9 - (Mews MJP The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. ( READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY J WATCH Your lab id pay your ubcriptioB THE VOLUME XXI 8 PAGES THIS WEF.K THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1932 PRICE Sc SINGLE COPY NUMBER 43 Liquidation CoUs Of Banks Have Ween Greatly Reduced A meeting of the Liquidating A gents of various defunct banks in eastern Carolina was held in Kinston Thursday of last week. Talks were made by several of the agents among them being a speech by W. A. Allen Night Watchman Uses Barlow on Desperado Whpn a carload of vounar masked loft thpir vphirlp in front them ueinjf Bycoi.ii uj ... uwrui. .... . ... nf Beaufort who ia in charge of the of John Day's home on 10th street three closed banks in this county, in Morehead City just before mid Thp principal address was made by night last Friday after yelling threats Gurney P. iiood, commissioner m at jonn w. nuugers, uu-yei um yi. BROCCOLI FIELDS STACY IN FAVOR FULLOF PROMISE THIRD AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION Broccoli and Early Cabbage are Looking Exceptionally Fine Now Carteret now has over five hun dred acres of the best looking broc coli ever grown here in the county. This was planted from lour to six weeks ago and now virtually every broccoli grower in Carteret has an excellent stand. The weather during Gives Authority to Call Special . a a elections on Amenamemi ATTORNEY.GENERAL OPPOSES Three Injured Result Automobile Colision pri. excellent stand. The weather during . ia ohn1rman of the N. C . ... i.i i -Vio no of eiv wAnlret hoo noon all fhaf I . manlts ,vate nightwatchman, the only tnougnt , f - ........ - "" Constitutional Commission, has come After referring to the great prog-' of the middleaged man was that of .truckers could hope for and as a re- Hh st endorsement of ress made in recent years in North jself preservation. In the affray Mr. ,buH of this the broccoli is now a very jAmendment No. 2, which, adopted Carolina Mr. Hood went into a dis- Rodgers knifed Robert Willis, twenty promising crop. . by the voters November 8, would per V . .. ... .... A -i. J 1J Iff 1 J rU.. Hrjil. H. .: nt nn,.1 wonitiisr I .. .. n I 1 LI.. I- U- Jin- cussion ol the liquidation aci ana one-year-oiu luurcueou vnjf man, au mc turning m muici t,c. mll; tne general Assemuiy, m iwa u.o- cretion, to can a special eietu A mix up of cars Sunday afternoon a fio nV.lnnk about five or six miles out on North River road result ed in Richard Bloodgood running his parents car into the rear end of the parked car ol supt. ana aim. . . Allen, injuring several occupants and damaging both cars considerably. Mrs. B. E. Littlefield and her five o.nU mn. R. E. Jr.. of Jackson- By M. R. DUNNAGAN worB , ' ,he car with Mr9. Allen RALEIGH, Oct. 3 1-Chief Justice; Bloodgood automobile besides W. P. Stacy, of the N. C. Supreme , . wag driving( were his SuME PENSIONS SHOULD BE PAID Those Disabled In Service Should Get Compensation Frank Page Says what had been done in the way of winding up defunct banks in an efficient and economical manner. Contrary to general belief the cost of bank liquidation has not been un duly expensive. Mr. Hood said: "In 1927 eight banks closed. with resources of $2,588,835.78; in 1928 four banks closed with resources of $1,010,892.53-; in 1929 fourteen banks closed with resources of $6. 891,845.63; in 1930 forty nine banks closed with resources of $25,263,- 4fifi.R4i in 1932 twenty six closed writh liia nnrlrt hnrlnw in thp richt within thp npvt. fpw weeks, the brOC- side. This caused a retreat of the'eoli will go into a sort of hibernating masked desperados. I state. The leaves will not grow very Young Willis was taken to the much then, but the mucn-sougnt-ai the submission of amendments to change the Constitution, in addition l. IJ! iU.t 4-l.n.r nl HIT K Q Vfltpfl XUUIIg una wa banc, lu v.... uiuiii wicu, wwu i.iwv.. . provitllllg lllttli nicjr njr Morehead City Hospital where the ter stems win increase Doin in biieon n general elections, as wdd roQfal fliia was not. Rpr- an i tastp. Thp parliest of the five DVUIIU WVWVWUI 1-' -J ..WW - " - . ious, according to information re- hundred acres win reacn me snipping ceived by the News. No charges t stage about the first of February. have been preferred against the night Unless uniorseen conaiwons ause, watchman yet, it is said. j thousands of hampers of this delic- Mr. Rodgers makes his living by ious green will be shipped to north being a private nightwatchman for 'em cities from Carteret County dur a number of people in Morehead ing February and March. Introduced .":.. "C,, ilvmn t-n lima varlnna in this vininitv bv truckers three seas 406.84: in 13Z twenty SIX cioaeupuy. rium nine i n." .. .. with resources of $5,772,862.58, in people have tried to scare or rather ons ago, broccoli has now grown to wiui leavuiwca w v . ' i- r uQ nno nf thp ma n truck crons DrO- lnienere wiin me ww ui. i. w" -m m . ) j j : r1 . pra. About two weeks aero wr. KOOg- auteu m uncicu pis knocked another young man 1931 fortv nine closed with resourc es of $25,263,406.84 making a total of 150 banks with resources of $100 32JI.227.48." "The depositors and creditors of the banks that closed in 1927 have re ceived 70 per cent of their claims on an average. The banks that closed in loon v.ava no id 7A npr cent of their claims; the banks that closed in 1930 j have paid 19 per cent of their claims; the banks that closed in 1931 have paid 58 per cent of their claims, those closed in 1932 have paid 23 per cent of their claims, or an average of 24 per cent for all closed banks. Mr. Hood stated that the cost of collections has been 7 2-10 per cent since the, passage of the Liquidating from eross 'expenses, was two per cautioned senseless with a night-stick when the latter tried to interfered witn tne work of the private night-watchman. CHALLENGE DAY THIS SATURDAY is now the provision. Kemp D. Battle, president of the N. C. Bar Association, whicn enaors omondmant nnil the One PfOVid WHO I.J11V,iiiiiii-'. - . . ing separate judicial and solicitorial districts, has also issued a strong statement favoring its adoption. Attorney General Dennis U. tsrum mitt issued a statement earlier oppos ing the amendment and later protest ed against spending State funds to print an explanation which he claim- .J K oaoH and fAVOraDie lowaiu j " - ' CU Vina The cost of printing ine more wiau imj v- - wib - - . ivinc finp This !,., 4K fnr 1 S.000 conies, and otn- caDuage uie iww 'uuiuii6 ...... iiu acreage is somewhat more than is us- 6r agencies than the State are ms- 6 . . . . ... r-l '. ....... a. nAo ovnla ninir the ually devotea to tnis crop. ik.ij xriDuiing tuc vr o cabbages are largely consumed with-.amendments. in the county, but due to the increase Chief Justice Stacy has figures in the acreage some may be shipped ( showing that not more than 30 to this season should the price justify 50 per cent of the voters who vote thi for candidates in general elections, 1 Richard, who was driving, were his mother, Mrs. M. E. Bloodgood, mrs. W. E. Sabiston and two small cnn dren, of Jacksonville, Dorothy Lit tlefield, of Jacksonville, and Maude Bloodgood. Mrs. Sabiston sustained a iractur ed knee cap. B. E. Littlefield, Jr., was standing up at the rear window 01 thp Allen car and when the impact came his head broke the window out; as a result of this he suffered four bad lacerations on his forehead Bloodgood received Early Cabbage Doing Nicely Precinct Election Officia 1 Warned to Conduct rows Strictly According to Laws 1 1 .1 Hff IP U ElHUWe, picniucu. v. a.nu neU. 1UI 3. UlUUUgwvu . v. v. . . C. Bar Association, which endors- u,ru;ses about the knees and was bad ly shaken up. ah otner occupant ui the two automobiles escaped without injury. Mrs. Sabiston and the smaii T.ittlpfiplH child were brought immed iately to the Potter Emergency Hos pital for treatment. RECORDER TRIES NUMEROUS CASES Several Defendants Receive Sentences, While uinen Found Not Guilty TnAar' Court was held Friday morning of last week instead of the RALEIGH, Nov. 1 Compensation, now being paid to veterans, or de pendents of deceased veterans, for death and disability incurred in war service is probably not sufficient, and should undoubtedly be increased," said Frank Page, Chairman of the North Carolina Branch of the Nation al Economy League, in a measure replying to charges that the League is "after" disabled service men. "Many of the veterans who incur red disability in actual war service are now being neglected, and should be given more consideration at the hnnHa of an appreciative irovern- tYient." Mr. Page said. "We are in no isense raising objection to the amount of money the Federal government is paying to these disabled men and to the families of those killed in action. "But," said Mr. Page, "we are out with the firm intention of wiping from the federal payroll those thous ands of former service men who, coming through the war unscathed and probably in better heaitn tnan when they entered, have incurred some disability in civilian life which had no connection with their war ser vice whatever. An appreciative gov ernment is not one that will continue payments of huge sums to the men, who happened to some disability in civil life, just because they wore the uniform for a period, either m active or other service. "The huge sum of $452,000,000 is now being paid, for this fiscal year 1932-33, to veterans and families of deceased veterans who sustained no injury whatever in war service, but who incurred some injury in civilian Harvesting Sweet roiaioe. even Dtmiei w - """77 , . M t psHp . of t. onal amendment, except prouauiy previous luesuay uu6 PortoRicTn swe potatoes are now the suffrage amendment in 1900 Davis wa9 in Raleigh 10, business $109(0oo,000 to Forto mean sweet puwiu v-v .,. ,oHp an issue and dis-.thp regular day for holding .., ... : v0 War with in process 0 5y" stump in the court. Eeven cases were disposed of ; T" t0 World ine acreage v.. ".""-" 4 0 Pnlitioal issues and nersonali- able less than that last season, - . PrecinCelecTfficials are being the dry we ather '.iSli ?gSSSSoV and utioned by D. E.. lale.ha which cent of the net collections, The net man tarte un 1 and others to wait until it was too to study and vote : more , . . 1 4 1 1 iA 1 T mad nanf T.innS. LU ok-wv-j ... i . J RT. B. SUCClttl Kicvuuu, cost nas Deen reuueeu x. ha haa nt to each of , late to matte a Kuuu from December 1931 to August 1, -""- m ., R. G. Campen, D. ' , UhMlM OTIV TirPPlIIUL UllllCt ' - - 1 non CninwAo hoira noon z.n ijki . t""" " . 1 z. . uaiaiicg w & cent, attorneys' fees 8-10 court. Eeven cases were disposed of ,g the balance going t0 World at the Friday session. Owing to ?neWar Veterans, except small amounts inability of the officers in arresting! hospitanzati0n, new hospital con oIIoctpH law-breakers, no court , ,,r , ..!...:. va TnoaHav of this week. Un Int. a special election, with only the Merrill and amendments to consider. . oc tham. Should anv precinct omciai - V'. , Thp N. C. Corporation Commis- n .u uvi w .it wi iionr ct h rp vt 1 as a. auu - - of one per fail to carry out the mstruc tion t . ... Hariowe account of 'the, general election next Tuesday, no court will he held on Hnwpvev. court will con- vene on the day following the elec I . . TTf 1 .1 DQvf WAPK 7; .; ction to K. W. Wright, of Wire Grass, and , in. wmke n7 Wednesday of next week iail LU UOUlJ www T--il f I-l ovl rvltrO llDVP S1UH IS I1UW Diwj'ft - ,vw attorneys xeea - Lv.- if k will in all likelihood tne cau biuu. "-""---;-, f wppk on tha Dronos-'ThP cases tried last ttiday are a; J a.MAH nam M- : it K 1 CT L lt L 1 ill. , . 1 J fnM ntataa I nilTlTV HtllllC Vl" - - - cent, insurance anu ia - - . . . law. the oest yieia. u i, " .- , . utilities follows: of one ner cent, interest e-iu 01 one,"u r :n v,. Farm Aeent Hugh Uverstreet. jnr., . ..-j I n,rran former Cn . . . oo.rt rngr rnis hikuliuii win , "- - . 1 rt a,, m nnrp rpcpnri per cent and all other expenses 2.3 nf tha npt. collections. Mr. LCIIU V V..W It is conducted much more strictly than Hood said that the personnel costs of (previous ones v 1 1 it 1 1 1 f n Q T f liquidation of each banK naa Deen reduced from $228.10 a month in May 1931 to $91.20 a month in July, 1932. Thieves Steal Tobacco After Breaking Wind'w Farm Agent Hugh uverstreet. - . - - - demBnd RrneBt Bryan, former Campen dug one acre recently wk r - - ra,M lr- . rnloped man. wa3 SatnrHav of this week is Challenge Day. It is on this day that precinct party officials will I00K over tne reg istered lists of voters and challenge those who do not have a legal right to vote in that precinct. Heretotore, many have been voted in the county who should have been challenged, it is said. . In order to familiarize the read nf this newsDaoer with the coun- tiekpt. that will be voted Tuesday at the various polls in Carteret, the News is printing a sample ballot on ..,tp a an that the voters may look niror thp list, of candidates before hand, and it also gives the instruc tinns npcessarv to marking this bal Thp rpnrtprs will perhaps note that the elephant and donkey that in nimi vpars orraced the oaiiots are missnc this year, ine uemuciui a Porwi;nn and Socialistic sec auu ivcpuw.'."" . nf thp hallots are designated by names, not by party emblems this (Continued on page five) ARMISTICE DAY DANCE Craven charged netted him five hundred bushels. The ,ior lower P- ' " 1 iVf wTh nrohibition laws to Ball Brothers also recent! acres with a total yield of twelve hun calling oroe ervintr 1 b . Chief of Police W. R. Longest dred bushels, or three hundred to tm ! "'-lVraUs af-'and Deputy Sheriff R. E. Chaplain acre. The crop in the eastern part 0 ,th Jj case. Bryan was found the county is also looking fine; the tei "JJ0 five) aty by Judge Davis and the judg- (Continued on paire five) tiontinueo. 0 " ment was that the defendant pay a DEMOCRAT OPPOSED TO crCI Th vprv clearcut nad forceful let ter printed below was written by a former Beaufort citizen, wiuiam Morton of Chicago, a civil engineer. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. u. w. Beaufort and is wen p..inst Davis, and God being my help er,! am going to vote against Roose velt. L Let's see if I am still entitled to call myself a Democrat. I think I am. Bear this in mind. Mr. Kooseven in ntinn and administration. "While the actual war-service dis abled veterans are ' probably. ,'Jpng ;": neglected and will receive, only $274- . 000,000 this year, nearly twice that amount is being wasted on non-service connected, civilian, disability. This is a waste that should be stop ped, an appendix that should be re moved, a parasite that is sucking the resources of our nation, it is our pur nose to see that such leeches are re moved, so the life blood of our coun try will not be completely drainea and thus render it more ready prey to every grasping group, said Mr. Page. Beaufort people. The letter iouw.. - , . ,n chica(.0 last UU V Clinvm Editor The Beaufort wews: - nromisin(r the as I was a mere youngster at that icies. we win now time, I wielded no innuence , po . ...... and Nineteeth .v,rtTOrioa sn 1 naraiv bai -" June, began his speech by lauding For the second time in recent months the store of David WJiams on the corner of Orange and Broad streets was broken into late Monday evening and upwards of four hundred of chewing topacco, smu-"6 - cigarettes and chewing gum were taken. The thieves entered the build ing by breaking in the upper nine iSfht sash of one of the back win dows. Bars of wtod were nailed a cross the lower sash, s of the two rear windows. ... i. 4.tnnn th ' positive evi- Xt W UI1U1 jwvw , dence as to whom the th. ves are is at ear hand, and they may be arreeu ?n the next few days. When the store ,nhhpd some time back sufficient evidence for conviction could not be " 'f'fe I that it is the patriotic duty of These two amendments u.a - Aaron BeU and viuei.o m rwprpt 1 Ie . . .. ;fi. tn An-dpstrov States Righft, and tnerepy. , ,itPRses p0 k securea. xne iuw - - under tne auspices ui every loyai American - r,lltomr,t : Wash- wclc " . u : m v. number, it is said. Police officers . are , g9 of the AmeriCan Legion a i5 mite towards preserving centralize our government 80.day jail sentence and he w 1 be waiting for Mr. w.ii a ; dance will be given Friday n gnt u- the ideals for which our lorexavn. , other Pres " 1 1 Tha ottoir win uane i.i x Hill, nnn xurtvLuwu t;i vu6.. " - .... , or pontics day that he had been unabUe to ae- P.M. Jis with that view that this letter is Not much then cide whether it wouiu Music for tne aance wm uc 1- tten. . 1 (,ffl Senator Nelson A. prosecute the thieves or not. , ished by Beama's Nigh Hawk or- M father who still resides ,n Beau 8t ole m tote , f " SL.n of the 1 chestra. It will be a subscription f ort taugh me when I was a child f Mnch, Ifepubli ... . n CAMPAIGN ! dance and the public is invited to at- ht if , ever voted anything other United fUtes Senate nn KtrUDUV-mw , . fine of $15 and costs and m default of either or both he shouia De tun fipn to the common jail for 30 days and to be assigned to work at the a innnl rnlored man. Joe Eulford, hv his wife, Florence no v... a . Fulford, with non-support, one w the only witness. Not guilty, was the judgment in this case. The ebony and buxom frequenter of v- ioi nnrts Pparlv Oden. was ac quitted of violating the prohibition laws. Chief Longest ana u xi land were the witnesses. Polk Johnson, the one-legged local colored man, was brought into court on a charge of violating churcn wor ship laws while under the influence of liquor. There was insufficient evi dence to prove the religious cnarKc, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Dollie Lewis, Guardian to Walter M Lewis, 1 lot M. City, lor Jfou. Hettie A. Lewis et als to Walter M. Lewis, 1 lot M. City, for $200. Llewellyn Phillips, Trustee to M. t MoT,fipln. 1 lot M. City, for $579. XJ Mllv Alexander Baker et als, Trustees to Otlantic Life Ins., Co., 1 lot M. City, for $3000. The Bank of Moreneaa vity to James M. Gilgo, 1 lot M. City, lor $1500. Wm. J. Piner and wife to Walter Piner, 50 acres Smyrna, for $95. letter Tbehe mTant of changing Amendments were passed by a SO-, - nt was amended and he letter to oe we "ie' t. rii.i vn npmocratic Congress dur-,BU . .u nf j,nvOT,pSs and ?t7Ztoltic duty of These two amendments did more to B and E,ward wmiams I feel mat it w i" f joc,, sttps R ehft. and thereby. t. ..,, Pnli. wa. . ven a i forces ev-, v .t thp Conntv Home i.'tu- .i . j f a mnipn nil r i oi ci ouici a mfftvu . oeQiirTiPii w ui r waning 4Ul Mr wn aance w... u - - lne "; wno-ht. ahout by any other f res-. A fiv- i..fnr making tne arieoi.. -- (,!, iith. Tne anair wm w-" .ht at Bunker niu. anu iui"w"u vl --- - - tmunu lim toid a News reporter Wednes-; -fte Vffla Hotel and dancing Gettysburg and Appamatox. It Went, regard ess oi pay, 0,, that, he had been unaDie w uC- - . 9 p M. ifa mith that view that this letter is iMot muva i . Salisbury man opeme Here Tuesday Night The Republican, campaign manag ers are closing the contest i Carter- day) a meeting wm " "... r JSeL The county candidates mil be tresent and C. R. Wheatly and G. R. eat!y and G. W. Duncan are book d to make speeches There vm oe nie"--- - Island and Cedar lsla"anrt0u;d;y night and one at Newport Monday ijht A big rally is planned for Morehead City Friday night and one in Beaufort monuy would turn black, and norns wuu u . .bout prAUFORT FOOTBALL SQUAD 'grow on my lZe PVS PLYMOUTH --OT Member 4 'w-p. of Thomas Jefferson, Anarew.ver p--i.. ----- Friday e"' Vliu-teim1 iVckaon and Grover Cleveland. I am resemblance in t nlvpland ' ularly known has been ecu Beaufort B- School fortbaU t in the doctrine of .determined fight made by y1"jjj lveT ginCe he became o will play the ou "rim tJSSm?of my ancestors for sound money? Then Mr. Wllsonby eew such acti The game will start 8:30 and will S ate. . Ihgte Some ,ot my d j to takjjj TIDE TABLE Information ah to the tides at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that la whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. rw 6:.? ";-i tan, pe at w pv - .n;-- The local, team nas Deen mmm hard for this contest and expects to put up a hard fight. The riymouvn uu- the Beaufort lads feel that they have a real contest on their nanus. , vtm, thp nublic will attend piayeia n"i'. - - . . . , nnncimi A oTicniiraire rue team Wheatly is Doo.eu v..- - r- - ine Ba.c i f fhp Rpaufort. Morehead . . th , presence. siienivci u v.-v ... t . . .. .'.v V;. T Aj .. TslanH rallies. For- i Ijlty nu imiivcia - mer Judge E. Walter Hill is billed to speak at Cedar Island and Newpoit. fought, bled, and died in the cm. War fo rthe preservation i Jefferson s liel. I Deneve hi policy of "Peace, Commerce, and Honest menasmp wan But Entangling Alliances with None. I. believe in a tariff for revenue on i T holipvp in sound money, for which old urover cievemuu, back against a wall, fougnt iwe v ,1 ; iao?i.lR0fl ae-ainst the DUU-uub ... - - - , . . , radical, and insane ideas oi Di-m regarded Jefferson's warning entangling alliances witn iore. ernments, and after securing . on election on a campaign issue of i.ttv itpdt ttc rTTT OF WAR der liberately involved this country in the The Honorable Walter Murphy of Salisbury spoke here at the court- house Tuesday mgnt to a - of Democrats from Beaufort, More- v.-j nn other parts '" eountv. "Pete" Murphy as he is pop-; ularly known has been active m poi- ie U1U Cliw6" activities. He has served in the Legislature a good 4.:. onH i a canaiaate wis many mi." - - . ti v.. Tippn makire speeches year, --- - . .Vtt in various parts ot tne oiaw i t motional and state tickets. I7eniui.in , i Mnmhv was introduced to tne i'l.fJ . i; i T nthpr Hamilton OI Ideal weatner m "u7""1;'' ing dering eorge this fall has promoted the growing. raeine holacaust, an action wnicn nas .- Murphy entertain cost this country from first to lasM owd" f or about an hour. He nearly fifty billion ; 0od deal 0f attention to the these figures in mmd I ,ec .J, "estion and claimed that the bi-metal-.terto nen "'-" en, Hawley-Smoot tariff law is main y Koonts ism advocated by Wiliam Jennings v advice responsible for the depre xn ana - snvei ." - . , . fi . years wno r-- , v A. .. ,A.nQ l 01 tieiieifru", ti.'i- ""- . . - ... v. indicated oy irieini." K he'arty applause. 10:,7 P m. HELD FOR MURDER f.,.T.c,;iip Ci,f. Til O. B. ..j rurlin Jordan were in udvic - . . .un-c .um .-..- . , ... , i Kc.iovp in xnosu u"i . . . ountv jail today charged witn i'- t a: wn , Wilson twice of his miserable lite trying ,p orCe Tucker. 40, near Bixby I voted again Woodrow V dao t , tinued on page eight) .. , , j l voteu ngoiusi. u-, - in a fight over a dog. . mm, High Tid. . . ',0- Friday, Wot. h m 12:05 a. m. m. 12:53 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 12 m - 12:40 a. m. m. 127 p. m. SmiJlT. Nov. 13 m. m. Monday, Nov. 14 m. I'-" a 2:36 p, Tuesday, Nov a. m. p. m. Wednoday, Nov a. m. p. m. Thursday, Nov 6:39 a. 6:58 p. 7:15 a. 7:34 p. 7:49 a. 8:10 p. 8:24 a. 8:44 p. 1:49 a. 2:02 p. 8:57 9:20 9:31 9:55 IS 2:23 a, 3:13 p 16 2:59 a 3:52 p 17 3:38 4:33 m. m. m. m.' m. m. a. m. p." m. more-wheat campaign.