w - . , i... v " i '.-r'-Cf.''f-m?mmmmmi m,iw . : - i mi. 1 THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1930 PAGE SIX WAIST ADS THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS RATEt One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. All want ads paid in advance. No want ad taken for leas than 25c. Mail them in. Display Ad Rate on Request Telephone No. 16. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WITH A Maccabees Certificate, TYPEWRITERS WE SELL THE famous Underwood typewriter. You tan buy one on very easy terms. Call t the Beaufort News and let us ex plain it to you. REAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED in town lots or country property ad dress The Carteret Realty & Insur ance Co., D. W. Morton, secretary, Beaufort, N. C. 1 VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS Cards and Personal Stationery made according to your taste and directions at the Beaufort News office. WOMEN MAY CARRY INSURANCE with the Maccabees. ADDING MACHINE PAPER AND s.inn rl Shpet.s can always be had at the Beaufort News office. Also type writer ribbons. FOR RENT HOUSE CORNER Live Oak and Pine Street. Fine condition, bath, electric lights, all conveniences. Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Phone 66. t f. WANTED WOMEN AND MEN OF industry and intelligence to work for the Maccabees. FOR RENT AT MILL, 3 FIVE room houses, light, heat and water. Fine condition. 1 six Toom house, light heat and water. Fine condition. Beaufort Lumber & Manfg. Co., Phone 66. t f REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR RE- turn, or information leading to re turn of Remington double barreled, hammerless shot gun. Address Owner, Care Beaufort News. t f IF YOU DESIRE A GOOD CLEAN job call for J. F. Stokes, Friday of this week or Wednesday of next week at Mrs. Russell's Rooming House. FOR SALE 1926 MODEL DODGE Coupe in first class shape, with prac tically new tires. Price ?225 Hen derson's Garage. W. E. WOOLARD, HENDERSON'S Garage, Ann and Turner Streets. Blacksmithing and Acetylene Weld ing, Plumbing, Upholstering, Gener al Repair Work of all kinds. All work gruaranteed to be satisfactory. FOR SALE ONE "Z" TYPE Fairbanks-Morse 10 H. P. horizontal engim. One Durant engine. One No. 28 Palmer Grist Mill 10 to 15 bus. meal per hour, practically new. J. H. Davis, R. F. D. Newport, N. C. 6 12 IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY hook up with the Maccabees. FOR SALE GENUINE PORTO Rico Potato plants. Government in spected and treated. $1.50 per 1000, 5000 $7.00. Number one plants and quick shipment guaranteed. Schoer Plant Farms, Valdosta, Ga. 6-19 TOR SALE ONE MACA ENGINE. Apply io C. A. Oden, Beaufort, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of A. M Lewis, deceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Ot way, N. C, on or before the 1st day of May, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of May, 1930. A. B. LEWIS, Executor of the estate of A. M. Lewis, deceased. June S $108,000.00 CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FUNDING BONDS Sealed proposals will be received tir.til twelve o'clock Noon, June 2, 1930 by the Board of Commissioners of Carteret County, North Carolina, at the Court Honse in Beaufort, North Carolina, for the purchase of $108,000. Funding Bonds of said County, dated March 1, 1929 and ma turing on March 1 of each year as follows: $16,000. in 137 to 1941, both inclusive; $13,000. in 1942; $5 O00 in 1943, and $10,000. in 1944. "' Denomination $1,000 each. Principal and semi-annual interest, March 1, and September 1, at six per centum per annum, payable at the Hanover Kational Bank, New York City, in Eacn bid must be accompmed by a certified check upon an incorporat- '"""""'s UV"" " ... . Lvine and being in Newport town- ed bank or trust company payable r ! . . s . . unconditoinally to the order of the fh befnnl"? " fin n County of Carteret in the amount olim from NewPrt the .?unca" ' , ... , ,. . East line, running Southwardly with two per cent of the face value of the 1 y;JnnA bonds bid for, the purpose of such check being to secure the County a - gainst any loss resulting from the I failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. All bids must! be for not less than par and accrued interest. There will be no auction. "le uc '"" The bonds will be delivered at any!" r less- Fr aJmore cmPle bank in New York City on June 5, description see Deed recorded in 1930, and the County will furnish (Book 45 page , 237 records of Car to the purchaser, without charge, the teret County It being the same tract approving legal opinion of Messrs.! of land deeded to Lyda B. Stalling; r.i,,n ..,,1 Po nf Kpw Ynrk ! by Chas. M. Garner and wife and vmuBtii .uu i City. FL W. WALLACE. rwv tha Rr,orH nf Pniintv Pom. missioners, j This 28th day of Mg.MO. NOTE: This is not a new issue of; u malunus, bonds, but part of the issue of $515,- June Trustee. 000.00 which former purchasers have . .,. , , failed to take up. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix .... . of the estate of Daniel Willis, deceas- NOTICE Or SALh. ,ed( )ate of Carteret County, North PURSUANT TO THE POWER OF:Carolinai this is to notify Rn persons SALE contained in that certain deedhaving claims against the said estate of trust dated January 1st., 1925, ex-jto exhibit them to the undersigned ecuted by George T. Duffy and wife, at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the to Virginia Trust Company, Trustee, j5th day 0f jUne 1931, or this notice recorded in book 45, page 206, Rec-jwili De pieaded in bar of their recov ords of Carteret County, and UPON!erVi All persons indebted to the AUTHORITY of an order of the !saif estate piease make immed- Clerk of the bupenor court 01 Lar - teret County, the said Trustee will of fer for sale, and sell, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse door in Beaufort, North Carolina, on the 28th day of June, 1930, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Morehead Township, Carter- et County, North Carolina, on the North side of Bogue bound, and ing a part of the subdivision of land into lots and streets known as "BIRD HAVEN" a map or plot of which is of record in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds of said County in book No. d4, page 47o, and beginning at; the eastern or northern corner of Front and George Streets, as shown : on said map, and running thence eastwardly along the northern line of j rTont Street one hundred and fifty (150) feet, thence northwardly par allel with George Street two hundred (200) feet to Elizabeth Street, thence westwardly along the southern line of Elizabeth Street one hundred and fif ty (150) feet to the corner of and Elizabeth Streets, thence southwardly along the eastern line of George Street two hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning; being lots num bered 26, 27, 39, 40 and 41 on the aforesaid map or plot of "BIRD HAVEN," to which reference is made for more particular description. This 27th day of May, 1330. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, By Guion & Guion, Attorneys. June 19 NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed on the 15th day of February 1930 by Lula I. Garner and A. A. Garner her hus band to R. L. Stallings trustee and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County, N. C. in Book66 page 605, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, the un dersigned will sell on the 30th day of June 1930 at the hour of 12 o'clock noon ai the Court house door in Beaufort, N. C, at public auction j to the highest bidder for ca?h the i following described property. ' j First Tract. Beginning at the j .uriutrasi corner 01 Luia 1. uarner s I land, running thence North 50 de grees west with said line to Deep I Creek canal, thence Northwardly! with said canal North 30 1-2 deproes East, 19 poles, one and one half feet ot a stake thence South 59 degrees East 53 poles and 22 links tn a etaVo thence South 49 degrees East to the tast line of the David W. Garner en-J try, thence South 2 degrees West to the beginning containine five arrf. more or less. Second Tract Beginning at the Southwest corner of G. H. Rr.ImH'. land on the canal running South 60 degrees hast with G. H. Bolan's line to Rufus Garner's line, thenr vith said line to the Soutit mm. Grandy and Taylor's land, thence North 50 degrees West to the canal thence down said canal to the begin ning containing twenty-five acres more or less: This 28th day of May 1930. R. L. STALLINGS. I June 18 Trustee NOTICE. North Carolina, . Carteret County. Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 1st day of December 1926, by E. B. Cannon and Mae Cannon his wife to R. L. Stallings trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County North Car olina in Book 53 page 4, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned win sell on the 30th day j of June 1930 at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Beaufort, N. C, at public auction hiuViost hiHHpr for cash tine ?"' ,w " U,,C,1LC """" "T"';h " ' Duncan line to the Luther McCoy e thence Northwardly with said McCoy line to the public road thence westwardly with said public road to t . n j. recoruea in me iveistei ui uccub office of Carteret County in Book 50 page 385 ;ate payment. This 5th day of June, 1930. EUNICE GILLIKIN, Administratrix of the estate of Daniel Willis, deceased. 7-10 it MAY BE WORMS INSTEAD OF PNEUMONIA (By F. H. JETER) Raleigh, June 2 What the hog raiser calls thumps, influenza, or (pneumonia is usually worms, Round be-iWOrms jn pigS cost hog growers of I ea.-tern Carolina more money than 'any other one thing. j "There is only one way to handle this trouble," says W. V. Hays, swine 'extension specialist at State College. "Use only movable farrowinz hous- es and self feeders. Rake un all the littler, bedding and other trash in the , sp'' ;f' s-'t-'t''' " '')ji''"if?jr ''-At ''- Y-JM:''- : , I -W TV j 2 ' , - ' ' 1 FROM THE DAY the choice leaves of sun-mellowed Turkish and Domestic tobaccos are first selected for Camel Cigarettes, every step in their manufacture is headed toward just one goal the making of a thoroughly enjoyable smoke. Pleasure, found at its best in Camels, is the only reason for smoking. That's why Camels make no pretense of being anything but a smoke. Camel is a blend of exquisite smoothness, mild and mellow and marvelously fragrant. Have a Camel! . , k ON THE RADIO Camel Pleasure Hour Wednesday evenings on N. B. C network, WJZ aod associated Stations. Consult your local radio time table O 19J0. B. J. tttrmtAi, TotMn . Onpaar. Wmxea-Saiaa. N. C ' j - 0 ' lots and burn it. Turn the lot with a turn plow. Sow some soybeans for the sows and pigs to graze upon in the fall and then plant rye and crimson clover or vetch for winter and spring grazing.' Mr. Hays says before the sow is put into farrowing quarters, clean tVinm out well and scrub with a solu tion made of one pound of lye to thir ty gallons of boiling water, wasn the sow's sides and udder with warm, soapy water before putting her into the clean quarters and then keep the pigs on clean ground where they can not suffer from worms. To do this will aid the grower in raising the same number of pigs from one-thfrd less brood sows. This is more economical and also prevents runts. It helns to eive uniform, thrifty pigs coming along six weeks j earlier than where they are raised in dirty, worm-infested quarters. , Such a system also works in well with ! the Shay meahod of breeding and! feeding and helps the grower to have hi animals fat and readv for the high markets of April and Septem- ber. Mr. Hnva rvh the rrtonerative car- lot shipments of hogs are increasing where these sanitation suggestions are followed. In Craven County, nearly all of the growers and ship pers are following a rigid system 01 sanitation both in the breeding lots and the fattening pens. The results are seen in a better control of worms, he declares. Popular Seashore EXCURSION to Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Cape Henry via Norfolk Southern June 7, 1930 Five days at the Seashore. Tickets honored in sleepers on payment of Pullman charges. Secure Tickets at your Agency Station or from Con ductors. Further information from Agents or J. F. DALTON, Triffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. Q AM ELS are made to smoke CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and sincere appreciation to the host t ;nrt.40 lirt a.- wrMv ctnnrl hv us in the illness and death of our hus-, band and father. Their kindlv sympathy and many beautiful floral tributes were a sweet consolation to us in our deep sorrow. Mrs. E. H. Hill ana Children. COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING . The regular meeting of the Com munity Club will be held Thursday evening June 12th at 8 o'clock at the TO THE PUBLIC My activities in behalf of the moral welfare of Morehead City in Carteret County are be ing carried on.as a citizen in terested in the moral welfare of the County, as well as in the behalf of the associated chari ties of Morehead City, and such action has no connection what ever with my position as a County officer. MRS. F. C. SALISBURY THIS LIQUID KILLS FLIES QUICKER BECAUSE "It Penetrates" MADE BY THE MAKERS home of Mrs. F. R. Seeley on Ann Street. Husbands of club members are cor dially invited to attend this meeting, which marks the close of regular club activities until October.. MRS. WILL POTTER, Cor. Sec. Interest in Guernsey cattle has in creased in Burke County since three animals were sold for $540 and four were bought for $730. Dangerous Business v Our stomach and digestive systems ere lined with membrane which is delicate, sensitive and easily injured. It is dangerous business, then, to use medicines containing harsh drugs, salts or ininernlst when we are con stipated. In addition to the possibility cf injuring the linings of pur digestive system, these medicines give only tem porary relief and may prove habit form ing. The safe way to relieve constipation is with Herbine, the cathartic that is made from herbs, and acts in the way nature intended. You can get Herbine at JOSEPH HOUSE, Druggist Black flag Liquid is the deadliest insect killer made. It penerrares the tiny breathing tubes of flies, mosquitoes, moths, bedbugs, roaches, ants, fleas, and they drop like rain. Always costs less than other well-known brands. Money back if not satisfied. BLACK FLAG LIQUID Kills quicker Always costs less OP BLACK FLAG POWDER 7 n r