PACE SIX fHE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. SEPT. 22, 1932. WANT ADS THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS RATE: One cent per word, Initial, Letter, Figure. All want ads paid in advance. No want ad taken for less than 25c. Mail thtm in. DupUy Ai Rates ea RqMt Telepkoae No. 16. Vnrth Carolina from Moore and 'stimulants simply help the poison to every member of the council will be Onow counti southward. 'take effect more quickly and do no present at this meeting. The county unsiow counties ah'l. crnnH whatever council needs your presence, i This snake does not have the aba- good ha.ever. m . . When Harry C. Kinne, 52 year old lawver from Wilmette, 111., called for 3 the first time on Harry C. Kinne, 50, Watertown N. Y. business man, tney discovered they have a lot in com mon besides name. They look alike, each has a son named Harry C. Jr., each has a daughter, Ruth each has brother, C. E. each is a member of FOR RENT AT MILL, S DM .the village or city room bouses, light, heat and water, men are not related and never knew Fine condition. 1 six room bouse, each other until recently. Kirhl beat and water. Fine condition, SEAL ESTATE IF INTERESTED hi town lota of country property ad fctaa The Carteret Realty Influ ence Co., D, W. Morton, secretary, Beaufort, N. & Beaufort Lumber Phone 16. ft llasfg. Co., f Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE Will Spiedlman of Ainsworth, Neb., savs grasshoppers are fewer FOR RENT, COTTAGE ON MOORE this year but they grow larger. Spiel- Street, Modern conveniences. See or man grasshoppers were growing write Dr. C. N. Mason Newport R.g0 big on his farm that one of them F. D. Rent $15 per month. 9-14jstopped a tractor "single handed." The hopper he explained, sat down on HlllllllllllllMIHWWt gnet Pst and staUed tfie en- As the story was told in court in Salt Lake City, Bert Fairclough wanted to kiss his sister-in-law at a family party. She protested and her nose was bitten off .Fairclough has I been hailed to court as a nose biter. North Carolina, J . Carteret County. ) t Newark, N. J., Pilot Marshall Under and by virtue of the power jFay last january bought a $1 suit of sale contained in that certain !cagei had his name an(j address sten mortgage deed dated August 26th. jciied on it. After he finished using it 1931, executed by Herbert Springlehe gave it to a traveling friend with and others to W. E. Adair and duly j jnstrUctions to throw it away. A recorded in Book 70 at page 285 j month later the suitcase was return Office Register of Deeds for Carteret ed t0 Marshall Fay by airplane col County, default having been made in lect jn Newark he threw it away a the. payment of the indebtedness gain Before long he received a col thereby secured, the undersigned lect telegram from Boston annonuc mortgagee wlil offer for sale and willing tnat thes uitcase was found, was sell, for cash, at the court-house enroute to Newark collect. door of Carteret County, in the town Recently the White House eleva tor broke down. Into the White ty to spread the neck into a flatten ed hooi as do the true cobras of As ia.. Coming baeK to tne ipers, the species occurring in North Carolina are the Diamond Rattlesnake, the Banded Rattlesnake, the Ground or Pygmy Rattlesnake, the Copperhead Hio-hhmd Moccasin, and the Cot- tonmouth or true Water Moccasin. jThe name Water Moccasin as applied to the last one is, however, vainer misleading, as the name is more of- !tn locallv aDDlied to the large harm- offered two of his children to satisfy .less snakes than to the Cottonmouth, the creditor. Said he: "I am rich in which in our State at least is much children and nothintr elce." The start! Jess abundant than tney are A Newsy Trip Around The World By Elizabeth Saunders 1 1 ed judge vetoed the offer and dis missed the action. POISONOUS SNAKES By C. S. BRIMLEY Assistant Entomologist, N. C ment of Agriculture tnf these snakes the Copperhead is found throughout the State, and !the Banded Rattler originally had the same range, but has been killed out in the more settled sections, be ing at the present time mainly con fined to the swamps of the eastern counties and to the mountains in the west. The Ground Rattler, the Dia mond Rattler and the Cottonmouth I are confined to the eastern counties DeDart I onlv. I The Diamond Rattlesnake, which I am not nfrenuently called upon reaches a possible length of eight to define in simple but accurate lan- feet m Florida, is the largest ana guage the distinctions between pois-.most dangerous of our snakes, for onous snakes so that any plain man' me simpie reason iwU,u can tell the difference. Unfortunately, this is not a partic ularly easy matter, as there are three groups of poisonous snakes, and two of them are more closely related to the general run of ordinary harmless of his size and weight he not only has longer fangs, but has the strength to drive them in deeper when it strikes, and of course more poison to inject in the wound. The color pattern is distinctive consisting of a The third group cf poisonous snakes those with fangs in the back of the jaw are represented in the United States by a few small species not large enough to be haimf ul t man, but in Africa at least some 1 the species are quite dangerou-. There is no means by which thes- can be told from harmless snakes a part from harmless snakes apart from the fangs. As to the harmless snakes, so far as the eastern United States is con cerned, all the kinds with lengthwise stripes or in which the pattern is solid neither striped nor spotted, and also all those with perfectly smooth scales unless they are ringed with red, yel low and black, are harmless. These include the black snake, coach-whip, king snakes, garter snakes, ground snakes and many others. On the oth. er hand, snakes with rough scales and a spotted or cross-banded pattern should b avoided, as all rattlesnakes and moccasins come within this de scription, and also snakes cross-banded or ringed with red, black, and yel low, and with smooth scales as the cor al snake, answers to this description. Avoid spreading adders. They are per fectly harmless but are continually confused with copperheads. Also a void water snakes. Most are harmless, but ill-tempered. Any particular one might however, bea cottonmouth. j Hoping this will enable some cf 1 you to know a littlem ore about pois-1 onous snakes, I bid you good-bye for! the day. j The Home Agent will begin onran- izating the 4 H clubs in the diSer ent schools Tuesday, September 27. The following clubs will be met by the home agent during the ensuing week: Tuesday, September 27th Stacq, hostess Mrs. Pollie Hamilton; Wednesday, Barkers Island, Mrs! Fred Guthrie; Thursday, Core Creek Mrs. J. a. JJicKinson; rtiday Willis, ton hostess Mrs. Lula Willis; Satur day, North River 4-H Club at 2:00 o'clock. Have you visited your local curb market lately? You will find all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits, dress ed chickens, eggs, cakes and flowers. Come see what we have. The curb market totaled $1,423.99 for the month of July and August. The market will be open each Satur day from 8:00 o'clock until 11:00, all through the winter. third series of light edged, dark diamond 'shaped blotches down the back, with that the corners toward each other. This does not seem to be a common snake here, but ocurs in all the coastal of Beaufort, N. C., on Saturday the 1st day of October 1932, at the hour of 12 o'clock, M., the following de-HollS( ,.rnunds, drove a reoair truck. scribed real estate, to wit: Situate, 0n ihe front of it was a piate: 'Re lying and being in the town of Beau- peal the 18th Amendment. On the fort, adjoining the lands of the es-jrear a gign read. "Vote for Roose- tate 01 a. J-.. Jones ana otners, De-;vejt ginning at the northwest corner or the James Mason land and running eastwardly with the Mason line 70 At 42, Harry Burns, of Montreal, Canada, cook on the grain carrier yards, thence northwardly 50 feet, SoreUoc is cutting his third set of tnence westwaraiy paraiiei wiin vne teeth, Mason line 70 yards to tiannan rui Physicians decided to operate when ,a marble lodged in the throat of five- ford's line, thence with said line 50 feet to the beginning. Ihis dutn day 01 August Mi. !vear old Janet Champa of Boston W. E. ADAIR. But the child's mother took her by Sept. 29. Mortgagee, shoulders and shook her sharply. I Then she turned the child up on her head and the marble dropped out 'of her mouth. SALE OF LANDS a number of wavy edged cross-bars, does not get as big as the preceding, least there are two distinct color va rieties, one being yellow in ground color with the cross-bands very dis snakes than they are to the group of venomous ones. The only actual difference holds in all cases is the possession of poison fangs by the venomous snakes and their absence in the harmless ones. These fangs, however, may be long and movable or short and fixed, and in the latter case they may be in the front of the mouth or in the back Nevertheless, for the region east of the Mississippi River we can lay down the following rules which for that region wil sufficiently well sep arate the poisonous kinds from the harmless ones: Any snake with a rattle on the end of its tail is poisonous. Rattlesnakes, three species. Any snake with a pit or hole on females and the black ones mostly the side of the head about halfway males. between the eye and the nostril is The Ground Rattlesnake is much poisonous. Rattlesnakes, copperhead , smaller, only about 18 inches in and cottonmouth, five kinds in all. length, and has a series of rounded And in case the head is crushed, spots down the back and others along the underside of the tail in these five I the sides; also, the rattle is very kinds will be seen to have most of ( small and quite apt not to be noticed, the plates if not all in a single row, The bite seems to be quite venomous not in pairs. (for its size, and we have heard of its In addition, in all rattlesnakes, and biting dogs during the hunting sea in the cottonmouth and copperhead son- Occurs only in the east and not moccasins, the head is large and tri-lhown north of Carteret and Cum angular, with a decidedly narrow j berland counties, neck. The Copperhead, known in this These five kinds of snakes, three State as Highland" Moccasin, White rattlesnakes and two-moccasins, all 1 Oak Snake, Poplar-leaf Snake, and HOME DEMONSTRATION NOTES By Ann Mason Miss Mary E. Thomas, Food and counties at least as far up as Crav-jNutrition Specialist from State Col- en and possibly to Albemarle Sound. leee a'eign win meet with the food 1 The Banded Rattler, which is so and nutrition leaders Monday, Sep-j called because the back is crossed by "nioer tblti, at ltf:00 o'clock A. M. at the Home Demonstration agent's omce. Miss Thomas will give a spec although it reaches six feet in length ial demonstration on the making of . - . . ' T1 TT a on the coast. In the mountains at j""'""- " ume Agent urges ev .j 'vuvi k pieseiu m mis demonstration. The County Council members are tinct, and the other n-arly black with a.,s0 invited to be at the demonstra- j the cross-bars less evident. Curiously I tion given by Miss Thomas Monday! enough, the yellow ones are mostly jana "re asued to lunch with the Home Agent in ner offlce at 12:00 o'clock. At 1 :30 there will be a meeting call ed by the County Council president. Mrs. Alvin Garner. It is hoped that Under authority of order in Super-1 ior Court at June Term 1932, under-j After charging that her husband signed will offer for sale to highest "celebrated" all holidays by beating jthat they ca be raise(, ov lower(jd at bidder for cash, or on terms to be her, Mrs. Etalkia Klaus, of Belleville, j nleisure and when not in nw thu belong to the viper group, and it is to this group and this only that all the popular notions concerning the appearance of venomous snakes ap ply. All of them have long poison fangs fastened to a hindged bone so 111. proposed at sale, at the court-house door in Beoufort, N. C, on Satur day, October 8th., 1932, noon, the A girl with a good disposition following described lands: makes a good wife. Still a girl with In Newport Township: On north a good position is not to be sneezed side Newport River, beginning at the at! mouth of bianch emptying into New- was granted a divorce. concealed beneath a fleshy growth However, there is another group of venomous snakes which contains some of the most deadly, serpents known, j and the members of this group pos- l?G?s nnnp nf flip i-harantn-ra cr -fe... rviir i. t:... ... ti, T.1 T tl i.,i T ,l M ..: I . . " 1 Rattlesnake's Pilot, is a light-colored snake with a row of broad chestnut-colored blotches down the back, these forking on the sides so that they are somewhat like two capital Y's joined by their tails across the back and with the top of the head red dish. Its fanes are smaller nnrl oli.n. fangs lie back in the mouth entirely j erer than those of the rattlesnakes, ana wnne its bite is by all means to be avoided, I know of no fatalities from the half dozen or more cases that have come to my attention. It seems naturally rather an ino'Tensive snake. Reaches about 2 1-2 feet, Bank on the north side of said mvwho had spent all his clays fo'r the 'this group, the cobras, is we are glad er, thence up the branch and the 'past 36 years staring steadily at a!t0say, but poorly represented in east prong thereof to the head, thence bronz statue of Kamehameha the America, and the only member of it N. 20 degrees E 100 poles, thence N. j Great. Hawaii's first ruler. ! occurring eat of the Mississippi has to the back line of Bell land, . thence j , T I fortunately a very distince color pat- with said back line of said Bell land) The town clock in Elkador, Iowa, tern which renders its identificat'on to Ezekiel Bell's 3rd corner, thence ;had been gaining time the first half jan easy matter. This is the coal with his line to his .'ml corner, thence; of each hour and slowed up the sec-1 snake, a long, slim snake whose body brown in clr with not very distinc" The Cottonmouth or Water Mocc-i- sin the latter name, however, un fortunately applied more often to the harmless but bad-tempered water snakes than to its proper owner is a larger and darker colored snake than the Copperhead, reaching at least 3 1-2 feet in length STOP! Using Too Much Oil By installing AMERICAN HAMMERED PISTON RINGS with Ventilated Inner Rings ! MACHINE SHOP Front St. Beaufort little L,reen, tnence tne various cours eons would perch on the big hand i and black, every other rin beinir vel- u tuc "v vaa suing uuwii. 111L7U aiay low. The latter1 point is mvrirnl'iviv TL. . 1 1 , , . 1,le neaa is oatKer and the snake has a curious Habit when annoyed cf op r.uUB i.vcu, m- u.e.i- unui it poimea downward at: to be noted, as while there are cer-ienlnS the mouth wide and showing ginning, by estimation such an angle that they lost their tain harmless snakes resembling it inh wlte interior, whence its name 600 acres, more or less; grip, ater they would get aboard for bein? nr ,v,ii ...ul . It occurs lnnr cf. .,. Also, tract beginning at a stake on the upward ride. :the same v.t' , ' Jem nait of th stt ...i'n. . : snakes the alternate rings'are black.,88 far inland, as Ralegih (only one In tha rannington, N. II., News ap ;Thus, while in the coral f-nake the specimen in fifty years), and fWH updurnrn r.f pc.lnvo 1,,,,.;,,:.... u mninlv nn (UVi nnJ 4-,... ti. . , poles toa marked line thence with I the personal column of last week's any ved ring is rod. vellow hl,,ic 'said to be dangerous, hut I L J ' , ... v 11.. l-auu" jyeiiow, rco, and in its harmless imi-i"let; Wlln any case? the east side of Little Creek, thence1 running N. 40 E. 58 poles, to a stake1 by the road, thence N. 5 E. 2SB peered the following: "Correction:: that line S. 26. W. 157 poles to the issue it was reported that STOP! READ! LISTEN! CONSIDERING THE HARD TIMES WHICH WE ARE HAVING AT PRESENT, WE KNOW THAT THE PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY THE SAME PRICES FOR REPAIRING THEIR WATCHES, AS PAID HERETOFORE. I HAVE FROM JANUARY THE FIRST MADE A GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL WATCH REPAIRS. GET AN ESTIMATE FROM ME BEFORE YOU HAVE YOUR VATCH WORK DONE B. A. BELL Next to Fostoffice THE JEWELER! Beaufort aeu ui , , w,en uown am, t-eavey and daughter xNancy, or Lis- tators, red, black, yellow, black, red. A1' these snakes are largely noc with the run of said branch to Little bon, were in town recently and in The coral snake attains a length of tnrnal and have the pupil of he eye Creek, thence down the east side of their itinerary of visit, included the about three feet or a little over, is an ordinary light vertical and I Si Mid creek to beginning, containing former's grandfather, Albert S. Wal- a burrowing snake, feed:-.? on lizards ke like a cat's, which is one reason 7 " meC 1 ,0M !laCeMn allaCe Wishes !t contradict and other snakes, and v.Mle not ap- course, why we don't see manj of This 6th day of September, 1932. ed that he received this attention 'parently n.uch inclined M bite W them. n t see many of STANLEY WOODLAND from his grandson." ne-ceiver oi estate or j. r. Woodland. 9-291 EXECUTRIX NOTICE i Having qualified as executrix of I the estate of B. F. SmalL ' deceased ' Six youths arrested in Fishkill, N. ;Y., posted a spare tire as a bond for1 ; their appearance in court to answer traffic violations charges. In Hamilton, Bermuda,'. William late of Carteret County, North Car-,.Leach suddenly left his armchair to , rl:na, this is to notify all 'persons Ket a book. Just then a bolt of light- laving alarms against 'the estate ot'ng came 4own the chimney," destroy he said deceased to exhibit thenr to.e the chair. the undersigned at Sea Level, N. C. n or before the 8th day of Septem-! In Manhattan, an anonymous fana has as deadly a poison if r-'t more so than any r ttlesnake. TL bite is ren dered still more dange: ius by the fact that usually at leas: the bite is followed by little pain or 3weling and in case any one gets bitten by a poisonous snake the victim sloull suck as much poison as possible from the wound, if in a place he can get at. First, however, if he has Ruffiriont a rule, and there arc nnr annnoK ber, 1933, or this notice will be plead 'tic painted in red" letters on Grant's ; known cases to make the recorded ea in rar oi tneir recovery. Alliomo: ine gooa nut starve; tne or persons indebted to said estate will'der of the day is prey on others .or please make immediate payment. (become a prey. JOSEPHINE SMALL, j . . Executrix of the estate of B. F. In London hostesses are Small, deceased. Oct 13 sea gull's eggs instead of the victim waks about unconcerned courage and a sharp knife, it is bet ter to open the wound, both punc tures, if more than one fang has pierced the skin, by a eouple of cross cuts so as to allow the blood to flow and wash .some sf the poison but of the wound. Then, if it is on a limb, a handkerchief or cord should be tied tightly around said limb between the wonud and the body so as to in vent the poison from entering the cir culation too quickly. And the patient until some hours later he sickens and dies. The death rate from known cas es of bite by this snake is about 75 per cent, as opposed to not more than about 25 per cent from rattlesnake bites. However, this may be due to - onlv fatal raspa frpttmai rnvAaA j a 3 , mawrmmmi mnmriwnia'am niwn m hub --- , .am, Botto rate really reliable. Still, it is certan- ly safe enough to say that in spite of its rather small size and in-offensive I should be got to a doctor, wim ,)ii U-l:4. '.. I i t . . . . . ' "in, jiiaous u is cenainiy as aangerous as 11 ne is up to date, administer a dose servile a raiuesnaKe, ana i can say from 01 ntivenm at present the Plovers' . personal .knowledge that it can mnva kno vn rempHv fnr .noi. t.u. w - - ...v.. . - -w PHnnc-iiMM only jeggs recently forbidden as a table quicker than any other snake I have Telling Wife. ; delicacy by law. They have shells so lever handled. Husband: "The doctor ordered me thin that htey must be hard-boiled ; Like all snakes of the cobra family away for a rest. Wife: "Did you show -tongue?" -, Husband: "No I told him yours." him your j before shipping. it has short, fixed venom fang3 and This does not mean, however, tw the patient will die if he does not get a dose of antivenin, as unless the victim has been bitten by a large rat- t , TT i8 apt t0 blte and han on- chewing tlesnake in a vtial part he is ant tc In MiIitoiiVbo A nitron, W ni..l,: ,v 4.1 , . . .. . . . c is arl lt J 414 T, ...c..-lf.. ..ic uiuu hud tne wouna, instead of gft weu anyhow, but he will have z- about found that children are not legal ; stringing and letting go as the vip- unpleasant time for a while doin 't Vr Jerw,nUn?ned. C0U:t ab0Ut ai" do- This s"Rke is found Jn the Whisky or any other etimrla-t i'l'o ?35 debt to a furniture company, he South Atlantic and Gulf States, and a remedy for snake-bite j in fact al' m Is Here! Customers have asked for two years, "Will prices go lower?" We have replied, "We don't know." We now say: "BOTTOM IS HERE' Prices below cost. Many mills shut down Many busted. Stocks low. . Any better demand mean higher prices. BUILD tfOwT YOU WILL SAVE MoliF' We guarantee that the average price of our build, rag material is less than two thirds of 1929 prices. W guarantee to continue to maintain quality with kiln dried, better dressed lumber and. high standard building material of all kinds. Beaufort Lumber & SManfg. Qo "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" 'PHONE 66