ji h . The best advertising medium published in Cartel et Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BQT ( WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XXII Six pages THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933 Pric SINGLE COPY NUMBER 16 Lower House Enacts Sales Tax Measure Rill Pnttot Two R pa rimer Anrl Com p I Jn For Third Today; Senate Will Probably Make V -V . Iff 1 Some Changes; Opposition Has brown weaK er. . RALEIGH, April 19-A two per RtfVFN I K KM, IS A HARD PROBLEM Eighteen Men May Get Forestry Jobs cent general sales tax for North Car olina moved a step nearer to reality today as the house passed theb ien nial revenue bill on second reading. The vote was 56 to 42, excluding seven pairs. The measure will come up for fin al reading in the house tomorrow, as a roll call vote must be taken on it on two separate legislative days in each branch of the legislative after it has passed hrst reading, Legislature Adjourned F o Week End Without Doing Any Thing By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, April 18 The House 'of Renresentatives of the N. C. Gen- nas passeu lirsi reauuig. i , , ,1 t- a ....... .i. ii i- i..., t!pral Assembly, after eliminating Ar- upponents oi me saies imu uui,.. , - , .,, .r. despaired of defaulting the proposal tide 6 of the Revenue bill, the three and were ready to renew the fight tomorrow. If the measure passes third per cent general sales tax, by a 63- 60-50 vote, and refusing, 65 to it, tomorrow, 11 tue mcasuic yaaoco . , . ., , , ,, i :i : j!4.,.i,to insert in its stead th Newman se reacting tomorrow ii wm muucuiarci - ,.i3 go the the senate where it seems cer-'lf ted commodity sales tax, directed tain to face major changes which je Finance committee to re-wr.te would necessitate passage on threelgat article and bring ,t back to the more house readings. House Tuesday night, until which Before the measure was passed on time the Home practically adjourn- j i,o v,0o f,,j hv ed for the Easter week-end. Becunu ,eau Bv its action in turnine down a 14 vote majority, do to i, to - - , , , .. . ., . i ' i nboth forms of sales tax, the commod StriKe out tnat two per cent g-eneiui ; .- . . , . . itv fnrm mnro ripmslvplv than the sales tax as proposed in an amend-;"-' , ' TT . , , "I;! w nJ nf aa,. gral form, the House has moved AUVll k kj J s-rv ii - Renresentative Watson of Nash, a leader of the anti-sales taxes, said the fight would be renewed with in creased energy tomorrow while Bow ie sair his course would be governed "by conditions, I cross my bridges when I get to them." The selected commodities tax will un certainlv another week, at least 1 V two weeks longer, adjournment of Ithe General Assembly. But, ere an other week is pone, that bodv is ex- nescted t.n adnnt a peneral sales tax. possibly modified some, and possibly including some parts of the selected commodity tax, but to adopt it. In The selected commodities tax win, - a be injected into the fight again to- , . .. . . . d morrow, Representative Newman ot. . cver tQ the gen. New Hanover said. His proposal was, ,atter bod fa expected to fa defeated by the house as a committee , . . . fc Hou of the whole by 31 votes. ' ith sQme other eliminations frora the present House measure. Not Enough Revenue Carteret Countv's auota of men in the ReforestationrUnemployment Re lief Program sponsored by President Roosevelt and using a total of 250, 000 men for every state in the Union, is 18 men, or 1 man for every 5UU population. North Carolina's quota is 6,500 men. Although definite instructions have not. been received at local R. F. C. headquarters, it is quite likely that applications for this work will be re ceived by Mrs. Kite or her appointed representative at Beaufort begin ning Monday, April 24th, and contin uing not longer than Saturday, April 29th. No application will be received nrior to Monday April 24th inasmuch as the machinery for the receipt of these applications has not been set up. Men eligible to file application for this work must be unmarried, be tween the ages of 18 and 25, must be in wihnst. nhvsical condition, must have actual dependents, and must a gree to retur nto their dependents in Carteret County (probably through the R. F. C. Headquarters) to per cent of their wages. Those who are included among tnc 18 that constitutes Carteret County's quota will be sent to Government camps not later than May lotn wnere they will undergo a period of physical training prior to their transportation to western North Carolina and lenn essee where the Reforestation pro jects will be undertaken. Although definite instructions hav not been re ceived at R. F. C. Headquarters it is believed that these men wil be paid 1 nn ner dav for their services and will receive at Government expense the cost of all transportation, board, medical care, etc. , Annlir-ntirms shou d be made in Mr WHHa O. Kite, who will select these 18 men from a mong the probable 200 or more ap plicants stictly according to the basis of their ability to do the work and the need of their families bacK nome. attempted theft pj Destroys Atlantic Diuiiuouuniunvu f R 1 n I nn- i i notei oaiuraay miu-uay Ninety-Day Sentence Given Young Colored Man For Attempted Kobbery When Alonzo Fulford decided to enter the cash register of the Beau fort Ice Company, he should nave nink eH nut. a dav other than tne thir teenth of April. Neither did his repu tation assist him in any way in nis efforts to obtain his freedom after the clutches of the law clamped down upon him for the attempted rooDery. This case was tried in Recorder's Court here Tuesday morning. It was stated by Castilly Ander derson, colored employe of the Beau fort Ice Company, that tne iNegro fondant, made several trips to the ice plant, ranging from about eleven o'clock Wednesday mgm apiu i' ofter midnisrht. Fulford aunio iHuv v. roa rfrinkinc. Anderson informed the court, and gave him consideraoie tvnnhle. The defendant was so aggravat v,!.t Anderson said he concealed v,imelf in the ice and watched. When the defendant tried to enter the cash register, Anderson tried to .t,.h him. hut fell on the slippery loor. Anderson testified that the ivhta were sufficient to enable him ,n iHentifv the defendant beyond reas onable doubt. The cash register was damaged beyond further use. Officer Holland was placed on me stand and testified that Anderson went after him three times during the trouble, once at eleven-thirty and once about three-thirty. The trip in between these two was made when Officre Holland was away from the Town Hall. Officer Holland said that ffnlfnrH has been on the roads a number of times and that his gen Fire of Unknown Origin Discovered by Fisher men About Noon Saturday, but Morehead nu., RoAufnrr Firefighters Were Unable to Save Resort Hotel; New Bern Firemen Ex tinguished Several Small Fires Which Caught From Sparks From Burning Hotel. OFF THE GOLD STANDARD NOW By reason of an order issued by the Government yesterday placing an embargo on shipments of gold from the United States the nation i now, like many oth ers, off the gold standard for the first time in a great many years. The effect of this action of Pres ident Roosevelt was to cheapen the American dollar on foreign exchanges and to raise the value of wheat, cotton and other com modities in the United States. Stocks took a big rise yesterday and bonds declined somewhat. J. P. Morgan and other New York financiers say that they think the change will be helpful to bus iness. Other measures of infla tion are said to be planned by the Government. BENEFIT DANCE LEGION HUT MONDAY EVENING ENJOY ABLfc A verv nleasant evening was said to have been enjoyed by the more than fifty couples who attended the benefit dance given Monday even ing at the Legion Hut on Turner sti-oot Raifter'a Moanine Low Boys 'furnished the syncopation for the In the burning of the Atlantic Hotel in Morehead City about noon Saturday, Carteret county and East ern Carolina lost one of its most his toric and popular resort hotels. For fifty-two summers the Atlantic serv ed thousands and thousands of people who ranyed from covernors and other notables down to the knights of the handbag. The fire was discovered by some fishermen who were mending a seine nearby, and the alarm was given a bout 12 o'clock or a few minutes be fore that time. When it was first seen there was just a little smoke, but it must have been burning on the inside for some time, for it was not long before the whole south east end of the building was in flames. Shortly after the alarm was given, the Morehead City and Beaufort fire fighters arrived on the scene, but it was early realized that the historic structure was doomed. Their atten tion then was focused more on saving the surrounding buildings. An SOS was sent to the New Bern tire de Dartment. and a truck was dispatched with a number of firemen. The New- Bern men extinguished several minor fires which started on the roofs of houses some distance from the At- numDer oi um aim occasion, in addition to tne aancers, i - - - eral reputation is nothing to brag a J. arge crowd 0f spectators were on which were cause from ks. PARENT.TEACHERS MEETING WAS LARGELY ATTENDED NEWS EDITOR RETURNS The nresent. House revenue bill is !"l T. . mmnlnn A IT AM h ir I 1 i t O Ann ltt - Hltni4 lf ty o'clock in the high school auditor- irjroducine a balanced budget, on the ium was held the last meeting of'bas;3 0f the appropriations bill, al the P. T. A. which was attended by ready passed by both houses. Three the largest number of parents dur- increases were made, one taxing the ing the year. stock in foreign corporations, the After the business session in the0ther a one-half mill per kilowatt auditorium during which were given hour of electric power, and the third an excellent report by the Wrays and on corporate franchises. These in Means Committee, Mrs. Ed Potter, ;creases are expected to be eliminated and most welcome news from the1 by the Senate, which has already Ground Committee, Mr. C. R. Wheat-1 turned two of them down. Scaling 1t iitVia ranrfpfi that, the, road toltVmaA an J flinty a cnlea tax that JJF, "v wjvtwv. v.. - , , uca anu the school would be greatly improved. w;n bring in around $9,000,000, as Supt. R. L. Fritz gave the plana for the three per cent general sales tax a well-equipped gymnasium-cafeter- s expected to do, would balance the ia with kitchen, dressing rooms, lock- budget ers, showers and basket ball facilities Even though defeated, the gen which we hope to have for use next erai sales tax, possibly modified, is year. The plans show much work and j thebest bet, finally, if not included W. G. Mebane, editor of the Beau fort News, returned home Friday af- (thnro. where he cont. n month receiving medical .courc-nouse treatment at a clinic. Mr. Mebane is now getting along nicely and is able to be back to work. hmit. while htat of Anderson is good. Anderson was also given a good rep utation by S. H. Darling and it. Chaplain. , Judge Webb found tne aetenuam. guilty. Sentence was that the color ed man b confined to tne county jail for a period of ninety das and for him to be assigned to work on the lawn surrounding the county hand for the initial dance at the Legion Hut. It is said that the Leg ionaries are so well satisfied over the dance that another will very likely be given in the near future.' ' MANY HERONS NOW BUILDING NESTS LENOXVILLE ROOKERY SEA LEVEL MAN CONTINUES WORK AFTER BREAKING ARM i L UUI l-UUMOCt tt j TJrt.crt. o Wavt or Island nowaiu j.vuc, a rooKery cms summer in tuiiu white man, pled guilty to a charge )about twenty-four hundred last i -4 : - rtnantitv n f intnx-I i j. ;j:rt OI transput urns a icating liquor the fourteenth of April. The Rev. C. A. Johnson, who is both a minister of the gospel and an officer of the law, testified that on thed ay in question he arrested Rose with a one-half gallon jar a little better than one-fourth full of the m- When it comes to ambitious per- - a m irnlTier nf Sea erverance, n.. x. ""'i oeiiei man uuc-i" -- ..evel. would undoubtedly take the locating drink. There could be no cake. Tuesday morning while outjquestjon concerning whether it was and time given by him and those as sisting if the town can secure such a desirable place for making better, stronger, and healthier boys and girls. At the close of the business ses sion, the program committee gave instructions for the "Parent School light of this week's developments, few see any prospect of adjourn ment hefore the end of April, and ithe legislators may drink their first lega glass of lbeer or wine in itai eiVh hefnre thev adjourn. The Senate, which had cleared its colendar and was practically twiddl lUBtrucLiuua iui icuiciiuar auu w&a - a - v V1J nriVi tan minute class ner-l: . fVmmKa nrnitinor far the House inA in which Barents were to sample U .end over the revenue bill, de- tv Hv' work of their children. ItL;-H to observe the Easter season was an excellent opportunity foriand arrange for short perfunctory Pofont and Teachers to talk over !.0ssinn. iust comine within the con- their Droblems get the viewpoint of Istitutional requirement of daily ach other in an effort to serve the meetings.until Tuesday at noon. boys and girls better. The House, seeing nothing could be In spite of difficulties in getting, jone. wjth the revenue bill and even the year's work begun, the P. T. A. jn tne face of a long calendar of has accomplished much good and we bills from its own committees and look forward to much greater efforts from the Senate, followed that lead on the part of a 11 for a most sue- Friday, and will not hold any more cessful year. 'real sessions until Tuesday night. j Legislative achievements the past JUDGE WEBB ACCIDENTALLY !week have been below par, due to LIGHTS CIGAR IN COURT the time the House has spent on the . I v:n allrtMr it nnhlie 'revenue um, mua .v- t --- Smoking is taboo in Recorder's caiendar to grow day by day. While Paul Webb tries to there are several bills of more or vv"" . . , .. i: . u. ... j : set an example, but ne was so "-,less importance on tnat caieima., while AvVino-. his horse flirted his head too close to Mr. Fulcher's head. He in stinctively threw up his arm to pro tect himself. But instead of protect ing him, the impact fractured his i-io-ht arm. There this newsstory would nor mally end, but Mr. Fukher is evident ly "made of sterner stun, ior e tinned t.n work. .Not only did he finish his own plowing, but he did some for his nephew. Then ne return ed home and planted some peas. Late Tuesday afternoon his arm be came so painful that he came to Beaufort and entered the Potter Emergency Hospital for treatment Tuesday evening. MARRIAGE LICENSES Romain Scott, Beaufort, Lola Gab iel, Beaufort. liniior. the Reverend Mr. Johnson said, for his father used to make it and he knows from past experience what liquor is. Tf Rnae. will rav the costs of the action by the fifteenth of July and ho of trnod behavior for a year ne will not be molested, but if he fails to do either he must serve a four month jail and road sentence. Capias to be issued upon motion of the so-licitro. There will be some over three thousand herons at the Lenoxvillel rookery this summ-er in contrast to seas on, judging from present indications. Game Warden D. J. Godwin inform ed a News reporter this week. The early comers arrived at tne rookery about the first of April, but the birds have since arrived from the Onlf roast section by the score un til the heronry is working alive with the beautiful long-legged birds of several varieties. All the herons are uusily engaged now in building nests, and getting ready for the period of Incubation, which will start within the next few weeks and will continue until well after mid-summer. This heronry is one of the largest along the Atlantic coastal plain, and has attracted the attention of many bird lovers through out the eastern part of the United States. BIRTHS Rnm a Mr. and Mrs. Tilton Davis of Harkers Island at Moreehad City Hospital, Saturday, April 1, a son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Warren of New Bern Road, Thurs day, April 20, a daughter. BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leigh ton Brown of High Point on April 17 a daughter, Bessie Louise. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Martha Pierce of Beaufort. Calls were sent to the fire depart- ' ments of Kinston, Washington and Greenville, but when it wa3 seen that the fire was under control, fire trucks from these towns were turned back at New Bern. Because of the fact that the alarm . was given about mid-day of Saturday, when both Morehead Lity and Beau fort were, full of rural neonle as well as the townspeople, several thousands quickly gathered around the naming structure of the Atlantic Hotel and watched it burn. The passing of the Atlantic is one of the landmarks in local history. In less than an hour and a half af ter the alarm was given the entire structure had burned to the ground. A News reporter arrived on the scene shortly after the alarm was turned in, and remained until the building was reduced to smouldering ashes. Catohinflr in the eastern end. the flames quickly spread after an air hole was burned in the roof. It 13 said that the structure was built of long leaf pine with heart pine and lightwood sills of extraordinary di mensions. It was the good fortune of the builders to construct the hotel when excellent building material was plentiful. A few minutes after the roof ot the eastern part fell in the chimneys in that segment began to tumble; they did not fall over to one side. but the fire was so hot that they lit erallv melted richt down in one cile. The wind was blowing from a south- (Contmued on page six) SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS j READ THE NEWS WANT ADS -:- Flames Destroying Atlantic Hotel -' grossed in his work Tuesday morn ing that he broKe nis own ruling. Judge Webb was busily trying to settle a case, when he hastily took a cigar from his pocket, bit the end off and lighted it. After taKing several would not take long to dispose of them, under pressure of hope or ear ly adjournment. They can do hiko or passed in a hurry. Snmmarv of the nast week, the 16th of the session, shows that 109 and lighted it. Aiier "s cow jxotn oi wie sessiuu, . Duffs, be stoppe dsuddenly in talk- new bills were introduced, 33 in the ing, looked c;mzzicauy w Then be glanced around the court room like a bay caught with bia hand w ml . 1 When he say that no one except - Senate and 76 in the House, bringing tha mn' total to 1881 bills intro duced, 13(20 in the House and 561 in the Senate. Also 87 bills were rati fied and became the law last week, When ne -y v ' t i:au aim ucvoiuc wi " v , the News reporter had noticed his ;nciuding 19 of a public or general ... L A n-am i I CO 1 1 1, m r- TViia in. smoking in open court nui " jPaiure, ana oo iuloi uuu. ... court a tthat he smiieu sneepisiuy ;cUdes a lew wmcn were pas auu and hastily stumpped the newly light- r?ady for ratification, but not actu ed cigar. Yes even a judge forgets auy ratifiel occasionally. . New Marriage Law The marriage lavs, since five-day GARDEN CLUB POSTPONED notice by minors was abolished ano Due to the Senior play, the regu-,the requirement for physical exami lar meeting of the Garden Club has ration changes to require, tne proom been Joiponed. The date of meeting to furnish a health certificate, or el:: will be announced" in next week's is-jundergc- an examination, has an a we of the News. 1 Contmued on page six) a " " " - ' . A , ,- 'That! r " "iJf ' , , t a, . i . , - - f't vy'f-4ffj i iMyhUMj ;1 , yi -j f x , '"fsV"1 6'-sK S i- '; ' '' v , - ' f i v - - - - - f - - J TIDE TABLE Information as to the tide at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. High Tide Low Tide The above cut shows the Atlantic Hotel after fife hU the enure lengch of thBs taUre With- in a comparatively short time after t us picture t,k:n. the whole building v.-as reduced ;Lf c.me ficm an ui.kv urce, and was discover -d about noon Saturday. The a.arni was immediately giv- but nothing could be done to save the fifty-t o-yrar-old historic resorx notei. 6:03 a. 6:22 p. 6:47 a. 7:01 p. 7:21 a. 7:39 p. 8: a. P a. a. P a. P- m. m. Friday, April 21 m. 11:47 m. 11:58 Saturday, April 22 m. 12:37 m. 12:39 Sunday, April 23 m. 1:22 m. 1:20 Monday. April 24 0?n m. 2:01 8:15 n. m. I-'8 Tuesday, April 25 8:37 a. m. 2:39 a. m 8:48 p. m. 2:35 p. m. Wedneday, April 26 9:10 a. m. 3:16 a. m. 9:2ft p. m. 3:11 p. m. Thursday. April 27 9:46 a. m. 3:53 9:58 p. m. 3:43 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m.

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