABLE MAN ABOUT 30 years old with car wanted to call on farmers in Carteret County. Make ?8 to $15 daily. No experience or capital needed. Write today. Mc- Ness Company, Dept. M., Freeport, Illinois. ' 1 MATTRESSES RENOVATED AND sterilized. We can make your old mattress as good as new. We also re pair and sterilize Box Springs, Porch Furniture, Household and Office goods. We specialize in making feather mattresses. Our sterilizing plant complies with all sanitary lav ?. For information call' Phone 33 or write care Davis House, Beaufort, N. C, Jackson Mattress Co. 4 24 v X Woman Scientist Awarded a Prize i tea v U w f' J ' fL ' 1 mM&vm i W. E. SKARREN AND CO. PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates Cheerfully Submitted Beaufort, N. C. 'Phone 142-J J Dr. Florence Uena Snbin, of the Rcckefeller Institute lor Medical Re search, pictured nt work in her laboratory. For her discovery of the origin of the Lymphatic system nnd the function of the white blood cell In Its relation to tuberculosis. Miss Sabin was awarded the annual $5,000 prize of the Pictorial Review given to the American woman making the most dls- Unctive contribution ln the fields of arts, letters nnd sciences. A Comforting Thought The average person sel dom has need of ambu lance service. But it is comforting to know that such service is available. Our up-to-date car, with a responsible driver, is al ways at the disposal of the people of this communi ty. A telephone call will bring it to your door at ny hour ot the day night. or GEO. W. DILL MOREHEAD CITY, N. Phones No. 216 & 116-W C. ESTIMATES! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dail return ed last Friday night from a ten-day trip to Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and return ed through the Shenondoah Valley. Messrs. Roy Eubanks and Charles Hill returned Tuesday night from Baltimore. Mesdames fra, H. Bailey and !,1hme T A"" ??"et the C- was closing the door. It seemed to casion being the twentieth anniver- I be a neighborhood quarrel. Rice ran sary of their maraige. It was a i u. t.t uon .mp,! Mr Pnny evenflnV"d Mn andHe conducted nis own defense. Judge " we!;e fended congratu-j Hm found him guilty of the charge 7Z"; . 6 ",B"C a"u V 'and sentenced him to sixty days con- cipients of a number of lovely gifts. COMMUNITY SING finement in the county jail and work on the roads, but if he will pay a fine of twenty-five dollars and cost of court and be of good behavior to ward the prosecutrix and her fam ily for six months the jail and road Circle No. 1 of St. Paul's Eniaeo- pal Church will have a sing and get sentence will be suspended together meeting at the home of Mrs. A change of venue was given in Hugh Hill had an egg hunt last Sat- C. L. Duncan May-Day, May -1st, at! the case of S. H. Newberry for giv. urday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock and eight o'clock in th? evening. Every-,ing a worthless, check. The case will one is invited to come and take part 1 be tried in the Lenoir County court, in the singing and meet your friends ! twenty-five or thirty young lolks were present. 1 Mr. T. A. Uzzell of Greensboror was a business visitor here Tuesday. -. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin made a trip to Wilmington Wednesday to see the Pembroke Jones azalea gar dens near there. Mr. Roland Bell spent Tuesday in New Bern on business. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Taylor left and have a sociable thatith- your neighbors whom perhaps you have not seen for some time. Everybody tome HOME i ' Robt G. Ingersoll There can be no such thing in the highest sense as a home unless you own it. There must be an incentive to plant trees, to beautify its grounds to nreserve and improve. It elevates a man to own a home. It gives a certain independence, a force of character that is obtained in no oth er wav. A man without a home time of the raid. Both Gaskill and feels like a passeneer. There is in WOMEN FREED CHARGES OF IMMORAL! ( Continued from page one) We don't just figure a bill by the selling price. We try to find out what is needed. Sometimes we suggest a lower grade that will cheapen the cost. Sometimes we suggest a better grade that will vastly improve the building. Sometimes we find not enough liste'd to do the work and sometimes we find too much. When you build it is important to you That you don't spend a dollar needlessly. That you get just what is needed to make a suitable building. That the grade of material be proper. And that the cost is right. We don't charge for Estimates and we sell you with the idea of making a permanent friend and customer. BRING YOUR ESTIMATE IN OR WE WILL HELP MAKE ONE Davis said that there were six or 'such a man a little of the vagrant. Monday for Baltimore to be with eight men in the house at the time Homes make patriots. He who has their son Mr. George Taylor whose of tha first raid. f , sat by his own fireside with wife and Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co. RETAIL DEALERS QUALITY PLUS SERVICE Phone 66