a mmrr mmmm m . Fii-iisiiirmrTiurai imin wnn.. -nmT iiiin.w i The Beaufort Mews m f ) The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY . "H Your label and pay your subscription 5 ! ! VOLUME XXI Six PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1932 PRICE 5c SINC 1 :OPY - a 4 i NUMBER 33 - i Democratic Campaign Will Run Eight Weeks Raleigh Will Be Headquarters; Conference of Democratic Leaders Held Last Week, Reyn olds Not There; Expect To Wage Vigorous Campaign By M. R. DUNNAGAN Jim Oden Pens Notes 'Before Breaking Prison SCHOOL AUDITS' COSTS DECREAS1 County Government Advisoi Commission Has to Approve Bills Now ARREST OFFICERS FOR DOING DUTY By M. R. DUNNAGAN Two Morehead City Officers Haled Into Recorder's Court For Executing Po lice Duties RALEIGH, Aug. 30 Costs of au$' or d01nS what Jud&e M- Leslle its of accounts of the county boards, Dav'3 later ruled was in their line of of education in the 100 counties of jduty as Plic& omcers of Morehead the State last year were less thetjClty' Chief Goerge J. Nelson and Of hif tv,o ont nt fiv vor ficer Seth Hughes were brought into were $10000 lower last year than I Recorder's Court for searching the,over- fho vonr KofW f!hnrl0 1W .Tnhnsnn. Car 01 XVI. A.rOUSe. J r.e OHICerS ..... ,,. .....-, .... .... .......V, Hundreds i .clipse Here Wee "E-lernoon c Large crowds trii .ople gathered on the various streets in Beauof rt and Morehead City yesterday afternoon and viewed what appeared to be a- bout a four-fifths eclipse of the sun. j Children appeared on the streets , early in the day with smoked glass and tried to observe the phenomenon j of the sun and the moon. Right after jjets wju the ftoon hour crowds began to gath-1 er and did not disperse until late in EXPECT ilPROVED PRICES FOR FISH Better Markets for Seafoods Generally Follow Increased Prices of Cotton and To bacco RALEIGH, Aug. 29 State Demo cratic headquarters will be opened in Raleigh September 12, giving eight At least one person ig in dire need full weeks of campaigning before theof lawyef. judging from the notes election this fall, J. Wallace Win-;left in his cell when Jimnlie oden borne. Marion, chairman of the State ;. ' ' .lay ru iiiiiiscii uu- . ic u ; v it mi. 1 - .... Democratic Executive Committee, ! county ja;j .jth a hack saw blade 'year the County Government Advis-i According to the evidence given director of Local Government, am nounces. The costs last year were $28,867. 30 as compared with $58,043.98 for the fiscal year 1927-28. In that first. two defendants, were charged with trespass upon the property of Krouse and entering and searching his automobile. C. R. Wheatly appeared as counsel for the announced after conferring with pariand then removed the bars from the ty leaders and candidates here the cell window with the same tool early last three days of the week. j Friday morning and left for parts Chairman Winborne met J. C. B. j unknown. Jimmie had been tried Ehringhaus, Democratic nominee for twice in magistrates court and once Governor, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, I in recorder's court in about three vice-chairman and John Bright Hill, 'weeks for various alleged offenses, secretary, here Thursday and Fri-i among which were: attempted arson, day conferred with seven of the el-, breaking and entering, non-support even nominees for Congress, six of j of his minor children and the whole them present Congressmen. He also gamut of other charges. Immediate conferred with State candidates andily following his third appearance in party leaders and is getting every-court he preceded to go out and stab thing in shape for an active cam- j his wife, Priscilla Oden, about a doz paign. I en times with an ice pick, and his Congressmen present for the con-; sister in law, Blanche Pearsall, twice ference were Lindsay Warren, First in the back. After this he forthwith district; John H. Kerr, Second; J. went to the county jailor, confessed Bayard Clark, Seventh; J. Walter! his crime, and asked to be locked up. Lambeth, Eighth; R. L. Doughton, Following his incarceration in the Ninth; Zebulon Weaver, Eleventh, .county jail, Jimmie had plenty of and William B. Umstead, nominee for time to ruminate upon his relative po the new Sixth district. Congressmen I sition and to contrive ways and C. L. Abernethy, Third; E. W. Pou.j means of setting himself at rights Fourth; Frank Hancock, Fifth, andiwiththe laws of te Old North State. A. L. Bulwinkle, Tenth, were not'He had n money and he knew that nresent it takes mqney to obtain a lawyer to ory Commission started operation, in the case, Krouse had been in the and by the next year had reduced: habit of. lending his automobile to these costs by $8,000, to S50,606.82j James Johnson, a young Morehead The next two years the secretary of City Negro, for helping with the up, That the tobacco and cotton mar- materially aid Carteret County fishermen in obtaining mora the afternoon after the eclipse was demand and better prices for their produce than there has been for some time, is the firm belief of Capt. The eclipse began, as viewed from ; John A kelson, State Fisheries Beaufort, at about 2:30, reached its ! Commissioner. The rise in the selling greatest degree of totality at about prices 0f cotton has steadily increas 3:45 and went out of eclipse at a-ed durin gthe past several weeks un- Chairman Winborne said he hopes to use all defeated candidates, defend one in the courts. How to get the money was a perplexing problem to use all defeated candidates, in vL ' m ' . , State, district and. county .primary , contests, in Jtlte . eampaigtf iis fall, . AHast he '. decided that" the only 1 &o Wall a a ia' tinmiTIAOa. TTa ,Ynpta ;ia-Ua ma.ma wah 4-a no.r to, namnadvis6rVowwie ofa-.it,- ailof to earn it he saw he must . bout 20 members JeatN the .. ' Robert R. 'Keyft'oTds was not here but: county jail. So by deductive reason has been in close touch with Mr. Win- j ing he quite readily arrived ajt the bornesince the latter was' named j conclusion that French leave was in order. Obtaining a hacksaw blade from some unknown source he saw ed himself to freedom. the commission had authority to ap-il prove the per diem expense charges, of the accountants, but had no con trol over the time. The cost dropped the first of the two years about $12,-; 000, to $38,604,359, and was $38,-j 847.90 the next year. In 1931 the General Assembly di rected Mr. Johnson to approve, the contracts with the accountants and the bills before being paid by the counties. It was then the county school audits dropped in cost about $10,000. This is in the county school funds keep of the vehicle. The two More head City officers, while out on an other errand about on-thh-ty Sunday morning saw the Krouse car driven at a great rate of speed down Aren dell Street and upon following it, saw the car was driven into the yard of Krouse and under the shed that served as a garage. Thinking that the automobile might contain liquor, the officers fol lowed it into the yard and James Johnson and Aaron George got out of the automobile. Krouse was awak ened by the running motors and want aione. wnen savings in special cnar- ed to Know wnat the trouble was. ter school districts, in county board-Later lie came down stairs and out of commissioners operations, and in into the yard. In the meantime Of- the nearly 450 incorporated cities, i towns and villages in the State, have' been completed, Director Johnson is certain it will far exceed the total cost the operation of the Local Gov ernment Commission thccly ficeri Hughes had searched the car and, finding no intoxicating liquors, was preparing to leave. Krouse be came enraged and forbade the of-. ficers to ever search his car again. The following witnesses were ex- which he estimates at $80,000, at jamined: C. M. Krouse, Seth Hughes, though $57,500 was appropriated for j George J. Nelson, E. C. Willis, A. B, chairman two or three weks ago. Power Rate Hearing Public utility rate decrease hear ings inaugurated by the -N. C. Cor poration Commission, at which utili ties are asked to "show cause" why they cannot lower rates inthe pres ent emergency, have started, the ar olina Power and Light Co., serving o2 towns and cities of the State, and the Durham Public Service Co., subsidi ary of the Cities Service Co., having been heard the past week. The South Befiie tie left he penned the fol lowing two notes on a fan he had made from a discarded piece of paste board: "Mr. Chaplain You Neednt Look For Me 111 Be back For October Term of Cort But You understand I could not Make No Money To hire No Lawyer So I Must Make Some em Public Utilities Co., and the Money Ive Got to have A Lawyer." Tidewater Power Co., serving pied. mont and coastal cities and towns, respectively, are scheduled for hear ings this week. Paul Tillorv. of the Carolina Pow er and Light Co., was the only rep-Jl need Money To Employ a lawyer resentative of his company. He. read and I Cant Make it in here 111 stay The second note was on the other side of the fan: "Mr. Chaplin you Neednt Put your Self To so Much Trouble Looking for Me . Ill Be Back for Court But a compilation, contending his com pany cannot reduce prices and make a "fair return" of eight per cent on the investment. F. C. Hamilton, val uation engineer and member of the executive committe of Cities Service, was the only witness for his company, saying a "fair return" is not now be ing received by t'.ie Durham firm. The City of Durham was represented, Major L. P. McLencLn setting .forth the city's claims and ask'ng for a re duction in electric rates. The Corporation. Commission will make no orders for reductions until in North Carolina and lam Going to Cut Timber until the 5th of Octo ber." Both notes were signed "James.' R. E. Chaplain, the jailor who found the notes, said that there is at least a likelihood that the Negro "might" show up at the October term of Su perior Court Start Work on Atlantic the work. Buncombe is the tmly cbtfhty which paid as much as $1,000 f or the schod! Morris, Jimmie Garner and Alex Cur tis. Ruling that the officers had a right to maKe, the search, judge u&- audit the; past' sow and P.&beson paid"$600 last year Forsyth paid $525, and Cleveland, Davidson and Rowan paid $500. No other county paid that much last year. The range was down to $100 each fjr Scotland and Chatham coun James Stanley, young local color ed man, was haled into court by his wife on the charge of abandonment of his minor- child and refusing to provide adequate support for it. The defendant pled not guilty. Annis Stanley told the court that she and bout 5 o'clock. The moon apeared to travel from right to left across the surface of the sun, and was distinct to the smoked-glass "astronomers" here. Whe nthe eclipse reached its greatest degree of totality, the visi ble part of the sun appeared to be about one-fifth of the whole; and it looked like an inverted crescent. During the eclipse here especial ly about the middle of it the sky was distinctly overcast, particularly i nthe north and east. The shadows cast by leaves on trees and plants and by other objects were very unusual the northwest edge of the shodow wa3 hazy, while the south-east edge was distinctly clear-cut. Many Car teret County people marveled at the phenomenon. The atmosphere cooled somewhat as the sun ray3 were al most wholly shut off from the earth. The unusual appearance of the sky, the observation of the eclipse and the cooling of the air, gave the at mosphere a sort of hallowness that was experienced by virtually all the observers. It is an estimated fact amone the Although there will be a number j fishermen in general and the officials of total eclipses during the remain- 0f the fisheries commission in partic der of the twentieth" century, the uar that "when the farmers of th next -total eclipse widely visible in state have better markets for their the United States will be August 13, various agricultural products that 2017 which . is eighty-five years they will buy large quantities of hence. " . fisk. ovsters. clams and other sea, - ISfctvi'-. ' '-ifoods. The fishing industry .andihe Spiaer Bites Lpcal'Miiir11' wyKoiih Carb- rina areiiignny imerwoyen togetner. ., lhe most potential markets, to be- til it has almost doubled in value. Both the common and prime grades of tobacco that have been sold this season in the South Carolina and the extremely southern North Carolina markets have brought much better returns to the growers than last season. And it is thought that the op ening of all thep rincipal tobacco marts in tidewater and piedmont Car olina Tuesday morning will probab ly bring even, more satisfactory pric es. Captain Nelson told a News report er yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) that the fish truck operators in the county reported to him that the last trips they made into the interior of the State witu their cargo of salt water produce, that the fish sold at slightly increased prices and with more demand. He is firm in the opin ion that this betterment of prices and demand is due directly to the more satisfactory returns netted the growers of tobacco and cotton for their products. UNKNOWN VARIETY SNAKE BITES SEA LEVEL YOUTH Carteret county paid for audits of James had been married about six county school funds for the past five J years and their child is about five years as follows: 1927-28, $581.50 ;j years old. She claimed that her hus-1928-29, no audit; 1929-30, $300.00; band had not contributed to the sup 1930-31, $300.00; 1931-32, $300.00. , port of the child for about two years. Some three years ago the case was tried before Justice of Peace Henry W. Noe and he ruled that James I should pay her $3 a week for the Aldridge Daniels( eleven year old child. The child i3 now living in New son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Daniels, Bern with its grandfather, while its of Sea Level, was badly bitten by an j mother is working here for Mr. and unknown variety of snake Monday Mrs. Harry Saunders. James contend af ternoon. The youth was brought ed that he would be willing to support here and was treated by physicians the child if he were allowed the cus- at the Potter Emergency Hospital shortly after it occurred. He return ed home after receiving treatment and will likely get along all rig"ht. tody or the child was kept here in Beaufort so that he could see it oc ( Continued on page six) Oftvay Fishermen Make Pilgrimage Duck Creek For Annual Mulleting standing, about 25 Otway men left Road Friday Morning Duck Creek for the purpose of sein , jing mullets close to the beach during the next two months. The oldest people in the Otway section cannot remember when the men of that com munity started going to Duck Creek in the fall of the year mulleting; it Following a custom of many years 'riliffious for them to fail to make the annual fall pilgrimage to the mul let fishery at Duck Creek along a- A state highway force of some it has heard representatives of other , twenty men arrived at the junction utilities. It has asked representatives ' of the North River and the old New of gas and telephone companies, a 'Bern road Friday afternoon and be nf tha lnriypr ones, to aDDear at I einnine tomorrow will treat the ap- lofo'r Hnte. Th Commission seems proaches to the various bridges east seems to be a seasonal occupation tot th. nnaition that the comDan- of Beaufort with rock and asphalt i that has been handed down from gen ies may reduce their rates without an ! oil. This will be similar to the road order, voluntarily, after conferences. I between Morehead City and the Crav The members appear to favor this j en County line. Before the crew method, since a forced reduction or-'leaves sections or all of the road der would be appealed to the courts from Beaufort will very likely be and several months would elapse be-1 treated in this manner. . fnr a final court ooinion could be I It is said that officials are consid- . reacher. The emergency might be ov-ering paving the road from Beau eration to generation, perhaps for a century or more. Duck Creek is near Brown's Inlet down on the coast of Onslow County. The Otway men have camps at Duck Creek in which they live while they-are down there fishing. This (takes the form of a sort of outing bout the first of September. These Otwayites fish in crews of five men each. Each crew uses a 225 vard seine that is 200 meshes deep, each mesh being one and one-eighth Quite Painfully Mond'y exploited by the ' Carteret County" George Newkirk was painfully and, fishermen and fish dealers durinsr the dangerously bitten by a large, black, fall months is now considered to be fuzzy spider early Monday morning, j within the bounds of the- state of When Mr. Newkirk pulled on his . North Carolina. And particularly will boots in preparing to go shrimping, .this be true if the opening of the ma. the spider was in cna of them and bit his foot. Thinking that the spider bite was only of minor significance, Mr. New kirk went on shrimping with his father, Mr. Arthur Newkirk. After hauling their trawl a short while' in North River, Mr. Newkirk was tak en with violent pains in his legs and they increased as they went upward in his body. His father took him to the North River bridge and hailed jor tobacco marts in the state Tues day morning bring better prices to the growers of the week. Should this be the case, improvement in price and demand for seafood will likely be seen from the outset, but it will prob ably take two or three weeks to see marked improvement in the existing conditions. Fishermen, fish dealers, and Cap tain Nelson have all stated to tha News reporter that there are untold . , ir i, I ...rv-.. ... captain ne ny uuiiam, wiw was P-: quantities of fish in Carteret County's ing, ana asKea mas ne Ke me c baygi soundsJ( rivers and the adjacent man to town and to a doctor. Atlantic ( and with the increase in Mr. Newkirk was first treated byboth demand and ice fishemell r'F- JE'. Hyte and -ater bl- would very be able to keep pacs- S. Chadwick. He was in a critical con wlth the market The gky wffl take on dition for the first forty-eight hours, L rosier hue for local fishermen anJ and is still quite ill, but it is gener-! business meR if the tobacco Ms fa ally expected that he will live. The)the gtu open ftnd continue with venom of the spider caused violent .wham Tuesda y mornin?i and the pains in all parts of the body and was present pricea o cotton are increas- accompunieu oy consiueiapiB Ke.ieiiied Qr maintained. swelling. FEW CHANGES THIS YEAR IN SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS Information received thus far by County Superintendent J. G. Allen from the State Department indicat- , 1 1 . 1 1 1 O ----- - - , , es inai Arunmetics ior grau&s o inches. While the warp-a long rope. fce only major attached to one of the staffs at the! ch d'in the elementary end of the se.ne-is held on the bo o duri the beach by several men the, crew of Industriai and Applied Ven la 0t I"? ITrVT Art Books (state edition) will be aory-uKe uoou u4 -;- . - drawinB.. and Palmer Meth-. oars while the fifth one throws seine overboard and looks after the warp at the boat end of the net. Af ter surrounding the school of mullets, the men in the boat land upon the beach and pull their net nuht up- on er by that time andjconditiona Justi- fort to Havelock via C Route $o. for the 25 Otway men for the sweet thft ghore In this way the munets are fv nresent prices. They want the re- 101 which goes through the Russell potatoes are now "laid by' and they kroaht up on the dry land so they ductiohs now, while tney wm De oi.reeK, vore ree ana nnt t-1 win rum ... o may be picked up oy tne nsnermen. tlements, with asphalt oil and rock them. Mulleting thus comes in dur within the next few months. It is un- in what otherwise might be a slack derstood that this project ia now un- season and usually furnishes the men benefit during the depression priod. ( Continued on page six) CASKILL MACE TRUCK WAS DAMAGED BY HIT-AND-RUN The hr'.f-ton delivery truck of Gaskill-Mice Co., was damaged con siderably Monday evening when it was struck by a hit-and-run driver near Mansfield. James Stanley, col-, ored delivery man for the hardware Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph company, was riding around after the 'House, Saturday, August 27, a daugh show when the accident occurred. No j ter, Letitia Ann. 0 wfl im-iired in the truck and ap- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Willis, der official consideration Raymond Thomas is the foreman of the crew that will start working on the Beaufort-Atlantic segment of Federal Highway 70 tomorrow. BIRTHS a lucrative occupation, This fall pilgrimage to the prized Duck Creek "haul" has been partic ipated in by the people who have lived at Otway probably since colon ial days until it has now become a custom that borders very closely upon ther itual. It is just as natural 'od( six book series or three book series) will be used for writing. The arithmetics adopted for grades 3 through 7 will be "The New Day Arithmetic" published '"by" Charles E. Merrill Company, a separate book being required for each ; grade. The books for' fffades 3 through 6 sell- ing at 31c each, and the book for While a good many of the mullets j grade 7 selling at 37c. The d-awing are sold fresh to the hucksters who books are selling for 14c for each an Hailv to the Duck Creek fishing elementary grade. The six boox ser orMiriH. the larirer oortion of these. ies of writing lessons sells for 6c fish are "split" and salted and dispels-1 each and the three book series for ed of in that manner. When the roe 2c. Writing and drawing materials mullets are split, the red roe is nrst should not oe purcnaseo ior ine cnu TIDE TABLE Information as to the tides at Beaufort is giren in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that ia whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. High Tide Low TiU Friday, Sapt. 2 salted for 'several hours until they are "struck" with the saline solution and then they are placed upon for the Otway men to leave their j boards and pressed down with heavy various homes for the Duck Creek j weighted boards The weighted boards fishery about the first of September are removed after several hours and as it is for the rivers to flow, the, the roe are left to dry in the sea . , ,, . ir 1 i' - i. 11 !-'.J.- i. n..vt l?nA vnn Hi'iaH iyr rhia rvn- carently the other automobile wasof Morehead city, ai xne woreneaa ocean 10 rou, or uie uuus iu mate SUUie DUu. not damaged The delivery truck: City Hospital, Monday, August 29, a and rear their young in the spring-cess are considered one of the best .,, damaged to the extent of a front 'daughter. Mrs. Willis was formerly .time. It is just bred into the very delicacies that can be obtained from rl n w n fro n rrt ovrflTir ft I u iiiirii. nil ii v ii ir i . luia, ll iuio tj iuiiunj . t a s ovlo htfi Virginia Guthrie of this com- woof and warp of th& fabric of their the sea. and bumper. munity. " lives and it would be virtually sac- ( Continued on page six) dren except on the instruction of the teacher in the several schools.' MARRIAGE LICENSES Gordon Becton, Morehead City, and Alberta Lewis, Marshalberg. Arnold Kenudsen and Gladis Gol den, Bettie. Daniel Hamilton, Sea Level, and Beulah Mason, Stacy. 8:43 a. m. 9:04 p. m. Saturday, Sapt. 9:28 a. m. 9:48 p. m. Sunday, Sept. m. m. Monday, Sept. 11:05 a. m. 11:10 p. m. . Tuesday, Sept, a. m. p. m. Wednesday, Sept 10:16 a. 10:36 p. 11:30 12:10 12:34 a. m. 1:20 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 1:45 a. m. 2:35 p. m. - 2:2,1 m 2:50 p. mv 3 8:05 a. ra 3:39 p. m. 4 3:47 a. m. 4:31 p. m. 5 4:35 a. m. 5:27 p. m. 6 5:28 a. m. 6:30 p. m. . 7 6:27 a 7:40 p 8 7:35 a. m. 8:56 p. m. m. m. mmssiaKiusixsmmmsaBSSi

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