THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1931 PAGE THREE A Newsy Trip -Around The World Elizabeth Saunders By sip down their first morsel of the reg- A beautiful character to the i ular dope the greatest excitement of , of his days. all time occurred when the news 'A loving brother, good and kind. . swiftly flashed through the crowds 'that Mr. Hinkley Guthrie's car was on fire. The good preacher was left standing alone, the entire audience dispersing from every place of exit for the scene of ths big fire. end What a beautiful memory he left behind. Girls and women wearing knickers, eye. The mistake was what revealed sailor suits, or pajamas will not be. the d ception.. admitted to Roman Catholic churches j in Houston Texas, according to orders , H ARLOWE recently issued to ushers. The Home Demonstration Georce Rawes, 37, was fined $200 in three young daughters to sen liquor Axel Johnson ' of Seattle, .Wash ington, saw what he thought was an approaching train and jammed on his brakes so suddenly " that two cars crashed into his car. The train John son saw' was on an illuminated sign board. The scent of lavender in a hotel room caused the arrest of two men and the finding of a wrist watch and a sum of money which had been re ported stolen from another room in the hotel. The watch and money were stolen from a lavender filled box. A California girl recently won $2,500 from a man in a law suit, and then decided to marry him. That's one way to collect cash. Heres something for the men to think about. An Ohio insurance Co. received a letter from a widow which stated that she was having so much trouble collecting her husband's insurance that she sometimes wished jhe had him back . The lieutenant is known as one of the star fliers at Selfridge Field. He is specially trained as an aviation en gineer. But what interests the lieu tenant most right now is raising an other mustache Some fainted as they ran, some crying, my wife as usual being in the crowd got weak in her knees, so she said, and she fell too, like the others thought she was good "cause" she got weak by running. I never saw such a time in my life. My wife on her arrival home told me in secret (told me not to men tion ti either) that surely there was i an acorn in the cainp, that things had ' Igone wrong today as to the church. Club 'you know f -had to sav something and N. Taylor's Thursday. gay it quick too i faidi well as ontr as its the wromr time of vear for a- ed the curb market at Morehead City ' corns just remove the acorn from' You are gone forgotten. dear brother but riof Never from our memory fade, Loving hearts will always linger Kound the grave where you are laid. From the family. Written by his sister, Mrs. Thomas Sadler. CARD OF THANKS Forsyth County, with 287.8 people , I per square mile is the most densely We wish to thank the many friends .'populated county in the State. Tyr for their sympathy and beautiful Irell, with 13.2 people per square mile floral designs during the sickness and; is the least densely populated. death of our mother. Capt. F. G. Gillikic. -T. C. Gillikin, J. K. Gillikin; Miss Maggie Gillikin, Mrs. B. C. Way, Mrs. J. B. Gillikin H. P. Green of Raleigh, route 3, is growing no cotton this year for the first time in his 40 years of farming. He has 14 cows, COO hens, about 1200 chicks, and plenty of feedstuffs. I. " in unnoaa Via tnrraA Viis met at iH!9, KOCKIOru, in. tv''v ,. ,. , M,.,.f ,.t ,,- ,.1V. momhrn-H nrlenrl. Saturday, Lots of the neighborhood people attended church Sunday night. Master Charles Thomas Williams of Raleigh spent last week with his grand parents Mr. and Mis. C. F. D. 'Bell. - Mrs. W. W. Chadwick is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Louis Williams of Raleigh is your church and put God in its place and later come tell me the difference with God at its head or an old Acorn. (She's mad at me.) If I could make this piece to rhyme I'd hardly ever say hard time But I have to twist it into prose Cause a skecter bit me on the nose. Hundred or more Raleigh folks here many Henderson folk and peo- spending this week with her parents pie here from Florida. Yes some Mr. and Mis. C. F. D. Bell. f0ks here drinking the sweet south Mr. Eslie Fodrie was a visitor inJ winds from our nearest town Beau Beaufort Saturday night. I fort that is a candid proof that tho Mr. S. S. and J. S. Conner made a !Beauf01.t sits broadside to the sea business trip to Beaufort Saturday breeze, yet it does not give to one morning. the full healthful blast of its sweet Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bell spent a fragrance as does our island of pines. while Saturday night m Beautort That's why they come hereto Miss and Morehead Lity. iKnowles Hotel Mr. W. W. Chadwick motored to Beaufort on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Whaley spent Subscribe To The News Lovely Dinner Pajamas a while in this neighborhood Satur day morning. ' . , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Mr. George Ball spent a while Saturday night in Beaufort. IN MEMORIAM DAVIS "How are we going to keep the young people on the farm?" is the question Hill asked. We would like t osuggest a sport model tractor with a plush-lined rumble seat. - Man was born to rule the world. And then Providence had to spoil it all by inventing women. " Association with good-looking girls promotes longevity in maturer men," says a physician. Not if our wives happen dto find it out, kind sir. The neighbors of Harry Viosca,, New Orleans, La., naturalist have asked the city commission council to put a ban on snake farms. The nat uralist has 40 snakes ranging from three to five feet long. He raises them for scientific and educational purposes. Marguerite Sparling of Los Ange les is suing for a divorce because, she told the court, her husband want ed her to be "sedate, austere, and sisterly," while she wanted to be "full of pep and laughing and kiss-able.'' On Tuesday, June 10th, V" -il Mrs. Cason Murphy- of Davis, cele brated their Golden Wedding Anni- veisary. The family home at Davis was the scene of the event. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, con sisting of five children and eleven grandchildren, numerous friends and near relatives joined in wishing the couple their heartiest congratula tions. Only one bridesmaid, of the original wedding party is living to day. A large picnic table was spread on the wide lawn, and around it the aged couple received numerous gifts, among them two, anniversary cakes bearing fifty candles each. Three of the grandchildren were unable to at tend because of distance. Alma Wil lis is in New York, Elton Willis and Lionel Murphy ate at summer camps in the South. Mr. and Mrs.. Murphy have the fol lowing children living, Mr. W. G. Murphy, Henry Murphy, Guy Mur phy, Mrs. Annie Babbitt of Davis, N. C." and Mrs. W. C. Willis of Golds boro, N. C. In loving remembrance of Dear Bro ther Torzen Guthrie who departed this life one year ago today July 3, 1930. Today recalls sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest, For those who think of him today Are those who loved him best. Upright and faithful in all his ways, iEBIU-EU There is beauty and grace in every line of these lovely dinner pajamas. They are fashioned of freuch blue silk crepe. combined with flesh tone crepe. The bodice is uniquely cut in front and back. ON JULY 4th. AND 5th. At ' WEST BEAUFORT FLYING FIELD tHe World's Greatest Stunt Flyer Fred die Lund will give an exhibition of re markable flying. He will do the outside loop the most difficult feat in aviation. PARACHUTE JUMPING WILL BE DONE Fly in Fast Open and Passenger Ships at $1.50 per passenger Flying Will Begin at 10 A. M. WEEK'S AIRCRAFT CORP. OF N. C. if oka OAtfJ Yyir Ernest A. Waters, broker of Pea body, Mass., recently reported to the police the theft of an 80 foot high chimney. The chimney was left stand ing about a year ago by wreckers who razed a facto.y. HARKER'S ISLAND By Jiminie Guthrie) Ever since the borrowing days we've had the greatest times, every thing is catching up. New automo biles are showing up and lots of visi tors from up state. Hard times has no chance at all among' we folk, our good school the very best we've ever had is done and clo-ed. The other night the teachers had their play fr the very smallest chililien, who held down a better play than could even be those having tin m in expected by haiue. One Alberto Wolkoff, somnambulist, of ting 1 wish to say about our teach- Montevideo. Urffuav. strode into an airfield near his home, climbed into the cockpit of a plane while asleep, and attempted to fly. He had a "rude awakening" when he wrecked the plane before it left the ground. Dr. William B. Silliman, Washing ton dentist faced a gun when he turned to face a patient who had just sat in the dentist chair. The would be bandit wailed, "It's my first job, I can't go through wit it. Dr. Silli man gave the man a dollar, and he beat a hasty retreat. An abandoned car with a smashed wheel was found to be fitted up with a 350-gallon beer tank when the car was discovered by Deputy sheriff Charles Kanser of Mt. Clemens, Mich. Doctors had to operate to remove a "wad" of chewing gum from the ear of five-year-old Jack Farrell of Buffalo, N. Y. Jack had parked his chewing gum in his ear while he ate his dinner. William Ruhl, a farmer of near Dover has hung a red lantern in his cherrytree and is sitting up nights with a shot 'gun loaded with tacks to keep thieves from robbing his trees of the cherries' before he gets to them. For the last five years thieves have beat him to the cherries. Henry McMillan Luellwitz drew a . .. . . ,1 i i i i. crs, it they an no noi come imr "u othrr vear to teach, wherever they do go the children will have good teachers and the community good cit izens. Hurrah for Mr. G. I). Hardes ty and those under his control. Their qualifications as teachers are unquestioned. And right in among us have come the big year round meeting mingled with northeasters and high tides which altogether have put fishing, crabbing and clamming on the bum. Since the poisonous winds of March lef our shores leaving not a 'shred of green grass visible he has been pound ing away at we sinner folk. I can not say whether he has sown any seed that will sprout and grow, but I have heard for a candid truth that on his first visit a few weeks ago he took on his first visit a few weeks a go with him a struck $100 and on this present visit he will, if every thing keeps lovely and Ivey Scott stays well and his fiddle strings don't part, take with him even as much more. Some of our good Buggers lure talk and wrangle . about Ivey Scott playing the fiddle so much at Hunter's store both here and at the iCape, even while this noted viounisi was at Cape Hatteras playing ior a living. Now, this same Ivey Scott and his same old fiddle is holding down crowds of 600 people among whom many have fallen victims to the sweet notes of his same ;old ' fiddle from whose notes 1 have neara tne w nine a- ioii - tu k , t rant fieoree Lewis ior a ociivculc ui mice iiiuiimo v " , ii. u l fine of $100 in Camden, N. J. be- way calling off the usual eight hand cause he poseff as Floyd Gibbons. 'cotillion in Hunter's store at Cape Luellwitz got his eyes "crossed'' and j Lookout. wore a shade over the right eye while ' Then why worry, just last nignt .Gibbons wear, a shade over his left while the great crowds were about to u Jffl p' f if ' vy 3- m a? I iflk.-yf ilk 6vw u Tin) ir (soft 0 ir rift cairn ft s ' "Reach for a LUCKY instead The great Lord Tennyson in a beautiful poem refers to a woman's Adam's Apple as "The warm white apple of her throat." Consider your Adam's Apple. Touch it-your Adam's Apple That Is your larynx your voice box it contains your vocal chords. When you consider your Adam's Apple you are considering your throat-your vocal chords. Protect the delicate tissues within your throat. Be careful In your choice of cigarettes. Don't rasp your throat with harsh irritants) Reach for a LUCKY instead. Here in America LUCKY STRIKE is the only cigarette which brings you the added benefit of the exclusive "TOASTING" Process, which Includes the use of modern Ultra Violet Rays. It Is this ex clusive process that expels certain harsh irritants present in all raw tobaccos. These expelled irri tants are sold to manufacturers of chemical com pounds.They are not present in your LUCKY STRIKE. And so we say "Consider your Adam's Apple1 66 It's toasted f. Including the use of Ultra Violet Rays r Sunshine Mellows Heat Purifies Your Throat Protection against Irrltatlonagalnst cough eamBmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmi Ml 11. 1:11 TUNS IN Tk Lucky Strife Dane Orch.itra, very Tut$' imsTkunday imI Saturday cvmiiu cvmw N. B C net. ) 1931, Th American Tofctcco Co., Mfw.