THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 22. 1932. PAGE THRFE . Professional CARDS l" 3 Dr. Clitford W. Lewis Office in Potter Emergency Hospital 9 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Office at night by appointment Office Phone 46 Residence, 89-J D. W. Morton Notary Public Insurance With M. Le.lie DtU BEAUFORT, N. C Dr. W. S. Chadwick Medicine & Surgery Office Honrs g to 12M -3 to 5 P. If. and by Appointment Office in Hill Building opposite Port Office Office Phone 83-J Ret. 124-L (The Jidvenlwres of Belly and Scarlet Bunny !.- YV. A. Lillycrop back towards; Copyright 1932 by W. A. Lillycrop Then, before Scarlet Bunny could went putt-a-putt, putt hep a single "hop,, che had him -up in her house, Betty said: her arms; and before the amazed "We want to help the Fairies help Betty could gather her wits enough those people and I feel now that it; (1) to tell her not to do it, the many chil- helped us more than them. i then from behind the woman's skirts j Scarlet Bunny didn't say a word, j Address 'had dashed away and brought back a: Betty looked twards him. He was( tub of water and the woman had the sltilho t:ieie wriggling his nose! Im-; (2) - struggling, gasping, Scarlet Bunny medially she burst again into a gale, into the water. of laughter. She could hardiy wait ' Address Instead I am fending the fol lowing 2 subscriptions: By this time it was too late- for (for the plane to get home so she j tm t H"H 'H"i- I Dr. E. F. Meniua Eyesight Specialist with Sam K. Eaton Co. NEW BERN, N. C m-l"l"H"M"t ! 44 Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and by appointment. Dr. J. O. Baxter Specialist THE EYE ONLY NEW BERN, N. C Chapter Four HELPING THE FAIRIES Betty was watching out the window for Scarlet Bunny. And as soon as he came hippity-hop, hippity-hop on the porch, she flung the door open to let him in.. "I have been waiting for you ev er so long," she said motoining to him to sit down. "For I have thought of a way we can help the Fairies to help people." "How?" asked Scarlet Bunny. "Why," said Betty, "I have been thinking that we might go to every house in town and tell them how peo ple are in need and that they can help." Scarlet Bunny shook his head: "That wouldn't do much good I'm afraid," said he. "Everybody knows that there are people in need. They all talk about it plenty. But not many really do anything about it. And we would be just like the rest, talking but not really helping." Betty looked at him thoughtfully for a while then her face lighted up and she said: "I'll tell you what let's do. Let's help somebody ourselves!" "Great! Let's do!" said Scarlet Bunny. "But whom can we help " "Maybe I can tell you somebody," said mother, who came into the room just at thta moment. Both Betty and Scarlet Bunny look ed at her waiting. . , jBetty to say anything. And anyway could tell mother about Scarlet Ban they were sailing towards the house, th ftman .,. . . a .J .!.. hsfh on the edge of town. Scarlet Bunny flew on past the house and came down in a field some dsitance away. "It will be better," he explained to Betty, "for us to leave our plane here and walk up to the house for our visit" Betty guessed he was right. But such a walk it was! After a few steps, they both were covered with dust. And, as they crawled through the barbed-wire fence separating the field from the yard of the house itself Betty caught her dress and tore a big piece right out of her skirt. They went on.however, and soon they reached the house which they noticed looked sadly in need of re pairs and needed painting. Eetty knocked at the dcor. It was opened by a sad faced sweet looking weman who seemed to have any num ber of children peeping out from a round her skirts. Both Betty and Scarlet Bunny f iV tVio cViriAlre on1 1onVif a r.f V.l P.llf- fid tVi a nlona lanlui mntri ' children who were so excited that one 'herself was standing in the yard and j two and come nere; I have a grand secret to tell you!' jof them bit a piece right out of the 'said: "Get out quickly you soap! .'come here! I have a grand (To be continued) Stories For Children And Betty herself, seeing the ex pression on Scarlet Bunny's face, had xo join tne laugnter. He looked ex-i actly like Brother Billy always looks NeW Will Publish when mother hints that a bath would not hurt him. When she laughed, Scarlet Bunny gave her a very re proachful look out of the one eye that at the moment was not full of soap ana men stopped struggling so tje(j "Betty And that they could get it over as soon Th PaV.t W as possiDie. Finally, the woman gave him up for a bad job. In spite of all her scrubbing, assisted by the children. Scarlet Bunny remained as red as ever. And the woman said: "He really must be a red rabbit or j else he is blushing." i At which, to the surprise of the children, Scarlet Bunny wriggled the , The News has arranged to publish series of stories for children enti- Scarlet Bunny." A. Lillycrop of Greenville is the author of the stories which have already appeared in some publications and have been very fav orably received. Children are invit ed to join the Betty and Scarlet jEunny Club. The conditions of mem bership are given below. The first ttoiy appears in this issue. 1 1 understand that I will re- celve a bound volume of "The Adventures of Betty and Scar- let Eunny" and that my name will be published as a mem- ber cf the Betty and Scarlet Bunny Club. The memorial to Orville and Wil bur Wright, built at Kitty Hawk, N. C, at a cost of $250,000 will prob ably be unveiled in October. Read The Want Ada stood there for just a moment with-lend of his nose and Betty went of out thinking of a word to say. Then, .again into a gale of laughter. to their surprise, the woman herself spoke: "Why, children, here is a poor little dusty raggedy girl! Bless me, child, are you hungry too?" she said, speak ing to Betty. "Never mind, my hus band has gone to town to try to sell some brooms. If he does, he'll bring something to us soon, and we will be glad to give you something to Yesterday," she said. "There came a man to the front door selling straw eat." brooms. He said that he had lost his "But," Betty started job, and that his wife and children don't want " to say, "I ., ,, ,i ,, ,, .. I Dr. H. M. Hendrixf DENTIST Office Howit . Jff to IX A. M. 1:30 to S P. M Offloa Pnttar Rnild'lff Over the portoffice T FOR Ambulance Service Day or Night 'Phone 21 e or 116-W GEO. W. DILL Funeral Director Sine 1900 MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. j...4..;..,;:..;..;,.;..;..;..;:;..;;..;..;. Dr. F. E. Hyde GENERAL PRACTICE Office over Bettt Bakery Office Hours 10 A. M. to 12 M. 3 to 5 P. V. and by Appointment X Office Phone 140 Res. 26-L U. E. SWANN INSURANCE Notary Public BEAUFORT, N. C. were in real need. I was so sorry that I didnt have the change to even buy a broom. But I asked him where -he lived and he said that he lives in the last house out on this edge of town. And I have been thinking," she con tinued, "that if I only knew whether that family really is in such dreadful need, I could give that man some odd jobs around the house." "Then I kown what we can do," said Scarlet Bunny. "I know where that house is. Suppose Betty and I slip out there and see if they really need help?" Mother approved of this and in a few minutes Betty and Scarlet Bun ny climbed into the little red air plane. And with a putt-a-putt, putt, Quickly the woman interrupted her "That's all right, my child. Don't say a word. We know what it is to be hungry. Just come in now and rest until daddy comes home." Just as they were drying Scarlet Bunny the Broom Seller himself came home. The family crowded around him expectantly. And when Betty saw the tiny bag he had which held the little he had brought for all their suppers, and saw him shake his head sadly to his wife as he laid a number of un sold brooms on the table, Betty thought her heart would break. Then the man looked at Betty. And when the woman quickly told him it was a poor hungry littl girl which she had asked to stay for sup per, and when the man said so cordially: "Yes," we 11 share with her our last JOIN THE BETTY AND SCARLET BUNNY CLUB 1. Do a deed of Kindness For Somebody. 2. Fill in the Coupon Below. 3. Bring or Mail the Coupon to this newspaper with 25c (or secure 2 Subscriptions to this newspaper for 2 months at 25 cents each) and you will receive a bound volume of "The Adventures of Scarlet Bunny" and your name will be published in this paper as a member of the Betty and; Scarlet Bunny Club. ' sis Dear Editor: I want to become a member of The Betty and Scarlet Bun ny Club. Then, before Betty could say a ! crumb," two things happened to Bet- thing, the woman's eyes lighted on ty. First of all she quickly turned her Scarlet Bunny and turning to her head away so Scarlet Bunny would children, she said.: !not be able to call her a cry baby. "Look, children, the little girl's pet Then as quickly as she could she ex rabbit has followed her. And I do be- plained to the man what mother had lieve," she declared, as she noticed faid about the odd jobs; and told him Scarlet Bunny's red color that the lit ho wto get back to her house. When tie tellow has gotten into some red this happened the man was so grate paint!" !ful; and such puzzled expressions "Quick children," she ordered. ' came on the faces of the woman "Get me a tub of water and 111 wash and the children, that Betty and Scar the little fellow for the poor little let Bunny hurried away as fast as girl while we're waiting for Daddy." they could go. As their airplane My name is My address is Street Town R. F. D. My deed of kindness was: Enclosed I am sending 25c or OF ALL KIND DONE AT THE RIGHT PRICE When you want an extra good job of printing done, come to this shop. Here you always get quick, ef ficient service at a little under the usual price. Beaujorl News SAW wnra with more than six you sacrifice economy with less than six you sacrifice smoothness C. H. BUSHALL lire, Health. Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Soil Rented WiUt'Yrite Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES, GOOD SERVILE Duncan bidg. Beaufort, Phono 33 Ambulance Servi' Call BELL AND JAMES .Funeral Directors - MOREHEAD CITY,; N. C. Phono No, 3 Day Night 12S-W Dr. L. W. Moore GENERAL PRACTICE office Potter's Emergency Hotpital OFFICE HOURS: 9-12 a. m. 1-3 p. m. . and by appointment Phonei Office 46 Residence E8-J In Rochester, N. .Y., when Golfer William A. Caldwell made a hole in one, AI Wheeler, his opponent fainted. IF YOU'RE careful about the way you spend your dollars for a low-priced car, youll be extra-careful about the way you count cylinders. Because if you count more than six, you're not going to get the lowest all-round motoring cost that is saving so many thousands of dollars for Chevrolet owners every day. ' And if you count less than six you won't be any better off from a dollars-and-cents 1 standpoint. Six is the smallest number of J cylinders you can have, and still get Chevrolet's built-in smoothness. And built-in smoothness "slaves you money. It guards against the insidious workings of excessive vibration. It holds repair bills jdown to rock-bottom. So if the car is a Chevrolet Six youll SAVE! : r-, v.-. iW-? ,( -V. ?",,,,,-.'. ;. ; " Chevrolet economy. It lasts! Especially after 5,00010,00015,000 miles, when the cost of operating other low-priced cars goes up, Chevrolet's cost stays down. More economical to start with, Chevrolet is more economical still, after long usage! Best of all : you can save with six cylinders, and not sacrifice one important advancement. You enjoy Free Wheeling, Syncro-Mesh gear-shifting, roomy Fisher bodies. Considering these facts do you honestly think it's wise or economical to keep that old car any longer? CHEVROLET UOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT, MICH. ZVruion o GnraJ Motan SIX CYLINDERS XliS y-; -yX : X W vv EtrzciAUY after 5,000 r.::LE$ What's more important youll keep on saving. There's nothing temporary about AUptiom t. o. 6. Flint, Michifmn. Stcil qutpmMtt nttm.' Vow dmlirmrad price, and may Q. M. '4. C. Nroi. SOUND CHEVROLET COMPANY MOREHEAD, CITY N. G. it0 J

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