I i """""" " ' ' " - mmummiiumimmmtiuKmm:. - rr. .r.- - - '; ' HB.' PAGE SIX LETTERS FROM THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931 'plates and he published the same in .under no obligation to him, or other , Regulation for opening polls, exami- Voter may indicate his preference as criminated against and the Registrar 18SV) as the Book of Mormon. When to make of them permanent institu-!.x:. - xv u.n.x u , i. . ... . .. m. :x fhWW9 WPtC f o i ' o ik., .u , 4. . . r nation tu me umioi ooxes any eiec-. to marKer or assistants, ana tne Keg- Decomes responsiuie iui i wflll MhKdxM9B M la , Solomon Spaulding a Presbyterian tions, again others assert that his as-' , , . ' .',., -iu u i..Aa. istrar shall direct tnat tne marKer so at me pons anu aiung mm indicated by the voter accompany keeping right tally and protecting tne MR. McCain falls preacher saw the book he said that it was his lost or stolen fiction. When AND HURTS HIMSELF ithe neole with Snaulding demanded Editor of The Beaufort News: the piates Smith said he gave them I have a few things to mention this back to the angel. On April 6 1830 week to my friends. I am still con-;the first Mormon church was founded fined to my room. Saturday a week (in jew state on june 24th 1844 ago I thought I was able to go down Smith was arrested and imprisoned in town and I went and in getting outjCarthage state jail on a charge of of the car somehow or other it strain-treason and sedition and was shot, ed my best leg and now I can't walkjBrigham Young was appointed to take a step, my leg is giving me lots of charge in 1847. On October 17th trouble and the only way I can get! 1374 Brigham Young was convicted to see the most of my friends is by by the United States Divorce court writing a few words. 0f Polygamy and put in prison and 1 see that they keep right on on juiy 26th 1877 John O. Lee sociation for political preferment whether with Republican or DemO' crats have been only for his election, and that his appeals are made from the personal and not the government al consideration, and consider his 12 years service and Sec. 31 of Article 1 of the N. C. Constitution : "Perpet- uties and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free state and ought not to be allowed." Referring to persons, or corporation control, etc. I speak nothing personal. The consideration of the indebted ness of Beaufort is complicated with different figures or estimates and the wrangling up in Raleigh against near-j Mormon Bishop was executed for! most reliable are those prepared by ly all the bills that come before themlC0id blooded massacre. Now if you the State Tax Commission to 6-30-29 4liaf is ff ti n r Vi itYinnWnnpp n L' a T-! j . x a 1 1 . T .L. 1 . i ' ... . . . - . . that is of much importance toward any relief to the farmer. Some say that is because the farmer went up there without any money to give them a tip. The manufacturers when they wanted anything they had the money to back it up for a fight a- do not think I am right you look up the third volume of the Universal Dictionary of the English Language, and to be frank, don't you think that I am any fool. There is not a mem ber of the Mormon church but what I would do them any favor that is gamst it, so you see they carried the jis p0S8ible for me to do and they day. But it seems like the most of , know this is so, and it is my desire them didn't know just what they to bef riendly with all man kind. You wanted and it seems to me like a take John Johnson and his boys, crowd of children playing over some- there isn't a better set of boys no thing and neither one could get sat- whe,e, always? friendly and kind, not isfied. They acted like a crowd of numbskulls, just like our county commissioners are acting in this county. They act like they don't cranky, Some people remind me of a swell toad that we haul on the beach with n IT M :i.x 1:1 i i - in this county. They meet one week S, fT , th f and discontinue the Demonstation I"" 1A eyef Agent and the very next week there L ijxii.ii.. -., j V. , , , have reported that this Elder Smith with the total for principal of $679, 500 plus interest $499,518. The on ly way to obtain a conclusion as to the total or to be able to estimate the amount due each year is to com pute the interest of the total and add this $499,518 to the principal to ob tain the total of $1,179,018 and wtih this total of known principal due yearly the deduction of same if paid and the addition of the known interest gives us to wit: 1931 1932 1939 comes a woman from Goldsboro and made them take her back. Now that looks like some more child's play. I thought that the county commission eat Yeomans up. Well I did not no tice his teeth, but I did notice his jaw and the cheek he had when he said that they had al lthe authority there ers were elected by the people of " :-. "u",u"l lne" m. f- .JL i,. was t0 Preaeh and sa'd that he want Principal Interest Total 19500 36800 29500 35662 51000 24265 56300 65162 75265 The decrease is gradual from 1939 until 1966 when the total will be $1,055. This does not consider def icits and increased indebtedness eith er in the Town or the Water and Light Plant. The total bonded indebtedness to 8-30-29 nf f.7. snn haA o C,L-; this county to serve the DeoDle of . x. T... ... x... ... - . Pi.nj t n j . x i.- this cnuntv not to p tha !a 10 glve nls s"mny iMt Joseph - j ..IV, ...v. Vl'Ml. in ...or, n v,A-Un4. HTr.ll T t.i: a , -,iiiit'ii waa a uiuuncb. fll 1 ucllcve of any other county. V.,. If 1V4 I -iv. vr ix nmu lho i,x v. 1, , rrv, . . ..c cio, im, .mill. lie vvaa. xiic UIULI1 woman of Goldsboro is going to run I 1 r, , , , , ,, .,. . T ,x x er of Jezebel and a bigger fool than this county I say we haven t got anyic v.i-j.j . J J . .. 3 I Sampson was when he laid his head use for any county commissioners. ti n 1 a x x i T x x -I 11 x x ;n Delilah s lap and went to sleep Tjct'o fnv T oil rwray n Irian rt 1 1 rT " " " and lost both eyes, or Nimrod who tne county. tried t0 buiI(J a tower u to Heaven Now I have got to hear the 'first! The first Mormon Elder that ever person say that they see what bene-icame to this county from Utah was fit she, is to our county, we have al-ja young fellow by, the name of Tel ways been getting along wtihout such ford and he had more sense than the and I feel like that we can keep on balance of Utah. He came to Dia the same way. My dear friends I mond City about thirty five years ago don't see no other chance for us to He could talk and was on the job. I get relief but by doing away with ev- took him home with me, I really lik ery thing that we can do without, ed the. boy, and everything went well Thpre is manv a one in this county iuntil until the third service, then he that we can do without and I wantDr0Ught out the Book of Mormon and i take care of the figure as given for n onv instpad nf the commissioners Joseph Smith then we split. I told 1931-1932. You are going back- bihty of $110,003. This made a to tal of $789,503, and as understood the Sinking Fund belonged to the Power Plant Electric Light Bonds, controlled by Trustees, and as of April 1, 1931, this Sinking Fund a- mounted to $11,617.23. As of April 1, 1931 the figures total. Bonded indebtedness $671,000 Non-bonded indebt. etc 138,120 Total $809,120 You may see without further figures that the slight deduction of $8,500 in the principal and the increase in the other indebtedness of $28,117 will increase the rate necessary to cutting salaries they have raised some I don't see any chance for our tax to be any lower at that rate. If our real estate tax isn't cut down I hope that there won't be a man to pay his tax next fall. We are having some very fine weather now. I don't know how long it will last but I hope that every body will make a good crop this year him that he would have to find some one who had less sense that I did be fore he could get that stuff to stick. The truth of this is he was a sharp duck and seemed to know just what I would say. Now to make this leter as short as possible I sent him to Whale Creek to preach for uncle Tyrra Moore and aunt Mary. I saw him a week later but I have no idea that they will get at Harkers Island and when he saw any thing for it after it is made un-me he came laughing and grabbed less things improve from what they my hand. As soon as I could get my are now. My friends it's right long 'breath I bawled out, I thought you off and I may never live to see itlwere at Whale Creek preaching for ilectable, wit re. He said I did'nt and interest wards. In this $138,120 you have Outstanding Notes $65,000 Principal past due 31,500 Interest past due 41,620 or you iiave failed to pay to April 1 1931 $73,120 of the principal and interest due, and you had a deficit of $25,140.9i and if included in the in debtedness validated, may later be classified as a possible credit. You have outstnading as of April 1, 1931 Taxes due $75,539.61 and paving as sessments due $37,434.45. With this $112,974.06 due and seeminly uncol- ith $73,120 of principal than we got this time. Now com--and his wife were just as good to me missioners get busy and cut some one j as they could be until I showed them else out and take it them back next ; the Book of Mormon and told them week. Yours truly, E. L. McCAIN. Newport, N. C. but I hope that in 1932 we will get i those people there. He said I did'nt and interest on bonds due, and others a better set of men to represent uslstay there but two days, that old man coming due, you are not justified in making a deduction for credits, as taxes due, special assessment etc. For book work or for possible fu ture resource it might be acceptable if properly converted, overdrafts and the furniture and fixtures of banks are classified as Resource, but banks as corporations other than Municipal are organized for private gain while counties and towns having the priv ilege to levy and collect taxes are for governmental purposes, and the taxes low or high depend upon the actual rectipts in hand, and not outstanding future possibilities or hopes. It cer tainly points the way to Reduction of Salaries,, jobs, expenditure etc all a long the line and publicity of facts in association with a business administration. jthat Joseph Smith was a prophet, jthen that old man called a negro by jthe name of Henry and told him to get his canoe or some such name and it was not ten minutes before that negro came pulling something that !was as black as Henry. He told me to I get in. I got in and he shoved oiT; tor who may be present may examine the boxes and "Shall be locked again when Empty." Oath of Registrar and others demands that they do not seek to persuade or induce any voter to vote for or against any candidate ets. If betting-gambling by Regis trar or others, the oath and Sec. 30 makes it misdemeanor, if any public official (Sec. 41) knowingly violates the provisions and aids in any way illegal casting or attempting to cast a vote, etc. disqualified as in felony from holding office in N. C. If any Registrar or pollholder or other officio (38) seeks, receives or accepts mon ev or reward from a candidate or from any source, guilty of a felony this would include, gambling upon result of an election against any can didate. This would prevent any of ficer or candidate from benig a mark er. (31) Fine and imprisonment to impose on any voter. The Registrar would be responsible for any illegal registration in violation of Sec 4 of Article VI of any illiterate etc. The Registrar is responsible for order and (16) a tthe close of the registration period shall certify the number of voters in his precinct the poll book shall be signed by the judges at the close of the election (22) and shall deliver all to the proper authorities. This is necessary if it is decided to have the tickets and ballot boxes im pounded, or for any reason a restrain ing order was sought, and this would not be necessary in any election un less fraud was apparent. No outside ballots allowed, and only two to each voter, and with the above sections if 950 registered and 700 vote then the mutilated tickets, plus those on hand, plus those voted and in the box will total (950x2) equals 1900 ballots. (26) Assistance to voters 'Fair rep resentation to each party, and the markers selected by each side "may not influence voters in any way or ' keep any memorandum etc., See oath; him in the booth Sec. 42 the town governing body shall appoint "fair ballot box. The law there is fraud, and has teeth if if fraud Is of i representative marker, Sec 26 or if wilful intent the punishing as felony r . ...(C:.,t A fm- olprtinn does IS SUilltiCUL. xx xm.i ' any intent is to discriminate or com mit fraud protest and legal resist ance may be necessary to have a fair election, Sec 10 of Article 1 "All elections ought to be free." It is not free when one candidate is dis- 'not require markers. Respectfully, GEORGE DAVIS. Beaufort! N. C. April 27th, 1931. I Throw It Away? No! Take it to Barbour Bros., Machine Shop and have it welded the acetylene way. No matter what it is, they can fix it. Or if any kind of machinery gets out of fix, they can put in in running order in just a short while. TRY THEM ! BARBOUR BROS. MACHINE SHOP FRONT ST BEAUFORT, N. C. TTimw22 MR. YEOMANS REPLIES TO THE ELDER Editor of The News: I did not think to have any thing when we were a little ways out that more to say to this Mormon Elder old man says Henry put that man out but as he has broken the ice by de-on the first land you get to and don't nying the creed of his own church and j bring him back, he is a Mormon El says that Yeomans and all other idei'. churches are Religious Bigots and no I Now in conclusion I will say Tel one has the authority to preach ex-j ford got two or three members on cept a Mormon Elder, this is what, the Island, all women, not a man. that coon said on Saturday when he Later the husbands of these women made that big talk on the island. ! had to join or stay in a continual Now in justice to myself and for the;Hell. Now reader I am giving you benefit of all concerned and good! this straight and you can be the j feeling and justice to all will say as judge. These false limbs of Hell pre this Mormon Elder Smith has broken tend to say that the gospel of Christ the ice by denying the truth of his and the Cross has been taken from church. Now I am not afraid of the earth and delivered back to Jo cold water, let's go. His teaching whyjscph Smith in 1830 as the everlasting we believe the book of Mormon to gospel. Now Elder I say you are b ethe book of God, we believe the all wrong and to prove that you are Bible in part as far as rightly trans-1 wrong I appeal to the oldest man or lated, but we believe the Book of .woman in the stale, in your childhood Mormon in full to be the Book of 'days did you not hear your aged God. Now reader can't you see the 'parents speak of the Bibleand the deception? Which one of these books! Cross of Christ? I say yes, give me "UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN." The leper cry for centuries. "Unclean, Unclean,'The thought when seeing a fly. . Hatching in Filth, living in filth,alway leaving the track of filth on face, hands, clothing and food. Carrying Disease to the baby, the children, yourself. Empty Arms of Mothers. Vacant chairs of loved ones. Suffering, Ex pense. SWAT THE FLY! SCREEN AGAINST THE FLY ! ! SCREENS ! ! Cheaper than for fifteen years. Best Quality Galvanized and copper. Black wire don't last. Sixteen Mesh. Mosquitoes go through fourteen. Doors from 1 1-4 inch lumber. I inch will wreck. Paint old Screens with "Shufly Screen Paint." Adds Years. BUILD NOW! REPAIR NOW. j The report heard would indicate j Ithat some misunderstanding exists' to the Election Law. Sec 18 Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing Co. does the American Flag rest on as its foundation rock. There has been ov er twenty-five Presidents of the Unit ed States since the days of Washing ton and not one of them has ever taken the oath of his office that he would protect the interests of the American Flag, by this book of Mor mon. Where has this Mormon Bible been all these years? Where was it when God called Mosas on Mount Si nai and gave him the law that should stand forever and be man's guide j inrougn nie: wnere was it the Bible and the Cross, you take Joseph Smith and the Book of Mor mon, I am Your friend, EUGENE YEOMANS, Harker's Island, April 28, 1931. John stood upon the lonely island of Patmos and wrote as he saw, that beautiful home called Heaven and closed by saying "nothing should be taken from or added to this prophe cy? AS OF JUNE 30, 1929 BEAUFORT HAD AN INDEBTEDNESS OF $1,179,018. (Continued from page four) was elected in May 1929 as a Com missioner, and served for near 18 when months or until Mr. Chadwick who E "Everything For the Builder" QUALITY PLUS SERVICE Phone 66 Go wherever you will, I where fish nets are used, you will find GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING and A. N & T. COY LINEN NETTING the CHOICE of SUCCESSFUL FISHER MEN. SAMPLES and prices mailed on request. was elected in May 1929 as Mayor, resigned, without any personal feel ing against him or others do you feel that he and the other commissioners have acted fairly in withholding the actual condition of your government? Now that you have got me start- And this is the record of his govern ed I am going to show you Mr. El-j mental action, upon which he seeks der and give you the whole truth your vote on May 5th. The Chief when you have tried to add to and of Police has been in office 12 years, take from this prophecy. The foun-,more or less, and has made a great dation of your church was Joseph many political enemies; because they Smith a farmer's son born in Windsor j have felt in his action that he has County, Vermont, December 25th discriminated, favoring some while 1805 and and Joseph says that on'opposing others, others feel that if September 21st 823, "That an an- there is any honor, glory or monev gel appeared to mm Cotton and Linen Nets, Twine and Fitting for all the Fisheries. GOLD MEDAL COTTON NETTING A. N. & T. COY LINEN GILL NETTING BURNHAM'S COD LINES Purse Seines, Traps and all oth er Appliances fitted Complete. THE LINEN THREAD CO. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co's Products Lombard and Colvert Streets BALTIMORE, Md. BRANCHES NEW YORK, N. Y. 200 Hudson St. BOSTON 575 Atlantic Ave. GLOUCESTER 105 Maple wood Ave. CHICAGO .154 West Austin Ave, JACKSONVILLE 24 East Bay St SAN FRANCISCO 443 Mission St. "BUY THE BEST IT PAYS" and engraved in the position that the people are Jfo&www HW4"H"H